PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Most recent to earliest Sep 2014 Present Royal Military College of Canada RMCC Kingston, Ontario Teaching Assistant Marked assignments, exams, and labs of 1st and 2nd year physics courses. May 2014 Present Calian Technologies Researcher Research of the attitude dynamics of 20 inactive boxwing telecommunications satellites for Dr. Gregg A. Wade RMCC. Sep 2012 Mar 2014 Calian Technologies Researcher Observed and obtained light curve data for nearly 100 unique inactive boxwing telecommunications satellites for the Department of Research and Development Canada DRDC Ottawa and the Director General Space DG Space. Aug 2012 May 2013 Royal Military College of Canada Kingston, Ontario Teaching Assistant Marked assignments, exams, and labs of 1st and 2nd year physics courses. Nov 2011 Mar 2012 Calian Technologies Researcher Determined the best targets for observing inactive boxwing geosynchronous satellites light curves in partnership with DRDC Ottawa. Mar 2011 Aug 2011 Lions Club Port Dover, Ontario CASTOR Astronomy Course Coordinator and Instructor Coordinated and conducted a highcalibre 10week astronomy course for students in the Port Dover and Simcoe area. Constructed and presented PowerPoint presentations at every class describing, in detail, the specific concepts being taught. Designed, constructed, and managed a CASTOR Astronomy Course website. Feb 2011 Apr 2011 Lions Club Port Dover, Ontario Computer Course Coordinator and Instructor Coordinated and conducted a 10week basic computer course for students in the Port Dover and Simcoe area. Constructed and presented PowerPoint presentations at every class describing, in detail, the specific concepts being taught. Nov 2010 Sep 2011 Norfolk County, Ontario Computer Technician Servicing computers owned by private individuals and businesses. Serviced computers with problems ranging from slow performance to malware and ransomware attacks. Assisted customers with basic and advanced computer setup, file organization and wireless networking. For every visit, a detailed report was written documenting the exact technical details. Every computer was satisfactorily repaired with 100 customer satisfaction. Apr 2010 Jun 2010 Lanark Community Programs Carleton Place, Ontario CASTOR Astronomy Course Coordinator Coordinated and conducted a highcalibre 10week astronomy course for students ages 10 and up. Constructed and presented PowerPoint presentations at every class describing, in detail, the specific concepts being taught. Designed, constructed, and managed the CASTOR Astronomy Course website. Sep 2008 Jun 2010 Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority Lanark, Ontario Coordinator Night Sky Conservation Program Proposed the Night Sky Conservation NSC program to consolidate existing Mississippi Valley Conservation public astronomy and light pollution abatement programs. Coordinated all NSC program components, including all astronomy courses and night sky tours. Jun 2007 Aug 2008 SNC Lavalin ProFac Ltd. Ottawa, Ontario DOORS Database Administrator Created, set up and managed the DOORS ERS database for the Joint Support Ship JSS project requirements. Authored a DOORS user guide with special emphasis on the JSS specific requirements of the software. Jan 2007 Sep 2011 Canadian Astronomy, Satellite Tracking and Optical Research Owner and Founder Founded CASTOR in 2007 as a privately owned satellite tracking business, focused on introducing the science of satellite tracking to the private satellite industry. Initiated a privately funded research project that detected and tracked nearly 2,053 individual satellites over the 2007 year to celebrate Sputniks 50th anniversary and to raise awareness of the emerging science of satellite tracking. Continued a privately funded research project that detected and tracked an additional 1,100 satellites to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy IYA in 2009 and to raise awareness of the emerging science of satellite tracking. Continued a privately funded research project that detected and tracked an additional 400 satellites in 2010. Concluded a privately funded research project that detected and tracked over 4,000 satellites from January 1, 2007 to August 31, 2011. Authored technical and research papers concerning the emerging science of satellite tracking and space law, including the February 10, 2009 collision of Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251. One of these papers were internally