
A guest post by Clarissa Wilson.

I get asked on a regular basis what crystals are best to use for those who are just starting on this journey to using crystal healing. Crystal healing is a form of energy healing that can be used on a very regular basis and it is very safe.

When we work with energy healing, we discuss our body’s 7 main energy centers or chakras. And each of the crystals I recommend correspond to the 7 main chakras of our body. Our chakra health can really help us with any issues we may be having in our lives as well.

1. Hematite – Hematite is a shiny, dark metallic crystal. It corresponds with your root chakra and is a very good grounding stone. I come across so many people on a regular basis who have issues with grounding. By carrying a grounding crystal on your person, you can assist your body and soul with grounding as well.

I come across several people on a regular basis that need help with grounding. While the best option for grounding to stand barefoot on Mother Earth, your next best option is to use the assistance of a crystal. There are several grounding crystals you can use, but my go to one is hematite. Hematite also protects you from the energy of others and letting them drain your energy.

2. Orange Calcite – Orange calcite is a basically an orange chunk of stone. It is also known as the happiness stone. Whenever you are feeling down, just grab a chunk of orange calcite and amazing things will start to happen. This stone also corresponds with your sacral chakra and assists with creativity when you need it most.

Most of the time when you have an issue with their sacral chakra being out of alignment or closed, your creativity has also stopped or stalled. By using a crystal that relates to your sacral chakra, you can get that creativity muscle working properly again.

3. Citrine – Citrine is usually a light yellow colored stone, but you can also find it in a much darker colored stone as well and this is known as smoky citrine. Citrine is also known as the merchant’s stone and I’ve known several people to keep this stone in their wallet or cash register drawer to assist with money coming in. This crystal is the go to stone for assisting with bringing in more money for the majority of people.

Citrine also relates to our solar plexus chakra. This chakra governs our self-worth and self-values. And this chakra is the single most chakra of our body that has the most issues and that is because of what the chakra governs – self-worth. This usually will take a lot of work to overcome, but crystals can assist you with this and make the work a tad bit easier.

4. Rose Quartz – Rose quartz is a pink colored stone and this is my absolute favorite crystal. It is a love stone, but I like to associate this crystal with self-love. Yes it can assist you with bringing in love from others, but in order to bring in the love of others, we have to love ourselves first and that is why I associate it with self-love.

Most of the time we associate green stones with our heart chakra, but we can use pink stones as well. And I always use rose quartz with the heart chakra because of the love factor.

5. Sodalite – Sodalite is a blue stone with silver and gold specks all throughout. Those silver and gold specks are actually pieces of pyrite that have grown in the sodalite crystal while it was being created. Sodalite is a stone that can assist you with connecting with your psychic abilities, but also with speaking your truth.

It relates to your throat chakra, which is why it helps you with speaking your truth the best. Our throat chakras normally get blocked when we have something to say to someone but don’t say it. This will normally turn into a sore throat, lump in your throat or even a cold. You can use the crystal to assist you with saying what you want to say in the best possible way to help you and the person you need to talk to.

6. Amethyst – Amethyst is a pretty purple crystal and usually one of the first crystals that people will purchase when they start on their crystal journey. Amethyst is a very calm stone and can be used for so many different aspects. Many people like to use it to assist with sleep and their psychic abilities. It is also a love stone as well.

Amethyst relates best to our third eye chakra, which is why it helps with our psychic abilities and being able to sleep. And since the energy of an amethyst stone is so calm, it also helps to calm us while we connect to our spirit.

7. Clear Quartz – Clear quartz is a clear stone, just like it’s name states. This stone is mainly known as an amplifier. When you use clear quartz, you really just need to set an intention and let the crystal amplify that intention for you.

This stone can relate to any chakra throughout the body because of it’s amplifying abilities, but it most clearly relates to your crown chakra. Our crown chakra is our deepest connection to our higher self and spirit.

Note: Crystals will not ever harm you, but if you are attempting to use a crystal that your body does not need, you may experience some ill effects such as back pain, headaches and dizziness. All you have to do is remove this crystal from your presence, and the effects will disappear.

Clarissa is a world renowned crystal “rock” star. She has conducted 100s of distance healing sessions and is one of the best teachers around to help you really get to know how to conduct in person and distance healing sessions with crystals yourself. Clarissa is known for her teaching style of breaking things down in easy to understand pieces so you get to learn the most important techniques of energy healing. To get more information on using crystals for prosperity and abundance, join her FREE call on October 6, 14, or 22 here: http://wp.me/P4H0Fg-vf

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