
June 13, 2011.                                                       Page  1.

Ms.Barkha Dutt,
Managing Editor,
NDTV convergence limited,
NEW DELHI 110020
FAX: 011-41735110

Copy to: Mr.Anoop Juneja,
Company Secretary
207,Okhla Industrial Estate,
Phase  III
NEW DELHI 110020

Dear Ms.Barkha Dutt:


This is the reaction I got after watching your programme “The Buck
Stops here”, on NDTV, 8th June, 2011. Congress Spokesman Mr. Dig Vijay Singh was  your guest, and you the anchor. After this round of ‘
public appearance’, your channel also telecasted, coming 72 hours,
after the  dastardly attack on sleeping sadhaks, was  the another
‘special appearance’ .The Interview of Home Minister P. Chidambaram,
on a seemingly objective ‘Government Friendly’ channel , with no hard
questions from the pretty and dumb reporter, making a tailor made
presentation, with no tough questions to answer, putting up a
seemingly brave face, he did a pretty unprofessional clean up job.

Though he had ordered a strong contingent of 8000 armed police men and  women to descent with booted legs and batons on sleeping Citizens (men, women & children), which he cannot justify in any court, leave alone in the International Court of Justice at Hague. Huddled behind the state sanctioned protection, he did not emerge immediately after the midnight attack, or on the following morning, though some channels showed his brief appearance, on national Television, walking stiffly with upheld chin, avoiding his gaze to cameras, going to attend a
meeting. When he emerged after full 72 hours came on DD news, he appeared  relaxed, after having been briefed and armed with a
‘well-prepared-justification’ for having ‘attacked his own people’,
citizens of India , whom he is supposed to protect as  home minister.

The job which was assigned to him by the state, for which he had been
elected by the people, and the responsibility, which the state had
assigned him, and for which he had taken a oath on the Constitution of
India, but failed to uphold the oath, but acted as a party Hench man
to protect the congress party interests, in its ‘ideological - brawl’
with BJP and the Sangh Parivar, had triggered a knee jerk reaction.
Though it is difficult to impeach and fix on him as an individual,
though a whole range of party activities, ‘cloudy –process’ as to what
that went into the decision making , not visible outside, resulted in
the rapid action force descending on the hapless citizens as if they
are enemies of the State. Are they?

1.      These are fundamental questions that the Congress must lay bare. Human Rights, RTI activists’ and civil society groups must probe this dark area and  uncover the truth that lead to the eventual ‘political
rationalization’,( not logic  not reason) ,  of the decision making
process within the Government led principally by, Home minister
P.Chidambaram, Kapil Sibal, Pranab Mukherjee, (the Congress junta )
headed by Sonia Gandhi , that led to the derailment of the
anti-corruption movement.

2.      Just imagine, if you are watching , as an independent and neutral
observer, and as a Citizen of India, the following scenario on TV: “if
the Home Minister had ordered a midnight attack, on an Islamic, or a
Christian congregation, who had fasted the whole day, and went to
sleep, imagine what an  international uproar this  would have caused?.

3.      By this time he would have lost his Job. His party, the State, and
the media, would arraign and force him to resign. He would have been
shown the door, following by now, an outcry on the International
Television and Press Channels, “for the attack on minorities”.

4.       ‘This reaction’, by the international  community, set in motion,
would have  in fact precipitated ,whipped  grounds up,  lead by a
crusader journalists like Arnab Goswami , Barkha Dutt and  Raj Deep
Sardesais as seen from their past records . Their minutes, which
should be put in the public domain, and sought for by RTI activists.
In the past we have witnessed many such attacks by the international

5.      These  well orchestrated , grounds up, sponsored, and well
Orchestrated party line propaganda normally start with leading Indian
English Channels (as seen from their past records), and later picked
by vernacular channels, (who may or may not add their views ) further
aided and abetted, within, by news Papers. This phenomenon is
sustained and, prop up by a sustained campaign of ‘full blown
editorials’, with black boundaries, ‘OP-EDs’, by paid opinion makers,
‘Opinion’ columns by  well heeled suited, booted newspaper columnists,
and Sunday feature by a genre, of  unheard  of writers, sustains a

