
All students must arrive at Springman no later than 8:20 a.m. since classes begin promptly at 8:25 a.m.  Students who are late to school will be assigned a detention after the second occurrence and for every subsequent tardy to school each trimester (exceptions may be granted if the tardiness is due to a doctor’s appointment or religious observance).  Walkers, bike riders, and students dropped off by car will need to enter the building at the Washington Road entrance.  Additional speed bumps have been added to the Washington Road driveway in an effort to keep our students and guests safe as they navigate the parking lot.  ALL GUESTS (including parents) may enter only at the Washington Road entrance.  Dismissal will take place at 3:00 p.m. each day.

All student pickups and drop-offs must be made in the oval on the Washington Road side of the building.  The Central Road circle drive is reserved exclusively for buses during regular arrival and dismissal times.

A parent must call the Health Office at 998-5025 by 8:30 a.m. on any day in which a student will be absent.  This is very important!  In addition, a student returning from an absence (even after one day’s absence) must bring a written note to the Health Office on the day of his/her return.

If it is necessary for a student to leave school early for a doctor or dentist appointment, the parent should send the student to school with a note explaining the need for the early dismissal and indicating the time the student will need to leave.  The student should bring the note directly to the Health Office or Main Office before school to receive an early dismissal pass.  The parent must come into the Main Office to sign the student out.

Students may not be called from class except in emergency situations.  We avoid all unnecessary classroom interruptions since it detracts from the learning environment.  If a student has requested a parent drop off materials or items of clothing (gym shoes), students will have the responsibility of picking up these belongings in the Main Office.  The office staff will not deliver them.

At 3:00 p.m. the “Regular Afternoon Run” will take students home.  The “After-School Activity Run,” which leaves Springman promptly at 4:10 p.m., provides transportation for students who remain after school for intramurals, clubs, or extra help.  Only students who remain with a teacher during this time will receive the pass needed to board an afternoon activity bus.  Please note that the After School Activity Bus run will start on Tuesday, September 8, 2015. 

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