
White man’s new home, for now, until he is slaughtered


N.B. The purpose of posting older articles is to demonstrate the relationship between the past and now. In order to know what to do today, we must understand what was done and how it was done. Our enemy uses the same tactics day after day, year after year, century after century. We must learn from the past to be able to defeat them.


At the turn of the 19th century there occurred a war so devastating in its consequences that the world is still feeling its effect. Perhaps the most important result of the war is that the Jews gained control of the richest gold deposits known to mankind, along with a diversity of minerals seldom found in one country; all of which are of the greatest importance to the West today. The purpose of this article is to summarize the causes of the war, who was behind it, and what their motives were.

The Anglo-Boer War is not a well-known event in the annuals of history. Indeed, it is safe to say that it is a war which was swept under the carpet. I doubt whether it is a subject which is ever mentioned in the class-rooms of U.S. schools and universities. This is no accident, but deliberate policy. We need to look at the character and racial make-up of the “Boers” as they were called in the early part of the history of what is today South Africa. The Boers were farmers, the racial make-up of the Boer was not very different from that of the people of the southern United States.

These pastoral people had a very strong sense of personal liberty as opposed to the dictates of a central government. Coupled with their highly developed concept of personal freedom was their religious belief, consisting in the main of Protestant Calvinism, formalized in the Dutch Reformed Church. They believed in the leadership of the white race, and threatened all the colored races in South Africa with benign paternalism. They held to the teachings of the Old Testament, namely that the stewardship of the earth belonged to the white race. Colored races were to be treated as step-children. They did not believe in, nor did they practice slavery at any time in their history. This is where the Boers differed from their cousins, the America colonists.

With the annexation of the Cape of Good Hope by the British, which was to take over the Cape as a half-way station for the British East India Company, the Boers decided to move into the deserted hinterland of South Africa rather submit to British rule. It should be note here that while the British East India Company was ostensibly a normal trading company dealing in spices and tea in the Far East, it was in fact, along with the Dutch East India Company, the vehicle by which the profits from the opium trade in China were moved to England, and to a lesser extent to Holland. It is a fact which is overlooked by most historians; that the profits from the Chinese opium trade made possible the active promotion of hostilities against the Boers. In fact, the tone for action against the Boers was set by the Treaty of Nanking, signed in 1842, which brought the British a vast fortune as well as the port of Hong Kong, which to this day is the hub of dope distribution by the Chinese and the British. Lord Palmerston, who later played a crucial role in prosecuting the war against the Boers, openly admitted Britain’s role in the dope trade in China in a speech he made in January 1841.

It is necessary to digress for a moment, and deal with the infamous infrastructure of the British opium trade in China. By establishing the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the door was opened for British imperialism at its worst to sweep through China. Similarly, by establishing what “suzreignty” was over the Boer Republics, the British showed that the imperialistic lesson they had learned in China could be equally applied in South Africa, only this time, it was gold, not opium, which was the rich prize to be captured. But it was the same man at the helm in both cases, the high-priest of the Scottish rite, Lord Palmerston. Let none imagine that the British fought a gentlemanly war against the Boers. In fact, the Boers, rough-hewn as they were, were the ones who displayed most of the old-world courtesy toward their adversary, as we shall see. I say this because at the time the war was promoted by the British, they enjoyed a high reputation as a nation of gentlemen of good conduct and sportsmanship, a reputation richly undeserved as events in South Africa showed all too clearly.

The initial onslaught against the Boers took place a few years earlier, in which the British were soundly defeated. The place was Amajuba, the time 1881. Earlier, the British had annexed the Transvaal, an arbitrary action without legal standing. The Boers, who had thousands of miles through a countryside which was anything but hospitable, fought back, and at Majuba, under the leadership of the great Boer patriot Paul Kruger (the Kruger Rand is named after him), soundly defeated the British. This ought to have acted as a warning to the British imperialistic designs; instead, it encouraged them to plunder into an even greater act of aggression, the Anglo-Boer War.

Under Queen Victoria, Britain was at the height of its imperial power. No nation dared cross the British monarch; even the Germans feared the lady Paul Kruger called a “kwaai vrou” (an angry lady). Thus Majuba was an insult to be wiped off the record. But we must look behind the scenes to see who was responsible. The ordinary British citizen knew little of the back-room politics, which sent its men folk off to fight a war in faraway South Africa. Then as now, propaganda played a leading role. The big drum of patriotism was banged, however patriotism was not an issue, but outright greed by the Jews certainly was. Disregarding the warning of Majuba, the British were told that their military machine would crush he citizen army of the Boer farmers and return triumphant to the shores of England in a matter of a few weeks.

War is costly. This was no less true in 1899 than it is today. The money to prosecute the war against the Boer rebels was to come from the swollen coffers of the opium traders, which meant that some of the most famous and noble names of England would be involved. The opium trade had made millions for the Keswicks, the Jardine Mathesons, the Barings and the Sutherlands. The same names featured prominently in the fortunes made through slave trading in the U.S. prior to the War Between the States (the Civil war). The Sutherland family was one of the largest slave traders in the Americas, and you can add to the list, the Lehmans and the Rothschilds, who entered the U.S. scene via the slave trade. As in the case of the opium war against China, the willingness of Her Majesty’s government to use all of its resources to crush the Boers, up to and including full-scale war, to support its false claims to the Transvaal gold was evident at an early state of the conspiracy. As in the case of the war on China, the British used ethnic origin and back-ground as a weapon to promote unrest in the independent Boer Republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. Following the discovery of gold in the Transvaal, a steady stream of “Uitlanders” (foreigners) flocked to the Transvaal. It was not long before the model of the Scottish Rite freemason movement used in China was also put to good use by the British in South Africa. As in China, the mix was Italians, Jews and of course local Chinese.

The dirty tricks operations of Lord Palmerston’s China gang of ethnic Jews, the Order of the Zion of the London based “Court Jews” was put to work in South Africa to ferment unrest and to demand “voting rights” and a voice in government; something the vastly outnumbered Boers could not permit. The Jewish families that today rule the gold trade, such as the Mocattos, the Montefiores, the whole slew of well-known Jewish names, learned their dirty tricks-lessons in the prewar days of the Boer Republics in South Africa. The selfsame dirty tricks were used against the U.S. many years later in the Vietnam era.

