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(All Bible texts copied from the King James Version)
Foreword by the publisher
The righteous minority
We are a divided nation
Beginning of the sorrows
The Peace Treaty
Victory of the Light
America’s night of sorrows
South Africa
Independence of South Africa
A Miracle
Call to the Nation
Book Announcement
English War: first victims
“Regarding bloodshed, England stands ahead of the line. The British Empire was built with the Bible in one hand and sword in the other – violence coupled with hypocrisy. However, it will have to pay the price itself, for – the judgement of the nation is conducted by the nation itself.
“When England’s real sorrows begin, even its enemies and those who were oppressed by it, will hesitantly and anxiously ask why its judgement must be so much heavier than that of any other nation.” (The Messenger to Johanna Brandt in 1916 regarding England’s final lot).
We read in Deuteronomy 19:15 and Matthew 18:16 that “… on the statement or out of the mouth of two or more witnesses a matter will be in force…” in other words, when two people are in agreement about a matter, then it is acceptable beyond doubt. Thus even a suspected felon can receive the death sentence following evidence given by only two witnesses. (Deut. 17.6) And in Matt. 26:61 we read about two “false” witnesses who appeared before the Jewish Council to testify against the Messiah to ensure that He would die on the cross.
Therefore it is necessary that we, while reading Johanna Brandt’s political pamphlet, The Crucible, that appeared in 1918, as well as several prophetic utterances regarding the future time of oppression for the whites in South Africa, will also take note of Seer van Rensburg’s visions in this regard.
Although they acted as prophets over the Boer nation during more or less the same time, they did not know each other, and probably also did not know about each other’s visions or prophecies. We say “probably”, for nowhere in her writings regarding the subject did Johanna Brandt refer to him, or make mention of his predictions, and in the same vein there is nothing in Seer’s collective visions that were written down by his daughter, Anna, referring to Johanna Brandt. During that time Mrs Brandt was Lady of the Manse in Pretoria, while Seer was working on his farm, Rietkuil, about 320 km west of Pretoria. He was 52 years old at the time while she was in her late 30’s. The parallel between their visions are so remarkable that one sometimes got the feeling that they were speaking from one mouth.
To show these parallels in a more easy way to the reader, we have placed the visions of Seer van Rensburg that agree with those of Johanna Brandt in footnotes. In broad terms their prophecies only differ only regarding presentation, while the contents carry the same message. Thus, for example, both predicted that a bloody war, great disasters, pestilences and misery lie far in the future for South Africa. This would start with a series of strikes here and a war in Europe or the Middle East. Great natural disasters will also occur worldwide. In both their visions there are detailed descriptions of the judgements that will het England at this time and which will lead to its final ruin; America will lose its respect and power as Western leader, and when this last great war is over, Germany will become the new world ruler and partner of the Third Boer Republic. “South Africa will then not only become the most heaven-favoured nation in the world, but also bring ultimate blessings to the rest of the civilised world….” They said.
In conclusion both also predicted that we would experience the return of the Messiah not long after these events, and that it would happen here in South Africa…
(In the text of this pamphlet Johanna Brandt often makes use of information that was given to her by the Angelic Messenger, and which she then paraphrases this into her own words for clarity.
Early during December 1916 an Angelic Messenger visited Mrs Johanna Brandt at the bedside of her dying mother with an ominous prophecy about the catastrophes and sufferings awaiting the citizens of South Africa – in other words white an d black, and which would be fulfilled when a bloody war rages in Europe and the Middle East. She was also ordered by the Angel to not only warn her compatriots, but also every black tribe in South Africa; every labourer, every housemaid, that when the first stirrings of God’s divine judgement begin to happen, “…they, (the blacks) must under no circumstances interfere. They must know that it is Hand of the Lord going across South Africa, and that heavy judgement will befall them if they even think of gaining advantage as a result of the general confusion that will befall the country. Woe betide the natives if they consider murdering, plundering and raping, when the Hand of the Judge goes over the whites!”
Yet Part of the whites’ tribulations, sorry condition and suffering is exactly as a result of the blacks’ uprising and thirst for revenge. But in 1918 she writes that the Angel also reassured her that: “The Bantu-danger can also be prevented through perseverance and loyalty in this matter…”
She goes further to say that this is also the reason why she first published this pamphlet in English, Sesotho. Isi-Zulu and isiXhosa, and that the Afrikaans version would only be published a month later. According to the Messenger, the terrors that would strike South Africa could not be avoided in any manner, for just as during the time of Israel, the nation would not listen to her prophetic warning. For that reason no earthly security could be promised, but for those whose spirit had been cleansed, “their days of oppression would be shortened. For the consuming fire is the direct result of sin , unavoidable, and can only be extinguished through righteousness.
“South Africa is a pearl in the eyes of the Lord.
The first great wonder of the new Century of Mystical Revelation of the New Era will occur.
Through South Africa the world will be compelled to believe that the Coming of the Saviour is at hand.
“The whole world is full of His Forerunners. There is no country or nation where no preparations are being made for His Appearance, but all His Forerunners are being persecuted (and alas, alas, especially through the Church). Jeering and derision, as well as bitter hatred will also be your portion if you wish to become a fellow-worker in this task of preparation…
“The experience in Pretoria (the visit by the Messenger) was but the start of much bigger things you and I will experience when He comes from the Father to freely announce ourselves.
The unforgettable day of 7 December 1916 was full of promise for the future of South Africa – rich in prophetic meaning – unbearably great in glory…”
Right from start there was massive opposition against the publication of her prophetic message to the nation. In July 1918 she wrote: “Already in February (1918) my Afrikaans manuscript was ready for the press, but then the troubles began. I could find no publisher for it, and I was compelled (without experience or funds) to publish it myself. The problems with publishers and printers and money matters, through which I was compelled to take everything into my own hands, made me independent from the political and capitalistic press. Now I had no go-between people to reach the nation, and I was directly in contact with my people, “For all the newspapers in South Africa – Unionist, SAP and Nationalist – took me on, mocked and reviled me.
