1509201101062014 Galileo FOC Bremen Germany Galileo FOC Electric Engineering IntegrationTesting Team Island Integration Lead, team responsible for the activities. ReportingSupport activity to SubsystemsEngineering levels. Islands trainer on EGSE system and SatelliteProcedure setting Up, for the testing and development activities. Monitor e control of ground systems such as EGSE or data simulators and applications. Responsible for the execution of integration and test campaign in developmentenvironmental condition for whole satellites subsystems and Satellites electronics, software, boards and EGSE racks. Operative Testing condition setup maintenance. System and subsystems upgradingtesting, nonregression test activity. Near real time HK and TTC data management and support to OBS Software development and testing. Network communication controlmaintenance. Encrypted data exchange management keys and encrypted data connections and maintenance. Postprocessing data control and management. SCOS 2000 telemetry processing, manual and automatic commanding, onboard software management, mission archive and webbased data distribution. Identification of the suite of test tools and test data required to support VV activities, and definition of development procurement approach and associated planning. Preparation of User Requirement Documents, Statements of Work, etc., as needed as input for development andor procurement activities. Support for inhouse development and validation of test tools and their maintenance. Support for procurements of test tools test data, including the analysis of received deliverables and perform attending acceptance tests. Support for acceptance of test tools test data provided by partners. Simulation of test data sets for VV using available tools compilation of test data sets using real data from satellite instrument onground tests or inorbit operation. In case of tools to be connected to the ground segment, input for the specification and test of relevant interfaces. Support for configuration management of tools test data sets, using applicable space processes. Operation of the tools, or support for it, when used for system and ground segment VV activities. Contributions to the analysis of test results and the preparation of test reports. Participation in relevant internal and external meetings. Regular review of System level documentation dealing with requirements, system concepts, architecture and design, technical analyses, to identify information of importance for test tools test data. Organization and performingsupport to the Galileo Integrationdevelopment tests organization and executions with the dedicated groups of subsystems specialist, anomalies handling e.g. during End to End Test, Functional Testing, Short Functional Testing, Functional After Integration test FAI on the Satellites AOCS system ,Thermal system, Propulsion system, Power system. Spacecraft Compatibility Test Campaigns SCTCs. Interface for satellite and system to engineering, subsystem specialists, ground operations. On call support during critical test environmentcondition. Payload Testing on the RF equipment Amplifiers, Receivers, Frequency Generators , Antennas. Environmental Testing ETS Noordwijk, ESA ESTECduring endurance and24cycles as well. Power Units, batteries and solar arrays testing. Satellite Functional Testing at Platform Payload and Satellite level, in different integration and functional phases, Team responsible, for different integration islands. Monitor Controlling of satellite during all AIT phases. Units, Systems and subsystems, Interfaces and harness verification and setting up electricalelectronic support for the developing and testing in all the AITAIV phases starting from the EM Engineering model to the FMs Flight Models . Functional testing on units, systems and subsystems, at platform, payload and satellite level by mean FOC Final Orbit Constellation EGSE. Quality management activities.QA. Satellite OnBoard Software Maintenance and Testing Support, during development phases and testing activities or operational simulated e.g. FDIR Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery development, subsystems development Thermal, AOCS, ,Power, propulsion. Encryption keys system managing for secure connections. Units and SystemsSubsystems Interfaces digital and analogic signals verification. MILSTD1553 bus communication troubleshooting. Problems investigations and retesting solutions. Activities focused also to the support for the Mechanical activities, Platform and the Payload activities, test data analysis and production, MOIS payload test sequence generation and running. Quality Assurance activities, for the Platform and the Payload tests and coordination. Control documents and Procedural redactionmanaging, NCRs followup during TRB TRR flows following the integrationdevelopment test phases. ESA controlling support for the testingdevelopment phases. ESA SCOS 2000 and TERMA EGSE equipment control and management. Working in classified conditions, 1st level security cleared. Learnings Galileo Satellite engineering and Functional architecture. Near Real time Data and software computation. PUS standard in HK and TTC data. MILBUS troubleshooting. SCOS 2000 CCSDS Frame and the CCSDS Packet standards in the satellite Telemetry Chain and Commanding Chain. Galileo Satellite Special Check Out Equipment ESA SCOS 2000 system. MOIS Manufacturing and Operations Information System SatellitePayload test. Digital electronic data and instruments measurements multimeters, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyser, wave generators. Payload Engineering Amplifiers, Reference generators, Antennas, Filters, Wave guide connections, C,S, RF bands Precise clock references such as Rubidium Atomic Reference and PHMs Passive Hydrogen Maser checks and testing. Satellites platform electronics. MGSEs. ECSSESA Standards. Classified environment procedures and classified data management. 