In fact, Queen Victoria’s “favorite Jew” was Sir Moses Montefiore, who took command of the British Board of Deputies (Jews) in 1835. As we shall see, it was the Jews who fermented the unrest in the Boer Republics, unrest which eventually led to the unjust Anglo-Boer War. It was Montefiore who took charge of the Order of Zion, and who trained Jews for active duty in political trouble-making in South Africa, a process which continues to this day, and one which will not cease until the Jew has open and full control of South Africa’s vast mineral wealth. There is ample evidence that Montefiore’s Order of Zion was also active in the unrest in the U.S. which preceded the War Between the States, and which led, eventually, to the murder of Abraham Lincoln. So there is a very definite link between America history, and that of South Africa.

Like their American counterparts, the Boers had moved thousands of miles to ensure their freedom from British control. They oved independence more than anything else, and suffered incredible hardships in order to establish their two republics in the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. Like the American colonists, they opened up the vast African hinterland through their blood, sweat, toil and tears. The story of the Great Trek from the Cape is one of the most moving in the annals of modern man in search for individual freedom and liberty. These hardy, God-fearing Christian people carved a civilization out of the Africa wilderness, in much the same way as did the American colonists. New, owing to the machinations of the Order of Zion, the Freemasons led by Rhodes and Milner, and the inside planning of the two Jews in Johannesburg, Beit and Werhner, who later became fabulously wealthy at the expense of the Boers. The Boers were faced with a full-scale war by the most powerful army in the world at that time.

As in the case of the Chinese opium diplomacy, the same tactics were used to stir up trouble inside the Boer Republics. The Transvaal had gained legal independence from the British at the Sand River Convention. The Transvaal ruled by Paul Kruger and the Volksraad (peoples’ council) was a legal entity. To undo this, the Jewish agitators Beit and Werhner were put to work under the direction of Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil John Rhodes to overturn the independence of this small nation and grab the gold, the richest strikes ever found, for themselves and for international Jewry.

The foreigners, who held no voting rights, were stirred up to demand voting rights and changes in the governing constitution. If this sounds familiar, it is the self-same pattern still being used around the world today, the so-called “majority-rule” ploy. The Jews, ever the shouldering underground force in any country, were particularly active in the Boer Republics. They led demonstrations and riots, protests, and petitions to Queen Victoria. Now one might ask what right did these foreigners have to petition the Queen of England, when the question of law and order and voting rights rested with an independent government, that of Paul Kruger and the Boer citizens of the Transvaal Republic? As in the case of Palmerston and the second opium war, the British moved with alacrity to intervene in the internal affairs of Kruger’s republic, notwithstanding the fact that the British had given any such rights under the terms of the Sand River Convention. Just as Lord Russell had written to his grandson Lord Bertrand Russell (the fiend who introduced drugs to the U.S. saying: “We must in some way or other make the Chinese repent of the outrage” (i.e. for daring to defend themselves against the British opium families), so Lord Alfred Milner wrote to Rhodes and said that the Boers must be punished for their intransigence (i.e. for refusing to bow to Jewish agitation and British pressure to give up their legal rights).

The same British families who opened the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank to facilitate the movement of drug money now set up show in Johannesburg in order to get control of the gold, which belonged to the Boers. The criminal conspiracies of the British cabinet which ran the opium war now extended its influence and power through Freemasonry to the Transvaal. Behind Prime Minister Palmerston’s fine façade of responsibility was the rotten degenaracy of British aristocracy, besotted by the evil of high Masonry. It was only after the Military Commission on the murder of Lincoln made its findings public that some of the sordid details of Palmerton’s connections with the Scottish Rite Freemason lodges became known. I mention this, to remind my readers of the strong links between U.S. history and the Boer War, i.e. the same people ran both the American War Between the States, and the Boer war.

The Chinese Triads, the Order of Zion, and the Jesuits, were all part of the dirty tricks organized to upset both America, and later the Boer Republics. The trail leads back directly to the British Court Jews and the Scottish Rite Freemasons. We should not overlook the part played by the Jews in the Masonic Order. Their starting point was the B’nai B’rith, also called the Constitutional Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of the Covenant, which was recognized as a branch of the Scottish Rite. This was headquartered at 450 Grand Street, Manhattan, in the home of Joseph Seligman. The B’nai B’rith was nothing but an intelligence front for the Montefiores and the Rothschilds, as was proven with the advent of Judah P. Benjamin, a British subject, and leader of the B’nai B’rith to the post of Confederate Secretary of War! Confederate General Albert Pike, a Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, completed the deep penetration of the South by these agents of Satan.

The Boers, innocent of the real forces arrayed against them thought that they had only to defend themselves against a massive and powerful military machine. They did not know of the powers of darkness, the forces of spiritual wickedness in high places, which were to be brought to bear upon their tiny nation. Britain’s element of subversion was the large force of Jews and other foreigners who flocked to the Transvaal following the discovery of gold there. The Order of Zion was quick to utilize this force to carry out acts of rebellion and to ferment unrest in Kruger’s republic. The “Menorah” a Jewish publication, was quite open about the relationship between the skittish Rite and itself, and wrote that the Oddfellows, the Masons and other secret “benevolent” societies were all based upon “Jewish ideas.”

As space does not permit further digression into the links between the War Between the States and the Boer War, I will proceed with a summary of events which led up to the actual hostilities erupting in South Africa. The foreigners kept up a drum-beat for their “rights” and in this they were aided by a prostituted British press, which loudly proclaimed the arrogance of the Boers, and demanded that the Boers be punished. Particularly vehement and lying was the Jewish correspondent of the “London Times”. This vilification of the Boers reached hysterical proportions at times, stirring up resentment among the ill-informed British public back in England. The British leaders also understated the tenacity of the Boers, as nationalists, as fighters, and as clever politicians. They told the public, that British citizens were being badly treated in the Transvaal, which was an insult to the British Queen and the Union Jack. Such a situation was not to be tolerated, they said, by the British parliament.

When things were going too slow for Beit and Werhner, direct action to speed up a war was instituted by these two men, who more than any others, apart from their collaborators, Rhodes and Milner, were directly responsible for the vicious and cruel war that was to come.

What sort of people were the Boers? I have already given you some information about their racial and religious background. Let me add that they were a deeply religious people, hardworking, lovers of the soil, a simple pastoral people, a people Churchill once described as a “mixture of squire and peasant.” One of the most important beliefs held by the Boers was that the colored races were to be kept absolutely separate from the white race. They believed in the superiority of the white race, based on Biblical injunctions. This was used against them by the agitators, in much the same way as the issue of slavery was used to drum up support for the War Between the States in an earlier part of the century.