6.       Full magazines are dedicated to deception, deceive, and manipulate cunningly. Magazines like ‘Out Look’, and ‘Frontline’ dedicated to Marxist ideology  go after the kill. The same cabals add up, when you switch on the TV debates, to be heard and  read all over and replayed and rehashed. The debates are loud with debates  variants like “We the People”, “ The Buck Stops Here”, News Tonight” etc. These programmes should be renamed as” ,“We are anti-people” , “Everything stops with the Buck” .

7.      The crowd that comes to the studios in Delhi and Mumbai comes to enjoy  have good outing , happy to be seen on the TV,  and often so
dumb, on all English TV Channels, that they do not know, that they are
being taken for a solid ride by the anchors.

8.      The programmes are repeated nauseam, day after day, week after
week, and month after month, till the momentum dies down of its own,
or the funds dry out, or a new issue of a bigger issue real or
imagined  crops up .


9.      But the option to “keep gun powder ready” to be served at any
moment, rests with editor whose “atrocity archives” are kept open - to
be pried open to examine and deeply inhale the contents, and share the
reek till, it becomes permanently embedded in the ‘collective memory
of media archives’, to be used as permanent blot, a grand
demonization, of archival material against the evil, and as a
political instrument later. “Media is serving its masters as a
political tool”.

10.     “But he only acted in hurriedness to protect his party’s
(Congress) ideological, security” by attacking Ramdev, who was backed
by the RSS”,  was the official line of a replay, of the earlier
‘official interview’ (and the UPA led Congress junta’s position, on
the massive protest against Mega-Corruption that is rocking the
nation,) that the Home Minister had given to the nation on the State
television (DD), for its news channel, on the afternoon, as the
official version justifying the midnight attack on the followers of
Baba Ramdev, and  was ‘patched up’ hurriedly by private channels, like
‘Times Now’ news, and NDTV, after disrupting  their own broadcasts, as
the state channel had kicked into life, after full three days of
hushed period.

11.     The careful orchestrated, party-line response, coming after 72
hours was swallowed by the so called private TV Channel journalists
with ‘bait and the fishing line’ by the otherwise ‘angry’ anchors, who
would be ‘demanding  answers for  tough questions ’.

12.     Normally these anchors would go out of way to interview people
‘seeking opinion from enemies in Islamabad ‘, ‘Abbotabad’, Rawalpindi,
Peshawar, Perth,Peru,London, Chicago, transpire over night ‘into dumb
and deaf and apparently ‘ easily satisfied ‘ by the party line view of
the Home Minister  as seen on the ‘patched up telecast with the
Doordarshan’s own telecast from studio in Delhi. No questions asked,
no Human Rights activists came on TV fuming and fretting.

13.     How come the party-line state’s version justifying the attack, on
sleeping  sadhaks ( The media , that is normally extremely careful to
exactly pronounce the French and German and Churchman Terms, is so flippant when it comes to Traditional Indian names, terms normally
used to address  traditional Sadhaks, and a nomenclature, for yoga and
meditation students  who were on upavas or going without food and
water for a specified time ).Again neither your channel nor any
channel properly referred to. a terminology, that implies, by fasting
one gets closer to their diety.

14.      Being a Managing Editor - Producer – Anchor (MPA) simultaneously, which is rather unusual by any broadcasting standards, anywhere in the world. As the multiple roles demands different set of conflicting norms.

15.     In world class manufacturing companies like Boeing, Toyota, it
will be comparable to an operator A, is in charge for manufacturing a
critical part that goes out. The product is Quality of the product
Called in six sigma parlance is the same operator A, and it travels
further down the line.Where it is allowed for integrating with a SA
(Sub assembly) which it becomes a part of a critical component, that
goes into a Boeing Airbus. Where the person who approves the shipment for final Assembly is also, the same operator A.

