Proud of their pooches ... (not in order) Ben, Kate and Jack Perrett, Matthew Early, Hayden Harch and Mia Glenny had dogs in the junior high jumping competition (Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
Cr Damien Tessmann prepares one of the hoppers for the Cane Toad Cup run annually in Kingaroy
January 28, 2014
With everything from racing cane toads and yabbies to thong tossing and billy can painting … it could be only one thing, Australia Day!
In a pleasant change from last year’s torrential rain, the weather didn’t interfere on Sunday.
At Yarraman, the town’s Australia Day awards were handed out in a ceremony at the Community Hall.
In Nanango, the showgrounds hosted a big day of fun events, including the traditional test of canine skill, dog high jumps.
Kingaroy’s “official” Australia Day events were held at the Town Hall and the Forecourt area, including whip-cracking, bush poetry and a sausage sizzle. Moving inside the hall, there was a pie eating competition and the now-traditional cane toad races.
At Wondai, billy cans got a makeover courtesy of the town’s young artists as part of a morning of activities which also included a free breakfast.
Murgon’s celebrations featured the distribution of local awards plus bush poetry, Aussie tucker and live music.
Australia Day celebrations were also held at Boondooma Homestead, Blackbutt RSL, Proston Scout Den and at the Hivesville Country Markets.
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[Photos by Clive Lowe Photography, Keren Mcsweeney, Ros Heit and]
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Australia Day – Nanango
James Webb sang the National Anthem and Nanango’s string of Australa Day award winners and nominees were presented to the crowd but the most popular part of Nanango’s annual Australia Day celebrations at the Showgrounds was, as always, the dog high jumps.
Working dogs showed off their prowess at leaping onto the ever-higher back of a farm ute.
Also popular were the community tug-o-wars where the town’s two-legged residents also enjoyed an opportunity to demonstrate their sporting prowess.
Bill Andress with 'Spot' in jumping mode at Nanango (Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
New Nanango Year 2 teacher Angela Hopf (Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
A cracking time in the egg and spoon race!
(Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
The tug-o-war is a popular Australia Day game in Nanango... (Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
...and the boys team lost to the girls' team (Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
This trayback is already taken ...
(Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
Jilleigh Grieve dressed for fun on Australia Day (Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
Nanango Historical Society President Roslyn Gregor, Kerry Mercer and Kayleen Bochman helped serve up a free breakfast for the hungry crowds (Photo: Clive Lowe Photography)
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Australia Day – Kingaroy
Deputy Mayor Keith Campbell and Cr Damien Tessmann were the moving forces behind Kingaroy’s Australia Day celebrations, which featured a free breakfast, entertainment and Aussie-themed fun for residents to enjoy at the Kingaroy Town Hall.
Kingaroy Lions Club members were kept busy cooking breakfast while members of the Kingaroy Quota Club provided scones with jam and cream.
The men’s choir Vocal Mayhem sung the National Anthem and Waltzing Matilda to get the audience into a patriotic mood before pie eating and lamington eating contests.
Premier Campbell Newman may take heart from the results of the cane toad races …
The toads – named after politicians – included “Fireworks Frecklington”, “Croakin’ Kratzie”, ”Shorten Odds”, “Sir Budgiesmuggler”, “Canedoo” and “Raging Rackemann”.
“Canedoo” proved too strong, taking out the 2014 Cup (although ALP voters may demand a swab).
Lynelle and Brian Paterson, from Nanango, with Marie Shaw and Marion Campbell, from Kingaroy
Judie Tough and Alan Carter, from Brisbane, were celebrating Australia Day in Kingaroy
Lilly, 6, and Heather Jones, from Kingaroy, were settling in to enjoy the fun
Vocal Mayhem members Shane Seaton, Steve Upton and Kendall Siddans were warming up their vocal chords before their perfomance
Two of the bush poets ... John Tully and Dan Rutledge
Whipcracker Paul Sims, from Kingaroy, with Peter McLennan, Kingaroy
Lions were cooking up the snags ... from left, Ted Ricketts, Max Lehmann, Ray Wilton, Jeff Hills and Howard Jack
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Pink Stumps Day – Kingaroy
South Burnett cricketers and would-be cricketers gathered at T.J. O’Neill Oval in Kingaroy for a fun Pink Stumps Day to raise funds for the McGrath Foundation.
The foundation helps to fund Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia (including the South Burnett) and increases breast awareness in young Australian women.
Teams battled it out on the pitch with plastic bats and balls …
Backpackers Maxi and Louisa, both from Frankfurt in Germany, saw their first game of cricket in Kingaroy on Australia Day
Heather and Linda Anderson from Kingaroy came out to support the event
Kevin Milo and Darren Geiger experimented with unusual ways to dispense soft drink
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Yabby Races – Kingaroy
The Thrashers Rugby Union Club’s Yabby Races are becoming an Australia Day tradition in Kingaroy.
This year the races were held at the Broadway Hotel and attracted a crowd of “punters” to the hotel’s beer garden.
Maybe as an incentive to get the crustaceans to crawl faster, redclaw was also featured on the pub’s menu for the day.
A good crowd placed sizable bets on the Yabbies to help the Thrashers' fund-raising efforts
Danielle Pazmany helped keep the patriotism flowing at the bar
Pearce Hutchinson made a quick lunch of one of the losing yabbies
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Palace Hotel – Nanango
Nanango’s Palace Hotel put on a day of home-grown entertainment for Australia Day.
From noon, and acoustic showcase featured musical sets by Luke Green, Craig Menere, Tori Somers and Rowan Edwards.
This was followed by Aussie-style Karaoke led by Billy Tea and Honey Bee then a night of rock music featuring Mr Q.
Tori Somers entertained Australia Day revellers at Nanango's Palace Hotel (Photo: Keren Mcsweeney)
Craig Menere was part of the homegrown talent at The Palace Hotel (Photo: Keren Mcsweeney)
Karen Clegg was dressed for the occasion at The Palace Hotel (Photo: Keren Mcsweeney)
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Australia Day At Wondai
After hosting the South Burnett Regional Council’s Australia Day awards the night before, Wondai Town Hall took on a local flavour for Australia Day.
The free community breakfast, sponsored by the South Burnett Regional Council and cooked by Wondai Lions, kicked off at 7:00am and was followed by a flag-raising ceremony and children’s activities.
Entertainment for the more than 100 people in attendance was provided by the Wondai & District Band.
Wondai residents had a choice of Australia Day entertainment with Dimities Restaurant, the Wondai Hotel and the Wondai Pool also putting on special activities.
South Burnett Local Achiever for Wondai, Neil Burrows, cuts the Australia Day cake with Cr Ros Heit
Elaine Madill, from the Wondai Art Gallery, supervised the billy painting at Wondai Town Hall ... from left at back, Lucy Hobbs, Jeremy Hobbs, Rachael Evans and Julia Kerkow; at front, Francis Hobbs (Photo: Ros Heit)