“Therefore I willingly offer my head for the storm of insinuation, more so because I, totally prepared, knew that the most difficult time for me would be between the appearance of my warning Message, and the first fulfilment of the prophecy contained therein….”
Above all the salvation of her nation lay closest to her heart. She explained it thus: “A few weeks ago on a cold winter night we were under the star-strewn sky that can be so sparklingly beautiful in South Africa, when someone, under our calls of wonder, made a remark that struck me: ‘And yet,’ he said, ‘and yet just one immortal soul is worth more than our solar system, worth even more than the whole of Creation.”
However, beyond all this wonder and mercy she saw the ominous judgement that was approaching:
“It is dusk in South Africa! The dark night is creeping up on us from all sides – the night of revenge that has already descended over Europe – and during the coming battle we will have to don the armour of Righteousness. Without fear, without panic we must approach the night, each one at his post where he has been placed by God. The people in Europe, England and America must read these prophecies, while they are being fulfilled in South Africa.”
“This is the meaning of the word (prophecy) that South Africa will be blessed and throughout South Africa and the whole world….”
IN 1914 Seer said it is so dark that he cannot see his horse’s mane, but in the future it will be so dark that you cannot see your hand before your eyes,
Shortly before his death, the Seer described the citizens of the future Third Republic of South Africa as the most blessed nation on earth.
(In all languages and generations)
And Jesus said to them: Luke 12:52-53 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
In the world crucible in which we find ourselves at present, and this before a political turnabout in our own country, that cannot be stopped any longer, with this publication we want to attempt presenting a compact, but reliable summary of facts in connection with developments in the land and world, as well as the expected events that can follow up here. They may be things that are not so well-known among our people in faraway areas. However, the city dwellers in the urban areas, who are privileged to follow events from abroad and also read the newspapers, it is not so essential, but so many questions from the outer districts reach us regularly, we found it necessary to meet with our correspondents with the publication of this pamphlet in which we hope to reply to many of the questions.
Considering everything that is dark and inexplicable to us, the general division of the Afrikaner nation hits us in the first place.
Literally, and in a more terrifying measure than people realise, we now live in the era of division, very much like it was predicted by Jesus Christ almost two thousand years ago.
When Dr, Servaas Rossouw, a minister from Swellendam, visited Nicolaas van Rensburg at his home, Rietkuil, in 1920, spending the afternoon sat eating at the table, the old Boer prophet told him: “I see a divided nation … and there is a terrible chasm dividing the nation amongst each other…”
We see this among the nations, in churches, governments, organisations, as well as households – that spirit of discord among own flesh and blood. Seen on the surface, it is the weapon of Satan himself, and wherever we find it, we can rest assured the it is the sneaking representatives from the kingdom of darkness that is at work. White peace is being called for, we must realise that forward it will only get worse. Division, fighting, unfaithfulness, betrayal – all words that have more or less the same meaning. And if HE predicted it, who among us is going to prevent it?
For someone who – being impartial – stands outside an issue, sometimes finds it difficult to determine which one of the two parties is right and has justice on their side. But now bitter experience has taught us that it is usually the “minority” that stands for justice; in other words the minority in money, position, influence, honour or authority, is not always the minority in numbers. It is the ugly, simple national masses with an enlightened soul here and there, who is prepared to take the lead, and who – without exception – stands for justice; it is they who give up their worldly advantages for their ideals. Perhaps that is where the well-known adage: “voice of the people is the voice of God” comes from.
Thus the unattractive minority are the representatives of the kingdom of LIGHT, and their way is paved with thorns; their share is the scorn and persecution of the world, while welfare and honour are laid away for the powerful majority, the rulers of the nation.
Only too often we see that they are the oppressors – instead of being the protectors of their people, and if we take a good look at it, is this the real cause for the celebration of unfairness due to the fact that power is in the wrong hands.
The question now is – do they oppress the nation because they rule, or do they rule because the nation must be oppressed. Do these things happen by chance; was it always like this, and will it always remain the same? As far as we could determine it has always been this way, and the life and death of the “Saviour” – instead of conditions improving, we have exacerbated our lot a thousand times worse. What must we think of it? We don’t even have to go back a hundred years to confirm it.
Just think about the unscrupulous invasion of two peaceful Republics twenty years ago, and the unbelievable victory over the tyrants! Although we could not fully realise it at the time, division among our own ranks was the main reason for our downfall – a division that had been cultivated by the sly enemy.
Think of the failed Rebellion of 1914. Does not the word “rebellion” stand for “division?” Was it not the uprising of the oppressed, unattractive minority against the hurtful injustice of the power-hungry majority? Let us go even further – was it not the rulers who led and inflamed the Rebellion to destroy the minority for once and for all? And was there ever a greater injustice, a more devastating disappointment than the end of that inflamed Rebellion? Was there ever a holier, a more justifiable case as that if the rebels who rebelled against the criminal intrusion of the colonies of a well-meaning domain? And yet the matter had to be shipwrecked; yet the leaders of freedom and righteousness were compelled to drink the cup of humiliation to the dregs!
However, how is that comparable to later developments when the European killing fields were soaked with the blood of Afrikaners to support England? What about the shattering end to that conflict?
In human terms, South Africa is now lost to us. The bond between the super-rich America and the mighty British Kingdom forms an unconquerable alliance that will safely and securely rule the world for the next HUNDRED YEARS. Might and wrongdoing, violence and greed have – just like in the past – once again gained the victory. In our time we have never seen that JUSTICE has come to be just that – JUSTICE – and now, with the victory of the Allies, Seer says: “With Genl. Manie Maritz and the surrender of the Rebels after the battle of Upington in 1915, those that were not dead were taken prisoner and returned to the Transvaal by train. The officers were sent to the Fort in Johannesburg and our burghers to the Kimberley compound where we were kept under horrendous conditions”.
