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==Biographical Information==
"David Hopkins is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Education, University of London, where until recently, he held the inaugural [[HSBC]] iNet Chair in International Leadership. He is a Trustee of [[Outward Bound]] and is Executive Director of the new charity ‘Adventure Learning Schools’. David holds visiting professorships at the Catholic University of Santiago, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Universities of Edinburgh, Melbourne and Wales and consults internationally on school reform. Between 2002 and 2005 he served three Secretary of States as the Chief Adviser on School Standards at the Department for Education and Skills. Previously, he was Chair of the [[Leicester City Partnership Board]] and Dean of the Faculty of Education at the [[University of Nottingham]]. Before that again he was a Tutor at the University of Cambridge Institute of Education, a Secondary School teacher and Outward Bound Instructor. David is also an International Mountain Guide who still climbs regularly in the Alps and Himalayas. His recent books Every School a Great School and System Leadership in Practice are published by The Open University Press."
Adventure Learning Schools [ Team], organizational web page, accessed March 8, 2013.
*Founder, [[Adventure Learning Schools]]
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