The Boers feared the vast influx of newcomers with their godless ways, their foreign languages and customs. They feared the manner in which these newcomers crossed racial lines. Greatly outnumbered, the Boers took measures to protect their cultural and religious beliefs. The measures which Kruger took were quite properly based on a real fear, that the Boers would be swamped, if he did not protect their heritage. The foreigners were not allowed to vote, and could not obtain citizenship. Eventually, the British Parliament intervened on the side of the foreigners, insisting that they be allowed to have “rights” to which they were not entitled. Passions ran high in England as tales of great suffering by the “British” (mainly Jews) unfolded in the “Times” and “Daily Telegraph”. Calls for action were sounded by British politicians of all stripes. The legal agreement of the Sand River Convention was forgotten. Still, Kruger sought to avoid hostilities. He wished the death of no white man, surrounded as were the Boers by the black races. He could not understand, why white men should want to fight each other in the face of what he considered the common danger, the colored races. In this Kruger had no conception of the nature of the forces arrayed against him.

A giant of a man, Paul Kruger spent much of his time meeting with petitioners from his own people on the “stoep” (porch) of his simple home in Pretoria, with a Bible in the one hand to guide him and a cup of coffee never far away. He belonged to an ultra-conservative sect of Dutch Reformed church called the Dopper Kerk. He was non-plussed and astounded, that white men would want to fight to protect the so-called “rights” on non-whites. He was a modest and simple man not given to outward trappings of power. He never seemed to realize, that the real issue was not the rights of the foreigners, but the desire of the Jews to grab the gold of the Transvaal. He was a humble man dedicated to his people. It is fair to say that Kruger did everything he could to prevent actual war, including a personal visit to Queen Victoria, but against the evil doings of Milner, Rhodes and the Court Jews, he had no defense.

The British, goaded on by the Court Jews and the Freemasons, got the war the longed for. As usual, the ordinary people had not the slighted idea of why they were going to war. Patriotism was the issue, just as it was in the Malvinas war. Then the plotters Milner, Beit and Werhner, along with arch-villain Rhodes, made their first blunder. They arranged for a Britsih imperialist, Dr. Jameson, to invade the Transvaal from outside the borders, marched on Johannesburg, and declare the Transvaal to be British territory. The Jews Beit and Werhner were supposed to raise a force inside Johannesburg that would rise against the Boer forces at the same time. In fact, the rebellion never materialized; it was intended to. The Jews had no compunction in double-crossing Jameson.

Jameson and his band of raiders were fianced by the Jew Alfred Beit, who was one of the main trouble-makers inside the Transvaal, and Jameson saw himself as a crusader, not a raider and an outlaw. With a force of about 270 men on horseback accompanied by black trackers and guides, Jameson set off to topple Kruger, after a rousing rendition of “God Save the Queen”. Kruger and the Boer general Joubert had received information of the planned invasion and waited until Jameson and his men were almost within sight of Johannesburg before decisively crushing them in the most humiliating manner. This in itself ought to have been a warning to the British people that the Boers were not going to be a push-over. Coupled with the rout of the British at Majuba in the first Boer War, it should have downright alarmed the citizens of England.

Instead, it only inflmed passions against the Boer “enemy”. Let us not pass judgment on the ordinary British people, after all, we in America were misled in the same thing in both world wars. The Scottish Rite Freemason Lord Alfred Milner, who hated the Boers and their simple and racial beliefs, openly admitted fermenting war. In a letter to Lord Roberts he said: “I precipitated the crisis, which was inevitable, before it was too late. It is not very agreeable and in many eyes, not very creditable piece of business, to have largely instrumental in bringing about a big war.” So with Milner agitating in England, and Rhodes doing the same with the “outlanders” (foreigners) in South Africa, the stage was set for a major war.

The Boer leaders had been laying in supplies of weapons for some time, mostly from Germany, and consisting of Mauser rifles of the new five-shot type, and some field guns. The British had modernized their army with 6 shot magazine loaded Lee-Metford rifles. The Boer War was to be a major testing ground for new weapons and new military tactics. The scope of the war can be gauged by comparing the fact that the British eventually had 400,000 men in the field in South Africa. The American in Vietnam numbered some 500,000 men.

The Boers had no regular standing army. Their force never mnore than 30,000 men under arms at any given time, was strictly a volunteer citizens army. They never wore uniforms, and never indulged in parade ground drilling or regular military exercises. But at the earlier battle of Majuba, they proved to be deadly accurate shots, excellent horsemen, and skilled guerilla fighters. At Majuba in 1881, General Joubert had trashed the British army under General Colley. One lesson the British learnd from Majuba was that in future wars with South Africa, the red coat uniform had to go, and it was replaced by the drab khaki uniform in time for the major war now looming.

The Jameson Raid, planned by Rhodes and Milner, and financed by the Jews Beit and Werhner, was the catalyst which started the war. General Jan Smuts, said after the war (1902) that “The Jameson Raid was the real declaration of war in the great Anglo-Boer conflict……And that in spite of the four-year truce that followed, the aggressors (the British) consolidated their alliance…….the defenders on the other hand grimly prepared for the inevitable.”

All of Paul Kruger’s efforts to find a solution to averting the war were nullified by Rhodes, Milner, Beit and Werhner. The stage was set for one of the most cruel, savage, corrupt and ugly wars ever to be waged, a war which gave birth to the policies of attacking the civilian population, concentration camps, and scorched-earth policies. It also showed the utter disdain of the British hierarchy for the welfare of its own rooms, many of whom who were left wounded and lying out in the blazing African sun for three days, while efforts by the Boers to negotiate a truce so that they could be attended to went unanswered. The callous brutalities endured by the Boer civilian population will be catalogued during the course of my article,

On September 8th 1899, the British sent 10,000 men to South Africa, an act of hostility which Kruger demanded be rescinded. The British sneered at Kruger’s ultimatum that unless Her Majesty’s government recalled the troops, the Boers would consider themselves at war with the British. The “Times” called it “An infatuated step.” The “Telegraph” said, “Of course, there can only be one answer Southampton on October 14th 1899, to cheers of a large patriotic crowd, with flags flying and banners waving. Neither they nor their commanding officer, General Buller had any idea of the terrible hardships they would soon be called upon to endure. The British public was told that the war would be over in three weeks, and the Boers were going to be taught a severe lesson.

