
Deadline to apply is February 27!

LMD launches new Career Advancement Award

[Alexandria, VA, 3 February 2015] SLA’s Leadership and Management Division (LMD) is excited to announce a new award for LMD members in the early stage of their information careers.

Design a new project

The Career Advancement Award is designed to inspire new professionals who are looking to develop their own leadership and management abilities, and will be presented to an individual in the first five years of their information career. Applicants should submit a proposal describing a concept for a project or initiative inspired by LMD’s professional development activity. The winning proposal will:

characterize the target audience, delivery mechanism, focus, and learning outcomes expected

demonstrate an interest in furthering LMD’s strategic goals

Win a place at SLA’s Annual Conference

The winner will be provided with support and mentorship to attend SLA’s Annual Conference. The Award includes one full Conference registration, complimentary tickets to all LMD ticketed events, registration to a pre-Conference LMD sponsored workshop (if offered), and $1500 USD for travel expenses.

Develop your leadership skills

LMD 2014 Chair Martha Foote commented, “The Leadership & Management Division focuses on leadership and management skills and competencies and related learning experiences for all those in the information profession. This new award is one of the division’s ways of engaging newer professionals interested in developing as leaders.”

Submit your proposal by February 27th 2015

So don’t delay – this is your chance to participate in developing and implementing a new project, to increase LMD members’ professional skill sets, and to win the opportunity to travel to the SLA Conference and meet information professionals from all parts of the globe. For all the details visit: http://lmd.sla.org/?page_id=552.  The deadline for submissions is February 27th 2015.

About SLA’s Leadership & Management Division

LMD members are from diverse industries and include professionals ranging from emerging leaders to experienced managers. LMD focuses on providing practical support and mentoring and offers quality professional development opportunities in various leadership and management areas. For more information visit lmd.sla.org.

About SLA

The Special Libraries Association (SLA) is a nonprofit global organization for innovative information professionals and their strategic partners. SLA serves 8,000 members in 75 countries including corporate, academic and government information specialists. SLA promotes and strengthens its members through learning, advocacy, and networking initiatives. For more information, visit www.sla.org.


Deb Hunt, Library Director

Mechanics’ Institute Library

57 Post St. San Francisco, CA 94104

415.393.0113    dhunt@milibrary.org

www.milibrary.org  Twitter: debhunt6

Co-author: The Librarian’s Skillbook

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