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The Godhra Riots - Postscript: The Masterminds
https://www.scribd.com/doc/244384543/T ... e-Masterminds-Nicole-Elfi
Please go to the above source for viewing this article in its entirety as it is copyrighted by Nicole Elfi
OCTOBER 30, 2014 (scribd by Nicole Elfi): This is a postscript to The Godhra Riots: Sifting Fact from Fiction, July 2013, by the same author. In May this year, the people of India chose their Prime Minister. Over twelve years, several inquiry commissions -- the Tewatia Committee (2010), the Nanavati Commission (2008), the Special Investigation Team (2011) under the Supreme Court -- cleared Narendra Modi of all charges of having masterminded or, at least, encouraged the Godhra riots.
This report by Elfi goes into the evidence and court cases and convictions of those responsible for the attack on the train in Godhra station which started the turmoil. Go to source above for full report.
The Godhra Riots - Postscript: The Masterminds - Nicole Elfi
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Published by Michel Danino
A study of the masterminds behind the Godhra riots and the ISRO spy scandal.
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Categories:Types, Creative Writing
Published by: Michel Danino on Oct 25, 2014
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The Godhra Riots
The Masterminds
Nicole Elfi
October 2014
: This is a postscript to The Godhra Riots:Sifting Fact from Fiction, July 2013, by the same author.In May this year, the people of India chose their Prime Minister. Over twelveyears, several inquiry commissions — the Tewatia Committee (2010), theNanavati Commission (2008), the Special Investigation Team (2011) under theSupreme Court — cleared Narendra Modi of all charges of havingmasterminded or, at least, encouraged the Godhra riots.
Still, his detractors —politicians and ideology-driven activists in India, the US and Europe — havecontinued to label him “merchant of death”, “butcher”, “Nazi”, “fascist”,“murderer”, etc.Let us examine the facts and see whether they can point to the riot’s realmastermind.