
After speaking with so many people over the years about their money woes, there is one common dominator, and that is that it is *never* about the money. There is something much deeper at play with regards to how we relate to money – you may be surprised with what you uncover!

Since we are all in relationship with money (to varying degrees of health), money essentially acts as a mirror for any unresolved relationship ‘stuff’ from our past or our present. We unconsciously and unknowingly project our relationship baggage onto money (which is simply a neutral energy, by the way) and it muddies the waters, making the relationship less clear and the way to create money health more confusing.

With that I mind, I want to create a “Money and Relationship Test” so that you could take a pulse on your level of money health, and then make an informed decision about what ‘remedies’ may serve you to shift towards optimum money health.

To complete this ‘health test’ simply score each point on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being the highest level of health), and then visit the bottom of the test to learn what your score reflects.

_____I feel fully supported by Source (universe, the cosmos, etc) at all times, and all of my needs are always met when requested.

____ I feel fully supported by money. I know its energy that comes from Source, and that it wants to say YES to all of my requests.

____ I am completely happy to be human, living on this planet, experiencing all of its bounty, contributing to its health, and am always grounded.

____ I am grateful to be alive and appreciate money as it allows me to take in life more fully.

____ I am at peace with my relationship with my father. Regardless of our history, I am 100% grateful for his part in my birth.

____ I always allow myself to be provided for by money and feel safe in doing so.

____ I am at peace with my mother. Regardless of our history, I am 100% thankful that she served as a vessel to bring me into this human experience.

____ I am 100% comfortable in receiving and prefer to live in the flow.

____ I appreciate my familial tribe. They have allowed me to work through any soul contracts, and cultivation of divine gifts, for my soul’s path.

____ I am 100% in allowance of having an abundance of money and never worry about being kicked out of the tribe for having it or for being left behind for not having it.

____ My heart is always open to share my life with my divine life partner in an infinitely joyful and committed relationship.

____ I completely enjoy a life partnership with money based on the natural ebb and flow of giving and receiving. It’s fun, expansive and sacred to share in this level of partnership with money.

____ I am always supportive of my dreams, I honor my word to myself, and I always hold myself in the highest light possible.

____ I know that money always wants to support my dreams, help me honor my commitments to myself and only wants the best for me.

____ I love being in my body and have completely released any patterns of deprivation, over-indulgence or using it as a place to hide.

____ I never use ‘not enough money’ or ‘what will people think of my wealth’ as reasons to contract my energy and be less visible.

____ My spending habits are always aligned with my values and I am always comfortable ‘looking money in the eye’ whether it be taxes, bank accounts, investments, credit cards, etc.

____ I am at peace with peers and teachers from my past. They taught me a lot about myself and helped to shape who I am.

____ I never spend money to ‘buy’ friends or to impress them. I am always at peace with being me, as I am, and attract people who celebrate that. I know that I am good enough, smart enough, lovable enough, etc. I AM enough.

____ My job or my business fully support me and I allow it do so. I fully appreciate all of the inner and outer things it gives me.

____ I am always satisfied with my relationship with money.


Congratulations! You completed your money health test. You may have already noticed some issues come up for you, which is great, because you can’t heal what you are unaware of!

So, let’s take a look at your rating and what it may mean for you…

If you scored between 180 to 210, you are pretty darn healthy with your money relationship (and most, if not all, of your relationships). There may be some scores that were significantly lower than others in a few areas. This is natural. If they concern you enough to seek support, you are welcome to contact me via my team and arrange a complimentary chat so that we can get clear on what may be blocking you, what you *really* want your money relationship to look like, and how one of my programs may be able to get you back on track with optimum money health. Simply email clientcare@souljourneys.ca to begin that process.

Otherwise, make sure you’re committing to regular money mindset work, and be mindful of who you are spending your time with (are you surrounding yourself with people that have a relatively healthy money story)?

If you scored between 100 to 180, it’s time for a money health ‘cleanse’. We need to load you up with money vitamins and do some inner work around past relationships so that you can cleanse your energy of any ‘toxic’ memories or patterns that were projected into your field. It’s quite possible that many relationship patterns that you unknowingly inherited from others, and/or past relationship traumas that are unknowingly held in your cellular memory, are keeping you stuck in some pain patterns that you leave you feeling like you are a hamster on a wheel.

It’s all good! You can clear this and get back on track with optimum money health, but…..you do need to be dedicated to a regular money regime that’s a little more rigorous. You definitely need to get back on track with regular money mindset work, and this could even be my monthly Money Magnet Membership program or reading some new books.

With this level of cleansing, I think my Money and Relationship series would be way more beneficial for you because this is where we go really deep into 10 different relationships that directly impact your money health, clear the energies, create new patterns, and cultivate new and healthy money habits (it’s pretty powerful)!

Or, you may just prefer to work with a healer that does work in the Akashic Records, with EFT, or some other form of deep work to shift all of those unconscious money patterns that keep you from achieving the money health that you know it possible for you!

If you scored less than 100, then holy doodle, we definitely need to come up with an emergency money health intervention – STAT!

The truth is, you cannot afford to put this off any longer! You were born with a series of divine birthrights, joy, abundance, health and wealth, just to name a few! If you are scoring in this range, it tells me that we need to do some serious, and deep, work on your sense of worth, your sense of self, and your ability to take life in fully.

In this zone, you may be feeling like your life is on auto-pilot or you may even be at the extreme of feeling despair, hopelessness, shame, depression, and so on. This is not healthy and I want more for you (I hope you do too)!

The Money and Relationship Program that I mentioned above is a great place to start, but let’s also supplement that with tons of reading and mantras about self-worth, letting-go, and making peace with being human and living on this planet (and staying in your body at least 75% of the time). Once you’ve really committed to some rigorous programs to help you shift energy, then I highly encourage you to take this ‘money health’ test again to see what’s shifted and then we can revisit your plan for optimum money health from there.

***You may be wondering how I see this for you, well…..I’ve done over 20,000 soul purpose/healing sessions over the years, and have seen how patterns play out for all of us (we are way more alike than we think:)

And hey, if all of this is still digesting for you, at least join me on my Feb 11th upcoming free training call, ’10 Essential Keys for Money Mastery’ - it’s jam-packed with tons of insights that you’ll want to explore more deeply as it relates to your money story!

In the meantime, I look forward to hearing what you uncover and to ‘seeing’ you on the call!


P.S. Are you ready to learn the 10 Essential Relationship keys that you must have for wealth mastery so that you can create a peaceful, joyful, abundant partnership with your money? Join me on February 11th, 2014  from 7 – 8pm (eastern) for the “10 Essential Keys for Money Mastery Teleclass.” Sign up here:http://www.souljourneys.ca/programs/10-essential-keys-for-money-mastery/

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