Our last hope for freedom is doomed. Our trust that our existence as independent nation, under our own national flag, has been shocked forever.
We will now become hewers of wood and bearers of water. Our children will become impoverished and scorned; they will be strangers, aliens in their own country; they will serve the conqueror.
We, the minority, placed our hope for freedom on the military might of Wilhelm, Kaiser of Germany, but now we stand with him, ashamed and shattered.
In human terms we are with him, apparently lost for always. But hope remains that we (Germany and South Africa) will one day support each other again, for the Spark of Freedom slumbering in the heart of every person has inflamed us in the hope of rescue that would arrive through the European war, but is – for the time being – doused again as a result of the enemy’s violent sinning, rich in gold, rich in human life and rich in cunning. Yes, as a nation we are lost. Under the hostility of the enemy we will see our outstanding country become more alienated from our generation, for the intruder is strong, a nation of deceit and…
The world’s welfare of the Church of Christ is growing ever larger under the rule of Constantine’s followers of the throne. Christianity has shot deep roots in the hearts of the heathen; the Christian Church is well-established as state religion, and heathendom has gone down in the West, so it is believed. And now we find the external and ceremonies of the idol worship in hidden and in more civilised form in the Church; the worship of holy relics; the calling to martyrs and apostles as saints have permeated the Christian faith; we find superstition and ignorance where once upon a time the pure doctrine of the gospel had been announced. Images of apostles and martyrs can be seen in churches and homes and which are worshipped. The coffers of the church are filled to the brim and the world believes that inside church and convent/abbey walls the welfare of the congregation and state are being managed. Yet we feel very deceived, for the thought that plagues us and we fear the most is that the deepest evil is the greatest evil is sitting in the heart of our fortress; yes, the persecutor is bone of our bone, flesh of our flesh.
We are not only divided politically, but in the world of religion the same spirit of hatred, dissention and intolerance also rules among us. One church persecutes the other and all the churches persecute the sects; the cause being the very misunderstandings, the deadliness and pathetic lack of true spirituality in the churches of our time. Ministers persecute their congregation members and church councillors persecute each other, so that no single religious body lives in peace any longer.
Just look ahead. As a nation we are degenerating – the longer, the more degeneration. The grossest immorality will rule among our young generation, and in this area the so-called Defence Force will be the greatest curse we have ever had. Who will be responsible for this? Is it not all copying of the morals and uses of the Kingdom that we are so unwillingly a part thereof?
In many Dutch Reformed Churches throughout the country there are relics and statues of Mary to be found, as well as other objects in the Roman Catholic Church, e.g. Candles and icons of so-called saints.
What about the urgent materials or out time? Why are we so dirt-poor? The high prices? The scarcity of everyday needs in a country flowing with milk and honey? Why is it, when we are being so heavily afflicted by drought, ships loaded with tons of food are being transported out of the country? And is the nation too afraid or powerless to bring an end to all this? Let us look at some of the questions reaching us from all over:
Land of the past
You may not kill
IN order to gain a better understanding from our country’s circumstances, it will be a good thing to compare certain facts from the history of other countries to compare them with those of South Africa.
And the first thing that occurs to us with this examination is that there is a certain measurement of righteousness for all nations, after which they will be judged early or late. The measurement is the means in the way they go to work to promote their own interests, the means which they use to grow great and strong.
When we then come to the realisation that there has never been in the history of the world a nation that has never used violence, and the oppression and exploitation of smaller nations to grow into a mighty kingdom, then we clearly understand immediately why one kingdom after another has fallen. We have never seen a lasting greatness, because they have always been warmongers and shedders of blood.
However, when during this time we now speak of corrupt Governments and unfair majorities, we always have to make an exception, and that is…
HOLLAND, for during our time there is still a God-fearing government over that small nation, and cannot be compared with any other king.
During the coming judgement of the world it will be no different – the nations that were guilty of the most bloodshed to promote and build their own greatness, will suffer most, or disappear altogether. On Pg. 109 of my book, THE MILLENIUM, there is a description of the European war as a battle, not between earthly nations, but between the powers of Light and Darkness.
Johanna Brandt refers here to Holland as it was at the beginning of the 20th Century, the years between 1900 and 1918. Where Light had the upper hand, suffering would be least, and the countries shown were Holland, Germany, Switzerland and the Scandinavian lands – Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
In our own part of the world it was South Africa, and there is no doubt that South Africa stood out head and shoulders over the other countries. In fact, it would also be the last battle between good and evil, and only the above-named countries will triumph. The European conflict will spread across the length and breadth of the earth until it becomes a world war. All nations will become involved. The long and bloody struggle that will follow is the purification process as preparation for the Return of Christ.
The rest of Europe will then still be buried under die deepest darkness. Blood, and more blood will flow for the sake of God and international freedom. However, what is gained by the sword will always be taken by the sword again. The church will serve as judge and the state will be its executioner.
During that time materialistic lectures will be distributed in which the Christian faith will be exposed to public contempt as a huge fable, a monstrous fraud; and they will write: “…there is no God, no eternity, and no immortal soul. Creation was a natural phenomenon; and the mind the greatest gift of humanity through which he can look after himself and gets the best out of life”. And through humanity’s justified hatred towards the corruption of the church, it does everything in its power to destroy religion and break the power of the spirituals.
They truly believe that a nation without religion is far better off than a nation that is being oppressed and it is under the reign of something so inhuman, as evil as the Christian Church.
Only once you grasp it will you understand why these Allies will be punished so heavily and for such a long time.
Seer also predicted this and said it would escalate and eventually run into the last Great World War.
He further said that as streams of water run through among clumps of grass after a heavy rainstorm, blood will run in the same manner in Eastern Europe.
