

The court case being discussed here took place in the Court of Port Elizabeth in the Cape Province, South Africa in 1934. The case is very important in the sense it was the first “anti-Semitic” case being heard. The information which came out of this case is very important as some of the predictions made by Mr. H.H. Beamish came to bear fruit 70 years later.

The records of this court case is not complete the printed text is all we could find in the archives at the Court in Port Elizabeth. With the chaos now raging in South Africa the possibility of all the records being lost is a fact of life. We are grateful we have at least the following pages.

{We did not change the spelling of any of the words, as it was held in the English language, if we do it will lose the authenticity of the text}.




(Court) You can give us the ones you have there, and if you come across any others you can hand them in through Mr. Von Moltke?— The Acts, Chp. P, verse 1-19. Thessalonians Chp. 2 verse 15, 16. Titus, Chp. I, vs. 115-16. Corinthians II vs. 20. Philippians II, vs. 16. Chp. IV, vs. 1. Isaiah, XVIII, v. 12-13. Corinthians II, v. 16.

(CROSS-EXAMINED) No questions.


Question: Have you studied the Jewish question?

Beamish:—-I have.

Question: Since the advent of Adolf Hitler to power?


Question: Where do you live?

Beamish:—-In Rhodesia now.

(Court) Question: What are you by profession?


Question: Mining Engineer?

Beamish:—-No, I am mining myself.

Question: How long have you been in this country?

Beamish:—-Thirty years or more.

(Con’d) Question: Mining is not really your profession?


Question: You say you have studied the Jewish question?


(Court) Question: What was your profession?

Beamish:—-I was a Tea planter before in Ceylon.

Question: And did you leave Ceylon thirty years ago?

Beamish:—-The Boer War.

(Con’d) Question: Did you study this Jewish question prior or subsequently to the advent of Adolf Hitler to power?

Beamish:—- I have studied it for well over thirty years, probably nearly forty.

Question: Do you know Hitler personally?

Beamish:—-I do.

Question: Have the German Nazi Leaders ever consulted you on the Jewish question?

Beamish:—-Yes, very often.

Question: Am I right in saying that one of the reasons why you have been consistently consulted is because you were personally acquainted with Theodore Fritsch of Leipzig?



Question: Was he the world renown ed writer on this subject?

Beamish:—-He was most certainly. He was Editor of the Hammer of Leipzig.

Question: Have you traveled largely on this subject?

Beamish:—-Yes, I have.

Question: How many countries have you been to, what countries have you visited?

Beamish:—-Germany, France, England, Italy, America, Rumania, Czecho-Slovakia, Yugo Slavia, Austria, and most of the British Empire.

Question: Have you been to China and India?

Beamish:—-Yes, and the Far East.

Question: Are you associated with the German Nazi movement?


Question: You are not a member?

Beamish:—-No, I am not a German,

Question: But you say you know lots of these German Nazi Leaders. Have you ever assisted them at their meetings?

Beamish:—- I have spoken at their meetings.

Question: Are you a German scholar?


Question: How did you speak at these meetings?

Beamish:—-I either had it translated, or have learned enough German on this subject, and do you not want to know much of the language to be able to tell the truth.

Question: Are you associated with any movements in other countries of a similar nature?

Beamish:—-Yes I am. In France, America, in fact I might say in most parts of the world.

(Court)Question: You say you are associated in most countries of the world with the Nazi movement?

Beamish:—-Yes, but in Italy it is the Fascist movement. But they are all more or less – you might call them National movements – which have been started in various countries to clean up their countries from corruption.

(Con’d)Question: I have read extensively your books too. Am I correct in saying that you have been in such a number of these countries and you have been associated with such movements all over the world, including France, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Palestine, Belgium, Switzerland. Italy, Spain, Portugal, China, Manchuria, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.?



that is true. I have forgotten some.

Question: Do you occupy any prominent position with regard to any racial movements in Europe

Beamish:—-Yes, several.

Question: Could you mention any?

Beamish:—-I belong to most of the fascist movements in Great Britain. When the League of Gentiles was started some years ago I believe they made me President, – and I have been elected, so I am told, I have just forgotten the German name – I have been asked to attend the Pan-Aryan Congress to be held in Bavaria. I am also told that I have just been mad[e] President of the “Bund Volkischer Europaer” which in English is for Keeping European races pure.

Question: What do you mean by Keeping the European races pure?

Beamish:—-It means that the European stock of its type should be kept to one type, and the main object is to keep them free from Jew blood, because a Jew is not an Aryan.

Question: Do I understand you say that these various Movements have been established for the avowed purpose of re-establishing European-Aryan control in Governments?

Beamish:—-That is the object.

Question: Have you any reason to believe that Western civilization is in a sorry plight?

Beamish:—-I have every reason, because I have ears and eyes.

Question: What do you mean by that?

Beamish:—-I mean that I defy anyone to name any Government in the whole of Europe today that is not absolutely controlled by Jews.

Question: With the exception of what country?

Beamish:—-Of course we know Germany, because she set an example.

Question: What proof have you that numbers of countries are controlled by people other than European-Aryans in the Western world. What about Bavaria. What proof have you that they have been governed as I say?

Beamish:—-I was in Munich during the Jew reign of terror and I saw it.

Question: Were you in Germany during the inflation?

Beamish:—-Yes, and I saw the upper and middle class families completely wiped out by the inflation. The banks happened to be all


Jewish controlled and I saw these families completely wiped out.

(Court)Question: You mean financially?


(Con’d)Question: And what about Soviet Russia, by whom in Soviet Russia, or by whom has it been ruled since 1917?

Beamish:—- I did not know you were going to call me today and it is rather unfair, and I have not brought with me the full list of the Soviet in both English and French complete.

(Court)Question: You mean members?

Beamish:—-Yes. Anyway 90% of them are Jews.

(Con’d)Question: Have you written very extensively on the Jewish Question?

Beamish:—-Yes, I have.

Question: For how many years have you written on this subject?

Beamish:—- I have written on the subject ever since the Boer War, in which I took part.

Question: Have you written the book called “The Jews’ Who’s Who”?

Beamish:—-I did.

Question: Has the English Press commented on this book?

Beamish:—-Yes, very largely. Some favourable and some unfavourable.