0109200901122010 AIT AIV Platform Electrical Responsible. Globalstar 2 Constellation AITAIV Integration Testing, Environmental Test Campaign Thales Alenia Space Italia, Roma Italy Testing and Verifying related to the Globalstar 2 Satellite Constellation . Platform testing starting from IPT Initial performing tests phases to the FTP Final performance test phase passing through the functional testing by mean EGSE softwarehardware support Ocoe Scoe systems. Environmental SettingUp and Tests Thermal BalanceThermal vacuum, VibrationAcoustic maintained during cycling conditions of 247 hours. Support to the Payload testing for the platform contribution antennas test TX,RX Gain functions in anechoic chamber. Complete Environmental test campaign execution Network communication administration and setting up for satellite and SCOE testing acceptance. Reportingsupport activities to Engineering and subsystems specialists. Control and Test of Satellites units e.g. AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control Systems units, MTB Magneto torque bar, GPS global positioning system , FSS CSS Fine and Coarse Sun Sensors, ESA Earth sensor Gyroscopes. On board software managing, load and patch for the Satellites OBPE On board process equipment. Data handling and communication subsystems f.e.1553 bus incoming check and development control. Electrical and Power equipment PCDU,PLIU, solar wings testing. QC tasks in the test campaign foresee by the Avionic Electric and Payload teams in this project regards all the activities for the platform units, systems and subsystems. Documents redactions and NCR Non Conformal report managing. Test requirement control for verification of test results Doors database. Activities focused also to the support for the Mechanical Testing, Quality AssuranceControl supervisor activities, for the Platform and the Payload tests and coordination .Support to Mechanical Integration. Particular attention for the EGSE equipment, test software and procedures to follow the ECSS regulation this mean also software test sequences update and editing, following the PFM and FMs heritage. Test procedure software development and requirements editing and documentation production to complete the test campaign. Test data postprocessing and archiving. Learnings Quality Control and Assurance in the Aero spatial environment Electrical Ground Support Equipment EGSE Mechanical Ground Support Equipment MGSE knowledge Control solar array simulator, umbilical simulator, battery simulator, GPS software and hardware simulator GSSL, Telecommand and Telecontrols simulators. Special CheckOut Equipment SCOE Overall CheckOut Equipment OCOE systems in the hardware and software configurations for Satellite Testing. Digital electronic instruments multimeters, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzer, wave generators. Satellites platform electronics. Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystems AOCS in the Satellite configurations. DMS Data Management system for the document redaction and traceability. This is the list of arguments discussed during the IVV Quality AssuranceQuality Control job training sessions Satellite Design General Description payloads platforms antennas, radars, propulsions avionics, communication buses. Globalstar 2 Spacecraft Payload. Globalstar 2 TC design description. Globalstar 2 OrbitConstellations Description. Globalstar 2 EGSE models characteristics, architecture, components quantity, main functions, automated checkout software, FEESCOE capabilities, offline management. Globalstar 2 Payload Tests payload RF test requirements, programme test plan, AIT PDR CDR. Spacecraft the TCR Telemetry Command and Ranging RxTx performances, Ranging Performances. SC Verifications AITAIV processes verifications approach, verification phases, verification methods, verification levels , verification matrix. SC Verification AIT AIV Processes Design Verifications Approach, Model Philosophy Definition, AIT requirements test conditions methodologies and tools, AIT nominal sequence. AIT Avionic Integration Test Flow initial performance test, , Environmental Testing Thermal Chamber Thermal Vacuum Test VibrationAcoustic test. Solar array installation testing, final performance test, reduced EMC test. Thermal test overview Objectives of a SC Thermal Vacuum Thermal Balance test, objectives of a SC Thermal Chamber test, Thermal Vacuum Thermal Chamber test TBTV test requirements vs facility thermal test fixture vacuum plant procedures refrigeration plan procedures SetUp DesetUp procedure DAS procedures Integrated Test Procedure Emergency Procedure , Thermal Cycling test. Propulsion Training introduction to the Space Propulsion, CosmoSkyMed Satellite propulsion system, Propulsion Methods Elements equipment systems fuelling. Quality assurance training planned and systematic production processes regulations and methods. 