With the billions of pounds at their disposal, mainly the profits from the Chinese opium trade, the British sent out the best equipped army the world had ever seen. The khaki uniforms were well made, and the men carried the latest quick-firing Lee Mitford rifles with a range of over one thousand yards. They had plenty of artillery, an even observation balloons. This was indeed a formidable fighting force, a professional in every sense of the word. Many of the crack regiments fell over each other for the other for the honor of going to beat the Boers who had insulted their Queen; regiments such as the Grenadiers Guards, the Royal Scots Greys, the Royal Irish Fusiliers and so on and so on.

The Boers on the other hand were an undisciplined force of irregulars, ranging from fourteen to seventy. Their leader General Piet Joubert had no formal military training, and no military manuals to guide him. Nevertheless, at Majuba and against the Jameson Raiders he had proved himself to be a brilliant and brave leader of men, a natural soldier. Photos of the period show just how young (and old) some of the Boer soldiers were. The photos also show the type of clothing worn by Joubert’s men. Small wonder that the British, accustomed to victory after victory in China, Sudan and India, looked down upon the rag-tag army that was to challenge their elite forces. The British were confident that after a few short, sharp skirmishes, the Boers would lay down their arms. One soldier, Lt. R. Kentish, of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, in a letter to his mother on October 12, 1899 wrote, “I don’t think the Boers will have a chance, although I expect there will be one or two stiff little shows here and there. I think (the Boers) are awful idiots to fight, although we of course, are very keen that that they should.” A British officer of higher rank, writing to in the instigator of the war, Lord Alfred Milner, said, “I hope to hear that Symons (the British general) has taken with the Boers at Dundee.” That is how confident the rank and file as well as the officers were, that the Boers were going to be soundly defeated in short order.

But the British had underestimated the will of the Boers. When General Joubert’s men rose up “like ants from the ground” to smash Jameson, they had come from New Year festivities. Many were wearing their Sunday clothing, with bandoliers stretched across their shoulders. They made short work of Jameson’s trained soldiers, and captured a black box containing all of the proof needed to show, that Milner and Rhodes were implicated in the raid up to their necks, along with the ritish Prime Minister. The denials by the conspirators were proved to be blatant lies. This deeply angered the “farmer soldiers” and stiffened their determination to rid themselves of the British for once and for all. Of course, the ordinary Boer soldier had no idea that at the bottom of it all was the machinations of international Jewry. True to Weishaupt’s dictates, the master-Jews took good care to hide behind the scenes.

The first set battle for the war occurred at Talana in Natal. The British troops under command of General Symons were attacked by some three thousand Boers under the leadership of Lucas Meyer. The British sere soundly defeated, and General Symons left mortally wounded. The huge Union Jack that had been flying over the British camp was shot to pieces. The roar of rapid firing Mauser rifles, never before experienced by the British troops, unnerved them. The British lost 53 killed and 203 wounded. The Boer commandos escaped on horseback long before the British could rally and counter attack. It was a horrifying portent of what was to come for the British forces.

The next battle took place at Elandslaagte, near Ladysmith on October 21st 1899. A commando of mounted Boers, under the leadership of Commandant Koch, had come into the area against the express orders of General Joubert. Koch’s forces numbered 1,000 men and 3 field guns. The British forces numbered over 3,000 men, including cavalry and 18 field guns. The British took Koch by surprise, and the Boers had to flee. They were cut-off, and the British cavalry, in spite of a white flag of surrender, stormed through the Boer lines, stabbing them with lances and cutting them with saber’s as the Boers tried to surrender. One British officer called it “Excellent pig-sticking.” But a private wrote home saying “It was a terrible thing, we went along sticking our lances through them.” The order had been given before the fight that no prisoners were to be taken, so in spite of crying surrender, the Boers were nonetheless slaughtered. But some were taken prisoner, and the Boer survivors were marched through the streets of Ladysmith past jeering blacks, who called out after them “where is your pass”. (All black people at that time, even today, in South Africa had to carry an identification card, or face arrest.) [This was abolished and replaced with an ID book, which all South Africans, white, black, Indian and colored have to have].

The Boers still believed, that this was a white man’s war, a war among gentlemen. They were to be sadly disillusioned. The next major engagement took place at Dundee. General Joubert had crept up in the night and surrounded the British garrison. The British had just that day received the news of the Koch at Elandslaagte, and were told that the Boers were in total retreat. The commander of the garrison, General White, called for reinforcements, but none came. Far from being in retreat, the Boers were there in strength. Eventually, the British forces were able to escape during a heavy rainstorm one night, a humiliating set-back for what was the pride of the British army. Several British officers and about one thousand men stayed behind to supervise the hospital and tend to the wounded. When the Boers rode into the camp, the leaders were dressed in ordinary working clothes. The British officers were astounded at the casual dress, but surrendered the camp, complete with pitched tents and equipment, to the Boer officers. Donegan, the British commander, had his field glasses and revolver taken, otherwise the Boers treated the prisoners with civility. Altogether the booty was supplies for forty days for five thousand men, equipment, trophies and, most valuable, the code book used by the British.

General Sir Symons had been mortally wounded in an earlier battle, and he died in the hospital. General Erasmus, the Boer commander, asked to be allowed to see the face of the British leader saying that he heard that Symons was a brave man. When he saw the dead man Erasmus said, “It is a pity, this war.” The Boers attended the funeral service and helped with the wounded. They also helped collect the bodies of the British soldiers, which lay on the battlefield. The British lost 28 men, and the men who had remained behind. The wounded were allowed to go to the British encampment in Ladysmith, which the Boers promptly began to lay siege to.

The main force which had fled Dundee in the night, was cause for much bitterness among the war correspondents. A beaten army is never a pretty sight, especially when it is the pride of the nation, and has suffered defeat at the hands of an irregular force which by all accounts was supposed to be inferior. One of the correspondents wrote “What a bitter shame, all ashamed of England. Once more England is the source of laughter to her enemies.” But before this force, consisting of some crack regiments of the British army, could reach the safety of Ladysmith, they were attacked by Boer commandos on horseback. The Boers could hit almost any target while riding at a full gallop. They put the fear of God into the British troops, who broke, their nerve lost. The cavalry, which had speared the helpless Boer prisoners, was routed, and straggled into Ladysmith, “A streaming mass of clubbed and broken cavalry” as one observer put it. It was the last occasion on which cavalry played a role in the war, and it led to the eventual abandonment of cavalry as a fighting unit in the Britsih army.