I am not allowed to quote any second hand information here, but you can perfectly well remember having been the author of the book, did the “London Times” and the “Morning Post” and the “Financial News” – did they comment on this book?—-Certain papers commented in very hostile manner, because the truth is very unpleasant at times, but the “Financial News” I think stated that the information contained in this book—-MR. REYNOLDS OBJECTS.

(Court) Question:You cannot state what the papers said. Some commented favourable and some unfavourable?


(Con’d)Question: What did the “Financial News” say?

Beamish:—-That was a favourable comment. I can remember the question.

Question: It was a very favourable comment?


Question: Are you responsible for all the literature issued in London by the “Britons?-Beamish:— Yes, I am President of “The Briton”, It is a Society that I founded after the War.

Question: Is this your letterhead?



Question: And is this a list of books you published?


(Put in )

Question: You say you founded “The Briton Society” just after the war?

Beamish:—-In 1918. The Armistice was in 1918.

Question: And as a result of your campaign have you not been attacked by the Jews?

Beamish:—-I do not suppose any one has been more attacked except possibly Hitler, Goering and Fritsch. Gohier in French.

Question: How many court cases have the Jews brought against you?

Beamish:—-Quite a number, I have not kept a diary.

(Court)Question: On what grounds?

Beamish:—-The one in Africa was on the ground of slander.

Question: When was that, can you remember the year?

Beamish:—-It was in 1915 I think.

Question: Where?

Question:—-Pretoria, and there were three Judges, the Judge President Japie de Villiers, and Justices Bristowe and Mason. It was known as Hammerslag vs. Myself.

(Con’d)Question: Have you been connected with the Maud Allan case in England?

Beamish:—-I was responsible for it. On coming over from France on leave during the War Sir Alfred Fripp told me of a filthy play of Oscar Wilde’s which was being shown in London in order to pollute the young English officers, and they asked me to go to it, and the person that was conducting this play of Oscar Wilde’s was Maud Allan, and I would rather not discuss the thing in Court.

Question: From something Sir Alfred Fripp told you, you saw the play?


Question: And then did you make certain statements in connection with her, and did she sue you?

Beamish:—-Yes, I had to put in Latin.

Question: What?

Beamish:—-A libel on Maud Allan, in order to force her to take action, and it was published.

Question: What did you publish in it?

Beamish:—-In a paper belonging to a member of Parliament. I think it was called “The Imperialist” and the result was that we won the case, and this filthy play was stopped by Lord Chamberlain.


Question: You published something in “The Imperialist”, and Maud Allan took action?

Beamish:—-Yes, she took action against the paper and the proprietor, and the Lord Chamberlain stopped the play.

Question: Who was responsible for that play?

Beamish:—-Well, Oscar Wilde wrote the play, but the play was a Jewish plot in order to undermine young officers and pollute them.

Question: What was the name of the play?


Question: According to that list you have just shown the Court, you published this book, the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”?


Question: Do you consider that the Jewish world plan as outlined in the Protocols have been fulfilled to date?

Beamish:—-I go so far as to say that you can produce Protocol by Protocol and I will prove every one of them.

Question: Then you do not consider this book a forgery?

Beamish:—-I naturally do not. Permission has to be got from me to produce them in the various languages.

Question: You say you challenge anybody in this Court that Protocol by Protocol you are prepared to prove it?

Beamish:—-Yes, I do. You can open it where you like.

Question: I will take Protocol No. 6 (Protocol No. 6 read)?

Beamish:—-Are you suggesting that none of this happened?

Question: I ask you as a man of thirty years experience on this question, and I would like you to take the 6th Protocol?

Beamish:—-Yes. “We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies.” Well, you cannot tell me where a private business exists today, they are practically non-existent. “Reservoirs of colossal riches……”. Look at the mining groups and everything else. “Upon which large fortunes of the goyim depend…..”. “The aristocracy of the goyim, as a political force is dead…..”. The aristocracy of every country is the back-bone of every country. Whether in Great Britain or in this country, the aristocracy is in every part is the land-owner, and today you find the land-owner in Great Britain


or in this country, is rapidly disappearing. In the Old Country large families have practically ceased to exist. Some has had to marry wealthy Jewesses, and I can mention the names of some of the Jewesses if necessary. “It is essential therefore for us at whatever cost to deprive them of their land”. I happen to come of a family which is all gone. “This object will be best attained by increasing the burden upon landed property – in loading land with debts”. You know that Lloyd George introduced his land taxation arrangement, and he taxed the land-owners. He succeeded because all the political parties throughout the world are controlled by Jewish finance. “These measures will check land-holding and keep it in a state of humble and unconditional submission”. “The aristocrats of the goyim….fizzle out”. Who are the people who holds the mortgages in this country? In the Old Country and Ireland the landed class have disappeared, and in Germany, and that has come from one source.

(Court)Question: We are told that the Jews are getting possession of most of the land in South Africa?

Beamish:—-I don’t want to discuss it in this country because it is so palpable. The real aristocrat of any country is the land-owner. The man from the land is the real goods; like the poor in this country, and the families of peasants in other countries, they are the aristocrats, and not the people that buy up shares at 9 o’clock and sell them at a profit at 4 o’clock. “At the same time we must intensively patronize trade and industry….”. The entire world is controlled by these people. “But first and foremost, speculation, …..”. This country is absolutely riddled with dud companies, and if you scratch them you will find our friends at the back of the dud companies. “In the absence of speculation industry will multiply capital in private hands and will serve to restore agriculture by freeing the land from indebtedness to the land banks. What we want is that industry should drain off from


the land both labour and capital and by means of speculation transfer into our hands all the money of the world…”. I think I have even heard of pine-apple deals in the Grahamstown District. “And thereby throw all the goyim into the ranks of the proletariat………..”. “We shall raise the rate of wages”. We all know that has been done on a gigantic scale in all parts of the world, “But at the same time we shall produce a rise in prices….”. So really the worker seldom scores.

Question: With regard to monopolies, you say you have written this book “The Jews’ Who’s Who”?


Question: And from page 70 to page 237 you have quoted one Jew Controlling Company after the other?


Question: What do the “Financial News” in London say about that information?


Question: I will put it you this way, from 71 to page 237 do you find any Gentiles at the head of these controlling companies?

Beamish:—-Never at the head, they are sometimes at the tail.

Question: There are some other Protocols: Take any one at random?


Take Protocol No. 9. This little part here: “We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false although it is by us that they have been inculcated.”?—-Yes.

