Monica Stone
Change: Webster’s dictionary:
To alter and make different; to change the shape of a thing; to substitute another thing or things for another; to change ownership; to be altered, to become different; to be partially or wholly transformed; to pass from one phase to another; any variation or alteration in form, state, quality, or a passing from one state or form to another. SYN. Alteration, modification, deviation, transformation, revolution, reverse.
The use of this word is not new it has been used for eons of time. Either by unhappy people, demanding change or by politicians promising same. Through all these centuries the human race has not learned anything, by this I mean, “CHANGE” is not always progress or for the better or in the best interest to the average person.
The Israelites had a leader in Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This situation did not sit well with the population as all the heathen nations around them had “kings”, so it was not long when rebellion broke out and they demanded CHANGE. The Israelites also wanted an earthly king, not satisfied with the King of Kings, God Almighty as the Everlasting Father as their King from times long ago. So they rioted, went on strike, demanding and insisted. The wish of the Israelites was granted they got their king. Change came with a price as no problem was solved; there was no leadership, as Saul had to have another king in the making, David to play music to his troubled ears. Proverbs 24:21: My son! Fear the Lord, and the King:- with the changeful associate not. For swift will their punishment rise – And who knows the injury to both?
Of course the stubborn Israelites did not listen then and they do not listen even now at the present time as they give their trust in politicians, the princes of the day.
We can go through history and read about CHANGE so many times. As example we take the French Revolution. This CHANGE brought so much anger, torture, loss of life and even the direction the once great country of France that was. The impact of this Revolution is still felt today, the CHANGE it brought to the human race all over the world was not better any situation, in actual fact, all got worse. The slogan, “Liberty, equality and brotherhood” did nothing for those it was suppose to help, better their quality of life. No, it only better the lives of the new “royalty” the real dregs of society who came up like the foam in the boiling soap-pot. Instead of scooping the dirt off, it was allowed to take over and rule over the Children of the Most High. Daniel 7:25: It will also speak of opposition to the Highest and persecute the Saints of the Most High and determine to CHANGE the Times and the Laws… For I Ever-Living CHANGE NOT, or you sons of Jacob will perish.
I remember a child my aunt making soap on the farm. All the ingredients were being cooked in this enormous black three-legged pot on a big fire. While all this was cooking very slowly she was scooping the dreg boiling up off the top with a spoon with a long handle and being thrown away. She said we have to do this for the soap to be pure, so the more often you do this, the better the soap. This reminded me of all these changes in politics. And also of all the wars that were fought where the cream of the population were slaughtered. The best, the pure were slaughtered and the dreg came up to take over. Now all countries on planet earth are being ruled by the dreg of the boiling soap that was not taken off and thrown away. The soulless, those with no insight or Light, but full of darkness and negativity are now in power over those who are carrying the Light in their whole being, their spirit and their soul. Because of this, this pyramid of power standing on its head the heaviness, mass and numbers are pushing the corner stone of the minority into the abyss.
Back to France, as we can see today, the “Liberty, equality, brotherhood” did not make France a great country. In fact, it destroyed the soul of this great country and with what is taking place there today it seems it will never recover. With CHANGE a boiling melting multi-racial society took root on the soil of once mighty France. Paris is sinking into a stinking swamp of indescribable stench and muck. The dregs of society are slowly becoming the majority in parliament with the TRUE BORN FRENCHMEN left with no say in any order of making the law and/or carrying it out.
The other CHANGE or Revolution that comes to mind is the one not too long ago, the Change that took place in Mother Russia in 1917. The first try of the dregs that came up from the boiling pot were not successful in 1905, but they were in 1917. The Royal House of Romanov was murdered, the whole country crumbled with the terror of the minority who with fear and might took power. It took many years for Russia to shake the off the yoke of Satanic Communism. But even so, to restore to the old glory of what was will take many moons and many sunrises. The dreg was not scooped off with the big spoon and thrown away, now this great country is trying to get back to be Mother Russia again. In these CHANGES in France and Russia we know today did not bring prosperity but a lot of heartache, suffering and loss of dignity. In Russia many people lost their lives, in the Ukraine an estimated 35 million starved to death with the collective farms disaster pushed onto the population. Just an interesting note: nothing of this is ever mentioned, except amongst the knowledgeable, but we are bombarded with the so-called 6 million Jews being gassed. Is this maybe because of Communism being the religion of the Jews and they will not say anything negative about it, that in the establishment of this godless religion so many human lives were sacrificed? The cream of Russia’s population was slaughtered and with this act such a lot of intelligence and leadership were destroyed. This did not only hurt Russia, but the Royal Houses of Europe as well, because of family ties and inter-marriage. We ask the question why did the Royal Houses of Europe and Great Britain not intervene, is it because of fear or infiltration by the Jews of that time?
We saw the CHANGE in Rhodesia, even the name changed to Zimbabwe named after the ruins left by the Arabs who mined for gold in this tragic country. Rhodesia resisted the assault on her freedom by her enemies for 14 years, quite an accomplishment for such a small landlocked country. When this tragic country succumbed to the pressure of her enemies, the New World Order, she just disappeared from the face of the earth. Rhodesia used to be South and North Rhodesia. The latter became Zambia. The demise of this country came because of the treason of Britain with her Lord Carrington and Henry Kissinger of the USA who played a big role in this. The treason committed to all the inhabitants by the British Government of the countries of Nyasaland, (now known as Malawi), Northern and Southern Rhodesia is inhumane words fail to describe the misery inflicted to all. The Rhodesian Front Party of Ian Smith declared UDI, unilateral Declaration of Independence on November 11, 1965. For many years negotiations were conducted between Rhodesia and Great Britain. It was plain to see that Britain wanted to sacrifice Rhodesia on the communist altar. Garfield Todd (Whiteman), former Rhodesian Premier was arrested when it became known he was inciting the Africans to rise up and kill the Whites. He was carrying out the orders from the London Establishment who protested when the Rhodesian Government arrested him. Interesting fact for our American readers, history records show only one other unilateral Declaration of Independence was issued by the United States of America on July 4, 1776. Basically the same sentiments moved the Rhodesians as those which moved the Americans against British rule. Incidentally the Rhodesian revolution was purely political there was no social unrest, anarchy or chaos. Ian Smith became the hero of the era as he put the welfare of his people above loyalty to the Mother Country, Britain. In addition to Great Britain and the United States, the United Nations declared Rhodesia Illegal. Then the sanctions and economic warfare started against this small country. Any country aligning itself with support of Rhodesia was punished. All this was to stay on track till Rhodesia would accept Britain’s demands for majority rule, which was in fact caving in to communist thugs. Interesting fact is that America, Britain and the UN accepted the Soviet Union and Red China as “legal” governments, even if they were taken over by terrorist means. All over the continent of Africa black regimes jumped up like mushrooms, all of them with violence and coups, they were accepted, but the peaceful Declaration of Independence by a peaceful Rhodesia was not recognized! These new Black Regimes were either Socialist or Communist, Rhodesia was NOT! This begs the question where do Great Britain, America and UN stand on their idea of Communism? Some Britons predicted Rhodesia would not last 90 days, well, she not only survived she prospered.
