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These think-tanks plays a role today which is similar in nature to that of the old Rotary and Freemasons networks, and to Opus Die and the Knights of Malta in the Catholic world. The institutions appear on the surface to be non-partisan, independent and membership-based, but the power and influence network operates at an autocratic level beneath.  The Mont Pelerin Society, which sits like an ideology umbrella over these organisations, is said to now been a subdivision of the [[Paneuropa Union]].

These think-tanks plays a role today which is similar in nature to that of the old Rotary and Freemasons networks, and to Opus Die and the Knights of Malta in the Catholic world. The institutions appear on the surface to be non-partisan, independent and membership-based, but the power and influence network operates at an autocratic level beneath.  The Mont Pelerin Society, which sits like an ideology umbrella over these organisations, is said to now been a subdivision of the [[Paneuropa Union]].



==Atlas Staff==


* Alejandro Chafuen - president


* Brad Lips - fellow

==Atlas Institute 'Colleagues'==

==Atlas Institute 'Colleagues'==

*Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (Grand Rapids, MI)


'''North America'''

:* Center for Economic Personalism (subsidiary of Acton) - [[Kenneth L Carozza]]


Acton Institute
for the Study of Religion and Liberty (Grand Rapids, MI)

Adam Smith Institute (London)


Center for Economic Personalism
(subsidiary of Acton) - [[Kenneth L Carozza]]

Allegheny Institute for Public Policy (Pittsburgh, PA)


Allegheny Institute
for Public Policy (Pittsburgh, PA)

:* Reach Foundation (Harrisburg PA)


Reach Foundation
(Harrisburg PA)

* Cascade Policy Institute (Portland, OR) - [[John Charles]]


Cascade Policy Institute
(Portland, OR) - [[John Charles
]] [[Paul Farago

* Ethan Allen Institute (Concord, VT)


Ethan Allen Institute
(Concord, VT)

* Goldwater Institute (Phoenix, AZ)


Goldwater Institute
(Phoenix, AZ)
- [[Jeffry Flake]]

:* Center for Market-Based Education


Center for Market-Based Education

* The Mackinac Center for Public Policy (Midland MI)


* The
Mackinac Center
for Public Policy (Midland MI)

* South Carolina Policy Council


South Carolina Policy Council

* Institute for Health Freedom (Washington DC)


Institute for Health Freedom
(Washington DC)

* Kansas Public Policy Institute (Wichita, KS)


Kansas Public Policy Institute
(Wichita, KS)

* Center for Market Processes (Fairfax VA) -- [[Jerry Ellig]]


Center for Market Processes
(Fairfax VA) -- [[Jerry Ellig]]

* National Center for Policy Analysis (Dallas, TX) - [[John Goodman]]


National Center for Policy Analysis
[[NCPA]] -
Dallas, TX) - [[John Goodman]]

* Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy (San Francisco, CA)


[[Private Enterprise Research Center]] ([[PERC]] - Bozeman, MT) - [[Roger E Meiners]], [[Bruce Yandle]]

The Fraser Institute (Vancouver, BC)


* [[
Pacific Research Institute
for Public Policy (San Francisco, CA)

Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (Halifax, Nova Scotia)


Atlantic Institute
for Market Studies (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

* The Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions (Dayton, OH)


* The
Buckeye Institute
for Public Policy Solutions (Dayton, OH)

* Calvert Institute for Policy Research (Baltimore, MD)


Calvert Institute
for Policy Research (Baltimore, MD)

* Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research (Boston, MA) [[Lovett C Peters]]


Pioneer Institute
for Public Policy Research (Boston, MA) [[Lovett C Peters
]], [[Charles L Glenn

:* Center for Restructuring Government


Center for Restructuring Government

* South Carolina Policy Council (Columbia, SC) [[Edwared T McMullen]], Jr


South Carolina Policy Council
(Columbia, SC) [[Edwared T McMullen]], Jr

:* Campaign for a New American Century (Nashville, TN)


Campaign for a New American Century
(Nashville, TN)

* The Sutherland Institute (Murray, UT)


* The
Sutherland Institute
(Murray, UT)

* Foundation for Economic Education (New York, NY)


Foundation for Economic Education
(New York, NY)

* Competitive Enterprise Institute (Washington DC)


Competitive Enterprise Institute
(Washington DC)

* The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy (Concord, NH)


* The
Josiah Bartlett Center
for Public Policy (Concord, NH)

* The John Locke Foundation (Raleigh, NC)


* The
John Locke Foundation
(Raleigh, NC)

* The James Madison Institute (Tallahasee, FL)


* The
James Madison Institute
(Tallahasee, FL)


* [[Nevada Policy Research Institute]] (Reno, NV)

Special Focus


* [[Sutherland institute]] (Murray, UT)

* Towards Tradition (Mercer Island, WA) (Jewish/Christian cooperation/education) -Chapters in  Washington DC, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Phoenix.


