Yueyan Jovicic, 13, and her sister Vesna, 9, from Blackbutt, were buzzing around the festival grounds all day; Yueyan was one of the five volunteer "Bloomin' Beautiful Bees"
September 11, 2013
The weather was bloomin’ lovely this year which lured a record number of visitors to the annual “Bloomin’ Beautiful Blackbutt” spring festival at the weekend.
Organising committee chairman Jeff Connor told southburnett.com.au on Saturday the day so far had gone off “like a bomb on fire”.
And on Monday, he was even happier, estimating that “in excess of 5000 people” had visited the festival area over the two days.
He said the weather had been perfect and the courtesy buses had been kept busy transporting people around the festival area (and out to the polling booth to vote on Saturday).
Even the scavenger hunt was popular with 73 people taking part.
He paid tribute to the 30 “green shirts” and five “bees”, the volunteers who were helping out across the Festival area which stretched from the Blackbutt Community Hall down the highway and along Hart Street to the Nukku Nook area and Blackbutt Showgrounds.
The volunteers manned six information stands and also walked the Festival Trail selling raffle tickets.
Mr Connor said this year’s festival had also been greatly assisted by a grant from the State Government to hire an event co-ordinator. The committee will receive $15,000 a year for the next three years.
A new event this year was the Orchid and Foliage Show which was held in a pavilion at the Blackbutt Showgrounds.
This was a big success and organisers are already planning next year’s show.
The third annual “Garden In A Pot” competition also took off this year, with a record number of entries.
The Champion Garden in a Pot was submitted by Shirley Harvey, from Blackbutt.
Former students of Blackbutt State School used the festival as an excuse for a reunion, with a good crowd gathering to watch former student Glenys Mills open Blackbutt State School’s time capsule which was buried in May 1988 (marked to be opened in 2013).
Some of the Bloomin’ Beautiful Blackbutt competition winners:
Best Decorated Window - The Bunya Nut Cafe
Australia Zoo Mystery Prize – Mr & Mrs Tim Lane
Free Draw winners – Monika Poschner and Hazel Wendt
[Photos: Keren Mcsweeney and southburnett.com.au]
Bloomin' Beautiful Blackbutt Festival Committee chairman Jeff Connor couldn't be happier with the weather for this year's event after wind and "horizontal" rain in previous years
We're not sure who was more surprised, the 50 cyclists as they rolled into town or the organisers of the Bloomin' Beautiful Festival ... the Smiling for Smiddy charity ride from Brisbane to Townsville stopped off briefly in Blackbutt on their way to Nanango, the first night stop on their 1600km, eight-day challenge to raise money for cancer research
Jim Bailey organised the "Garden in a Pot" competition which had 14 sections ranging from children to adults (Photo: Keren Mcsweeney)
Local singer Amanda Sempf was one of the many musicians who kept the music pumping from the Radnor Hotel verandah all day Saturday
Members of the "Busy Needles Club" mounted a colourful display of needlework and quilting in the Blackbutt Community Hall, from left, Davina Holmes, Pauline Boike and Katie Sempf
This little train came in handy for visitors exploring the market stalls area
(Photo: Keren Mcsweeney)
More little trains ... Barry Brierley, right, from Yarraman, brought down his model trains to share with visitors (Photo: Keren Mcsweeney)
Ursula Mackay was welcoming visitors at the artists' co-operative Butt Art Gallery
Photographer Keren Mcsweeney with Gerry Van Moorsel, president of the Timber Towns Digital Arts Association
South Burnett photographer Max Walters won the Champion Print of the Bloomin' Beautiful competition with his "Lee's Horses"
Volunteers Nick and Laraine Anitfos were on hand at the Blackbutt Visitor Information Centre
Members of the Blackbutt Car Enthusiasts Club lined Hart Street with their vehicles
Evelyn Feige, from the Blackbutt and Benarkin Garden Club, was selling raffle tickets in the floral pavilion at the Blackbutt Showgrounds (Photo: Keren Mcsweeney)
* * *
Sponsors’ Dinner
Bloomin' Beautiful Blackbutt Festival Committee chairman Jeff Connor introduces members of the organising committee at the Sponsors' Dinner
Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott and Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington with Fay Guy, centre, at the Sponsors' Dinner
Garden competition organiser John Atkins presents a certificate for "Best Country Garden" to Joy Swile
The Bloomin’ Beautiful Festival officially got under way on Friday night with a Sponsors and Awards Dinner at the Radnor Hotel.
Federal Member for Maranoa dropped in ahead of Saturday’s election to officially launch the festival.
Also in attendance was Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington, representing the State Government which provided funding for this year’s event (and the next two years) under the Queensland Events scheme.
The winners of the Bloomin’ Beautiful Blackbutt Gardening Competition were also announced with certificates being presented to the winners by John Atkins from the Blackbutt and Benarkin Garden Club.
Overall winners were Ron and Dinah Jones, from Benarkin.
[Photos: Nanango Electorate Office]
John Atkins with Garden Competition Reserve Champions Barry and Joan Nugent, and Kate Berry from major sponsors Blackbutt Hardware