
Asian, includes basically the Chinese, Koreans, Thai and many more and sometimes Indians as well. Asians are respected all over the world for their unmatched skills, intellect and in every field of work.

But as much are they appreciated, as much they are often discriminated too. Haters hate, and they hate everything.

But the best of anything always comes out of friendships, friendships that go beyond any bounds and are so strong that this worldly sh*t becomes a joke, to enjoy and to make everyone smile. In the same tenor, here are some of the best Asian jokes I could find.

Perv Level: High, like Asian high

That name though!

About right, but 30 seconds is 20 seconds more offensive!

Switching from umm widescreen mode,

Never been so Asian!

Racism is too damn high in this, nevermind though

It’s an ancient practice for love letters and intel

Unless, of course

Ambitions, eh

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