0106200831102009 KosmoSkyMed Requirements Verifications and tracing Thales Alenia Space Italia, Roma Italy Activities of Requirements and Results Verification on the executed tests at PDHT e SAR Subsystems level. NCR, Non Conformal Report RFD, Request for Deviation RFW, Request For Waiver identification, emerged at Units and Subsystem levels. Requirements traceability management through SAR PDHT DVCM Design Verification and Control Matrix following the ECSS documentation models and standards. Requirements tracing, DVCM production and management by means RHVDBDOORS databases. Alignment operations on the specifications documents, data and methods of verification between different subcontractors. e.g Telespazio Traceability documentation manage on the PDHT e SAR requirements to comply with the System specifications. Documents redaction for PDHT e SAR subsystems, related to the requirements verification, test validation, Systems and Equipment Qualifications e.g Verification Report, Qualification Report, according to ECSS standards. Review of design and test review board activities of support. Input provisioning related to the SAR e PDHT Satellite verifications team. System Level activities not compliance identification emerged at lower levels. Verification Data management of the System requirements and relations between upper and lower levels data, about the Mission and Ground Segment on the RHVDB Db. System DVCM generation and controls, new issue management about the System area documentations. System RTM Report Test Matrix generation controls. Clean room activities on the satellite payload systems checks. ICD interface control document production for electrical and tele command tele controls coupling between the satellite bus and payload. The COSMO SkyMed Project, a Remote Sensing Mission, foresee in the wider configuration to exert 4 Satellite or more equipped with a Synthetic Aperture Radar, to acquire Earth surface images exploiting the electromagnetics X band properties. Kompsat5 program payload satellite SAR commissioning for KARI Agency 0103200415062005 Envisat 1 Project Payload Data Segment, Software Validation and Testing European Space Agency, Esrin, Frascati Italy Integration and software validation for the Envisat Subsystems in relation to the on ground operative mission Integration and hardware test on the under systems constituent the Envisats PDS Payload Data Segment. Control of the PDS software and hardware configuration. Management of the SPRNCR Software Problem ReportNon Conformal Report opened on the software released. Subcontractors coordination during the project in matter of software release, correction problems patch of the same one. All the Software Facilities and problems arisen are tested also by function simulators on the PDS parallel chain, triggering data productions from a complete orbits acquisitions stored, working in a simulated environment Valid. Documents redaction concerning the software and the testing procedure, validation troubleshooting procedure. Software facilities developments a single facility is intended as software function that is in charge to elaborate the data acquired by the satellite, after this processing state a scientific data item is produced than stored into dedicated database and so available for the consultation by the worlds scientific communities. Software facilities generation for the testing starting from the C, C source code, on AIX, Solaris, Sun Os environments, such as e.g. ARF Archiving Retrieval Facility, AF Antenna Facility, PP Product imaging Processors, PF Planning Facilities. Software chain test administration and control Valid, SW and HW troubleshooting, code debug and proposing to the modifications. DatabaseFacilities communication test and control, archiving and retrieval test on Oracle database, database managements. Facilities communications control. Development of the modifications to the configuration HW andor SW in the subsystems of the centres to achieve the problems resolution encountered during the software running. On call support to anomalies of the facility. FOS Flight Operation Segment on ground test and software development. The Envisat1 plan provides the supply for ESA of an integrated system Hardware and Software constituent the PDS Payload Data Segment of the Envisat1 satellite. The PDS is composed by 5 different centres, geographically distinguished, dislocates in Italy, to Frascati PDCC and PDSHE and Matera PDAS, in Sweden to Kiruna PDHSK LRAC. Every centres brings different functionalities and each its own architecture, various for every centre even if constituted starting from the same assembly of subsystems. 