16.     In short if the operator A commits an error it is passed on to the
next stage, where If the same person is the quality inspector, and he
himself is the approver the error travels up and will have hazardous
consequences for the jet, and will malfunction in the mid air.

17.      As a person  running up and down to cover an event that is
unfolding , and I know your job is not that easy, and you went to
Chennai to cover Mr.L.K Advani’ s Chennai visit , only on the day,
when Baba Ram Dev was fasting and again up and running as the event
was  unfolding In Ramlila Maidan.

18.      It is surprising that you as an MD of big a TV Channel decided to
pursue LK Advani, rather than attending Baba Ramdev’s event unfolding
in Delhi?

19.     Your Chennai Reporter Mr. Sam Daniel is a smart man and easily competent to cover the off the cuff visit of and one has to question
your motives for what purpose did you go to Chennai which was rather

20.     Again what was the significance of the backdrop of Advani’s suite
that your camera was focusing?  If you are not able to recollect,
kindly go back and see your taped interview. If BJP has supported Baba
Ramdev, what was LKA doing in Chennai?  Since there is no boss for you are the defacto and d not an unpretentious head of NDTV, can you
explain to the nation first and to your viewers, why you decided to be
embedded with LK Advanti trip to Chennai ? If that being the case, how
can the UPA led junta claim that the BJP backed the fast? Is there any
clandestine deal between LKA and UPA and NDTV is used to create an
alibi for LKA?

21.     As a viewer sending I was wondering what Mr.Advani was doing in Chennai, and why this sudden Interview? Was it to create an alibi or a
distance between himself and Baba Ramdev’s fast?

22.     Feedback is the last thing that I would send to in response to a
TV programme described in the previous paragraphs. My mind was
occupied with the question again and again.

23.     It is easy to send a feedback to a printed article, but not so
easy to a TV Programme. TV debate programmes, as are they are highly subjective, not informative, overloaded, populist, and loud with
ideology and sectarian feuds.

24.     It is inconvenient to keep a note pad and jot down points, of what
one sees on the TV Screen, and often there are interruption, by the
way of advertisement breaks.

25.     If a viewer wants seriously to send you an honest feedback, he she will have to tape the entire programme and, watch it closely, and
re-run the programme if necessary if he / she wants to examine the
content critically.

26.     Thousands of your viewers do not have the luxury, to critically
watch your programmes as they do not have the necessary tools at home, methods, time and patience, to watch and send you a robust feedback, on programmes that affect the nation and lives.

27.     Again if a viewer wants to write to a producer or director, he has
to go through a maze of red-tape, to get the mobile number or email
id. If I want to write to say Barkha Dutt , Arnab Goswami or Karan
Thapar, I may at the most end up with the public board number, with an
operator who is least helpful and express ignorance of the programme
or the content. These operators are more interested in shielding the
producer from unwanted gaze. Thus you help us .We can only tweet, but cannot expect any reply. I have in most cases experienced this

28.     .Indian TV Channels have to go a long way before they can cut down their red-tape, and become user friendly and learn from feedbacks.
Above all before you expect the government to do anything to cut down
red tape and corruption, TV Channels have to become more transparent

29.     In USA the public policy network C-SPAN does a splendid job of
educating the public on complex issues, on every issue that affects
the citizens in a very positive and objective way, without any
idealogical slant.

30.      Anyone who has seen C SPAN ,will know to what an extent to go to educate the public. It will also explain their commitment to explain
to the public, on issues that affect their lives .They also give
primary importance to issues that affect their nation. They go out
great lengths to educate and inform the citizens of great nation.
There is absolutely transparency and sincerity in every efforts they
make, is the reason why the USA has not become a banana republic like ours scarred by ideological demons..