If only each and every one of us would do our duty in the position that God has placed us, then poverty and suffering would never have existed in the world.
However, history teaches us that division in the church and company originated because there were always sects and parties that had separated themselves from the original body.
In this the Church of Rome was the guilty party and even the cause of the Protestant Church, for Martin Luther did not want to separate from his church, but was forcibly thrown out, And the same will happen in our Church. People who are leaving the Churches due to the deadly and reprehensible hypocrisy found therein, are in most cases the moral heroes of our century.
A hundred years ago they would have died under the instruments of torture or burned to death on the stake. But now they are being persecuted in a more refined manner, and when we think of the torture they endure on a daily basis – the derision, contempt – when we think of what they sacrificed, how their narrow bonds of friendship and relationship have been broken, then we have to admit that they stand higher than those who live in comfort and luxury, and of who is said: Rev. 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
Everywhere we will see that groups are being established to counteract these chilly conditions in the Church; people will abandon the newly-paved roads, searching for the true MESSAGE. However, they have been rocked to sleep through false security from the Churches, and they won’t realise that the end is at hand.
The suspicions by orthodox Christians against all that is new in the Church is not unfounded, for the spiritual awakening that will take place, goes hand-in-hand with the reincarnation of satanic magic to scare the upright seeker of Truth and confuse him.
For this reason the Messenger’s visit to me on 7th December, to warn is against this.
For example, take the Bantu question.
What has the Bantu learned from you? What is the influence he took into himself from in your house?
Did the Bantu learn morality from you?
Did you teach him how his natural passions could be awakened through strong liquor – and then the drives of his untamed nature can be cultivated beyond all control? Have you ever shown him your responsibility by showing him an example of moral living?
If there are criminals amongst them who were planning arson (as in 1915 when arson was occurring all over the country), then let them first consider it well, for South Africa will be like a magazine needing just that one spark to burn it down from one end of the country to the other. The Dutch-Afrikaans race (whites) must however never allow such crimes to occur in their midst again. Many other disasters will occur during that time, but among them all, this one, the countrywide arson, is the most important. Our lines are broken; our numbers scattered as a result of bitter hatred, our ranks torn through fighting; our numbers scattered as a result of long-smouldering hostility, through criminal insinuation, and above our heads the dark clouds of disaster are growing greater. Listen – do you not hear the approaching storm? Do you not feel the icy breath of death? And have you not noticed the earth beginning to sway under your feet?
Where are you going to hide yourself when the approaching disasters burst over South Africa? Don’t forget that it will then be too late to seek shelter. The preparation for this must already have been completed. When the night of judgement has already descended, each and every one will have received the reward for their works; and if you perhaps have hoarded earthly treasures, or created a good name for yourself at the cost of one of your people, you will be staring a sticky end in the face.
But know this: there will come no help from the Church. We will see that the Church leaders are acting as Satan’s agents, for they can do more for him here than when they openly side with him. Under the mantle of justice they are the biggest danger for the Kingdom.
Seer also spoke about fires sweeping across the land, with one huge fire heading for Johannesburg – all this indicates uprisings, violence, bloodshed that will occur there. They are the wolves among our sheep, they only come to steal, to slaughter and destroy; they are the ones who did not enter the stable through the door, but entered or broke in from elsewhere; they are the thieves and murderers who seek the destruction of the chosen: John 10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
It has been revealed to me that at the eleventh hour more eyes will be opened, so, that those who are destined for it, will be protected, and not be torn to pieces by the wolves.
The Messenger lastly said to me: “The Hand of Mercy is stretched out to South Africa, and through South Africa, to the whole world.”
Therefore South Africa is chosen to bring the Message of redemption through the Return of Christ to the world. Nation of South Africa, great is the sacrifice that is being asked of you; great is the responsibility that will rest upon you. For we know with certainty that the war which will be waged in Europe will only be the beginning of the sorrows, and the end thereof the beginning of the last purification process – the last seven plagues that could still be active when the Return happens.
Seer said we will wander around like blind people, for he sees spots (pearls/cataracts) on their eyes, but then I see a man whose eyes open.
Shortly before my mother passed away in December 1916, God’s Messenger appeared to me and ordered me to write down everything he told me.
It was the night of 1st December 1916, and it was there on the old farm in Pretoria. (He reappeared to her on 7th December and told her what still awaited her compatriots in the far future). That evening the house was full of people. My three brothers were there with their wives, and an aunt with her daughter. They stayed until late that night. After their departure a sudden change took place in my mother’s condition, and the nurse and my sister took the first vigil while I went to get some sleep.
They came to call me around 1.30 to take the second night vigil, and they did so very unwillingly because I was totally exhausted after spending ten days and nights alone with my mother. However, they were also dead tired, but I refused to let anyone of them keep watch with me.
And there at my dying mother’s bedside the Messenger appeared to me and said:
“We are just at the beginning of the sorrows, for during with – and after the coming war (World War II) there will be revolutions, strikes, civil wars, earthquakes, pestilences, famine, and floods.”
All this must still come in that reckoning with Europe for the bloodshed and injustice of the past.
But the Messenger also said that no country, no nation, no ally would win in the European struggle, and cannot understand this, for did the Allies not then gain victory in 1918?
Only time will tell.
Meanwhile the overthrowing of the old corrupt conditions under which Europe have suffered for so long, will not be easy. The war could not do it. War – even such a bloody, exhaustive war like Europe underwent, is not strong enough to destroy the old system. Another weapon will have to be used – the destructive hand of the anarchist, the consuming fire of immorality. Not the well-organised war, but unrestrained, unstoppable violence will in future overthrow the rotten civilization of Europe, and bring the world in chaos of destruction.
But even South Africa will not be spared, for before the outbreak of this last Great War, violence will move like a destructive storm through South Africa, and it will lead to bloodshed, hatred, chaos, fleeing people who will be pursued – a wave of destruction that will hit South Africa and continue until God Himself will intervene, for if South Africa is to be saved, it can have no share in the magnificence that will follow these things!