“In his book Rhodesia Accuses A.J. Peck outlined the basic tactics employed in Rhodesia to brainwash and terrorize the black natives into supporting or at least fearing the communist factions, as well as several key terms were grossly misunderstood throughout the free world. Since these tactics applied to South Africa as well as Rhodesia and are still misunderstood by most people we should devote some attention to them.
“According to Mr. Peck, these techniques were the following:
I. “The Polarising of Love”
A. “The Saviour Figure”
B. “The Creation of a ’National Identity’”
1. “Re-naming the Country”
2. “Dress”
3. “Customs, Songs and Dances”
C. “The Slogan”
1. “Freedom”
2. “One-man one-vote”
3. “Majority Rule”
II. “The Polarising of Hate”
A. “Creating a Sense of Injury”
B. “The Pejorative Epithet”
C. “The Distortion”
D. “The Lie”
III. “The Inducing of Fear”
A. “The Claim of Inevitable Victory”
B. “The Jeer, the Insult and the Pillory”
C. “Physical Violence”
The followers to nearly every communist revolution worship their self-appointed leader as a god. It was true with Marx, Lenin, Mao and Castro. In Africa the radical savages have their heroes, i.e. Robert Mugabe. Take note that in Africa there are no nations, the continent is composed of thousand upon thousand of various local tribes, each jealous of the other. They have to get rid of Western White Civilization so that the primitive natives can remain accustomed to their ancient habits of being ruled by brute force and fear.
The workings of Communism in Africa will not be discussed in this article. This will require another discussion for another time.
With sanctions against Rhodesia by America, Great Britain and other countries other plans had to be made to bust the sanctions. The book Sanctions Buster by Harvey Ward tells a fascinating cloak and dagger story of how sanctions were busted. The Rhodesian army went across the Rhodesian/Mozambican border and “helped” themselves with weapons and ammunition from the enemy camps. Much the same the Boers did during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. The Boers just went behind the enemy lines and helped themselves with weapons when they ran out of weaponry.
Before the “legal” elections brought Robert Mugabe his presidency many acts of treason were committed by Great Britain towards nationalist blacks. Abel Muserewa was stabbed in the back by Margaret Thatcher, the then Premier of Great Britain to make sure the “blue-eyed” Mugabe will make it to the throne. The White community voted for Abel Musurewa, the “moderate”, because they were assured by the British minority rights (Whites) will be protected. Of course this never happened as Britain sold the Whites out long before. Rhodesia/Zimbabwe had to become part of the “accepted” democracies of the New World Order. The conspiracy by Anglo-America came to a full circle with this horrific inhumane betrayal of the citizens of Rhodesia. It was not only Britain and America who betrayed Rhodesia South Africa put the last nails in the coffin by withdrawing troops and police and closed the border at Beit Bridge so no petrol and goods could enter Rhodesia. John Vorster was the great partaker in this sell-out of our neighbor to the north. This betrayal is what I call the “crocodile syndrome”, while the crocodile is eating you, maybe, just maybe he will leave me alone. Of course we know now, it did not happen this way, South Africa fell to the same forces of evil years later.
During the war of “liberation” from the Whiteman’s rule ZANU-PF, the Communist lead Party of Robert Mugabe made use of the North Korean 5th Brigade who committed the most horrific atrocities against the Black population ears were cut off, lips were cut off, just to name a few. These Koreans were a murdering, torturing machine, all to put fear into the population to accept the CHANGE. With dregs now ruling after they got the upper hand the country and her people are being starved to death, burned and tortured. The dregs do not care about the people, just as long as they can have their power and glory and riches. The White commercial farmers were either kicked out or murdered. The dregs just settled on the farms, they are not interested in cultivating the farms they just want to own it. The president for life, Robert Mugabe, can if he is interested in helping his people or putting his country back on track can with one year’s interest on his investments pay the debt of Zimbabwe. This will never happen. The destruction of the infrastructure is nearly complete. The once great country of Rhodesia, exporting beef and tobacco to name only two commodities is written in the annals of yesterday’s glory. Now at the time of writing this article the South African government open the border between the two countries and 70,000 Zimbabweans are going south per day. South Africa cannot handle so many people the dregs were not scooped off the boiling soap. The majority had to rule even if they were incapable. The minority with patriotic and nationalist leaning, White and Black had to be taken care of in the manner of being murdered or tortured for Communism to take over and destroy.
I remember touring Rhodesia many years ago, a country with extraordinary beauty. You drive for hours without seeing a living soul. Little towns consisted of a gas pump and a convenience store, the name not even on the map. You had to drive according to the map as there were no road signs. The roads were dirt with only one side a tarred strip, so you drive with one wheel on the strip en the other on the dirt road, when a car approaches you just go off and let it pass and then get back on the “track” again. The Victoria Falls are awesome, no words can ever describe the feeling when you stand there getting soaking wet with the spray, the beauty and wonder just to embrace with gratitude to the Creator. Salisbury (now Harare) was so homely, a city with the atmosphere of a country town. The streets were wide and very clean. The BASP (British South African Police) walking the beat, friendly and courteous. The police were mostly black as the population of Rhodesia was predominantly black. The White population was mostly farmers and about 200,000. There was always mutual respect between the Whites mostly of British descend and the Mashona and Matabele (Ndebele) tribes. The latter is related to the Zulus in South Africa.
