
Confidence can get you to the top, overconfidence is thinking you’re already there.

Looking at someone and thinking thank god I’m not like them is the best feeling in the world. Getting bored? Observe people who are a bit different than the rest, who have eminence confidence in doing the wrong thing and who likes to get attention and knows exactly how to get it.

Given below are 12 creepiest people you have ever seen.

1. Well, I think you need a bath.

Ink all over your body, not the best way to click a picture.

2. A new way of hugging?

You’ve got to exercise a lot if you want to hug your partner like this.

3. Eartooth or Bluetooth?

Ugh! That’s too creepy.

4. Will you call her photogenic?

To me she looks like a monkey who had five drinks for sure.

5. Is he begging?

Sir, I really doubt if you will get any money.

6. Fashionista? Really!

Look at the confidence with which she is wearing this awful hat. All I can see is a snake and a badly stitched bow.

7. How many drinks you had, girl?

Will you call her an expert in pole dancing? I doubt so.

8. Not a pleasant view to look at.

Next time you wait for a bus, remember this man.

9. Keep trying, girl.

Want to help this girl? Take her to the dentist. God bless her teeth.

10. Did I see Albert Einstein?

The man looks exactly like Einstein. What a coincidence!

11. The new way to have sex.

That’s not the right hole, my friend.

12. Definitely need more practice.

Practice till you do it perfectly.

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