There's been lots of research conducted around the benefits of negatively ionized water. Much of the study comes through the makers of very costly ionized water machines but some is originating from very reputable sources. The information is very compelling as it is directly related to cancer treatment and prevention.
I have read story about a man battling esophogeal cancer. In an attempt to save his life he'd to fly to Hong Kong for three months to undergo intense/natural cancer treatment. Evidently their rate of success in Hong Kong is 85% while it is about 5% within the united states and Canada. Their treatments include alkaline water treatment along with a full alkaline food diet.
There was something about the story that really tied to me. The very first phase of treatment ended up being to turn his body "alkaline" when you eat an alkaline food diet and drinking as much "alkaline"water as you possibly can. Evidently cancer and other types of toxins cannot live in an alkaline environment.
In the research, the biggest thing alkaline water does is "detoxify" your body since toxins cannot reside in an alkaline environment (Our body is normally acidic because of the foods we eat). There are lots of benefits to detoxing the system but one VERY important benefit is fat loss. Allow me to explain, fat cells are made to keep and insulate toxins. Therefore, the greater toxic you are the harder it's for you to reduce fat. By naturally detoxing your body, it naturally releases fat stores. Additionally, detoxing boosts daily levels of energy. I possibly could write several more paragraphs on detoxing but the above features seem to be the most important for most people.
The most intriguing aspect could it be is a very affordable all natural solution. In fact, you can find alkaline water for the most part health food stores also it sells for roughly .59 cents per gallon. This really is affordable by anyone's standards. Furthermore, I've asked the opinion of many who follow the regiment plus they all appear to love the benefits and effects of alkaline water.
alkaline water filter
Overall, it appears as though the mounting research makes sense scientifically so we can all take advantage of natural methods to put our body right into a alkaline balance. Creating an atmosphere where cancer and other harmful tissues cannot grow seems ideal for everyone. I am looking forward to reading additional research as it is published about alkaline water.