The ZANU-PF party consists of the Mashona tribe, so is Robert Mugabe. Mugabe did not recognize the outcome of the election he lost to his opponent Morgan Tsvangarai the leader of Movement for Democratic Change. After a reign of terror in which Mugabe’s thugs murdered, burned, tortured the opposition a “truce” was made and Tsvangarai made Prime Minister. There is still no peace. More than one attempt was made on Tsvangarai’s life, the latest an “accident” which took place on a lonely road with a big truck driving on the wrong side of the road. Tsvangarai was slightly injured but his wife died of her injuries. This was swept very quickly under the carpet.
In the meantime the invasion of White farms continue. Mugabe promised the “veterans” of the struggle they can have these farms. There is no compensation for the White farmer, the farms are just seized and then lay dormant as the “veterans” are not capable of farming, neither are they interested.
Here follows an eyewitness account of what happened on the farm of Catherine Meredith:
“On February 6, 2009, a crowd of 30 men showed up on our land. Most of them were young, many of them wearing (President Mugabe’s) Zanu PF T-shirts. I was away in South Africa visiting my son at university but my husband had stayed behind. We had a feeling that something could happen so we decided one of us should stay. They told my husband that our farm was now being taken over by a local businessman. Their manner was boastful and arrogant. When I came from South Africa a few days later, I was advised by the French embassy not to return to the farm (I’m originally from France). This is because in 2008 there were similar invasions of white-owned farms and it got quite violent, back then, there were people threatening to kill us and we had to leave our farm for some time.
“This time, there was less violence, but I was in touch with my staff on the mobile from Harare. They told me the invaders had been menacing towards them and stopped them from working. This made my staff very angry, but they were under strict instructions from me not to lose it. After a week, my husband and I returned to the farm. In the meantime we had obtained a court order in Harare saying the squatters had no right to our land. The crowd was still there. The atmosphere was very tense, very unpleasant. We calmly handed the eviction papers to the leader of the pack. We want to follow the law by the letter. The local sheriff was with us. He explained to them that they had no right to be there. They kept on saying they hadn’t been violent. But that isn’t true. Last week they seized a member of my staff and pushed his face to the ground to get him to hand over the keys to our garden gate, Them 17 of them broke into our garden. Luckily the police stuck up for us and prevented them from breaking into our house.
“These squatters are arbitrary people who have been paid to squat on our farm. We call them ‘rent-a-crowd’. But generally the local police haven’t been very helpful. Despite the eviction order, they haven’t tried to force the squatters off our land. They claim they haven’t got the manpower to help us. There are several reasons why these people have invaded our land now, just as a new unity government emerges. Either it’s a last push from Zanu PF to seize all commercial white farms. Or it is an attempt by the old regime to endanger the new government and show that it is not working. Or it’s just the last attempt of a group of greedy people we don’t own their own farm to grab one from others.
“Financially this has cost us a great deal. The man who ordered the crowd to seize our land has allowed his cattle to walk through our maize fields. This has partly destroyed our crops. Emotionally it’s absolutely draining. You think you are protected by the law and then this happens.
“I lived in Zimbabwe my whole life and I would not know anywhere else to go. My husband was born here.”
Mugabe said on March 1, 2009 the farm invasions will continue. The white farmers must leave as they have no place there. The white farmers must respect the law of the land and accept the farms being given to the new owners. Note: Given, so no compensation. He made a promise the land will never be returned to the white farmers.
This is but only one of thousand of stories, this was peaceful others were not. There are but only a few white farmers left in Zimbabwe and it would not be long now when all the farms are seized and taken over and destroyed. The unemployment rate stands at 94%. Public hospitals are closed, with doctors and nurses unpaid, exacerbating a health crisis in a nation where 1.3 million people have HIV and cholera has hit 70,000 people since August 2008 and killing about 3,400. The hospital in Harare (the capital) has collapsed. The mortuary has not been upgraded for 10 years. The ICU has not been functioning for 6 years. The children’s ward closed because of the boycott by health workers and has not been reopened. More than half the population needs emergency food. Zimbabwe was once a regional breadbasket. Now an estimated two-thirds of the population is depended on food aid. There are shortages of all basic products.
Mugabe declared Zimbabwe his personal property and has not been known to compromise in his life. Zimbabwe’s 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (five hextillion) per cent inflation is left unresolved. With the writing of this article it could be more this figure was February 11, 2009. The daily inflation rate stood at 98%, with prices doubling every 24.7 hours. Zimbabwe failed to break Hungary’s world record for hyperinflation, which it set at 195% a day in 1946, but easily beat Yugoslavia’s 1994 mark of 313 million per cent a month to secure second place in the record books.
The violence against the opposition has not stopped they are unceremoniously thrown into prison with trump-up charges. Some of these people disappeared off the face of the earth.
A dictator needs fear to stay in power. The big and unanswered question is what will happen if you remove the object of fear. All the pressure from Botswana and Swaziland did not make one iota of difference to what is happening in Zimbabwe, Mugabe is ignoring all suggestions. South Africa is taking a stand of “negotiations” and financial aid, i.e. R300 million in agricultural aid which found its way into the pockets of Mugabe’s officials. Interesting the visit of Hillary Clinton to South Africa this past week August 8, 2009 where she asked the South African government to get involved in solving the problems in Zimbabwe! She of course pledge more money and help to build South Africa. All the years South Africa was governed by Whites no hand-outs came from the American government, no indeed, only pressure to give up law, order and prosperity to the chaos there is today. There will be no pressure put on Mugabe, he is the oldest ruler in power and according to the traditions of the blacks they cannot interfere with any decisions he makes.
Some people are more equal than others, some have it all others have nothing, literally nothing. All is well with the world while Grace Mugabe is shopping overseas. She went to Hong Kong not for her usual extravagant shopping for baubles and handbags, but the first lady was focused on two investments designed to keep the Mugabes rich should they one day be forced into exile from Zimbabwe where thousand are starving and ravaged from cholera and opponents are jailed, beaten and tortured. One investment was a 4m Pound Sterling Hong Kong property in a walled and gated complex where residents enjoy quiet gardens and swimming pools. The other was a multi-million pound diamond she is considering launching in China. This involves locating a center for cutting and polishing diamonds at Quindao on China’s east coast, in conjunction with Zimbabwe’s central bank.
The Zimbabwean Dollar is worthless, every few months new note are printed to replace the old. The smallest denomination a few months ago was Z$500,000, I am sure it is not any more. There is no food for the starving masses their houses have been demolished with bulldozers (sounds familiar, i.e. Gaza), so now they are starving and are homeless. The West is not lifting a finger against Mugabe. No, in actual fact he is supplying troops to the People’s Republic of the Congo to protect the diamond mines for De Beers. So the one black Communist hand is washing the other White Communist hand and all stay in the family of the Power Elite.
