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Founded in 2001 "The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) is a nonprofit organization focused on the development of comparative data to enable higher-performing funders. "
Center for Effective Philanthropy [http://www.effectivephilanthropy.org/index.php?page=about-cep About], organizational web page, accessed October 19, 2012.


Accessed October 2012:
Center for Effective Philanthropy [http://www.effectivephilanthropy.org/index.php?page=board-of-directors Board], organizational web page, accessed October 19, 2012.

*[[Phil Buchanan]] - president

*[[M. Christine DeVita]]

*[[Crystal Hayling]]

*[[Christine James-Brown]]

*[[James R. Knickman]]

*[[Kathryn E. Merchant]] - chair

*[[Grant Oliphant]]

*[[Christy Pichel]]

*[[Nadya K. Shmavonian]]

*[[Anne Warhover]]

==Advisory Board==

Accessed October 2012:
Center for Effective Philanthropy [http://www.effectivephilanthropy.org/index.php?page=advisory-board Advisory Board], organizational web page, accessed October 19, 2012.

*[[Michael Bailin]], [[Paul Beaudet]], [[Gale Berkowitz]], [[Paul Brest]], [[David Carrington]], [[John Colborn]], [[David Colby]], [[Stuart Comstock-Gay]], [[Alexa Cortes Culwell]], [[Kathleen Cravero]], [[Blair Dimock]], [[Robert Eckardt]], [[Kathleen Enright]], [[Betsy Fader]], [[Kelly Fitzsimmons]], [[Phil Giudice]], [[Tessie Guillermo]], [[Jacob Harold]], [[Stephen B. Heintz]], [[Antonia Hernandez]], [[Robert Hughes]], [[Barbara Kibbe]], [[Lucy Knight]], [[Pat Kozu]], [[Doug Kridler]], [[Katie Merrow]], [[Clara Miller]], [[Ricardo Millett]], [[Jodi Nelson]], [[Janice Nittoli]], [[Joel Orosz]], [[Edward Pauly]], [[Alicia Philipp]], [[Susan Promislo]], [[Kevin Rafter]], [[Kathy Reich]], [[Anne-Marie Soulliere]], [[Vincent Stehle]], [[Nan Stone]], [[Fay Twersky]]


Web: [http://www.effectivephilanthropy.org

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