distributed to senior leaders within the United States Strategic Command USSTRATCOM and acknowledged by General Kevin P. Chilton, Commander of USSTRATCOM. Conceived, engineered, and maintains the Canadian Astronomy, Satellite Tracking and Optical Research CASTOR website Mar 2005 Northeast Space Company Inc. Ottawa, Ontario Subcontractor for Bristol Aerospace Ottawa Derived and delivered a geodetic correction quaternion for the design of the SWIFT satellite. Sep 2004 Apr 2005 Carleton University Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Ottawa, Ontario Lead Engineer AEGIS Project One of several lead engineers who offered their assistance, guidance and expertise to 4th year Aerospace Engineering students. May 2004 Oct 2010 Mr. Paul G. Comision Ottawa, Ontario Contractor Observatory Upgrade Engineered, constructed, integrated and tested remote control circuitry for Mr. Paul G. Comisions personal astronomical observatory. Responsible for remote control electronics maintenance, observatory upkeep and computer maintenance. Aug 2002 Nov 2003 Calian Technologies, Ottawa, Ontario Requirements Manager and Intermediate Engineering Specialist DND Surveillance of Space Project SofSP Installed, configured, coordinated, and managed the DOORS database for the SofSP. Imported all existing SofSP requirements documents into the SofSP DOORS database. Managed all SofSP technical requirements using DOORS, including recording all rationale for each specific requirement and how they relate to other critical requirements. Authored several DOORS user guides with special emphasis on the SofSP specific requirements of the software. Provided DOORS technical support and training for all SofSP team members. Installed, configured and utilized Telelogics Proposal Evaluation Solutions PES for SofSP evaluation of proposed Sapphire satellite designs. Tracked and provided tracking data for several lost satellites to the U.S. 1st Command and Control Squadron 1CACS Cheyenne Mountain using own equipment based on the original CASTOR design. Apr 2001 Aug 2002 Calian Technologies Ottawa, Ontario Junior Engineering Specialist DND Surveillance of Space Project SofSP Participated in the definition of the Sapphire Satellite Mission Requirements by using satellite tracking expertise gained while employed at the SSRAL at RMC. Provided assistance in the optical astronomy aspects of satellite tracking for the SofSP. Provided planning and performed the calibration and alignment of the Canadian Automated Small Telescope for Orbital Research in Valcartier CASTOR V satellite tracking facility at the Defence Research and Development Centre in Valcartier DRDC Valcartier in Val Belair, Quebec. Acquired knowledge of Database Management, Requirements Management, Configuration Management, and use of the Telelogic DOORS ERS software. May 1997 Apr 2001 Calian Technologies Ottawa, Ontario Senior Technician Space Surveillance Research and Analysis Laboratory SSRAL Royal Military College of Canada Kingston, Ontario Engineered, supervised construction, tested, calibrated, operated and maintained the Canadian Automated Small Telescope for Orbital Research CASTOR groundbased optical satellite tracking facility. Engineered, and maintained specialized inhouse software for automated satellite tracking. Derived orbit mechanics, coordinate transformation and coordinate translation equations specifically for use with the CASTOR facility. Initiated and performed thorough searches for lost and missing satellites for the American 1st Command and Control Squadron 1CACS Cheyenne Mountain. Facilitated public relations activities for CASTOR and the SSRAL. Initiated and performed tumble period analysis of inactive Russian Molniya satellites. Created and maintained an orbit element database of nearly 10,000 artificial satellites. Communicated regularly with representatives of the U.S. Space Surveillance community. Performed periodic orbit determination using CASTOR observations of satellites. Provided satellite tracking and astronomy expertise in several RMC Space Science graduate level theses. