
Since releasing The Fame in 2008, Lady Gaga has become one of the most powerful and active voice in pop music. Her contributions to the music industry have garnered her numerous achievements including five Grammy Awards, thirteen MTV Video Music Awards and the estimated sale of 24 million albums and 90 million singles worldwide. Her third studio album, Born This Way, broke the iTunes record for the fastest rise to the # 1 on release day.

In 2013, Time Magazine named her the second most influential person of the decade. With over 2.5 billion combined views of all her videos online, Lady Gaga is one of the biggest living forces in social media with over 60 million likes on Facebook and over 40 million followers on Twitter. She is also a global activist and philanthropist, having been an outspoken supporter of many important issues including LGBT rights, HIV/AIDS awareness, body image issues, and youth empowerment. In 2011, she launched her own Born This Way Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to empowering youth and creating a kinder and braver world.

Lady Gaga’s fourth studio album, ARTPOP, is available now and features the hit single “Applause” as well as second single “Do What U Want” featuring R. Kelly, the sobering ballad “Dope” and the soon to be dance smash “Gypsy.”



In addition to the album, Gaga presents an app developed by TechHAUS, the technological branch of HAUS OF GAGA. Gaga and her team are bringing  the music industry into a new age; an age where art drives pop, and the artist once again is in control of the “icon.” ARTPOP could mean anything. But for Lady Gaga, this is a celebration of obsession.

Ready to win your copy of ARTPOP? Check out the video for “Dope” from Lady Gaga’s insane #VEVOArtRave record release and find out how to win below:

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