

Monica Stone

According to the dictionary:

– an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry and government has been reached.

– Those people or nations that have reached such a state

– any type of culture, society, etc., of a specific place, time, or group: Greek civilization

– the act or process of civilizing or being civilized: Rome’s civilization of barbaric tribes was admirable

– cultural refinement; refinement of thought and cultural appreciation: The letters of Madame de Sevigne reveal her wit and civilization.

Ralph Waldo Emerson had this to say: Another success is the post-office, with its educating energy augmented by cheapness and guarded by a certain religious sentiment in mankind; so that the power of a waver or a drop of wax or gluten guard a letter, as it flies over sea over land and comes to its address as if a battalion of artillery brought it, I look upon it as a fine meter of civilization.

How do we define a civilization? Is it as soon as we bring the savages to the light we give them civilization? Do we see cities and buildings a civilization and when we go off the beaten track we leave civilization? If in modern times (civilization) you have a cellphone you qualify as civilized? Do we measure civilization to the development of science, medicine, weapons of destruction?

Who are the people who inform us what is civilized and who is civilized?

There is no doubt that the 21st Century is more advanced in so many ways than the 20th Century. But is this advanced 21st Century civilized? Do we keep on seeing the satellites bringing a picture on the biggest, thinnest and most advanced television screen for the entertainment of the masses. Do we really think this as being culturally civilized? I do not think so, maybe the electronic equipment can be classified as advanced, but the pictures and drivel we are being bombarded with every day, cannot. I am not equipped to speculate or write about the influence of the programs being shown, but that they are not good and uplifting and culturally sound, this is not even anything to argue about. We flick through the channels and it is the more low class blood and guts and vulgar, filthy and satanic they are they receive the best ratings and praise by the media.

Science – is the development of vaccinations, as an example, civilization if the propagation of it to benefit humankind is quite the opposite, it kills, maims or cripples in many cases. Every day the populations over the world are bombarded by taking certain medicines to “cure” and to destroy miladies or to end the suffering of the mentally or physically ill. We have more different strains of illness, allergies, etc. than ever before. So how can all these “inventions” benefit mankind? But we are living in a time where civilization has reached the highest level.

Science brought us weapons of such demonic power, killing more people than since the beginning of time. Do we call this civilization? Do these terrible killing machines make sure we will maintain the highest peak of civilization, I think not, these killing machines are bringing to the fore the most savage

and basic instincts of man than ever before.


Science are working on projects to take us to different worlds in the Universe. Man landed on the moon, satellites take pictures of Mars and other planets, is this how we measure civilization? All this knowledge has it change mankind’s behavior? In the context of giving an illusion of power to those who took the first picture or landed on the moon. Since the landing on the moon it has not been accomplished again. Of course there are talks about it again, even selling lots and building houses on the moon, but what about the neglect of mankind on planet earth. Is this just part of the illusion to keep the masses busy, not with circuses in the Coliseum, but dreaming to escape the problems on the planet we know as our only home. As it works in politics this is a wonderful way of diversion, keep the plebs busy with nonsensical issues while the reality of poverty, war, starvation and torture are not addressed. In so doing nothing is done about anything but destroying the last vestiges of what we know and understand of culture and civilization.

I watched a program on the history channel about art in Egypt. It was very interesting when the facts were made known that the art of the Egyptians stayed the same for 700 years and only changed when they made contact with the Greeks. This made me think of what really happened with Western Civilization and the wonderful art and poetry and gallantry that was the order of the day for so many centuries. This all changed because of the discovery of other worlds, this is not a bad thing, but the problem is we did not in so doing kept what was our way of life, our culture and civilization we adopt these same things from those who we got in contact with, either by allowing them into our world or allowing our people to invade and stay in theirs. Slowly like the frog in the water being heated over centuries we lost more and more and now we just living the illusion of a White Civilization long forgotten. Even in of the most simple things we lost what was once proper, the way we dress, our table manners, our conducts towards our neighbor, known or unknown, it does not matter. Once in lifetimes long gone by the village will stand together to help families in need, today we give money to whatever church or organization to take care of the needy, especially those in some far away country, and we keep living our lives as if this is now a “pay-off” so therefore none of our concern. Compassion, sympathy, empathy and concern, not to mention even love for our own do not count anymore; it is left to some agent or welfare worker most of the time of a foreign country and not of our Race or Values to take care of the “problem”.