* [[Health & Economics Research Institute]] (new in June 1996)


* [[Hispanic American Center for Economic Research]] (new in June 1996)



* [[History & Economics Research Institute]] (new in June 1996)

* The Institute of Economic Affairs (London, UK)


* [[Progress & Freedom Foundation]] (Washington, DC) - [[Tom Lenard]]

* Center for Independent Studies (St Leonards, NSW Australia) [[Christopher DeMuch]] [[Charles Richardson]]


* The [[Fraser Institute]] (Vancouver, BC) - [[Owen Lippert]]

* The Shalem Center (Jerusalem, Israel) - [[Adam Pruzan]]


* [[Niagara Institute]] (Canada)

* Liberalni Institut (Prague, CK)


* [[Canadian Property Rights Research Institute]] ([[CanPRRI]] - Calgary, Alberta) - [[Danielle Smith]]

* Lithuania Free Market Institute (Vilnius, Lithuania)


Miscellaneous US - different focus

* Fundacion de Estudious Energeticos Latinoamericanos (Buenos Aires)


[[Hillsdale College]] (Michigan) - [[George Roche]]

* Libertad y Desarrollo (Santiago, Chile)


* [[
Towards Tradition
(Mercer Island, WA) (Jewish/Christian cooperation/education) -Chapters in  Washington DC, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Phoenix.

* Fundacionpara el Analisis y los Estudios Sociales (Madrid)


* [[International Freedom Foundation]] (with a European focus)

* Hong Kong Centre for
Research (Hong Kong)






* The
Institute of Economic Affairs
(London, UK)

Hillsdale College
) - [[
George Roche


[[Adam Smith Institute]] (London)


* [[Social Affairs Unit]] (London, UK) - [[Digby Anderson]], [[Mark Neal]], [[Christie Davies]]


* [[
Center for Independent Studies
(St Leonards, NSW Australia) [[Christopher DeMuch]] [[Charles Richardson


* [[Institute for Public Affairs]] (Melbourne Australia)


:* [[Australian Institute for Public Policy]] (Perth Western Australia


:* [[HR Nicholls Society]] (General, Australia) [[Ray Evans]]. [[Peter Costello]], [[Des Moore]] [[Ian Wearing]]


* [[Tasman Institute]] (Aust-NZ) -- now [[ACIL Tasman


* The
Shalem Center
(Jerusalem, Israel) - [[Adam Pruzan]]


Liberalni Institut
(Prague, CK)


Lithuania Free Market Institute
(Vilnius, Lithuania)


Fundacion de Estudious Energeticos Latinoamericanos
(Buenos Aires
, Brazil


Libertad y Desarrollo
(Santiago, Chile)


Fundacionpara el Analisis y los Estudios Sociales


Hong Kong Centre for
(Hong Kong)


* [[Friedrich Naumann Foundation]] (Argentina)


* [[Fundacion Republica]] (Argentina) - [[Armando Ribas]]


[[Institute for Liberty and Policy Analysis]]
[[INLAP]] (Mar 1998
Costa Rica)
Miguel Angel Rodriguez]], [[Otto Guevara]], [[Eduardo Lizano


* [[Asociacion Nacional de Fomento Economico]] (San Jose, Costa Rica) - [[Alberto Di Mare]]


* [[CIEN]] - (Gutemala) [[Juan Fernando Bendfeldt]]


* [[CITEL]] - (Lima, Peru) -[[Enrique Ghersi]]


==Documents & Timeline==

==Documents & Timeline==

<b>1931-45</b>  [[Friedrich Hayek]] was influenced in his anti-socialist ideology by [[Ludwig von Mises]] in the 1920s and von Mises in return became both a promoter and a disciple.  Later in the decade Hayek established and directed the [[Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research]].  In 1931 he joined the London School of Economics where he was seen as the antidote to the prevailing economics of [[John Maynard Keynes]] (which he regarded as socialistic). He became a British subject in 1938.  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Hayek]

<b>1931-45</b>  [[Friedrich Hayek]] was influenced in his anti-socialist ideology by [[Ludwig von Mises]] in the 1920s and von Mises in return became both a promoter and a disciple.  Later in the decade Hayek established and directed the [[Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research]].  In 1931 he joined the London School of Economics where he was seen as the antidote to the prevailing economics of [[John Maynard Keynes]] (which he regarded as socialistic). He became a British subject in 1938.  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Hayek]

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