In what way was that done today and by whom?—-It is being done through the same means of these terrible cinemas, films, theaters, jazz music, the so-called architecture of Mr. Epstein, novels, in fact I tell you I do not know any way in which they have not been corrupted. And of course there is the press. I go as far as to say there is not a single newspaper in this country that is not controlled by Jews.

Question: How are newspapers controlled by Jews?

Beamish:—-I was for many years on the Press Executive of South Africa. I represented the Free State, and therefore I speak with some


knowledge of Press matters, from the proprietors point of view, not reporters point of view, and I say there is not a single paper in this country which is not controlled by Jews, and the way it is done, it is not direct ownership, but it is by means of advertisements. The people who control a paper are not the owners but the people who supply the finance to run the paper.

Question: Coming to Protocol No. 14. Did you prove that is also very much in force?


(Protocol No. 14 read) “When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that the should exist any other religion…….”. And further on: “Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various beliefs of the goyim, but no one will ever bring under the discussion our faith from its true point of view since this will be fully learned by none save ours, who will never dare to betray its secrets”. Would you like to go into this Protocol:

Question:How is that done today?

Beamish:—-Do you mean this part which says “In countries known as progressive and enlightened we have created a senseless, filthy, abominable literature:. I ask you to bear in mind, will any one look at the average bookstall today and see this almost you might call it low, it is worse than filthy, it is simply done to debase the people.

Question: Have the Jews had any influence in the Christian Religion. Like Veldhausen, Strauss and those people. Were they higher critics or German Jews?

Beamish:—-Do you want to know what influence it has on Christianity?

Question: Yes?—-

Beamish:The Jews creed is to “Divide and Rule” “You rule if you divide”. We are so plastered today with religion that one is bewildered with the numbers of brands of them, and if you follow them up you will find that No. 14 Protocol is completely in working action today.

It says here “Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various beliefs of the goyim…..


..”—-Yes, and it says here “We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief” except their own. Anyone with knowledge of what is going on today can see that the religion is the basis of all real civilization is rapidly disappearing which men of my age were brought up to reverence are today being laughed at.

Question: Who is behind that?

Beamish:—-My old friends again, the Jews.


(Witness Beamish, continues).


Question: Have you been many years in Africa?

Beamish:—-For 30 years.

Question: Had your family been closely connected with South Africa also?

Beamish:—-For many years.

Question: Was your father an Admiral and served as Naval Aide Camp to the late Queen Victoria?


Question: Your brother, was he Flag Captain on the H.M.S. Invincible at Falkland Islands?

Beamish:—-He was.

Question: Now leader of the Naval Group in the British House of Commons?

Beamish:—-Retired now as Admiral.

Question: You have come from a distinguished Naval Military family?

Beamish:—-I think I may say so.

Question: Have you held the King’s Commission?

Beamish:—-I have.

Question: On how many occasions?

Beamish:—-Three times.

Question: Were you in the Boer War?


Question: And the late War?

Beamish:—-Yes, in the South African Brigade to begin with, with the 2nd. Regiment, and afterwards in an Imperial Regiment I was commissioned.

Question: Your profession before you came to Africa was that of a Tea-planter in Ceylon, and came to Africa with the Ceylon Rifles?


Question: After the Boer War did you decide to stay in South Africa?


Question: What did you do?

Beamish:—-I started a number of industries in the country, and was subsidised by the Orange Free State Government to establish those industries in what was the Orange River Colony with a view to employing white labour as against natives, and was subsidised by the Government. I started a condensed milk factory and basket work factory at Parys and other various industries. I also represented Sir John Gilmour Bart’s interests in this country, a very large firm’s interests. He is father of the present Home Secretary in Great Britain.

Question: Have you ever taken part in various Missions to the Colonial Office in London?

Beamish:—-On three occasions. The first occasion was in 1907 as Representative of the Orange River Colony Settlers when self-government came into Africa. On another occasion I was a delegate of the East African white Paper delegation with Lord Delamere and Lord Francis Scott. And thirdly, presented a memorandum to the Colonial Office on the reconstruction of the administration of the Seychelle Colony.

Question: Are you a member of the British Imperial Council of which Sir Ian MacPherson is Chairman?


Question: Do you represent Rhodesia on this Council?

Beamish:—-I do.

Question: Are you a member of the Executive council of the present Rhodesian Government?

Beamish:—-I am. I have the list here if you want it.

Question: Are you a member of any Clubs in South Africa?

Beamish:—-I have been a Member of the Rand Club for nearly 25 years.

Question: Have you read this document figuring in this case?

Beamish:—-I have.

Question: Did the contents surprise you?

Beamish:—-They disgusted me. I cannot say they actually surprised me.

Question: Why didn’t it surprise you?

Beamish:—-Because I have known of this Jew plot, I told the Court yesterday, for nearly 40 years, and through my father.

Question: This is a Jew plot you say?

Beamish:—-Certainly a Jew plot.

Question: What is this document, what impression did you get from this document at the first reading?

Beamish:—-The moment I got the document, although I had no idea where it came from, I had not met any of your people, I realised at once it was a document written in Oriental style and was merely a miniature of the protocols with South Africa conditions super-imposed upon it.

Question: Do you think that a Christian could have compiled this document?

Beamish:—-Most certainly not, if he was a real Christian.

Question: Do you think that perhaps an Atheist could have compiled this document?

Beamish:—-I have no connection with Atheists, but I think an Atheist could have compiled it.

Question: Have you been closely associated with religions other than


Christianity and Judaism?

Beamish:—-I have studied Buddahism, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and in fact, all the well-known religions in the countries where these religions were practiced.

Question: In your opinion could a ny-followers of those religions have compiled such a document?

Beamish:—-Quite out the question.

Question: Why do you say so?

Beamish:—-Because very nearly all these people are deeply religious in their way, and are not interested in writing abusive things about our religion. The Mohammedan is not necessarily a lover of a Christian, but on the other hand he will not abuse him, and I know the Mohammedan conditions very well.

Question: What is your contention about this document?

Beamish:—-My contention is that it is merely part of the plot which has been in existence for a large number of year, and is now being rapidly brought into effect.

Question: Where were you when you first read the document: In what form did you obtain it?

Beamish:—-I was out in the wilds, the jungle of Rhodesia, and it reached me in a round-about way through several Post offices to the place I was then living in.

Question: What did contents of this document convey to you, that it was a document originating from the Jews, or a Jew?