Western governments say that Mugabe runs one of Africa’s most corrupt regimes. Their ties with Communist China is very stable and binding indeed. The Chinese of course in turn is bringing financial gain into Zimbabwe. The BIG QUESTION here is why do they not put a stop to this insanity, why are the Chinese allowed to infest Southern Africa? There is not a peep in the media about Mugabe being a dictator, bringing him to justice according any civilized norm? The murders, chaos, torture are allowed to take place. There is no knowing how many thousands upon thousand of Zimbabweans have lost their lives, their limbs, their very being since Mugabe was given Rhodesia to become the nightmare of Zimbabwe. The treason committed by the White Power Elite runs so deep there is no way of measuring or understanding this evil deed.
Zimbabwe needs emergency aid urgently amid a worsening humanitarian crisis. Medicine Sans Frontiers (MSF) says the country’s whole health system has collapsed. Zimbabwe experienced the worse cholera outbreak in its history. Almost 3,400 people died since August 2008, more than 68,000 are infected. People are left to die in their homes. The hospitals are closed or empty only but a few doctors are left in the country. The organization Physicians for Human Rights said the country’s health crisis should be subject of an investigation by the International Criminal Court.
Of course, when negative remarks like the above are published Mugabe just ignores it as “nonsense”. His defense is always blaming the Whites, Britain and the West. His ranting against America and Britain is not hurting the millions of US$$$ and Pound Sterling sent to this corrupt regime. Interesting how the West ganged together with sanctions from petrol to much needed food when the Whites were in power. The only sanctions by the West against Zimbabwe are the ban on travel for Mugabe and his cabinet to the Britain and America, and some investments frozen. With no travel to West the Mugabe family travel to the East.
There is NO freedom of the press in Zimbabwe. Many journalists found themselves thrown into lice infested cells in prisons in dire need of demolishing, it is so bad it cannot be rebuilt. There are no amenities, the prisoners sleep on the floor. Horror stories from those who made it alive from these dungeons, how they had to wade through who knows what to go to bathrooms “out of order”.
Bordering Rhodesia the country of Mozambique had to be brought into line so the dregs can take over. This was a Portuguese colony. For us in South Africa Lourenco Marques (now known as Maputu) was the nearest beach and we visited it quite frequently. It was a virtually crime free country, the locals kept to themselves as the police was very strict. We had our car broken into and it was proven the deed was done by tourists. I remember going to Beira north of Lourenco Marques. The Portuguese farmed there with sugar cane and you could see it mile after mile. I stayed at the Embexaidor Hotel, but visited the Grand Hotel. What an awesome structure. Completely white with marble floors and chandeliers and an Olympic size swimming pool. There is nothing left of this marvel of Portuguese architecture. Not to speak of the sugar cane, it is overgrown with weeds, just like the hotel. There was no apartheid in Mozambique, the same with Rhodesia, the same reason, Patriotism and Nationalism had to go. There was a long drawn out war in this unhappy beautiful and fruitful country. Mozambique is the poorest country in Africa according the media. Mozambique was very well known for her cashew nuts and giant prawns. Now there is nothing left, but chaos and starvation.
The Communist forces, FRELIMO were supported by the Soviet Union and RENAMO, the opposition who were supported behind the scenes by South Africa. Of course the sellout of Angola and Mocambique started in Portugal itself with the coup de tat against President Caetano. He was very popular, nationalist and followed in the footsteps of the great President Salazar. Caetano had everything going for him, Portugal was stable. Then the bombshell the coup was successful and General Spinola who had no experience no leadership, nothing came to power. He became known as the Kerensky of Portugal, a covert Jew and a Communist. All this started the ball rolling in destroying Mocambiue and Angola. Portugal is the poorest of the European countries and lived off the oil, coffee, diamonds and gold the colonies provided. Africa’s third largest man made like, the Cabora Bassa is in Mocambique and supply some electricity to South Africa.
The White farmers in Mocambique mobilized together with the Black population who did not agree with FRELIMO. The orders came from Portugal to arrest all the officers of DGS, the organization who supported both Salazar and Caetano, their crime, they supported a Fascist regime now the Communists took over the witch hunt started. The government in Lisbon decided the war was over and gave FRELIMO a free reign this will lead to such terror and death not seen in Mocambique before. Samora Machel, the leader of FRELIMO was not interested in niceties, he wanted Mocambique and he received it on a silver platter. Machel’s plane was shot down in South Africa a few years ago although the media reported differently the rumors were rampant it was no accident. He served his purpose and it was time to move on with a new leader Joaquim Chissano, one of his lieutenants took over. Chissano became the new President of the one of the poorest countries in Africa, the only commodity they have in abundance are landmines. Machel’s widow Graca married Nelson Mandela after his divorce from Winnie Mandela.
Mozambique fell to FRELIMO the great Portuguese army left everything to the terrorists they fought for 10 years. They took only things they could carry with them. “It was hard to imagine that these tattered remnants of an army had once made up a proud force which for ten years boasted of its ability to defend the largest colonies in the world.” The victory was not achieved by arms. Portugal committed suicide by installing a leftist government a troika consisted of Mario Soares, Ameida Santos and Alvara Cunhal. Not one of the men ever set foot in any of the colonies so they had no value for it. The only thought was revenge on a government they detested which ruled Portugal for 48 years.
No mention was ever made of the women being raped, soldiers killed, civilians hacked to pieces or the Army officers who wanted to revolt. Many Whites fled to Rhodesia and South Africa. Our business was a drop-off for clothes for these poor traumatized people who fled with only the clothes they had on. All their possessions and properties left for the scavengers to destroy. Now in South Africa these people face the same savagery, but this time there is nowhere to flee to, only to face the machete and die a horrible death. Even after living in a civilized society for 4 centuries these savages did not change, when they smell blood the real demon comes out who can only destroy torture and kill. The Portuguese colonies fell long before the fall of Rhodesia.