0106200028022003 Air Traffic Control Systems development Alenia Marconi Systems, Roma Italy Integration, realization and software development of ATC systems. For the Romanian Upgrade and modernization project, Constanta site manager and integration responsible, Bucuresti and Romania integration team. The integration tasks provide the tests of the system, following the contractual norms of delivering, in particular, helping to the preparation of the test control and management of the system configuration. Software site Installations. Site Acceptance Test, continuity tests, operating support, technical and specialized support. Technical support for operative learning and training. Suggestions and eventual corrections to architectural and systematic aspects of the system, both in the phase of planning that in its future implementations. Installation, operative systems present in ATM systems MARA, Digital Unix, NT Server, NT Workstation, Windows and of the realtime and OFFLINE diagnostic. The integration is the amount of developing activities developed in plant and on site, that concur to achieve environmental tests of the software generated on VAX Furthermore, its necessary also the configuration, generation, integration and recording of the CSCI Computer Software Common Item. Supervision andor preparation and settingup of the Test Bed. Work and behavioural testing of the CSCI and HWCI Hardware Common Item, support to the software debugging. Planning, organization and coordination of the on site jobs. SettingUp, SW Installation, integration, configuration and tuning of the systems in situated. Location and resolution of the system problems of whichever nature. Interface with the customer on the site. Attendance to the flight tests. Good knowledge about ATC rules, Eurocontrol and ICAO rules and standards, OLDI online data interchange and MET meteo messaging. Mono and Multi Radar Alignment, set up and optimization RHP Radar Head Processor. Configuration and optimization of the system parameters MRT multi radar tracking, RFE radar frontend, RDP radar data process, MSAW minimal safe altitude Geography, MTCD medium term conflict detect, Geographic maps. TCPIP Network communication realization, client server data connection management. Router, switches and protocol setting up and configuration. FDP Oracle Database administration, geography and flight data backuprestore. Database installation and managements. Load test on the configured ATC system by mean track simulators, to obtain limit situations and the alarms controlling. Installation, managing and configuration FDP Flight data processor database Oracle, relative to the management and given insertion of flight from part of the ATC Net management, optimization of all the integrated network items. First course and operating training on the ATC system and its developments to the flight controllers. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 0109199301051997 Attended to 2nd University of Rome BiologyPhysics Universit Tor Vergata, Roma 0109199201061996 Nuclear Energy and Radioprotection Expert. Digital Electronics and microprocessor H. Hertz, Roma PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongues Italian Other languages English, German basic, French basic, Spanish basic, Romanian basic Communication skills Good communication capability gained into multicultural experiences, living and working abroad. Carried out civil service for the support and guidance of Blind People. Organisational managerial skills Leadership and organization of complex environments. Problem reporting and troubleshooting. Team working and team organization, working in coordination during complex operations. Training and knowledge transfer. Systems development organization. Jobrelated skills Satellite mission System engineering during Integration and Verification phases. Knowledge and experience with ECSS documentations. Development, upgrades, maintaining of complex systems. Leadership and support to satellite ground operations and testing development. PDS ground software components development, test and validation. Large scale computer network and IT system management . Complex integrated systems troubleshooting. Complex software integration and development. Requirements management and traceability DOORSRHVDB, production of verification documentation, requirements data base management and export. MOIS The Manufacturing and Operations Information System. E.g. Supervisor, DB, Validator, Reporter Infrastructure setting up and arrangements with dedicated or COTS off the shelf components. Interface to System and subsystems specialist, support to operations and activity organization. Deep AITAIV development experience during development phases and testing activities, from mechanical integration to Satellites end to end test, environmental test campaign. Computer skills Monitoring and control of satellites, ESA SCOS 2000 trainer. House keeping packets Telemetry, TTC management and data control flow. HK and TTC postprocessing. Integration and verification activities coordination and management. TCPIP Networking Communications client server applications and configurations. Networking management, router, switches configurations, protocols analysis and communication troubleshooting, Networking data sniffing and analysis. Near RealTime OSsoftware and Data Processing testing and debugging. Satellite Encrypted data communication setting up, verification. . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1st Level Security Clearance Working in reserved environment HWSW data protection. Encrypted keys and data management responsible.

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