Beamish:—-I think I have already told you it struck me at once that it was a document written by renegade Jews, and merely part of the plot, which is confined to a small circle of Jews, to destroy our civilization and ideals generally.

Question: Are you fairly well-acquainted with the Jewish Lodges?

Beamish:—- A European is not allowed inside any Jewish Lodge.


Question: What do you mean by a Jewish Lodge?



Question: Have you ever had to take the matter up with any of these Lodges?

Beamish:—-I had to take the matter up in Rhodesia, because a certain Barrister friend of mine was, as he put it, being victimised – they bring these things to me when these matters happen – so I wrote a letter, knowing where to write to in this class of business, and this letter I wrote, knowing where to apply to. In the letter I merely wrote to say I would be glad if they would use their influence to see that this victimization ceased.

Question: Why do you say it is a group of Jews responsible for that document. Was the document not apparently signed by a Rabbi?

Beamish:—-It merely had Rabbi, it might have had Secretary. It conveyed nothing to me, “Rabbi”, it was merely a word.

Question: Do you think the Kahal had anything to do with it?

Beamish:—-Most certainly it emanated from the Kahal.

Question: And what is the standing of an ordinary Rabbi or Minister in charge. Is he a great personality on the Jewish Kahal in a country?

Beamish:—-I should think of no consequence whatever.

Question: Could you tell the Court something about the Kahal, the Jewish Kahal?

Beamish:—-It is a super Jew Parliament which controls, you may say, all the countries throughout the world, particularly European countries. It consists of revolutionary Jews, the ones who are out directly and indirectly to destroy, as I told you, our civilization.

Question: Has this Kahal got very great power over its people?

Beamish:—-It has, but the bulk of the Jews know practically nothing as to the inner workings of the Kahal.

Question: Now, Rathenau in Germany?

Beamish:—-He was one of the great leaders of the country.

Question: Can you give the Court any explanation of the symbols C.X.V.O. 3838, with the “3’s” crossed out?

Beamish:—-No, I cannot .The document sent to me has not them. I had never seen these symbols until I came to this Court. The copy sent to me had no symbols on them.

I refer to the “C.X.V.O. 3838” “Issued by the Select High Circle.” Do you think that these figures convey something to them. They are probably hieroglyphics of their own, which every circle understands. It is the inner circle who knows of this.

Question: Do you think that could be deciphered by any of your experts in London?

Beamish:—- We have experts on Yiddish and Hebrew, and that is how I get all my information. I never sent it to London.

Question: Is it correct that a monument to Judas Iscariot has been erected in Russia at Tambof?

Beamish:—-I have seen a photograph.

Mr. Reynolds objects, and states that the Court is being used for purposes of propaganda.

(Witness) I hope you do not think I am here to make propaganda.

I shall ask you to withdraw that.

(Mr. Reynolds): I will not.

(Witness): I shall deal with you later. I am not here for propaganda purposes. I have never met these people (Greyshirts) before. It is up to a man of my experience and knowledge to help. I will deal with Mr. Reynolds later.


Question: The question is, is it correct that a monument to Judas Iscariot has been erected in Russia?

Beamish:—-I have seen the photograph of it. If I saw a photograph of this Court I have seen enough to say it is there.

Question: Could you tell the Court by whom this monument was erected?

Beamish:—-Naturally by the Jews of Central Russia. I am not suggesting a Christian would put it up.

Question: Have you ever seen match-boxes from Russia having as a trade-mark the Crucified Christ?

Beamish:—-I have.

Question: Are you a member of the South African Gentle National Society or the movement of the South African Greyshirts?


Question: Have you ever seen, or correspond with any of the leaders of this movement prior to reading the document in this case?

Beamish:—-No, I did not even know it was in existence, except what I have read in the papers about Cape Town.

Question: Did I have any great difficulty in tracing your whereabouts in Rhodesia?

Beamish:—-You did, for the simple reason that you put an advertisement in a paper and used the word “Jew” and as it was an Argus publication they naturally never inserted it.

Question: Did you come down here at your own expense?

Beamish:—-I did.

Question: Could you tell the Court by whom the so-called Russian Revolution of 1917 was engineered?

Beamish:—-By the Jews.

Question: Who financed it?

Beamish:—-It was financed from the East Side Jewry of New York, and I can give the names of the people:

Question: What names could you mention?

Beamish:—-Jacobish(?) Otto Kahn, Warburg, Loo(?), all interlocked like that.

Question: Have you published this?

Beamish:—-Since 1918 I have published it, every detail.

Question: Never prosecuted for that?

Beamish:—-No, because I tell the truth. I am not doing this for amusement.

Question: Do you know Ludendorf?

Beamish:—-Quite well.

Question: Would you mind telling the Court this incident about the sealed train that went through during the war, through Germany to Russia?—-

(Mr. Reynolds objects).


Question: Did you see the train?

Beamish:—-It went through Switzerland.


Question: Who murdered the Imperial family in Russia?—-

(Mr. Reynolds objects, asks if witness was present).

Witness: It was impossible for me to be present, I should be murdered if I was.


Question: “The Grave Diggers of Russia”?

Beamish:—-I published a photograph of the man who murdered the Tzar.


Question: All these photographs, did they appear in other works?

Beamish:—-Not these that I have published.

Question: You did not know the man. You did not see them murdered?

Beamish:—-I do not think anyone sees anyone murdered.

Question: You must have got that photograph from some source?

Beamish:—-Yes, and if I was wrong I think I should be imprisoned.

Statement: That is not direct evidence which could be accepted in a Court of Law. You may believe that this is the photograph, but you have no legal proof that it is

Beamish:—I was not there, I admit.

(Evidence disallowed).


Question: Have you got a full list of the real Rulers of Soviet Russia?—-

(Mr. Reynolds objects).


Question: I have a full list her, with every name, and camouflaged name. I have a list of every position they held, in English and French.

Where did you get it from?


Question: From some Bluebook published by the Government?

Beamish:—-No. The Government is a Jew Government.

Question: Don’t the Rulers of Russia know the names of the Members forming the Government?

Beamish:—-They would not give it to me.

Question: Are they not published in any authentic publication?

Beamish:—-No. If you read the Press, there are no Jews in the Soviet.

Question: Have the names been published?

Beamish:—-Yes, and the actual position they held.

Question: Do you want to put in a list of the names of the Soviet Government?

Beamish:—-The then Government at that date. It is changed of course. At that date it was authentic, it is in English and French.

Question: Where did you get your information from?