Angola, also a Portuguese colony was plagued with war with the NPLA, FAPLA, being communist against UNITA, the nationalist with Jonas Savimbi as leader. The South African forces were very much involved with the war there as Angola is on the northern border of German South West Africa, in short called South West. This was no racial war again it was against Satanic Communism, but according to the media which is still playing the racial card it was against the poor black inhabitants of South West and Angola. The South African forces were 15km from the capital of Angola, Luanda when the orders came from Henry Kissinger to back off! So, these three countries neighboring South Africa fell to Satanic Communism, Mozambique, Angola and South West, now known as Namibia named after the desert in this tragic country. The destruction of the quality of human life, infrastructure is so immense it will be a miracle to rebuild all that is lost.
In all the years of war in Angola Harry Oppenheimer, with his De Beer diamond consortium never lost one dime in production, till the Nationalist Jonas Savimbi came on the scene. There were 57,000 Cubans in Angola at Soviet expense to defend the local government against anti-communist UNITA. He traded diamonds for weapons to fight Communism, his leadership became a threat to the likes of the Oppenheimers and he had to go. He was assassinated according to the media he had 13 bullets in his body. After his death the country just went from bad to worse and recovery will also be a miracle.
The UPA –Uniao das Populcaoes de Angola was led by Holden Roberto (he was black) a follower of Patrice Lumumba who was trained by the Soviet Union. Roberto was also affiliated with Pan-African Congress who became very prominent in the “struggle” in South Africa. Roberto visited the United Nations in August 1959. He was welcomed by several UN delegations and the State Department, The CIA, AFL-CIO officials concerned with international affairs and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. These contacts brought him political and financial support. “It is interesting to speculate what might have happened if the United States during these years, had allotted to Angolan development one quarter, say, of the funds that were poured down the Congolese sewer.” These terrorist had an advisor with the name of Clifford Parsons, former Baptist missionary in Angola who told them that “militarily it must appear as though the nationalists have little chance of success.” “Their primary reliance is on political warfare conducted not in Angola itself but in the world arena: in the many outlets of the world press open to their propaganda, in the Afro-Asian bloc and the United Nations.”
“In relation to Angola during these years, as to Africa generally, the policy of the United States has been a compound of ignorance, delusion and short-sighted self-interest of which three, delusion has been the principle ingredient.” Independence to these terrorist leaders, i.e. Roberto, Mugabe, Mandela etc. means to them only loot, getting houses, autos, women and money and no work for the rest of their lives. Africa has a lot to offer, but if the West keeps on turning a blind eye to reality and to yield to black racism and savagery, manipulated by the communist enemy then Africa’s future will be a catastrophic disaster and misery with no hope for any future.
The horrors that took place in the north of Angola are too ghastly to contemplate. Senseless murders, senseless torture, maimed and twisted bodies were every where. The terrorists favorite pass time was to cut off limbs of some and left them dangling from the branches of the trees. The blacks who relied on the protection of the whites were massacred by their own in the most vicious way possible.
The massacre at Quitexe in northern Angola.
The butcher, his wife and daughter barely escaped with lives, but he told the story. It was just after eight in the morning when all hell broke lose. Horrible screams especially from women and children were heard. In thirty seconds they were able to kill eight terrorists. The screams became fewer and fewer as the dead has no voice. He saw a little girl running into the street with a terrorist after her with a machete, he splits open the skull of the child before anyone could shoot the terrorist.
The Sawmill at Luvo.
This is a village border post between Angola and the Republic of the Congo.
This was only publicized the first time long after it happened in Le Monde a French newspaper on July 5, 1961.
The attack took place on March 14, 1961. Zacharias tells his story: They heard the commotion in the village and the screams. What their eyes saw was unbelievable. A crowd of yelling laughing blacks were dragging through the dirt into the sawmill dozens of bodies. All in all later counted there were 42 bodies, some of them women, some teenagers. This was the entire White population of Luvo. The terrorist band was approximately between 200 and 300 hundred. They were laughing and shouting as they flogged with their catanas. The bodies were dragged to the saw-mill to be cut up while they were still alive. The screams were ear-piercing. They ripped off the clothes of their victims and cut them feet first like logs or planks. These terrorist were the Bakongo.
These terrorist did make a distinction of race. They slaughtered white, mulatto and Negro alike. They would throw the children high into the air let them drop on the ground and then play football with the bodies of those dying children. Then they would start with the women. They raped savagely brutalize them and then finally kill them. Some were impaled.
“The one general said the vultures are all around, they always come when they smell the stench of blood. The vultures pose as friends, the pious disguise of political idealist, United Nations diplomats and the like. They all have something in common: they hope to gain from the misery and blood which befell this land on March 15th, 1961. Who will pay the penalty? All of us here: hard-working settler, the often insulted public servant in the bush and the masses of poor Africans who are now exploited used and abused in the name of black nationalism.” The woman made a remark that maybe if these terrorist were better educated these atrocities would not have taken place. The general said clearly if this be the answer the literate night-prowlers of New York and London would be no threat to our security. “I believe that the prospect of disemboweling a man with a sharp knife and then raping and beheading his wife is a much greater attraction to most of these terrorists.” “Yet, the most difficult thing to comprehend is the horrible atrocities they practiced on small children.”
“Oh, evil night,
For whom lie you in wait?
For the poor soldiers
And the shepherds of flocks
And the men of the sea,
What will you grant them?
Camoens (1524-1580)
With the attack by the terrorists at Camona the civilians were able to defend themselves twice. After the battle was over they just dug a trench and buried the dead, they did not ever try to count the bodies.
Angola covers half-a-million square miles on the west coast of Africa, equal in area to France, Germany, Spain and Portugal combined. The population is approximately five million, The Europeans are about 250,000, mostly Portuguese, but also Dutch and German.
The difference between Portuguese colonials and British is the Portuguese make the colonies their home, the British get involved in training and education to work towards independence.
To the north we have seen one by one the countries fall to Satanic Communism. The Congo, once prosperous is now a jungle as the “leaders” have no idea of law and order. The Belgians left them with infrastructure, all now taken over by the bush. The “Republic of the Congo” leadership is now begging the White farmers from South Africa to come there and build up the farms again. They do not have anything everything must be imported. There are no roads this means these farmers must make a working farm from taming the bush first. There is NO guarantee if they are successful and they will be, as it was proven so many times over the bush can be tamed by the right people, that they will ever be paid or that their lives will not be in jeopardy as many years ago when the nuns were pushed through the saw mills and cut in two. When the hearts of White men were cut out and eaten to give the perpetrator the courage of the White man. Since the dregs came to power this country sunk below the measure of what we call civilization. The only trade they know is war and more war.