The news of the reserve, and the possible siege of Ladysmith sent shockwaves coursing through the British public. In England, the voice of Lloyd George was raised in protest at the British actions in South Africa, but in general the Scottish Rite Freemason dominated cabinet of Queen Victoria was determined to destroy the small Boer nation, and General Buller was ordered to South Africa with a mass of men and equipment with orders to vigorously prosecute the war. There is a strange parallel here between what happened in the Boer republics and Vietnam.

Meanwhile back in Ladysmith, British General White hesitated long enough for the Boers to come up and surround the garrison, cutting the telegraph line to Durban, and isolating the British garrison in what would turn out to be a humiliating siege, probably one of the worst chapters in the annals of Brash military history. News of the battles and death of Symons came to Butler en-route to Cape Town; a passing ship held up a sign announcing “Three battles, Boers defeated, Penn Symons killed.” Soldiers on the H.M.S. Dunnottar Castle were shocked; they though the war would be over before they had a chace to fight in! But by the time Butler disembarked in Cape Town and hurried off to see Milner the news of the disaster at Ladysmith and the crushing defeat of the British at Nicholsons Neck came through, but were held back from the public.

Buller found the Freemason leader, an ardent pupil of the communist John Ruskin, in a state of agitated fear. Milner complained that everything was going wrong; he had badly underestimated the Boers. He told Buller that he was “quaking with fear.” Strange words indeed from a man who had started the war. As for the Boers, they did not change their ways or their tactics. They did no training, they did not like to fight on Sundays, preferring to attend church services. The Bible was a book, which was always in one hand, along with a Mauser in the other. Kruger refused to celebrate the victory of his men. He felt, and said that it was a sad thing to see white men killing each other, a lesson we could have, but did not, benefit from in the wars which were to follow. All he said was “God has given us a great victory.”

Of even greater menace to Cecil Rhodes was the fact that Boer commandos were converging upon Kimberley, diamond capital of the world. Rhodes, a man given to shrill condemnation of the Boers in his high falsetto voice, lashed out also at the ineptitude of the Queen’s army. And no wonder, since Kimberley was the cornerstone of his fortune. He held daily consultations with the Jew financier Alfred Beit, one of the prime moves of the rebellion against Paul Kruger’s government, as to what should be done. Instead of getting out of the way, Rhodes rushed off to Kimberley, as though he could do any good there, and proceeded to be a thorn in the side of the British garrison during the ensuing siege. Rhodes kept on sending massages to Milner, and later, when in fact Kimberley was surrounded by the Boer forces, he even threatened to hand over the town to them, unless Milner sent relief forces at once. Thus the true character of the man revealed, a man who on the one hand claimed to be British imperialist, yet who stood ready and prepared to surender to the Boers as a matter of expediency. Those who know only the side of Rhodes around which the scholarship named after him is wrapped, will be shocked to learn more of his true hyena-like character, a subject I shall deal with later.

There were many minor skirmishes, most of which went badly for the British. The towns of Kimberley and Ladysmith were besieged, shutting off several thousand British troops. Altogether an unflattering situation for any army which hitherto had nothing but one victory after another in India and the Sudan. The British were finding out that “Johnny Boer” as they called the Boer soldier was made of sterner stuff than the Indians and the Sudanese. Butler, in the meantime, arrived in Durban, Natal (a British colony) and was waiting for more reinforcements to arrive from England. From the Cape (also a British colony from which Boers trekked rather than suffer under British rule) another British general was preparing to march off to retrieve the squealing Rhodes in Kimberley. Lt. General Lord Methuen had no way in knowing, but it would not be many months before he and the pride of the British army suffered a crushing and utterly devastating defeat.

Lord Methuen was a true aristocrat, and like Buller, he was not altogether happy with the unjust war being waged against a small pastoral nation. He had been caught once expressing such doubts, and it nearly cost him his support in high places, gthe support of men like Lord Landsdwone, the War Minister. Butler too was not altogether happy about the reasons for the war. There is some evidence that he felt very umcomfortable with the role being played by the two Jews, Werhner and Beit, whom he regarded with suspicion. Also, he did not care for the falsetto-voiced Cecil Rhodes. Such ideas then, as now, he realized were best left unsaid. One thing Methuen had quickly learned since his arrival, this was a war in which the enemy was able to make himself nearly invisible. He had read the reports of previous battles in which he British soldiers complained of hardly ever being able to see their targets. “Where are the Boers” was a frequently asked question. This was no parade ground war. Drill work was of no value. Also, the new smoke-less long-range magazine rifles of the Boers, and the Lee Enfield rifles of the Britsih made it a war in which the usual reconnaissance had become obsolete. So often the Boers would ride up behind a hill, dismount, and fire upon the surprised British forces, who were unable to see the khaki-clad Boers taking cover on the boulder strewn slopes of the hill. They then would melt away, mount their ponies and gallop off before the British had a chance to recover. This was unlike any military manual set piece, and the British discovered to their chagrin and their cost, hat the Boers were past-masters at it!

Lord Methuen studies all of these problems before setting out from the Cape to cross the Orange River on his way to relieve the quavering Rhodes in Kimberley. One of the war correspondents who accompanied Methuen’s army was Julian Ralph of the “London daily Mail.” At the crossing point of the Orange River he had ridden out to see firsthand the outcome of a skirmish between a British scouting party and the nearly invisible Boers. What he found did not please him. The first sight of blood or a bullet hole in a man is always a shock. The Boers had just surprised a British scouting party under Colonel George Gough’s command. A train had been sent out to bring the mauled British back across the river. Ralph saw six dead soldiers, four of them officers. “The Boers will not play the game fairly,” a fellow-officer said. Ralph looking at the gleaming insignias on the officer’s uniform was not surprised. By now the Boers had a reputation for deadly marksmanship, and shining insignias were no doubt a target too good to be missed. It was no small wonder that so many officers were casualties, usually in the opening minutes of the battles. The Boers had become strategists, their order were “picked-off the officers first.” Methuen issued orders that henceforth buttons and insignias were to be blacked out before any action.