Beamish:—-That I would rather not give in this Court, peoples’ lives are in danger over this matter.

Question: You did not get it from any authentic publication?

Beamish:—-No. I got it first-hand from a man living in Russia in a responsible position.

Question: That is the man who should be produced?


Question: Your secret organisation, finding out all these things, do you always meet somewhere in Switzerland?

Beamish:—-Not always.

Question: Do you go by your own name?


Question: Why not?

Beamish:—-Because my life is in danger over this matter. Mr. Reynolds may laugh.

(Mr. Von Moltke wishes to put in a book by the witness about “The Jew and the Soviet” and states that he has Mr. Beamish here as a world’s authority on the Jewish question. States that Mr. Reynolds has quoted the Talmud by the Rabbis and wishes the Court to take that as history, and asks what proof there is that they were historians, that he can prove to the Court that they were bad historians.)

(Court) We admit historical evidence based on fact because it is the only way to prove it by any person living who could give that evidence. Now, we are dealing with modern conditions and you would be able to get the best evidence to prove this and that would be by some person in Russia who knew the individuals and give first-hand evidence.

Mr. Von Moltke: In order to establish my case on this side will I have to subpoena the Soviet in Russia?

COURT: Subpoena someone who can give first-hand evidence. You can produce the current Russian Blue-book giving the names of the Government.

MR. VON MOTLKE: Those names are all camouflaged. They have taken Russian names and they are Jews.



Question: Who engineered the Hungarian Revolution of 1918?

Beamish:—-I was not in the Revolution or I would not be here.

Question: Who engineered the Spanish Revolution?

Beamish:—-I was there. But pardon me there, I happened to be in London with the East African Delegation, and when the house of Commons rose I said “I am going to Spain” and the people said “Why” and I said there is going to be a revolution, the reason being because it had a good King, no unemployment and established religion, and the day I got to Santa Dio – I visited several towns in Spain – the revolution broke down, and the days I was in Madrid they were issuing hundreds and thousands of photographs in the streets of Madrid and on these were the photographs of Trotsky. That I did see.


Question: That is a fact that you can depose to?

Beamish:—-Yes. I cannot be in all revolutions. The revolution was engineered by what are called the “Crypto” Jews, and they are the descendents of Jews who have been kept in “cold storage” for all these years, ever since the 15th century, and have now come out.


Question: What was the actual reason for that revolution?

Beamish:—-The plot is to destroy the western civilization and they hit on these countries which they can handle the easiest.

Question: Was there then a good Government or a good King in Spain?

Beamish:—-A most excellent Government, an excellent King, an established religion and no unemployment, so it had to be broken down, and was, and there is absolute anarchism in Spain today.

Question: Do you know anything about Stavisky?

Beamish:—-I was there also by the way in France, the Stavisky scandal. He was a Lithuanian Jew and he had implicated the whole of France from top to bottom including the Premier. I need not tell the Bench what happened to that magnificent man, Judge Prince, who was assassinated only recently because he knew the secrets of the whole Stavisky affair.

Question: By whom was the Cromwellian revolution worked?

Beamish:—-The Jews of course. I was not there.

Question: That is a matter of history?

Beamish:—-Yes. The Jews had been out of Great Britain since 1290 under Edward the First, and Cromwell was influenced by the Jews, and the terms were that the Jews were to be allowed back, and were allowed back in 1655. In the same way William the Conqueror came over in 1066, but I was not there.

Question: What happened 45 years after the re-admission of Jews into England?

Beamish:—-The people of Britain were so enraged at the condition of affairs that they approached the King, who passed what is called the Act of Settlement, which is in the shortest Act on the British Statute Book, and I have a cope in the Court, at least I have a copy of the Act. It was in 1700.

Question: Could you tell this Court who engineered the Jameson Raid of 1895?

Beamish:—-Certainly. It was engineered by Lionel Phillips and Alfred Beit. I have not the Blue-book, but I cannot carry all the Blue-books about with me.

Question: It is in the Cape Blue-book?

Beamish:—-The correspondence passed between Lionel Phillips and Alfred Beit. The Jameson Raid was engineered in order to steal this country for the Jews, and they used the British for that purpose.

Question: The Court can refer to that Blue-book?

Beamish:—-You can get that in the library.

Question: In your book on page 29, dealing with the Jewish question, on page 29 (The Jews’ Who’s who’, you said: “Whatever Jews are there can be no rest or peace………all the gold.” Could you verify that in this Court?

Beamish:—-Certainly. I only verified it a few days ago, when sent for by the C.I.D. I live on the C.I.D. doorstep I may tell you, and they wanted to know what action I was taking over this Jew business, and I said I am concentrating myself on cleaning up the C.I.D. first, and that gave them a shock. I said “there are several “I.D.B” “I.G.B.” “Illicit Liquor” “Fraudulent Bankruptcies”, “Arson”, smuggling silver over the Rhodesian border, and faking the exports of Rhodesian Tobacco into the Union.

Question: Did you ever publicly accuse Sir Lionel Phillips as being one of the plotters behind the backs of Britain and Boer?

Beamish:—-Yes, quite recently.

Question: Have you publicly accused him of that, and he has not prosecuted you?

Beamish:—-I printed 20,000 copies of the “Jewish Who’ who” with his own correspondence in it.

Question: Dr. Sokolow denied in this Court that the bulk of the Press in all countries, especially the British Empire, is controlled by Jews. Do you agree with him?

Beamish:—-My challenge is that I defy him to name one single paper that is not controlled by Jews, and I hope I shall be cross-examined on that.

Question: You have devoted a big chapter on this in your book and exposed the various papers in Britain, and they are controlled by whom?

Beamish:—-Jews. For many years I was on the first council in this country and that is how I know of the control in South Africa.

Question: Who were responsible for the manipulation of foreign exchange, inflation and deflations?

Beamish:—-The Jews.

Question: You say the Jews controlled the foreign exchange, inflations and deflations?

Beamish:—-The Jews. I am not a friend of the Rothschilds who corner the gold, naturally.

Question: Would you like the Court to believe that the bulk of wars, including the Russo-Japanese war, the Boer War and the late World War were the result of Jewish intrigue?

Beamish:—-Yes, I can prove it, but I was not there; but I know it and have been publishing the fact all these years, and so have others, and it has never been denied. Wars are the Jews’ harvest, they are not yours or mine.

