There’s nothing worse than finding a new business or organization’s website, wanting to share or connect with them on Facebook or Twitter, and finding absolutely no buttons on the site. None!
Okay, maybe I’m overreacting.
But if this is your website, you just missed a chance to add a new fan and more importantly, a new customer. Around 80% of business websites are making this mistake and it’s costing them. Find out what other all-too-common mistakes could be hindering your business’ social strategy and more in this week’s news round-up.
80.5% of small business websites DO NOT link to social media networks
A new study from BIA/Kelsey found that 80.5% of small businesses are breaking a major best practice by not linking their website to their Facebook, Twitter, or other social media networks. The study also found that almost 75% are missing an email link on their homepage and more than 90% of business sites are not mobile-compatible.
Bottom Line: Linking your website to your social media networks (and vice-versa) will help drive people to your networks, and enable them to better connect with your brand. Including a clickable “Contact Us” link that lets people email you directly makes people feel like they are connected, and increase the chance that they will be converted to customers.
If your business is dependent on people being able to access your website, it needs to be mobile. Even if it’s not, your site should be set up to be mobile, but make sure to take care of social and email first!
LinkedIn Is 4X Better At Converting Leads Than Twitter for B2Bs [STUDY]
B2Bs got a better look at which social network is best at converting fans, followers, or connections this week – according to one study that’s LinkedIn. The professional social network is 4 times better at generating leads than other social media sites.
LinkedIn had a 2.60% conversion rate, compared to 0.67% for Twitter and 0.39% for Facebook.
Bottom Line: LinkedIn has been hawked as the social network for B2Bs for quite some time, and for good reason. If you’re a B2B, your business cannot afford to not be on LinkedIn.
YouTube makes it easier to edit and add audio
In case you needed another reason to love YouTube, the video sharing giant has introduced a new feature that lets users edit audio and add music to any of their videos. The newest feature of YouTube’s Video Editor tool, AudioSwap, comes complete with a catalogue of background music, which can be easily added to videos with the click of a button.
Bottom Line: YouTube keeps making it easier and easier for small businesses and organizations to create professional videos for their brand. Beyond giving videos a more professional sound, the new Audio Editor protects them from being flagged or taken down for using copyrighted music.
Interested in video but need a video strategy? We’ve got you covered.
Retailers are flocking to Pinterest. Should you?
In case you haven’t heard, it’s been a good last few months for Pinterest. After skyrocketing in popularity and challenging some of the top networks, Pinterest is now seeing major retailers hopping on the bandwagon. Since mid-February, the number of major retailers actively promoting their Pinterest pages has risen from 0% to 24%.
Bottom Line: Pinterest’s sudden popularity amongst retailers shouldn’t be a surprise. The site is not only surging in popularity, but its visual layout is perfect for the demands of the retail industry. If you’re a retailer who is just starting out on Pinterest, it may be worth rethinking the social media networks that you’re promoting with your emails and consider incorporating Pinterest into your marketing strategy.
Feel like television is getting more social? You’re not alone.
Have you been noticing more and more social media promotions when watching TV? Hashtags? QR codes? “Like” Buttons? Don’t worry, it’s not a side effect of spending too much time on Facebook. A new survey found that 64% of TV viewers recalled seeing some type of social media symbol while watching TV. 42% remembered seeing a Facebook “Like” button, while 28% remembered a QR Code and 18% a hashtag. More importantly, one-third of those viewers said they actually acted and connected with those companies’ social media networks.
Bottom Line: The fact that more people are seeing and remembering social media content on television is likely because there is more social media content on television. But it also shows that social media is becoming a bigger part of our popular culture and thus a bigger part of people’s daily lives. For small businesses and organizations, this shows that if you begin to incorporate social media visuals into your marketing and advertising campaigns, people will notice.
After all, if people are noticing during Dancing with the Stars, then there’s a good chance they’ll notice when you put it on your next email newsletter.
This advice is courtesy of Spark & Hustle national sponsor Constant Contact. Constant Contact’s leading email marketing , online survey, event marketing, social media, and deal tools—supported by its expert personal coaching and support—help all types of small businesses and organizations create professional-looking email newsletters and insightful online surveys and begin a dialogue with their customers. Today, more than 500,000 customers worldwide trust Constant Contact to help them connect with their audience. Learn more at