The immediate result of the loss of Gough’s scouting party was more quaking fear from Milner, and even more falsetto bleating form Rhodes. Neither of the two great imperialists, the ardent admirers of Ruskin the old school communist, could understand how it was, that the pride of the British was suffering daily humiliation at the hands of a “backward” nation they despised so much for its religious and racial beliefs, and for its love of the land. The main problem facing Methuen was “where were the Boers.” With the Mauser long range, scouting in flat open country around the Orange River was impossible, So Methuen had to rely on reports brought in by blacks, unreliable at best, and sometimes pure invention.

In addition Methuen lacked the needed transport animals, so supplies had to be brought up from the Cape on the vulnerable single railway line. Thus Methuen had to go straight in the direction of Kimberley, following the railway line. Surprise was out of the question, it would have to be British luck which would see them through. On the evening of November 21st 1899, Methuen’s army started to roll over the Orange River towards Kimberley in a three-mile long column, and reached the north bank without incident. The march continued with skirmishes at Belmont and Grasping. The casualties sickened Methuen. He lost 297 men killed and wounded, while the Free State Boers lost 130 men. Methuen hated war, and he wrote to his wife to say so, “People congratulate me, and look upon me as their father, but I detest war, the more I see of it. I have already buried 13 officers and men. There is a poor fellow outside my tent, groaning and moaning, shot through the chest; he is at last silent, perhaps God has released him.” The pride of the British Army, the Grenadiers lost 136 men killed and wounded at Belmont.

Poor mobility and weak intelligence was the prime cause of the British losses. Fine uniforms, discipline, and plenty of food could not make up for it. By contrast the Boer forces were showing signs of wear. At supply. They had to fight in the same clothes. Some of them were even bare-footed. Yet what they lacked in military equipment was made up by their fighting spirit, their love of the land, their belief that they were fighting for their existence as a nation. Even the very young and they very olf did not waver. It is a remarkable story of human fortitude and courage in the face of overwhelming odds.

At Belmont, things had gone badly for the British. The Boers, although outnumbered four to one, held good cover among the rocks and boulders of the small hills which dot the area. Once again, they were almost invisible. Their deadly accurate rifle fire was a horror not previously faced by the British troops. The short, sharp engagement put the three defensive hills in the hands of the British, but when they crested the slopes, they saw, what the British troops at Talan had seen before them; the mounted Boers melting away in the distance.

On the night of November 27th 1899, Methuen paused to take stock of his position. He did not know it, but one of the most decisive battles of the war was about to begin, one which would stun the British Empire and cause dismay and fear in the hearts of Rhodes and Milner.

The Boers had a secret weapon; the spade. Up until this war, the spade had not played a role in modern warfare. But at this point in history, it was used with remarkable success by the “stupid peasants” as Lord Milner described the Boers, to telling effect. On Saturday, December 8 1899, General Wauchope of the Highland Brigade detailed the plan of attack to his superior officer, Lord Methuen. The British had brought up crates of champagne with which to celebrate the upcoming victory. Incidentally, the champagne was a gift from Lord Rothschild, the Jewish banker, who was heavily involved in financing the war (and reaping huge profits) and who stood to gain the goldfields in the British won. Wauchope’s plan called for a night march, followed by a dawn attack.

But the British were not sure of where the main Boer forces were positioned. Using the spade, they had dug false fortifications on top of the ridge of hills, where the British could see it. They also sent Boer horsemen up along sky-line just long enough to be seen by Methuen’s forces. A short sharp engagement was the way Wauchope saw it, if Kimberley was to be revealed, and the shrill falsetto of Cecil Rhodes’ and thousand black miners, inside Kimberley, much to his rage and chagrin, at finding himself in a position subordinate to the Boers, whom he despised and destested as inferiors.

Wauchope fell for the Boer trick. He told his commander that the main Boer position was on top of Magersfontein Hill. The three crack Scottish regiments, Black Watch, Seaforth Highlanders and Argyles, were to storm the hill at dawn. At 3 p.m. three thousand of Britain’s finest moved out of their base camp towards the Magersfontein Hill, six miles away. The African heat was fierce, and as had often happened, several of the troops collapsed from heat and sun-stroke. Behind the troops came the Britisg artillery, five batteries in all. The Highlanders had covered their bright buttons with tartan and khaki. As is common in Africa, the weather changed, and a sleety rain began to fall. The soldiers carried no coats so they got soaked. About three miles from the Magersfontein Hill, a halt was called. And camp made for the night, with no shelter of any kind. Wauchope rode back to give final briefing to Lord Methuen, who decided to hold back the Guards and 9th Brigade as reserves.

Meanwhile the British artillery began the biggest bombardment up to that time, against what they thought was the Boer positions on top of Magersfontein Hill. For the rest of the afternoon, the dust and red dirt thrown up by the exploding shells from the British artillery, filled the sky. Later Methuen admitted that the only thing the shelling did, was warn the Boer forces his impending attack. With the coming of night, the winds turned icy; no one who has not slept out on the African veldt at night, without cover, can imagine how cold it gets. The men were under order not to make fires, they lay down to sleep in wet clothes, having eaten cold food. At midnight a strong wind sprang up, and the sky rumbled and reverberated with rolling thunder from a storm.

Wauchope compressed his men, who were woken up at midnight, into a column 45 yards wide, 30 companies, 90 files, all according to British parade ground drill. The column was about 180 yards long, joined together with knotted ropes, so that they would not lose contact in the darkness of the pitch-black moonless night. The march was led by Major Benson, with the aid of a compass, a really tricky procedure to be followed by disaster. Wauchope had done night marches in the Sudan, over sand, clear of obstacles, the night sky brilliant. This was different. The terrain over which the soldiers had to pass was strewn with boulders, holes, defiles and thorn bushes, difficult enough in daylight, but now, a nightmare. The howling wind, blue-white flashes of lightning and rolling thunder made the scene one out of Shakespeare set; only this was reality. As the sky began to brighten a bot near morning, the column was almost at the exact spot chosen by Lord Methuen, a tribute to the skill of Benson.