Question: By whom are practically all the theatres, cinemas and Film Companies owned and controlled?

Beamish:—-The Jews. I was a pioneer of bioscopes in this country, before Mr. Schlesinger was ever heard of. I am not prepared to show filthy films to young children.

Question: Do you consider the fact that these cinemas and theatres and Film Companies are controlled by Jews is a menace to Western civilization?

Beamish:—-It is difficult to immediately reply to that. It is a kindergarten thing to say. It is one of the leading things for guiding the young, and if you guide them wrongly when young you pollute them, and that is part of the plot.

Question: Do you wish the Court to believe that Jewry’s aim is to destroy the Christian Church and religion generally and to Judaise the civilized world?

Beamish:—-Yes, I have it in their writings. I get every Jewish paper published in England and Yiddish and I get it translated, and therefore I know their inner work. I am not in their inner circle, no Gentile can that. I know what is going on, and have since a small boy.

Question: The “British Publishing Company”, do you employ Yiddish and Hebrew experts?

Beamish:—-We have to do it.

Question: Do you wish the Court to believe that the various brands of Internationalism, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Menshivism and Bolshevism are purely Jewish in origin and in practice?

Beamish:—-First the thing began with the Labour Party, perfectly decent people, the members are all right. Then it became Socialism. The next stage is Menshivism, that is a mild form. Then you get communism, then Bolshevism, and finally, anarchy, and that is the object. They are all with one object, not the Labour men, no, no.

Question: You opened Henry Ford’s eyes as to the Jew menace?

Beamish:—-I taught him.

Question: And after you did this, did you follow his public utterances on the Jewish question very carefully?


Question: And after you followed it very carefully did you write this pamphlet published by “The Briton”, “Who made the World War”?

Beamish:—-I did.

Question: Did you know the late Dr. J. H. Clarke, author of “England under the Heel of the Jew”?

Beamish:—-He was Vice-President of my society.

Question: He wrote various books on the subject?

Beamish:—-Yes, he did last year.

Question: Do you know Mr. L. Fry, author of “Waters Flowing Eastward”?



Question: Do you know anything about Mr. Fry?

Beamish:—-Yes. There is a very small circle in this business. There has to be. One knows them all.

Question: Who is Mr. Fry?

Beamish:—-He lives in France. He is a writer and student of this subject.

Question: What is his occupation, profession?

Beamish:—-As I say, author.

Question: Do you regard him as an authoritative author on the subject?

Beamish:—-Like Macaulay would be, of the “Rise and Fall of an Empire”.

Question: Do you agree with his views?

Beamish:—-I do.

Question: As published in “Waters Flowing Eastward”?



Question: What is the passage you are relying on in regard to the Protocols. Is there anything in regard to the history of the Protocols?

Beamish:—-Yes, a full history.

(GUTSCHE J: You are asked whether you agree with the author Fry’s History of the Protocols. The Court does not know what Fry says about them).


Question: Dr. Sokolow stated that the Jews of the world are not organised politically. Is that correct?

Beamish:—-There is no organization in the world so compact and organized as the Jews, and it has been for centuries.

Question: It is also stated by all the authoritative Jewish witnesses in this case that all the Jewish organisations and bodies, like the Kahal etc. are religious organizations and they do not interfere with politics at all. Is that correct?

Beamish:—-Certainly not. The Kahal is the centre of the Hebrew alliance really and the Jewish Board of Deputies the super-Parliament of Great Britain, and you have one in this country too.

Question: On page 63 of your book “The Jews Who’s Who” you give a chronological account of “The Jew Conquest of England”?

Beamish:—-Yes. I can give one on the Jew Conquest of South Africa now. (Pages 63-69 quoted).

Question: Just give the Court very shortly where you got your information from?

Beamish:—-Largely from the British Museum.

Question: Would you mind giving the Court a short history of how the Jews conquered England?

Beamish:—-They came over in 1066 with William the Conqueror and, no doubt, financed him. There was a leader, like the Jameson Raid.

Question: Since the Jews became emancipated?

Beamish:—-That is after, 1655. Then, I told you, the Act of Settlement was passed, the shortest Act in the Statute Book, to deal with the menace, and from 1700 afterwards you will find the Chronological order the gradual grasp the Jews got on our aristocracy, our Parliament our everything.

Question: At the end of this chronological account (page 69) you state: “1919, the Jews Who’s Who, exposing the plot of the International Financier to acquire world control. To what race does this International Financier belong?

Beamish:—-To the Jews. Naturally they are Jews. The only difference between 1919 and 1934 is, that then though they had a grip over the world, today they have got it in a strangle-hold. That is why the Hitler movement started. Hitler did not do this for amusement any more than I am.

Question: On page 70 of your book you give a short prelude of what you publish. (Quotes). There is published an account (pages 70 to 237 of series of amount of capital they have in their companies, and how these have been interlocked; you have a number of South African firms in it as well. Have any of them ever refuted any of these statements and ever prosecuted you for making such statements?

Beamish:—-No, and over 20,000 have been published. This is the first volume of its kind probably ever introduced.

Question: Do you wish the Court to believe that the list of Jew financiers of the British Empire extends from pages 70 to 237 and this is not complete?

Beamish:—-Nothing like complete.

Question: Could you tell the Court what these Jews actually control in their names throughout the British Empire?

Beamish:—-Gold by the Rothschilds, copper by Guggenheimers, diamonds by the Oppenheimers, silver by the Samuels, nickel by the Monds, oil by the Samuels, the same tribe but another branch; base metals by the Merton group, whose real name is Moses. If you want cinemas and theatres I can give you that. I can mention Schlesinger in this country. Any industry you like to mention I will give you the leaders of it. Please remember, you are young. I do not mind them controlling, it is the pollution of the control I object to. That is the point.

Question: Rufus Daniel Isaacs, you have his biography in here?

Beamish:—-You are referring to Sir Rufus Isaacs, now known as Lord Reading, and I give his dossier complete over the Marconi scandal, 1912 which would be the beginning of the real Jew influence to debase all our ideals.

Question: What can you tell the Court about Lord Reading, what was his connection with the Marconi scandal?

Beamish:—-He has never refuted anything there.

Question: And you were in England at the time?


Question: Did you write this pamphlet “What the Jews say about Themselves”?


Question: And are these quotations correct?

Beamish:—-Most certainly they are. I have been publishing that for about 15 years.

Question: You use the names of various Jewish authors. Have you ever been prosecuted by them for using their names?