“And as soon as the war has finally played itself out, it will turn to revolution and anarchy, caused by famine. (Somewhere else she says the fields will lay fallow as there will be no one to cultivate them, and nothing will be harvested).
“Prepare the nation of South Africa for this,” the Messenger told me. “Appeal to the whole country from north to south, from east to west to unite in justice, to sweep all political and personal grievances aside in an effort to break the might of the storm….”
This terror will be the result of the struggle between the labourer and capitalist, oppressor and oppressed, that is already happening in Europe, the OPPRESSED (black tribes) will gain the upper hand during those days, then a time of greater tyranny that ever before under the yoke of the capitalists breaks.
This will be when the power will be given into the hands of the lower, underdeveloped classes (blacks) and we can expect nothing else from them. No one’s life will be safe any longer. Immorality, plunder, lasciviousness, and a massive celebration of the grossest emotions will convert South Africa and Europe into a hell; yes, so that no flesh will remain untouched, unless the days are shortened.
“…I also see an unbelievable miracle occurring. And when I saw it, I knew: even then it will be as my people have always struggled for (an own republic) which will be realised, and then the time of all my visions will also have finished…..”
The Peace Celebrations of last year (1918) were somewhat premature. There is no peace in sight. No, there is no peace. The vain applauding and shouting from the Allies was the fulfilment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Peace! While millions of people in Europe are dying from violence, hunger and pestilence! Peace! While anarchy slowly but surely gains the upper hand and brotherly blood flows in every land! Peace! While we have to flee for our lives – Genesis 19:17– Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed.
It is blasphemy to thank the Lord for such a victory and ask blessings from the Merciful God for such a tyrannical and treacherous “Peace.”
“Look, Uncle Klasie told me we will be getting a black government, and then we are going to lose everything – EVERYTHING!”
Mr Boy Mussmann.
(Is the biggest declaration of war…) that has ever been known about in the history of the world, and we will see this in the war of violence that is now being waged and which still has to come. The far-off rumbling of the approaching hurricane is still falling on deaf ears. We fell by the tens of thousands, but then we will be mowed down by the hundreds of thousands. The Sickle of Death will go over us, for the grain harvest is ripe and the vines are hanging heavily with grapes. The hour for mowing has arrived. Smaller strikes will escalate into greater strikes and will lead to immorality and arson; arson will lead to revolution; revolution will lead to civil war; civil war will be followed by famine and pestilences – but all these things will be overshadowed by a catastrophe that cannot be described in human terms. It will be blow after blow, destruction on destruction, death and sorrow, mourning and violence – and there will be no break in between.
“All crowned heads will be de-crowned, all kings will be dethroned, all the rich will be impoverished, because —–
“Look, the reward for the labourers that harvested your fields, that were held back by you, are calling out; and the calls of the harvesters reached the ears of the Lord of the host”
James 5:4 -Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.
And will the violence then be restored again? Can violence be overcome by violence?
The darkness cannot be driven away by darkness and therefore a new m method will have to be applied to restore and rebuild what the violence had overturned.
Love will then enter.
The Christ will heal.
And the external form of the new rule we will see in the unification of Labour with Capitalism and the union of religion with politics, just as in the days of Moses and the prophets.
Rev. 13:10: He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
The question now is: Who among the great Christian nations of our time shed the most blood?
And in what manner, and by what means did he reach his present glory?
Was it not through the sword?
During the 19th Century England fought fifty-fife conquering wars, while France fought fifty-nine; Russia, twenty-three; Austria, fourteen, and Germany, nine.
During the time of Queen Victoria alone, there were no less than forty English wars.
And as far as bloodshed is concerned, England stands first in line.
With the Bible in one hand and the sword I the other (violence accompanied with hypocrisy, the mighty British Kingdom was built up to its present state of might and wealth, its present height of world dominance.
It will be unnecessary here to quote under what pretences the Transvaal and Free State were captured by England. Of course we know it was deliberate, not for the sake of our gold and diamond fields, but to bring civilisation here, and to “protect” us. That was what we were told, not so?
But do we know the real meaning and far-reaching results of that Three-year war with England?
What Great-Britain gained in material wealth through the annexation of our two Republics, it lost in spiritual strength. Ostensibly it expanded and enriched its empire, but in reality the victory was the beginning of its retrogression. It lost its prestige as world power. When we take a good look at it, the European war was a result of the Boer war, and during the coming developments we will see it confirmed more clearly when South Africa becomes Great Britain’s grave.
“Who spills human blood, his own blood will be shed by humanity.” – yes, through its own people! And we can add the following: ”He who sows division will reap division.”
For it has been told to me that one day England will reap the bitter fruit that originated in its own country because of the Boer War, when it was its policy to work with the highest passion of our nation – when Boer was bribed to kill Boer. “With threatening troubles that will come to Ireland, Egypt and India, and the dissatisfaction and rioting in South Africa; and the danger of a general strike and almost unpreventable revolution in England and Europe, not much insight is required to let one realise that the fall of the British Empire will then be at hand. This will also occur as a result of division among its own nation and the colonies that were under its rule.
The judgement of a nation is conducted by the nation itself. While the whole world is being cleansed from injustice, and the Light shining brighter over them, more is demanded in particular in the final reckoning of its many wars; from its excessive greed, violence and fraud.
The purification will take time.
But it WILL happen.
“For the mill of God grinds slowly, but it grinds very, very FINELY!”
And as England is the first of all the present nations to enter the world-crucible, it will also be the first to emerge. It will be its fate alone, for during that time Europe and the rest of the world will already be in a state of prosperity, when the British Islands will still be torn apart and afflicted by a bloody revolution, famine and the repulsive pestilences as a result of cannibalism.