The column halted, Benson telling Wauchope this was as far his men could go. The Boers were about to spring the trap. Wauchope figured that his men, having been in darkness for so long, would be able to see better than the Boer riflemen, so he decided to storm the ridge at once. The order was given to fix bayonets. What Wauchope and Methuen did not know was that under cover of darkness, for at least a week before, the Boers had dug a line of trenches and fortifications, at the base of Magersfontein, extending around the only way through, right up to the banks of the Modder River. They had dug in deep and well, using thorn bushes to completely conceal their positions. The secret weapon, the spade, was about to pay off! The Boers, under the leadership of Generals De la Rey and Cronje, waited in their trenches as the leading columns of companies A and B appraoched them, then when they saw the flicker of bayonets, at four hundred yards, the Boers opened fire. A sheet of flame seemed to erupt from under their feet, one soldier stated later. A sergeant of the Argyles said “It was as if a great roaring opened up and it was like a dam bursting its walls.” The Boers poured into the serried ranks, confusion reigned, orders and counter order flew as thick as the bullets. The soldiers broke and ran, trampling on each other in panic. The deadly fire mowed them down, so that they were forced to fall on their faces and lie there. Any movement brought a Mauser bullet, the Boers were deadly marksmen, and they are proving it now. A hand reached for a canteen of water, and they soldier was instantly killed.

Four hours the Highlanders were pinned down, and as the sun began to strengthen, they suffered from heat, staggered up, only to be immediately shot down. The pride of the British army, the Guards, and the Highlanders, the apple of the eye of Queen Victoria, mightiest monarch on earth, had been thrashed and humiliated by the despised Boers. Lord Methuen, stunned by the savage defeat, sat under the shade of a tree all day long, as if unable to move. Unlike the Boers’ leaders, De La Rey, and Cronje he took no part in the fighting. Finally the British artillery was able to get a bearing and began to pound the Boer lines. Some soldiers, who had lain prone in the burning heat for 9 hours, had the skin from the back of their legs scorched off below their kilts. Eventually they could stand no more. First a few, then many, then a rush took place as the Highlanders fled back in panic. One officer described the scene thus: “I saw a sight I never hope to see again: men of the Highland divisions running for all their worth, others cowering under bushes, some behind the guns (artillery), with officers running around, revolvers in hands, threatening to shoot them, others kicking the men. Wauchope was found dead, along with 902 British troops. The Boers lost 216 men.

This battle, one of the most significant in the annals in modern warfare, has been swept under the rug. What should be remembered is that the Boers were only civil militiamen, comparable to men who fought in the American Revolution. Yet they were able to defeat in a resounding manner, the cream of the finest army in the world, even though outnumbered ten to one.

Their secret was their deep abiding faith in the Bible, and their love of the land. They were in short, not able to be corrupted and seduced by international Jewry. Sad to say, the same does not hold true of present day leaders in South Africa. The young Afrikaner businessman has been led astray by the machinations of Jewry, and today, the leadership lacks the old deep-rooted faith in the Bible, and the love of the land. The present leadership of South Africa is not fit to stand in the same room with the Boers of 1899.

After Lord Methuen’s shattering defeat which shocked the British Empire (by then there were Canadians and Australians serving with the British forces) a new spirit of ruthlessness seized the leaders of the conspiracy. Lord Milner at the Cape advocated harsher methods, as did Cecil Rhodes. In a very short while, the Boers inflicted further disasters upon the British forces in Natal, where the British, led by General Buller, although outnumbering the Boers as much as 10 to 1, were soundly thrashed on several battlefields. Altogether it was a stunning and astonishing spectacle, the mightiest army, fully equipped with the most modern weapons, beaten and disgraced upon the fields of battle. Not by a regular trained army, but by a scratch force of men, looked down upon by Rhodes, and despised by Milner, poorly equipped, and with little or military experience. At Frere, and the Tugela River, the British were repulsed with heavy loss of life. General Louis Botha, the Boer commandant, proved to be more than a match for the Sandhurst-trained officers of Queen Victoria’s army.

Yet the Boers were dismayed by the slaughter. The Boers were heard to remark that it was a shame that white men should be fighting each other. That indeed was the tragedy of the Boer War, which was to be repeated on a vast scale in World War I and II. We Christians never seem to learn from our mistakes. In spite of winning on the battlefield, the Boers took no comfort on the losses of the British. In the meantime, the real enemy, Werhner and Beit, Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner kept well out of sight.

Space does not permit me to go into the many battles that were fought. But the Boers proved to be more than a match for the British forces, which in 1900, numbered 400,000 men.

One of those major battles was fought at Tugela River, near Ladysmith. Here the biggest British army to march into battle since Alma, fifty years earlier, saw action against General Botha and his rag-tag citizens’ army. Sixteen battalions of infantry, cavalry and heavy guns started out toward the Boer position. It was a David and Goliath affair, but the fearless Botha held his ground against the Irish Fusiliers, the Connaught Rangers and some of Britain’s finest regiments. The outcome stunned the British public, by now somewhat accustomed to shocks from South Africa. General Buller’s army was defeated by the Boers. A general retreat even turned to a rout. It was a great day and a great victory for the Boers. It also cost Buller his job; he was relieved from command and sent home. His successor was Lord Roberts.

Prime Minister Balfour chose Roberts, who was a court friend, although not liked by Queen Victoria. No sooner had Roberts arrived in South Africa than he was persuaded to adopt a code of war against the Boer civilian population, the first official such action recorded. Where the British army and the foreigners who flooded the Transvaal had failed to change the ways of the Boers, Roberts thought he would do so by a direct assault on the Boer family unit. Immediate plans were laid by the High Command to implement a scorched earth policy, destroy crops and cattle, burn down the homesteads, and put the women and children in concentration camps. Hitler has often been accused of being the man who started civilian concentration camps. The truth is, the dubious distinction belongs to the British, who at the urging of Milner and Rhodes, saw it as a way to bring the Boers to heel. It was dirty war at its worst.

The Boer housewife was [particularly hated by Milner and Rhodes. She was the rock of the family; she did all of the domestic work. Even President Kruger’s wife milked the cows. The Boer women kept the farm going and the family together while the men were away fighting the war. In the end, they even did the plowing and sowing of seeds. Yet another British general was ordered to South Africa, Kitchener of Khartoum. His aid was Douglas Haig. Together these men went to work in earnest. Boer farms were destroyed and cattle killed. Women and children were herded into camps, without any proper sanitation, or shelter, other than the ordinary bell tent. It was a scene set for disaster, which was not long in coming. When the Boer women, left standing on the open veldt, their homes burning in the background, were asked about the war by British soldiers, they said they would never give up fighting, no matter how long it took. One of the British officers assigned to the dirty war wrote home as follows:

“The worst moment is when you first come to the house. The people thought we had come for refreshments, one woman went to get milk. Then we had to tell them that we had to burn the place down. I simply don’t know which way to look …..I gave the inmates, three women and some children, ten minutes to clear their clothes and things out of the house, and my men fetched bundles of straw and we proceeded to burn it down. The old grandmother was very angry. Most of them were too miserable to curse. The women cried and the children stood by holding on to them, looking at the house with large frightened eyes. They won’t forget that sight, I’ll bet a sovereign, not even when they grow up. We rode away and left them standing, a forlorn little group among their household goods beds, furniture and grim-cracks, strewn about the veldt; the crackling of the fire in their ears, and the smoke and flames streaming overhead.”