Question: Do you know Colonel Lane, author of ?

Beamish:—-Yes, many years. He was in the Boer War. He was a Hungarian Jew. This is the man who sold England to the Germans. He has belonged to five different religions in his Jewish life, and he is now in a monastery.

Question: Is he no longer a Jew?

Beamish:—-You cannot take a small dog to make it into a mastiff.

Question: Has he written extensively on the Jewish question?


Question: Would you say his opinion is correct, that he is also an authority on the subject?

Beamish:—-He has spent almost a lifetime on it, since he left the army, and during his period in the army.

Question: Some 30 years ago when you came out on this question and made your first public statement and writings, were you not considered as a bit of a lunatic?

Beamish:—-You always are. Dr. Ross, who discovered the malaria germs, they wanted to certify him, and they would like to certify me, but I know the subject. They wanted to certify him as a lunatic because in India he said malaria came from the mosquito.


Question: Who wished to certify him?

Beamish:—-The doctors in India. The story has so often been told to me. He is really one of the greatest men who ever lived. He was running a school of Tropical Research, and he was a friend of mine. Mussolini and Hitler have been called “mad dogs”. Mussolini is a great man and so is Hitler.


Question: Do you know Hitler?

Beamish:—-I taught Hitler. He is a much younger man than I am, and when he asked me I said to him “Naturally” in a discussing matter like this.


Question: On What particular subject did you teach him?

Beamish:—-On the Jewish question. I said to him “How do you propose to deal with the Jews because naturally that was the subject, and he said “I have made up my mind” and I said “what is that” – I always get other opinions first – and he said “We are going to send all our Jews to the Allies” and I said “I think they thoroughly deserve it.” But I said “That won’t cure the disease, if you have a mad dog and you tie him up in your backyard that does not get rid of the mad dog” and the Hitler became more reasonable.

Question: What was the date of this conversation, what year?

Beamish:—-I suppose probably 1921. Then I gave my view about denaturalization, because you cannot make these people international.


Question: In regard to that question there was a time when Hitler was not enlightened on this question?

Beamish:—-In the same way as yourself.

Question: Did you know Dr. Oscar Levy, the Jew?

Beamish:—-I had a great deal of correspondence from him. I have letters from him here.

Question: Was he a friend of yourself and Dr. Clarke?

Beamish:—-Certainly, a very fine type.

Question: Was he a man 20 years domiciled in Great Britain?

Beamish:—-He was a Member of my Club in London.

Question: Did he write a foreword to Pitt River’s book?

Beamish:—-He did.

Question: Did Oscar Levy write this book “Spirit of Israel”?


Question: In regard to “The Grave Diggers of Russia”?

Beamish:—-Did you personally go to Germany to arrange for this book to be compiled?

Beamish:—-Yes, because it could not be printed in Great Britain, because the whole of the printers, like the Press, are under the heel of the Jew.

Question: With regard to this book you say you are now busy writing, is from an international point of view?


Question: Also on South Africa?


Question: Are you definitely assured that you can prove even to this Court, if any questions are asked of you by the Court or counsel for the plaintiff, that South Africa is definitely ruled by the Jew?

Beamish:—-I am simply longing for Mr. Reynolds to “have a go” at me.

Question: There are only two Jewish Members in Parliament?

Beamish:—-That has nothing to do with it, only one mosquito gives you malaria.

Question: You have read this document I presume?


Question: On the top “Copy for M. Lazarus”. Then we have “Lecture No. 2”. There are also certain line in Hebrew Script, and I believe this is very badly written?


Question: I believe it reads something like “Fit for Passover”?

Beamish:—-Yes. The copy I have is the one sent to me up north.


Question? Can you read Hebrew?

Beamish:—-No, I have experts for that.


Question: “Fit for Passover” or “Pasteurised Milk”. Have those words any significance to you?

Beamish:—-As a matter of fact when you sent me this typed document it had nothing whatever on it. I only saw the document yesterday. Do you want to know if I think there is anything in this translation, of those words? I think there is a great deal, but not in the English words, of what those signs mean and you will have to go to the Kahal for it.

Question: This document as it stands reads very incoherently. Could you explain why it is like that?

Beamish:—-I should say it is a pretty crude document, drawn up, as I mentioned before, in Asiatic style, and the whole grammar is Oriental, and it is written by somebody who knows all about the “Inner Circle”, because it is probably a pretty uneducated Jew.

Question: You would not agree that Jews have got the monopoly of the English grammar that only Standard VIII boys, Afrikaans speaking people, could read?

Beamish:—-The average Jew of course is extremely bad at English.

Question: There is the synopsis at the top “Our Plan of Attack”?


Question: It starts: “Out attitude to the Christian Faith” and ends “Our Bolshevic Propaganda Schemev”. There are 15 of these sub-headings there?


Question: You know the Protocols?


Question: And they also have a synopsis like that on top?


Question: “Division of Christian Churches”, “World Socialism” for instance, if certain of those sub-headings are left out you have in the synopsis, left out in the document, would you put incoherency of the document to that?

Beamish:—-The synopsis I look upon as their main platform. That has been handed on by the Kahal to some Bolshevic renegade Jewish group in Port Elizabeth, and they are only dealing with a few of these items.

Question: If you study this document you will find various headings and sub-headings. First there is “Lecture No. 2 subject “our Plan of Attack”, and the following sub-head, “Our attitude to the Christian Faith”. Then again on page 2, “Lecture on Judaism vs. Christianity, Anti-Semitism and the South African Gray Shirts”?


Question: Another, “The Live and let Live Motto”, and on the third page, “Lecture on Judaism v. Christianity” and on page 4 “Judaism vs. Christianity, Debate of the Council”?


Question: Now, would you say these sub-headings are all fictitious?

Beamish:—-Most certainly not. This is the essence of the plot. You have got to destroy the Christian Faith, these people as they have done to divide the Churches.

Question: Would you say this document, as it stands, contains a full report of the proceedings and deliberations of this committee?

Beamish:—-It is not a report at all, it is for them to go into these things on those lines, or if not, to read and discuss.

Question: On the last page there is “Judaism vs. Christianity, Debate of the Council”. Would this give you the impression that this document, or this précis, was discussed by a certain group of Jews?

Beamish:—-Or was to be discussed.