Seer: The seventh plague: “I see a multi-coloured pig. I place my one hand around the forefeet and the other hand on the hind feet, and in one swoop I jerk its feet from under it so that it falls down. And this is then when our (the Boer Nation) contributes to the downfall of England…”
Some seers predict the general railway strike of 1919 as the “first ways” in England itself, while other prophets announce that the misfortunes in England will escalate in the coming years. This is described as the most unbearable era in the existence of the British nation.
When the actual misfortunes begin in England, then even its enemies and those who were oppressed by it, will hesitantly and with awe ask why its judgement is so much more severe than that of any other nation. Fellow-Afrikaners, the answer to this lies in the fact that “its violence goes hand-in-hand with hypocrisy”. England did more than any other country to spread the Gospel among the heathen, and to promote the internal mission. Through its spiritual work it spread the Light, and through this showed that it itself received the Light in great measure; but through its example of bloodshed it did more damage to the Kingdom in the Heavens than any other Christian nation.
Seer: “…famine and shortage of money will occur during that time across England. Various terrible misfortunes are reigning and desperately hordes of sick and starving Indians and blacks will seek refuge in England and other parts of Europe…”
Germany: (More than Victor)
While the Allies, England, France and Russia were busy building up their empires with the flesh, blood and bones of their fellow-humans, in Germany there was a great forward movement in the area of art and science, trade and industry. We saw that he (Germany) was not completely free from bloodshed, but while it was involved in only nine wars during the past hundred years, altogether the Allies were involved in no less than one hundred and twenty seven wars.
Thus Germany had provided more than enough proof that no violence is required to proceed forward as a nation. Its products were world-renowned – to the extent that people only wanted to buy German products, thus creating fear and envy among other nations, especially among the English. They could not see the thoroughness of the Germans as an asset to strive for, but rather a threatening danger to their own greatness. Eventually England could not sell its products so effectively, despite the fact that many of the goods from its own factories were also marked MADE IN GERMANY.
The fraud was soon discovered and England was mocked by everyone. This didn’t decrease the hatred and envy of the Allies. Although surrounded by mighty enemies and fully conscious of the danger it was in, Germany was then compelled to arm and mobilise itself on a large scale. So it was that the military might of Germany, who reluctantly and breathlessly kept the rest of the world at bay for almost five years in unwilling admiration.
The justification, yes, the struggle for its national self-preservation, in which Germany fought for a purpose, was just as sacred as that of our nation which enabled us to resist against a mighty enemy. And in the same breath the courageous Afrikaner nation was used – albeit in greater measure – to chastise the world, but with the same shattering results. To understand why the European war ended as it did, we have to briefly go back to the attitude that Germany had adopted in our own struggle for self-preservation in 1899-1902. It was exactly the same in other countries; their compatriots were willing and eager to come to our aid, while the governments – for their own selfish purposes – adopted a neutral attitude.
It created the same dissatisfaction and bitter division in Germany as in other countries; a division that spontaneously rose to the point of revolution when the Kaiser openly acted with hostility against President Kruger. This then also lifted the foundation of the dissention through which the Kaiser came to his unexpected fall in 1918.
In South Africa almost no-one knew why the German troops, after their long struggle and crowned with so many glorious victories, withdrew from their lines. The Jingo press carefully hid the true conditions and pretended that the return of the German armies was due to exhaustion and dismay. However, the truth had to be made known later and now we know that it was the revolutionary element itself in Germany (the Bolsheviks, anarchists, socialists and labourers) who brought an end to the bloodshed through preventing by force and sabotage the supply of cannons, arms, ammunition and food to the German lines.
And while trusting in the fourteen-point plan of President Wilson that absolute justice would be done, the Germans themselves made continuation of the war impossible by forcing its armies to fall back.
However, there was no such thing as exhaustion of its forces, for at that stage Germany was far from being conquered. Sure, it was heavily harassed, but it had not yet reached the condition of despair in which the Allies had found themselves in just before Armistice.
We all know how it ended, and we know how cruelly against the German nation – the losers – had been acted.
Just think of the shameless rape of President Wilson’s fourteen-point plan and the hunger blockade during which almost a million men, women and children died in Germany the armistice (The same happened at the end of World War II. Ed), and this while peace negotiations were still being conducted. These events quickly made the Germans open their eyes. They were totally ‘lost’ and trustingly surrendered to an enemy that did not know the meaning of compassion. The same persons in Germany who were responsible for the false peace then experienced the bitterest regret of not continuing the war to the death. It was too early for the United Nations; too early for “general brotherhood”, and the madhouses in Germany are today filled to the brim with people who lost their minds through shock and despair. But most of all Germany’s fate was tragic and fearful, and bankruptcy stared it in the face.
Many thousands of babies died through starvation shortly after they came into the world, because the impoverished mothers had no milk for them, and all the cows had been confiscated by the allies. School children were just skin and bone, totally emaciated, and if an indignant visitor asked: “But why are they here? Why cannot these children be kept home warm and in bed?” then the reply was: “Oh, they can still walk. The others are at home or in the hospitals.”
(Germany did NOT lose the war!)
It was betrayed by the Allies.
It was betrayed, but that was not all. It had brought about something big with a revolution that was reasonably free of blood and violence.’
“The overthrow of the German Kaiser Empire was unavoidable, as all rulers must be dethroned”.
And that which will cost revolution and blood over years in other countries, occurred in Germany in a proper manner and almost without causing division among the nation. Germany suffered and is still suffering for its wrongs of the past, but its peacemakers acted well, even though they lost, and the righteous minority gained the upper hand for the first time during our time.