Of course all was not roses and gallantry a few centuries ago, thinking this is not only untrue, but a fallacy. It was not only the contact with other people and other races who brought the decadence or non- civilized behavior to our lands, but the rottenness within ourselves. We allowed the negative forces and humans who look like us, the pre-Adamic peoples, those without soul and who therefor has no conscience to take over to destroy the perfection our Heavenly Father so greatly granted and bequeath us eons of time ago. A time long gone when all was perfection with our Father taking care of us, but we in our greed and stupidity wanted earthly kings, queens and judges to rule (ruin?) over us. It is always the weakness of mankind to only believe and trust what he/she can see and this became our very downfall. Nevertheless, nothing ever is lost, our Father will not allow all His creation to be ruined, we as His Children as we live now do not deserve His kindness or His Blessings, He made a promise which He will never ever break, He will deliver us from this Evil for His Holy Name sake. The chaos now being created and all the propaganda and pushing for war and more bloodletting is creating the scenario where the Almighty God will make known His Power and His Glory and every knee shall bow and every mouth proclaim He is God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. There is no doubt this mess we created by our unbelief, greed, stupidity and ignorance can only be sorted out by a Higher Power. There is no president, general or army that can bring law and order to this swamp of decadence and filth. Every day “civilization” is sinking into deeper and deeper levels of unbelievable and mind boggling illogical happenings. Case in point, Ms. Harriet, a member of parliament for the Labor Party in Britain wants to “soften” the case against child pornography, the reason, the child is not harmed by this. The real reason is too many lawyers, judges, parliamentarians, police etc. are involved with this “non-crime” so in softening the wording, these predators and destroyers of our children are getting away with the crime destroying the very soul of our children. Then we say because of all the modern buildings or old buildings we live in a civilized world or society? I think not.

The best example of a non-functional-civil-society is the “new” Republic of South Africa. Before 1994 the country was ruled by a White “minority”, this together with the fact that apartheid (separation of the races) was trouble. The Western Powers were determined to change these mortal sins. There can be no minority rule and there can be no apartheid. So sanctions were implemented, but the good news and of course this was bad for the Power Elite, South Africa flourished and had it made. The country became the most powerful on the continent of Africa, with best army, excellent education for all races, etc. The roads were the best. South Africa built the Cahora Bassa dam in Mozambique to supply electricity to the region. Well, what happened during 1994 is now history. The majority (Blacks) came to power, apartheid was buried and all hell broke loose.

The African National Congress won the election with a landslide, no surprise the country became a Communist malfunctioned nightmare. BUT the West is so impressed with the ANC that millions and millions of dollars are given and the buildings, soccer stadia, airports and roads are being built. Even a complete town for President Zuma is in the making, with its own airport, soccer field, bunkers and houses for his four (at the time of writing) wives and all his children. So many tourists go to South Africa and are so impressed with how the face of South Africa has changed with all the modern buildings and the infrastructure. Many conferences are held in Durban and Johannesburg, by example the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) think tank planning to break away from the IMF and the World Bank and the mighty American Dollar. Of course before 1994 the Whites were not important and no such meetings at this great a scale were ever attended by any dignitaries of any government, but only to visit the White Government of the day to threaten and demand capitulation and the dismantling of the mortal sin apartheid.

Of course apartheid is right and good in Israel where the Palestinians go through checkpoints every day of their lives. Where a high wall was built to keep non-Israelis out, together with this a landfill full of stinking garbage outside Jerusalem. By keeping non-Jews out of Israel the Israeli-Jews can maintain their civilization and culture.

This is not the case on the rest of the globe where you have any White people. Wherever you find Europeans the third worlders will storm in and slowly the culture and civilization of the host country will change to a stinking garbage landfill. This happened in Africa where the Europeans had colonies, Britain, Holland, France, Germany and the Portuguese. Here the erosion started with the liberals in the West with the law of majority rule. The Whites were sold out by Britain, Holland, France, Germany and the Portuguese governments. Too many suffered under this liberal decision, some African countries of course lost all of their European citizens, either by slaughter or the lucky ones emigrating to the liberal West who is now selling her own to the new comers from Africa or Asia. With this law of equality civilizations are self-destructing, cultures are disappearing, but new roads and buildings are constructed and we call this civilization.

With the strangers amongst us all levels of culture and civilization are under attack and slowly what is left of European culture will be, if we lucky, one day be seen behind glass cages in museums. The truth of the matter is, it will not be seen as those who are taking over European culture and civilization change the truth and twist it so they would look good and civilized. We see it with museums popping up all over the Western world in commemoration of the so-called holocaust influencing the thinking of the Europeans and instilling the guilt not only towards the Jews, but to the whole third world and their billions of peoples. It is only the European with his culture and Christian civilization foundation who is forever contributing to the under-privilege masses of the world. When Haiti had the earthquake, there was not a peep from Africa to lend a hand, it all came from the despised Europeans.