To the south of Angola is German South West Africa, commonly known in the good old day as “South West”. This was a German colony up to 1918 when the Germans lost World War I to the Allies. South Africa got mandate to South West and for many years we just accepted South West as the fifth province of first the Union of South Africa and after 1961 the Republic of South Africa.
In July 1915 the Imperial German troops surrendered to South African forces that had invaded the colony. Germany lost Samoa, German Papau New Guinea, Togo, Cameroon, Tanganyika, Ruanda-Urundi and of course South-West Africa.
The League of Nations established article 22 of its statues a system of mandates of administration of the colonial territories. The Union of South Africa received the specific mandate on December 17, 1920 the colony as an integral portion of its own territory. This later became the controversy with the UN to derail any autonomy by South Africa as illegal.
South West is immense, with endless deserts, mountains and endless stretches of nothing, nothing in South West is mediocre it has a splendor all in its own, like nothing to be found anywhere else on the planet. The fauna and flora surviving the harshness of this country is something to behold. The black races inhabiting this country are the Bushman, no relation with the Negro or Bantu of Africa. Then there are Huambos and Ovambos, they came from Central Africa. The Kavangos came south after Angola fell to communism in 1975. The Hereros came most probably from Ethiopia or the Sudan they are culturally related to the Massai of Central Africa. The Damara tribe is a mystery as they do not resemble any of the other tribes. Then there are the Basters (mixed race) of Rehoboth. They have a patriarchal system and the Germans as well as the South Africans granted them autonomy. The Whites settled here around 1880, mostly Afrikaners, trekkers who came from the Transvaal. They settled first in Angola and then trekked south to South West.
The UN waged a war against South Africa since its inception. To understand the UN it is necessary to explain that beyond any doubt this organization is the most powerful and efficient instrument of the revolutionary psychological warfare waged by international communism.
In a nutshell the UN wages a war of egalitarianism. This organization was behind every move the now communist dictators of Angola, Mozambique and Namibia made, as well as all the sub-Saharan countries. The UN’s quarrel with South Africa was continued for many decades. Some of the reasons were South Africa’s apartheid system, the illegal mandate of South West (although the legality of the mandate was proven by the World Court in The Hague in July 1950). Sanctions were implemented and the UN the organizations shameful interference in South Africa’s internal affairs. The UN mustered a political and ideological persecution against the only developed, stable and prosperous country on the African continent, a country where Blacks enjoy the highest standard of living than the rest of the continent. Interesting the supervision the League of Nations had over the mandate held by South Africa over South West was not transferred to the UN.
The postwar years were relatively calm for the people of South West. The country developed mining, ranching and fishing. The country’s development was only second to that of South Africa. South Africa submitted a report to the UN to incorporate South West into its territory. This was supported by the majority of the non-white population of South West. The request was rejected by the UN on the pretext the non-white population of SWA was not politically mature enough to make such a decision. Interesting, only one generation later they were “mature” enough to rule a developed country!
The UN’s resolution 2145 made the mandate illegal and with this the struggle continued. The UN’s Secretary-General at this stage was U Thant and his statement was truly amazing, namely the indigenous population voted in favor of continuing under South Africa’s tutelage, it would proof of a lack of “political development” and thusly a demonstration of South Africa’s incompetence in not fulfilling its obligation of promoting the well-being of the people.
The UN became the SWAPO (South West Africa People’s Organization) foster parent. In so doing they supported a communist movement. The marketing of this evil movement was confided to the Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN).
During the fifties colonial Africa was swept by a wave of “black nationalism”, an anti-colononialist independence movement. It soon became communist with an irrational hatred of European civilization and whites in particular. Today we see economic and social ruin, endemic violence a regression to barbarism under the Marxist yoke in so many ex-colonies. This is the tragedy of so-called “independence”.
Two movements of tribal origin were formed the Ovamboland People’s Congress (OPC) was created in Cape Town in 1957 with the support of The South African Communist Party (SACP) and its ally the African National Congress (ANC), the other were the Herero tribe with their South West African National Union (SWANU) that appeared in 1959. In 1960 OPC changed its name to SWAPO (South West Africa People’s Organization). This organization became the key-pin in Soviet aggression in SWA, with the blessing of the UN.
In 1971 the UN declared SWAPO as the only authentic representative of the people of Namibia. All diversity of the different tribes and cultures were ignored, just as if it never existed.
South Africa reacted and implemented its own plan for independence and they began the Constitutional Conference in the Turnhalle building of Windhoek the capital of South West in 1975. A constitution was drawn up and was to be completed by 1978, with the protection of the rights of minorities. The UN rejected the plan and became more involved with SWAPO. The conduct of the UN indicated there was no interest in a peaceful solution and therefore it rejected the Western Powers final plan.
The United Nations Resolution 435 meant complete surrender of the population. They advocated “free and fair” elections, but this came to naught. SWAPO came to power and SWA/Namibia fell under the communist heel with as first president, Sam Nujoma with virtually no education. The man in charge of the election was Martti Ahtisaari the Finnish UN delegate who was a champion for Namibia and a supporter of SWAPO. He was appointed by the General Assembly and endorsed by the then Secretary-General of the UN, Dr. Kurt Waldheim. This communist received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008.
To explain all the different Resolutions by the UN regarding SWA/Namibia will take up too much space. At this time it is sadly to say not important anymore as the country is now ruled by the savages who became politicians after they discarded their uniforms to wear suits, shoes and ties. US News and World Report wrote in 1952 that half of the administration of the UN is communist so much for an organization supposed to protect the West against the evil of communism.
For SWAPO to succeed children were kidnapped from parents and taken to Angola for military training. Some of these boys were 10 years and younger. When children resist the kidnapping they were killed by SWAPO agents. The silence from the UN and the Council of Churches in Namibia was deafening regarding all these abductions. Many of these children were sent to Cuba. Fidel Castro established a special school for these children between the ages of fourteen and twenty. Adolescents were trained to handle guns and the teachings of Marx. They were trained to hate and to abbey with discipline.
This indoctrination was supported by the UN. In 1985 the UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar visited the Isle of Youth where this school was located in Cuba. The boys were recruited as war machines, the girls however had a more terrible fate waiting for them. In addition to the brain-washing to become a good Marxist, they were forced into prostitution to have more SWAPO members. They had to get pregnant as soon and as often as possible. If they try to escape they were brutally punished. SWAPO murdered every one getting in its way, every one who dared criticize Sam Nujoma. Thousands of people died in order for Sam Nujoma and his clique to seize power in South West/Namibia. In spite of all the corpses he used as the foundation of his power house, the UN and CCN guaranteed him impunity.