A change occurred. In the social as well as spiritual life changes were observed here and there. It is the LIGHT winning ground. The terrain is being fought inch by inch, the darkness is being driven back inch by inch. This is the start of greater things to come. However, such changes do not come without preparation. Before the eyes of the national mass are opened, the LORD sends His forerunners, the prophets, apostles and initiates, to prepare the way, and this is what is now happening across the length and breadth of the earth. By that we know that the “millennium” is at hand. We do not find them among the Pharisees and Scribes, but in the most unexpected places and among the most improbable people, and what they teach us are not the external forms of religion, not the general truths that are announced from the pulpits every year, but the deep internal meaning of the eternal truths of GOD’s Word. That which is dark and contrary to us, they can declare, and they teach us that the blessing of the LORD does not rest on weapons of violence and wars of conquering. They teach us that it is about the power of the Ruler of Darkness through which tyrants gained a temporary victory, and that it allowed to make the fall of the oppressor so much harder when it comes. They teach us that righteousness seemingly goes to ground, but emerges after a period of purification, stronger than ever and appears in greater splendour.
They reassure us that there is no such thing as the triumph of injustice, because then small nations become great through injustice and humiliation, and that great nations perish through the power and prosperity they obtain through violence and deceit.
The forerunners of the Kingdom of Peace announces a day of retribution and reckoning, and that it is close at hand; that it will still occur in our time.
They say we will see it when Germany (at the end of the last Great War) will rise in its true eternal greatness from the ruins of its so-called destruction; that Germany will be the first in Europe to recover, and provide the world with food and clothing when the great famine comes.
They console us with the reassurance that our own humiliation in 1902 was to prepare us for our development as the greatest nation on earth, but with a greatness that has until now not been known among the nations, as we will later see; and that we will then understand why the wars in Germany and South Africa against England turned out this way.
The workings of the laws of GOD are unconditional, relentless. We will definitely reap what we sow.
The German Kaiser, (Wilhelm) has become an exile today because he once refused to offer a hand to a friend and exile (South Africa).
The glory of the Kaiser Empire that has existed since 843 came to an end this year (1918) with his abdication. However, so he will also be spared for his greatness as Christian ruler; perhaps spared to experience the greatness of his nation and receive his reward for his continuous efforts to restore the faith during the bloody war of 1914-1918.
However, he is old and it could be too late for him.
It could happen that there will shortly be another turnabout, or a short but violent revolution (or war) in Germany, to overthrow the present government (which is anything but perfect). It is not impossible that there will still be much suffering, and that famine, pestilence, and violence or war will demand many victims of the German nation.
However, when it is England’s turn to enter the crucible of revolution and the rest of Europe undergoes unmentionable sorrows, Germany will be cleansed, sanctified, and victoriously rise from its national purification and take the lead in the liberation of world slavery.
The German nation will be more than a winner, its name great, and the Light that shines from it will be indescribably bright.
This prophecy was fulfilled scarcely 20 years later when the Second World War broke out on Sunday, 3rd September 1939, and many “victims among the German people” first died of starvation on the bloody battlefields, and later (1945) during the American forced ‘death march’.
(Vee hierdie maar uit as jy dit nie wil hê nie, maar Eisenhower het die volgende aan die Duitsers gedoen: The Real Holocaust of World War Two – The Genocide of 15+ Million Germans
A crime so great, so cruel, and so heinous, that none in the entire span of human history can equal it. The gates of hell were opened up. It is the ghastly truth of the jewish-orchestrated plundering, mass rape, mass murder, and subjugation of the German people in the latter days and aftermath of World War Two, which continues to this day. Estimated 15+ million ethnic Germans murdered after the war. Around 5-10+ million German women mass raped.) – Maak hierdie oop, lees, en voel hoe jou hare rys – aangesien dit in Engels is, en jy daarvan hier wil byvoeg, Copy & Paste dit sommer.)
(The country of the present)
The LORD of Heaven and Earth required a tool, an instrument to establish the United Nations, on which a thousand years of peace could be founded in the world. The tool or instrument had to be a nation, mighty, wealthy, with a strong developed feeling of liberty; a nation who personally had known the bonds of alien rule and had shaken these bonds off to become free and independent.
The vast American motion was created and educated for this reason, until the most critical moment in the history of the world came for America to act as mediator between the torn nations. It received all the gifts for this great purpose and went thought the learning process; riches were laden at its feet that made us think back to the days of King Solomon, while its prestige as an honest and righteous nation was known throughout the world. This was during the unforgettable year of 1918 that it had the opportunity to make the tyrants harmless for the future, when the rest of the ‘civilised’ world, exhausted and bankrupt as a result of the long-lasting and violent war were forced to be disarmed and settle their differences through arbitration. Then the opportunity was there to launch the United Nations on a basis of freedom and honesty, a United Nations through which the violated rights of the small nations could be rectified and their security could be guaranteed for the future. And that would be the external, material foundation of the Kingdom of Peace that would be spiritually built up by Christ Himself.
Thus we could say that President Wilson himself as representative of the greatest republic in the world, held the future of the entire human generations in the palm of his hand at the closure of the year 1918.
However, we know that President Wilson used his position to support the tyrants and tighten the chains of an oppressed humanity tighter than ever. He abused his power, position and influence (that the nation itself had entrusted to him) against the will of his own freedom-loving nation to the disposal of the oppressors, and sacrificed the interests of his own people for the benefit of the Allies.
Reader, these facts must make us think very deeply.
They touch strings in our being and bring unusual movement in our feelings. For they speak to us about our own tragic experiences of national leaders that have fallen. The latest history of America is also our own history.
The American nation is not guilty of this crime; the nation was not a warmongering nation! In name the stigma rests on the nation, but in reality the president, with his corrupt government of millionaires and capitalistic supporters is responsible for the American alliance with the Allies during the European war; they awakened the spirit of war and incited under the usual Hippocratic call: “In the name of freedom and justice!”
Someone wrote to us from America that ‘the night of sorrows has now also descended on America.
America will fall into a state of revolution. At the same time great strikes will be the order of the day; a bitter spirit of division and indignation will erupt in the so-called “United States of America”.
The righteous minority get the upper hand there, for while we are writing we receive many reports that America refused to sign the Peace Treaty, and that America has also recalled its declaration of war against Germany. This has apparently never happened in the history of mankind that a declaration of war has been recalled, and this after the war had already finished. This report brings us hope, for it sheds light on many things that were inexplicable during the war. It tells us more about the cable reports, and confirms the suspicion that the nation of America never really wanted to declare war against Germany. We learn from this that in reality no great change occurred and that the spirit of division is actually the maintenance of the world; that the righteous minority and ever-growing crowds will eventually become the majority of humanity; that they will rule as priests and kings (thus in state as well as church) with Christ – for a thousand years.
Now we begin to better understand the dark words of the Lord, that He came to bring fire to the earth, and the sword, and to sow the seeds of dissent among humanity: Isaiah 29:6 6 Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.
With His First coming – around 690 after Isaiah – the Messiah reaffirmed this prophecy then He said in Luke 12:49: “I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?”
It was because humanity – before the coming of the Lord – was undivided, and because the host of the righteous began to enlarge, for this reason the fight is now so bitter. We see this in Germany where militarism and corruption suffered defeat and barbaric wealth will collapse and will have to make room for the honest, simple virtues of the masses of the people.
And we will also see this in:
(Country of the Future).
1 Peter 2:9-10 – But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.
Adding to this text, the Messenger told me: “SO says the Lord God to the nation of South Africa: “You, who were previously no nation, have now become my nation; you, who did not previously know mercy, I shall now be merciful to you.” The enemy has not drawn us as a nation.
The glory of Europe belongs in the past; the fall of the British Empire is standing in front of the door; the worldly wealth, greatness and might of America has reached its peak and from now on will gradually go under until its power has disappeared completely.
Then what remains?
South Africa is the hope of the world.
South Africa is the country of promise, the country of freedom, and the country of liberation.
For the suffering of its predecessors; for the moral courage of its rebels; for the purity of its history, untainted by human blood (it has never attacked another nation first), untainted by greedy violence; for the beauty of its Nature; for all the unlimited treasures hidden in its soil because of all these things, and so much more, which will be revealed later, South Africa is chosen above all other parts of the world.
You, for whom there was no mercy earlier, the Lord God will now have mercy over you. He saw the bonds of your oppression; His sympathetic eye is focused on you; His ear heard your scattered, impoverished and divided nation, and His Holy wrath is angry against your enemies.
America, that was to have word the sceptre, was placed in the balances and found to be too light.
On one occasion Mr Boy Mussmann asked Nicolaas (Seer) van Rensburg: “Who ARE we, Uncle Klasie”
And the Seer’s reply was” We are God’s nation….”
“In a time of great tribulation He sends you a promise of liberation, and it will be on the eve of great political revolutions in your country, so that you can know and be prepared, for He does nothing without preparing His children beforehand…”
It is also written thus in the Bible: Amos 3:7 – Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.
Only during that time we will once again stand under an own national government. But I was given a strict warning: “See to it that you tell nobody about this; you must wait for MY time.”
When “The Millenium” was published, our nation was still under martial law, so it would have been dangerous to make the political meaning of the revelations of 7th December known; it would be dangerous for the spiritual Message as set out in the book. The suppression of the Message would undoubtedly be the result if it went out under martial law in connection with political matters. Thus the order for secrecy. The time was also not ripe for the other important announcement:
“One of the countless obstacles and stumbling-blocks that Satan placed in my way from 7th December 1916 (and I also warn my readers not to listen to it) was that he wanted to make me a spiritualist, but through the strength of Jesus Christ his purpose was nullified, through the voice of conscience, that told me it would be wrong to listen to it. And now I am grateful for that…
“And no power on earth can rob me of my conviction that the events of 7th December 1916 was born out of God, and that South Africa, yes, even the whole world is standing on the edge of unmentionable disasters and afflictions.
But what are we to do now? How can we prevent these disasters that are unavoidable? What role will you be playing in the tragedies that still have to be executed? There is no such thing as chance. In the Godly management plan of the Creation, there is nothing large or small, nothing insignificant, and nothing out of place.” (The Millenium – p 129-130)
But now the heavenly Messenger has returned, according to his promise, and He had issued the order that the nation must be warned against great dangers. There will be quite a lot of disturbance in our country before we can taste the delight of independence.
We are not given a timeline. We see it in all Godly prophecies that a veil is hung over the time of fulfilment, and it is repeatedly stated in the Bible. We know from His own words that Jesus Christ could not determine the time of His predictions.
Mark 13:32 -But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
However, we who are being told to always be prepared are continuously being prepared.
The hand of the Judge has been revealed. The judgements of the God of Righteousness are visible across the length and breadth of the earth, and during the past year there have already been big changes. Just as in America where the president was suddenly removed from scene, we here in South Africa saw the death of an important foreman (Genl Louis Botha) who was taken away because he continued standing in the way of his nation’s freedom. Great changes came. We need no longer ask: “When?” for the big events are happening, but we can – and must – ask:
“How will it happen?”
“How will I behave?”
“What can I do to help?”
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will free South Africa by Himself, and we need not worry about anything, but there will also be an opportunity for each one of us to share an honourable part in the liberation of our nation – not only from an earthly enemy, but also from the strangling bonds of injustice that have kept us against the ground for so long.
(Compare the footnote where Seer van Rensburg confirms this prophecy).
God will free us, but in the process He will make use of human and material tools, and the most important of this are the principles of love for country as expressed through this:
Mr Boy Mussmann: “Seer told me he does not give or name dates, for we learn in our Bible that the times and opportunities are known only to the Lord. Not even the Angels in heaven know this. However, we see certain signs, and from these we know when things must happen.”
Inspired by the Spirit of God, the Nationalists are the external tool through which the liberation of South Africa will occur. During the first launching (of the young Nationalist Party) that was formed through the Wil