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Most recent to earliest May 2005 Jan 2007 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Ottawa Centre, Ottawa, Ontario Webmaster Critical management of the Ottawa RASC website, including the creation of new pages to accommodate RASC Members suggestions and requests. Reorganized the entire Ottawa RASC website structure to maximize its efficiency. Dec 2004 Sep 2005 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Ottawa Centre, Ottawa, Ontario VicePresident Assisted the President of the Ottawa RASC with planning of the 2006 RASC General Assembly. May 2004 Dec 2006 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Ottawa Centre, Ottawa, Ontario Artificial Satellites Coordinator Periodically presented lectures concerning observations of artificial satellites at monthly Ottawa RASC meetings. A key point of contact within the Ottawa RASC concerning the observation of artificial satellites by astronomers. Dec 2002 Dec 2004 The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Ottawa Centre, Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa Centre Meeting Chair Organized all speakers for the monthly meetings. Organized and chaired monthly meetings. Managed all RASC Observing Coordinators. Apr 2001 Oct 2005 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Ottawa Centre, Ottawa, Ontario SMARTScope Member and Technical Assistant Engineered and constructed a daylight sensor that would automatically close SMARTScopes observatory dome shutter at dawn and prevent any user from opening the dome shutter during daylight hours. Provided technical assistance to the SMARTScope team, especially in the areas of remote control observatory troubleshooting, reliability testing and routine maintenance. PUBLISHED RESEARCH PAPERS Observations and Analysis of the Apparent Spin Period Variations of Inactive Geosynchronous Boxwing Resident Space Objects. Presented at the International Astronautical Congress IAC, Toronto, Ontario Canada, 1 October 2014. The Iridium 33 Cosmos 2251 Collision Creating Liability Awareness for Space Property and the Future of Space Surveillance. May 2009. Internally distributed to Senior Leaders within the United States Strategic Command and acknowledged by General Kevin P. Chilton Commander of USSTRATCOM. The CASTOR Sputnik 50th Anniversary Satellite Tracking Bonanza Project Overview and Preliminary Analysis The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, August 2008. Determining the Orbit Height of a LowEarth Orbiting Artificial Satellite Observed near the Local Zenith. The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, October 2006. Determining the Range of an Artificial Satellite Using its Observed Trigonometric Parallax. The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, April 2005. Coincidental Supernovae in Spiral Galaxy NGC 772. The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, April 2004. The Space Surveillance Research and Analysis Laboratory. The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, December 2000. Progress in Research and Development on the CASTOR K Satellite Tracking Facility Presented at the Canadian Aeronautic and Space Institute CASI Astro2000 Conference, Ottawa, Ontario Canada, 9 November 2000. Progress Report for the Canadian Automated Small Telescope for Orbital Research CASTOR Satellite Tracking Facility Presented at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory 2000 Space Control Conference, Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A., 13 April 2000. The Canadian Automated Small Telescope for Orbital Research CASTOR A RAVEN System in Canada Presented at the Air Force Maui Optical Station AMOS Conference, Kihei, Hawaii U.S.A., 3 September 1999. PUBLISHED ARTICLES Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 A Historic Collision. Ottawa RASC AstroNotes March 2009. Hickson 50 and the Question of Magnitude. Ottawa RASC AstroNotes July 2008 Winner of the 2008 Ottawa RASC AstroNotes Article of the Year. CASTORs Sputnik 50th Anniversary Satellite Tracking Bonanza. Ottawa RASC AstroNotes April 2008. The Astro Power Cube. Ottawa RASC AstroNotes, March 2006. Finding the Chandra XRay Observatory. Ottawa RASC AstroNotes, JanuaryFebruary 2006. A Sea of Satellite Dishes. Ottawa RASC Website, January 10, 2006. Tracking Telesats Past from Rideau Ferry. Ottawa RASC Website, November 25, 2005. Why Amateur Astronomers would make Excellent Satellite Trackers. Ottawa RASC Website, October 4, 2005. Coincidental Supernovae in Spiral Galaxy NGC 772. The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, April 2004. CITIZENSHIP Canadian LANGUAGE English written and oral FORMAL EDUCATION BSc, Physics, 1995, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario MSc, Physics, 2013, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario PhD Candidate, 2013 to Present, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario