
Biodynamic Farming

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Revision as of 10:31, 10 June 2013

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"The Austrian-born Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was the head of the German Theosophical Society from 1902 until 1912, at which time he broke away and formed his Anthroposophical Society. He may have abandoned the divine wisdom for human wisdom, but one of his main motives for leaving the theosophists was that they did not treat Jesus or Christianity as special. Steiner had no problem, however, in accepting such Hindu notions as karma and reincarnation. By 1922 Steiner had established what he called the Christian Community, with its own liturgy and rituals for Anthroposophists. Both the Anthroposophical Society and the Christian Community still exist, though they are separate entities."
Skeptic Dictionary [http://www.skepdic.com/steiner.html Rudolf Steiner], organizational web page, accessed June 17, 2012.

"The Austrian-born Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was the head of the German Theosophical Society from 1902 until 1912, at which time he broke away and formed his Anthroposophical Society. He may have abandoned the divine wisdom for human wisdom, but one of his main motives for leaving the theosophists was that they did not treat Jesus or Christianity as special. Steiner had no problem, however, in accepting such Hindu notions as karma and reincarnation. By 1922 Steiner had established what he called the Christian Community, with its own liturgy and rituals for Anthroposophists. Both the Anthroposophical Society and the Christian Community still exist, though they are separate entities."
Skeptic Dictionary [http://www.skepdic.com/steiner.html Rudolf Steiner], organizational web page, accessed June 17, 2012.

Related Organizations


Biodynamic Farming==


===Critical Resources===


*Holger Kirchmann, "Biological Dynamic Farming – An Occult Form of Alternative Agriculture?," ''Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics'', 7 (1994), 173-87.


*Pernille Kaltoft, "Values about Nature in Organic Farming Practice and Knowledge," ''Sociologia Ruralis'', 39 (1999), 39-53.


*Lynne Carpenter-Boggs, John Reganold, and Ann Kennedy, "Biodynamic preparations: Short-term effects on crops, soils, and weed populations," ''American Journal of Alternative Agriculture'', 15 (2000), 110-18.


*Thoughtful article from New Zealand on biodynamics: http://jury.co.nz/tag/organic-gardening/




*[[Angelic Organics]] - US

*[[Angelic Organics]] - US

*[[Asha Centre ]]

*[[Biodynamic Agricultural Association]]

*[[Biodynamic Agricultural Association]]

*[[Biodynamic Land Fund]]

*[[Biodynamic Land Fund]]

*[[Biointensive Agriculture]]

*[[Biointensive Agriculture]]


*[[Hawthorne Valley Association]] - US


*[[Roxbury Farm]]


*[[Stroud Community Agriculture]] - UK


*[[Tablehurst Farm]] - UK


*[[Zinniker Family Farm]]



==Related Organizations==



*[[Asha Centre ]]

*[[Biography and Social Development Trust]] - UK

*[[Biography and Social Development Trust]] - UK

*[[Blackthorn Medical Centre]] - UK

*[[Blackthorn Medical Centre]] - UK

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*[[Demeter Association]] - US

*[[Demeter Association]] - US

*[[General Anthroposophical Society]]

*[[General Anthroposophical Society]]

*[[Hawthorne Valley Association]] - US



*[[Nature Institute]] - US

*[[Nature Institute]] - US

*[[Nose to Nose]] - France

*[[Nose to Nose]] - France

*[[Roxbury Farm]]

*[[RSF Social Finance]] - US

*[[RSF Social Finance]] - US

*[[Rudolf Steiner Emerson College]], Sussex, UK

*[[Rudolf Steiner Emerson College]], Sussex, UK

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*[[Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship]] - UK

*[[Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship]] - UK

*[[South Devon Steiner School]] - UK

*[[South Devon Steiner School]] - UK

*[[Stroud Community Agriculture]] - UK

*[[Tablehurst Farm]] - UK

*[[Triodos Bank]]

*[[Triodos Bank]]

*[[Waldorf Education]]

*[[Waldorf Education]]



*[[Zinniker Family Farm]]

==Critical Resources==

==Critical Resources==

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