The ceasefire was signed in 1988 by South Africa, Cuba and Angola and SWAPO was militarily defeated. Sam Nujoma on the other hand claimed victory. South Africa had to give in to all the commands made by the UN and the UN conceded almost nothing.
The promises made by SWAPO to the black population were as follows:
1. Liberation meant the whites must leave and the blacks can move into their houses.
2. Everyone will have a checkbook. (Not explaining you must have money in the bank to have one).
3. Everyone will have a “hole in the wall” that is safes.
4. Students will have easy courses, easy employment and an easy future.
5. To those living in rural areas will have a share of the land.
It is very clear how the UN played the communist game in SWA/Namibia, as well as Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia and the rest of colonial Africa. With all the resolutions and pressure being put of the South African Government regarding South West the role this organization played was even more apparent.
In more modern history, not even history yet, as the tale is still being lived, played and suffered. South Africa got CHANGE in 1994. This article will not discuss the political side of how the destruction of the great country of White South Africa came to a fall. This article is about what CHANGE brought to the people be they White, Black, Colored or Indian. Here again the dregs came up, because the big spoon was not used to scoop the dreg of the boiling soap and thrown away. The leaders who were trusted by the people did not tend to business they were busy in their counting houses and Trade Centers to give the country to the dregs. The population were told lie after lie, promise after promise, all broken during the boiling process of the soap which did not have a chance to be pure and useful. The big pot was given to the dregs who are the majority to rule of the minority. The pressure was from the United States of America, Britain and Europe. The attack on the minority started a long time ago. Then the assassination of Dr. Hendrik French Verwoerd on September 6, 1966 saved the day as he was in their way and then it was easier day by day with all the “leaders” who came after him to capitulate. One by one the “leaders” gave in to the demands of the dregs and eventually a “democratic election” was held in April 1994 and the African National Congress (nothing national about it, as it is Communist) came to power with the first black president Nelson Mandela. Mandela was convicted for treason and terrorism by a court of law. The media of course again play the racial card he is the hero who went to prison for his beliefs and his fight against apartheid.
Some background to who Nelson Mandela really is:
Mandela was only one of several accused or treason, terrorism and sabotage. He admitted he was deputy-president of the African National Congress (A.N.C.) In his statement he admitted he was a founder of UMKHONTO WE SISWE, “Spear of the Nation” the military wing of the A.N.C. which directed sabotage and which had been organized to over to guerilla warfare.
He admitted that the A.N.C. and the S.A. Communist Party co-operated closely. He wrote in his own handwriting how to be a good communist. In his diary, also in his own handwriting he admitted his dealings with Irgun Zvai Leumi, on Israeli underground military organization. The Rivonia Case can be studied by reading The South African Observer of July, 1964. (Available from Christian Defense League).
Mandela and his co-accused received a fair trial for their criminal acts and they were properly convicted and sentenced. This case had nothing to do with the Government’s policy of apartheid it was because of the planning of a bloody revolution organized by criminals working with Moscow, Peking and Israel. Mandela accepted full responsibility for his actions therefore there was no question of an appeal for this case.
Today no one, even the ANC denies that the ANC which began as a Black Nationalist movement has been transformed into an auxiliary arm of the Communist Party. As early as 1928 the Executive Committee of the Communist International adopted a strategic ideal on the communist expansion in South Africa. When the ANC was banned by the South African government they became clandestine and the Communist Party took advantage of the situation and turned the movement into a terrorist organization.
This is the man hailed by the West as a “saint”, a true leader and politician. The truth is stranger than fiction concerning Mandela. He got the nickname “Madiba” the grandfather of the nation. He became the first black President of a country built and developed by Whites. South Africa had the best army on the continent of Africa, the strongest economy. Now it is time to discuss the CHANGE this great statesman brought about in his four years of reign. Mandela never denounced violence. He is true communist to the core. For all the atrocities committed in South Africa Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Before the ANC took over the government of South Africa many acts of terrorism were committed. The murderers became the “victims” of the apartheid regime according to the media. Many car-bombs went off and many people, white as well as black were killed. I remember visiting one of the first farm attacks in the district of Ficksburg in the Orange Free State many years ago. The family was not there anymore, only the ruins of the house and the pocked marked walls made by the bullets of AK47’s were visible. The sadness and quietness of the farmstead was deafening. Nature took over and all over red roses were blooming, signifying the blood that was spilt, it was so tragic in its beauty.
So many blacks were murdered with the “necklace” method. Winnie Mandela said so many time they (ANC) will “free” South Africa with matches and tires. She participated in the murder of a teenager, Stompie, by throwing him in the air and let him fall till he was dead. She was never charged with this murder or any atrocities.
The terrified Black victim is captured by his (her) Black executioners. Sometimes, his hands are hacked off as a first deterrent to resistance. Barbed wire is otherwise used to tie the helpless victim’s wrists together.
The tire is placed over the shoulders and filled with petrol or diesel. (The latter has been found to stick to the skin when it burns. It is, therefore in greater demand.)
The fuel is ignited with a match. (Exhibiting boxes of matches is one way the comrades instill fear in the Black townships.) The victim is sometime forced to light his own necklace. The fuel ignites the tire which rapidly attains a temperature of 400C to 500C. As the tire burns, great clouds of black smoke spiral upwards. Various short chain hydrocarbon-type fumes are released which reach a temperature of 300C. They are inhaled and destroy the lining of the throat and lungs.
The rubber melts and the molten rubber runs down the neck and torso, burning as it goes deeper into flesh and tissue. (The tire cannot be removed by others, e.g., family, at this stage; neither can the fire be doused with water.) The victim is now a living corpse.
The victim may take up to 20 minutes to die. While he endures the agony the comrades stand about and laughing and ridiculing him. The molten rubber is similar to boiling tar and cannot be separated from the scorched flesh.
In the first four months of 1986, the year in which the comrades promised to free the people of South Africa, 250 people died by necklace murder. Between September and December 1985 an equal number died in this way.
(Taken from VAT Update, Lyndhurst, June 1986).
This cruel punishment was implemented on the victim found guilty by the comrades for real or imaginary crimes. Mostly the necklace served its purpose to instill fear so whatever the ANC proposed will be obeyed. This made sure the ANC will win all future elections.