Thus did the British High Command demean it-self. Later the same tactics were to be used against the civilian population of Germany on a hitherto undreamed of scale, like in Dresden, when 125,000 German women and children and old men fell victim to Churchill’s murderous firebombing in one hellish night. This was how art was shaped not by the Germans, but by the most civilized nation on earth, the British, and they did it to women and children, their own kind, Christian people, so that the Jews who ran Queen Victoria, and those who had infested South Africa could take control of the largest gold mines in the world. They knew no bounds of indecency, those blinded people, under the direction of the Jews. The Boer women and children suffered indescribable hardships in the primitive camps set up to “house” them. In the end, out of the 116,572 Boers in concentration camps, some 25,000 perished from malnutrition, dysentery and exposure, as well as a variety of other diseases. It is one of the most terrible blots on the history of a civilized Christian country, and it shows one just how far we can be lead astray, when our governments sell themselves to international Jewry.

Plainly the Boer War was fought because the international Jewish agitators who flocked to the Transvaal overrun the Boers by sheer weight of numbers, gain “voting rights” and then relegate the Boers to the background without power, once they, the Jews, gained control. But the Boers would have none of it, and rather than bow to Jewish pressure and see themselves inundated with – in a short period by a horde of alien Orientals, who had no love for the land, and who worshipped pagan Babylonian gods, the Boers decided to fight. Would that we in this country today would show some of that spirit! The Boers set a precedent we ought all to study, and it rocked the conspirators back on their heels and shook their foundations. The brave Boers set back Jewish plans in a very real way that frightened Rhodes and Milner, and panicked the secret Jew leaders. And when that happens, the Jew always resorts to barbaric cruelty. History is replete with examples. The Spanish “Civil” War demonstrated that as clearly as any war has ever done. Now the fury of the Jew-controlled British was unleashed on the Boer women and children.

Hatred of any nation which oppose their plans for world domination always follows in the wake of a Jewish victory. Following World War One, the Jewish hordes which flocked to Versailles drew up a treaty which is noted, even today, for its utter savagery and willful misconduct towards the German people. No wonder Herbert Hoover had grave misgivings about it. Our people should have learned from the savage vengeance wreaked upon the Boer women and children by the “British” Jews. But they did not. The savage conduct which they displayed in South Africa, was put into effect against a defeated Germany. I cannot go into the provisions of this infamous document, but it frightened some of the Allies. Only Wilson, the supreme servant of his advisor, “Colonel House” (real name, Mandel Huis, a Dutch Jew) thought it was “fair” as did so many offensive Jewish ideas. The Treaty of Versailles subsequently embodied many lessons the Jews had learned from their war in South Africa, and ties with their “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

The British General who was ordered to carry out this devilish scheme was none other than Lord Roberts, a legend in the annals of British military history. Even he found time to praise the Boers, speaking in the most glowing terms of the exploits of General De Wet, and later almost getting into hot water because of it. There is no doubt that the Boer General De Wet was more than a match for the British. A British officer, Captain Seele, captured by De Wet’s men was immediately impressed by the modesty and fighting qualities of De Wet. He described De Wet as a “wonderful man.” In one battle, defeat was handed to 40,000 British soldiers by 2500 men under direct command of De Wet, an astonishing feat when it is remembered that the British had the superiority not only in numbers, but in firepower also. It was the love of the land, and a deeply ingrained sense of faith in God which carried the Boers, De Wet later explained. Many of the British officers had no desire to fight the Boers for whom they had nothing but admiration and this too, reflected in the outcome of many a battle. The British soldier ordered by Lord Roberts to make war on Boer women and children simply detested the task. This was not lost on the generation of psychologists who followed, and a result, the attack on German civilians in the Second World War, was carried out from the air, so that the effect would be less distressing for those who were forced to do the dirty deed. This lesson was not lost on “correspondent” Winston Churchill, who later put it to good use in his war of attrition against Germany.

The Boer forces were now widely scattered. Lord Roberts thought they were demoralized by the cowardly attacks on their women folk and children, and the destruction of their farms. He sent a cable to British Prime Minister, Landsdowne, in which he predicted that his brutal policies against the civil population would bring the war to a speedy close. He sent the Queen a similar telegram. Roberts failed to reckon with the determination of the Boers, and the love of their land, newly savaged and destroyed. The Boer Generals decided to carry on the fight using only guerilla tactics from that day on. The Boers were past-masters of guerilla fighting, and from that day on, there were no more set battles with the British.

Lord Roberts sent 3 columns against the Boers under Lord Kitchener, Lord Methuen and Smith Darrien. An attempt was made to corral the Boers against the mountains in a wide net, drawing it ever tighter. But no matter how hard they tried, the Boers under De Wet and Steyn (President of the Orange Free State), always eluded capture. The Boer forces in the field suffered terrible privations. Their families were scattered throughout concentration camps, they themselves were short of food and ammunition. Many of them had no great coats or winter clothing, some were even without boots. The cold frosty nights of the South African winter was a test of endurance. Somehow they were able to survive, and notwithstanding the boast of Lord Roberts, they were able to prolong the war for another two years, inflicting one humiliation upon another on the British, who were quite unable to cope with this new style of warfare.

Queen Victoria was thoroughly alarmed at the deaths at the news about the deaths of Boer women and children, who due to the unsanitary camp conditions and lack of food, were dying in ever-increasing numbers. She also blamed the detention policy on Lady Roberts, who had accompanied her husband to South Africa against the wishes of the Queen. Like so many of her kind, Flora Roberts hated the patriotism of the Boers and she looked down on them in a manner which the Southern population of the U.S. would well have understood. Flora Roberts was violently hostile to the Boer women, and she made no secret of her satisfaction that so many of them

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