Question: I have divided this document up into a number of sentences. I want to get to those sentences really of interest. “As I have explained to you in previous meetings, our attitude to Christianity is one of great interest to the High Circle of the Jewish Citizens of Port Elizabeth”. Do you think that is something that could have been said by a Jew or a group of Jews “Our attitude to Christianity is one of great interest”?

Beamish:—-Certainly it comes from the “Inner Circle” of Jewry and “Our attitude” is the “Inner Circle” speaking through some individual who is probably going to lecture.

Question: On their attitude to Christianity?

Beamish:—-It is quite clear what their attitude is.

Question: “As you all know the divisions in the Christian Church were of our construction”?

Beamish:—-Quite so. From Luther down you only have to read history, there it is.

Question: Would you put that down that it is actually so, or put that down to Jewish boastfulness?

Beamish:—-I should put it down as a mixture of the two. He is a very boastful, arrogant, person especially when he has money.

Question: “It was our ancestors that urged Luther and the other reformers to break from the Mother Church, i.e. The Roman Catholic Church, for our own private purposes, which would hasten the fulfillment of our World Imperialism”. Did you ever hear that the Jews or the ancestors of the Jews urged Luther and other reformers to break away from the Roman Catholic Church?

Beamish:—-Through the years the policy has been “Divided we Rule” and that was the position at that time of Luther. Luther believed in the Jews and then found them out and wrote all this things when he found them out.

Question: Luther wrote books afterwards against the Jews?

Beamish:—-Yes, because he found them out. Nobody wants to be against a Jew because he is a Jew, he cannot help being a Jew. “Divided we rule”. The moment you split the people the minority can rule.

Question: “The Roman Catholic Church was severely wounded in the head, that is literally, and the Protestant Churches, are as dead as mutton”. Do you think that is proper language a Jew could have used?

Beamish:—-It is extraordinarily true, a great deal of it, that nobody else would ever think of such a thing. It is so those who have studied the subject. The Roman Catholic Church was severely wounded and many Protestant Churches was a danger to it. I would not say “as dead as mutton”, but fairly lethargic.

Question: “But, my beloved Council. The Roman Catholic Church has been unconscious for countless centuries, but it is beginning to stir to life again”?

Beamish:—-That is well-known. The Russian who have been weeded out who were deeply religious people remained Catholics, anxious to keep in there. Mussolini has linked up with the Vatican, and the Roman Catholic Church is the most powerful organisation from a religious point of view in the whole world.

Question: Is that that the reason it is put in here?

Beamish:—-Yes, that is why they went into the Spanish revolution. Anyone knows the Spaniard, knows how deeply religious he is, and if you use communism at the back of this religion you destroy Christianity and the ideals of Christianity.

Question: “It has awakened after a long and great sleep, and its influence is beginning to be felt throughout the Earth”?

Beamish:—-Quite true. Mussolini linked up with the Vatican.

Question: “Did not the Fascist, Mussolini, make treaties with the Pope, and is not Hitler a Catholic”. Is that correct?

Beamish:—-Certainly, he is an Austrian. Lives in Bavaria and is a Bavarian Catholic.

Question: “We must destroy it?

Beamish:—-They did destroy it in the Spanish revolution, and unless the people get good leaders they will continue to destroy Spain. I am not a Roma Catholic, but the Roman Catholic is the one religion that can stand up to Judaism, because it is combined.

Question: Do you meant to tell the Court that the Roma Catholic Church has been wounded in Spain owing to the revolution?

Beamish:—-Of course. The first thing they did was to destroy all the convents and the Churches; and in Italy, when that revolution broke out they broke into the first Fiat works and the workers shouted “There is no God”. The last person to say that would be Italian, as he brought up in a very religious school.

Question: “I mentioned to you before several times at our Council meetings of the select that we were the pure people.” Is that a Jewish doctrine?

Beamish:—-That is Jewish doctrine going through the ages, they are the pure people, we the “Goyim”.

Question: “The Nordics in our eyes are no wise different to the Chinese Dogs or the Turks”?

Beamish:—-I consider the Nordic races are the cream of the world, and we have the right to keep our races pure, as Hitler has realised.

Question: “Chinese dogs or the Turks”. Why would they single out those two nations?

Beamish:—-Why do they pick on the Nordics. If you follow civilization through the ages from the Greeks up, you will find all the leaders, if you look in their faces, every one is Nordic, no credit to being so, but they are. And it is the Nordic people who are the cream of civilization.

Question: Why should they compare the Nordics in their eyes in any way different to the “Chinese Dogs or Turks”?

Beamish:—- I don’t know, I cannot tell you that, because the Chinese are an extraordinary people, always fighting, and the Turks more or less a decadent race, and they are Asiatics. They consider them decadent.

Question: “ They are all our destroyers, our enemies.” Does the Jew think that?

Beamish:—-Of Course, if you knew the “inner circle” of Judah you would know they look upon us as their enemy.

Question: “The Christian religion is wrong”?

Beamish:—-Yes, because it is “Live and let live”, “Do unto others” and “Love thy neighbour”. Their God is the God of the Rule. You have only to read the old Testament.

Question: What sort of religion is it if you never forgive?

Beamish:—-I could forgive Mr. Reynolds right now.

Question: “Christ, in the Jewish sense was a false Prophet”?

Beamish:—-Is He considered by the Jews as a false Prophet?

Beamish:—-Certainly, because He came to earth, divine or otherwise, and He started a new type of what I call “Live and let Live” and “Everybody love thy neighbour”. That is absolutely opposed to Jewish mentality.

Question: And they say further: “In our Talmud Torah and other Holy Books it does say that the Gentiles” etc. Is that idea of domination always at the back of the Jews’ head?

Beamish:—-Not only on the back but well to the front.

Question: They said: “Pharaoh, the King of Egypt was the first Anti-Semite, and I can assure you that Hitler will be the last”?

Beamish:—-What did Pharaoh do. When Moses, so he said, wanted to leave the country therefore God hardened his heart and would not let the people go and Moses prayed for the locusts and then there were all the plagues of Egypt. If I brought half a dozens scorpions into your house would you not let me go quickly.

Question: “And I can assure you that Hitler will be the last”?

Beamish:—-The reason of course is that Hitler and the Nazi Leaders realized that their country had been absolutely polluted, degraded and debased, their very literature, music, theatres, their law, their everything had been debased by these people, and Hitler, who was a man without any education, self-educated, as I am by the way, realized that the only thing to do was to save his country by cleaning it out.

Question: This sentence

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