With all this help the West is giving to these multitude of not-haves, we are losing who and what we are. To go back to Africa and the colonies again, there was no helping hand from the West to save the Europeans in any of the colonies. There is no helping hand in helping the Boers in South Africa where nearly one million of them are living the most miserable conditions, no running water, no food, but in the hope someone somewhere will lend a helping hand. The Boer Genocide is called “alleged”, but for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it all too very real, especially those experiencing and suffering the horror of the slaughter. No, the European West is just obsessed in helping the Africans, to train them in weaponry and how to handle themselves in a war situation, which will ultimately lead to the complete destruction of any European life on the continent of Africa.

The question is simple: WHY? are they doing this. I think the answer is complex, as it is not only for greed, but these Westerners are doing the bidding of their Masters, to use these third world peoples to destroy the children of the Most High God. I remember many years ago Joshua Nkomo a terrorist in Rhodesia made the comment “by destroying the Whites, we destroy their God.” This war is bigger than you and I. We fight amongst ourselves, in so doing we just help the enemy of our race and fight against the Most High God.

As South African Europeans are the youngest and most recent victims of this attack by the enemy of our God, this situation is the best and foremost in the mind of people who are interested and do care of what is happening to our Race and know this situation is shifting very fast and unhindered to the United States of America, Europe and United Kingdom. What is taking place in South Africa is unspeakable horror, it not yet the case of the other countries, but it is happening, it is just covered up, swept under the carpet more. In the case of the USA, the country is so big, what is happening in the north is not affecting the people in the south. In South Africa what is happening in the north is affecting the whole country. Culture and civilization as we have known it pre-1994 in South Africa is now in history books. So this will be with the rest of the West if there is not turn around and Europeans start taking care of their own affairs instead of being worried why the Bushmen do not have running water, they never had running water, so it is not our concern as charity must once and for all start at home instead of outsourcing it to commit self-destruction or suicide. We have so many books to read on this subject written by scholars, philosophers and academicians for centuries. But it seems all we learn from history is that we do not learn at all. Did we lose the capacity of learning or understanding? Have we lost so much of our own culture and civilization that we do not know the difference anymore? But we build new buildings all over the globe and proudly we hail, this is civilization.

The way we treat our fellowmen, (European) the lack of understanding and the lack of giving, but there is no hesitation in giving to a foreigner or a stranger? We can serve our God by taking care of His Children who carry the Light of His Creation.

Here follow some verses from the KOLBRIN BIBLE:

MAN: 20:2 – In this, our generation, goodly men have been robbed of their estates by warlike strangers, and their wives have even been ravaged by men, who have studied the ways of weaponry. Their possessions have been sold to provide earthly pleasure for those who revel in things of the Earth, and their households have been despoiled to give pleasure to fornicating fighters.

MAN: 12:6 – O foolish people; O foolish generation! With dust on my head I mourn your ignorance. With loud lamentations I decry your folly. Yet the path you have chosen, you have chosen freely. Ease and comfort appear to your end and purpose.

MPR: 2:35 – Work for Our God, and He will work for you. He remembers well the man, who labors on His behalf. He who labors to the benefit of others works for the Great God. He who improves Earth works for Him.

MPR: 57:6 – He who deserts his brother in his hour of need is unworthy to be called by the name of man. He who turns against his brother and assists his opponents is unworthy.

Let this last be a warning and an inspiration to the Children of the Most High:

MPR: 63:42 – All men sow, but few live to see the harvest or the strange fruit it brings forth.

Let us go to the FERRAR FENTON BIBLE

HOSEA 6:1-3 –

Let us go and return to the LORD,

He has torn us, He only can heal;

He wounded, and He can bind up;

Can revive us from day on to day;

Can raise, – and make live in His presence,-

Can teach and instruct to know LIFE.

His progress is fixed like the dawn,

And He comes to us like showers come;

Like the Harvest rain poured on the earth!

This situation the Children of the Light find themselves in, civilization lost, culture lost, all can be restored if we only repent and go back to His Laws. He gave us all the instruction books, but we never read or study them, so we do not live by the rules. God can and will change all this darkness into His Light with the blink of an eye and as the saying goes “God never blinks.” He is here Ever-Lasting. Without any doubt He will not let us down, His Promise will stand for His Holy Name Sake.


The post How Do We Define A Civilization appeared first on The South Africa Project.

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