Economic sanctions were implemented by the West against South Africa, but in spite of all this White South Africa flourished with the leadership of Dr. H.F. Verwoerd. We had a very low crime rate, a growth-rate of 6%. We exported goods to friendly countries. I remember how the Friends of South Africa protested not being able to buy the good fruit from South Africa. Now after South Africa became “acceptable” you can buy South African oranges in the food stores in America. Before the take-over if you were caught with a Kruger Rand, you were in trouble, now it is treasured commodity. Interesting the situation we experienced in South Africa, being sold out by “White” Western governments, who unleashed this horrific tragedy now taking place in South Africa as it already did to all the colonies to the north.
What is the situation in the “New” South Africa in the year of 2009?
South Africa slid into a morass of criminality, corruption, murder, mayhem, chaos. No municipality is operating, no services done. The garbage is piling higher and higher, just like the bodies of the murdered White farmers, their laborers and the rest of the population. This is just touching very lightly on what is really going on. The truth of the situation is beyond any description. For people reading this it will be only statistics, descriptions of the ghastly tortures and rapes. For the people of South Africa it is every day life, a way of life. All South Africans, but more specifically White South Africans live on the edge of a very sharp edged sword every second of the day. Parents do not know if their children will be home from school, adults do not know if they will safely travel from work to be with their children at the dinner table. Farmers do not know if they will make it through the night. Farm laborers do not know if the will be slaughtered with their employers. Patients do not know if they go to hospital if they will not die of some strange disease or treated at all. The tragedy and heartbreak is impossible to put down on paper, the fear is indescribable. The unfairness of this all is enough to make your blood boil and it seems there is no end of this darkness in sight!
Here follows some of the nightmare incidences in various hospitals. The Health-e news aired on Carte Blanche showed crawling cockroaches in the pediatric ward in a public hospital in Port Elizabeth.
Babies are “misplaced”. The Dora Nginza hospital had more than one lawsuit pending. They have a 45% staff shortage, with one nurse to take care of 90 patients. The casualty ward had 2 nurses attending 30 patients, while the maternity ward two or three midwives were attending to about ten women in labor at any time. Babies are taken from the incubators too soon, some suffering severe brain damage, others blindness. Sheets and blankets are stolen. To fill the shortage of doctors, doctors from Cuba will be appointed. The training of these doctors are questionable, the language barrier another nightmare to the beleaguered South Africans.
South Africa has been declared the crime capital of the world. To proof this we will state the true statistics in this article, not those by the ANC who wishes to desperately send out a positive picture to the world, not only for the potential investor, but also the tourists and the Soccer World Cup in 2010.
Interpol claims 149 murders per day.
Interpol figures South Africa has extraordinary high levels of VIOLENT CRIME.
This finding is supported by CIAC data indicating that since 1994 recorded violent crime has been escalating at a faster rate that any other crime category. It is primarily violent crime which fuels people’s fear of crime. To lose its label as crime capital of the world, violent crime levels have to drop substantially in South Africa.
People are attacked on the road, in their businesses, in their drive-ways, murdered in their houses. Hijackings happen every day. The conviction rate is reportedly at 7.8%
The police are not allowed to give out any information they must pretend all is well and safe in the suburbs, because of the World Cup in 2010. There is a massive clampdown on the news regarding the genocide of the Whites. The media are playing a big role in the illusion all is well and this is not helping the situation at all.
The police admitted they are under siege and that the criminals took over. They have no way in fighting crime as so many of the police are involved in so many criminal activities.
Under black rule the frequency of black-on-white killings and rapes has increased dramatically, as the police is ‘transformed’ into a typically corrupt and racist African force, and blacks are incited to violence, theft and robbery by the ruling Regime’s propaganda.
During the past six years of black, communist rule the losses at only one of the many active South African cash-in-transit security firms amounted to R274 million in cash. During the year of 2000 368 cash-in-transit robberies were carried out, most if not all, by blacks during which 20 white and black guards were shot dead, 143 were shot and injured, and 339 firearms were stolen.
Since the ANC took office in 1994 to 2008 more than 300,000 South Africans were murdered. THIS FIGURE IS OUTDATED AS THE NUMBERS OF VICTIMS ARE ESCALTING DAILY. Including GENOCIDE 3077 White farmers tortured and brutally murdered.
There is ONE rape every 17 SECONDS!!!
67,000 Babies raped by black men in ONE year.
Crime is under reported in South Africa. Herewith some figures from April 2005 to March 2006:
18,545 Murder
54,926 Rape
20,553 Attempted murder
226,942 Assault with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm
227,553 Common assault
119,726 Robbery with aggravating circumstances
9,805 Indecent assault
2,320 Kidnapping
3,345 Abduction
4,828 Neglect and ill-treatment of children
12,415 Culpable homicide
1,044 Public Violence
12,825 Carjacking (subcategory of aggravated robbery)
829 Truck hijacking (subcategory of aggravated robbery)
59 Bank robbery (subcategory of aggravated robbery)
385 Aggravated robbery
10,173 Robbery of cash in transit (subcategory of aggravated robbery)
4,387 Robbery at residential premises (subcategory of aggravated robbery)
7,622 Robbery at business premises (subcategory of Arson)
144,265 Malicious damage to property
44m512 Crimen injuria
262,535 Burglary at residential premises
54,367 Burglary at business premises
85,964 Theft of motor vehicle and motorcycle
139,090 Theft out or from motor vehicle
28,742 Stock-theft
13,453 Illegal possession of firearms and ammunition
95,690 Drug-related crime
33,116 Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
432,629 All theft not mentioned elsewhere
54,214 Commercial theft
64,491 Shoplifting
Crime is under reported in South Africa.
The above is the official ANC Government Crime Statistics.
Herewith some examples of reality:
According to South African Police Services: Murders 60 per day.
According to Department of Home Affairs: Murders 83 per day.
According to Medical Research Council: Murders 89 per day.
According to Interpol claims: Murders 149 per DAY.
530 Children raped per day in South Africa.
More than 10 million violent crimes in ANC South Africa the past 14 years.
The Zionist controlled press will never acknowledge this tragedy. That is because they war on the Whites all the time. They are doing the same in the USA.
The genocide and systematic eradication of the Whites and White Farmers sponsored by the ANC and fuelled by their racist Policies, Racist Songs and double sta