31.     An average TV watcher like me gets inspired to watch the
programmes and to know about current issues. The programmes are
offered in user friendly format. If you happen to switch on the TV in
the middle of a programme, the names of the speakers, subject of the
debate, whether it is current one or taped, venue, and when will it be
repeated, contact details of persons whom we just saw on the screen,
are flashed for adequate length of time, so that if any viewer is
interested he can jot it down for contacting them .

32.     Please be honest, just tell me whether any one programme aired
anywhere in India on any TV Channel displays all these information
prominently? If this is the level of transparency in Private TV
Channels, what do you expect from the Government?

33.     Former President APJ Abdul Kalam , once demanded an answer from all TV Channels, why are you people so negative? Why there are no programmes like “SPELLING BEE”, empowering the Kids. Most of the time is filled with Bollywood crass, self serving at best.

34.     An enormous power like Broadcasting if used with imagination,could transform the lives of millions of people. One particular programme that I would appreciate on NDTV is ‘Greenation’, supported by Toyota, that aims at supplying solar powered lanterns to some 520 villages without any form of electricity.

35.     To end with, people do not have time and patience to watch
controversial programmes, leave alone write a robust feedback.You will
agree that in the absence of a honest feedback, the TV Programmes are going the way they are going, and playing games for politicians.

36.     GAMES MEDIA PLAYis an analysis of a series of Incidents that were played in the public domain by the Indian TV Channels with just one case study. To watch with utter agony of millions and millions of
followers of Baba Ramdev, who had assembled in Ram Lila Maidan, New Delhi, for fasting, and protest against corruption in public life, and
for bringing illegal black money from foreign countries. This is the
first attempt In India to decipher the destructive games that
electronic mediating.


One fine morning, TV Channels all over India showed, an extraordinary
scene. A man sitting in the press conference, was upset with something that the home minister of the UPA Governament said on that day, in theconference. He decided to launch a missile. He removed his and send it flying. It missed P.Chidambaram. The man who threw the missile was Jarnail Singh, and he was working as a reporter.M.P.Chidambaram took this attack in stride and explained it as part of public life, and magnanimously did not press for a case against Mr.Jarnail Singh. No TV Channel to my knowledge has ever informed the viewers as to what happened to Jarnail Singh, after the Incident. Was he sent to jail?

Are journalists in the electronic media especially those who come on
the TV Screen, are they objective? Don’t they take sides? Are they not
moved by emotions?


Are journalists objective? Are they not moved by emotions? Don’t they
take sides?

For the first time, an Iraqi reporter used his shoe as a missile to
target George Bush. The beleaguered reporter justified the attack on
the American President, who in his eyes was an aggressor. Was he
justified? The entire Arab Press, hailed him as their hero. The media,
including NDTV, highlighted the attack, and projected the Al Jazeera
news coverage of the martyred reporter, and projected President George
Bush, who ducked the missile. Fellow Journalists did not pounce on the
Iraqi journalist. Even the American Press Corps, did not! It was
better left to security men to handle the situation. He was treated as
a hero all over the middle east and parts of Africa.


Following the police action on Ramdev’s pandal, to express his anguish
on the attack on innocent Sadhaks, reporter Sunil Kumar who merely at
a distance of four feet waved his shoe at the congress spokesman
Dwivedi . As compared to war torn Iraq, where the press corps remained
calm, New Delhi’s infamous and noisiest press jointly lynched the
reporter Sunil Kumar, for waving merely his shoe and who did not
attack Dwivedi. He was projected as a reporter from a local Hindi
daily by Dig Vijay Singh. Are there no human rights for Mr. Sunil
Kumar, as of now?


37. The BJP has distanced itself from Sunil Kumar. BJP’s Spokesman,
Mr.Ravishankar Prasad, in his GOOD BOY style, reiterated that BJP does not approve such tactic. Thanks to your channel, you have covered the shoe waving incident. But Times now, carefully edited it out.

38. I was surprised ,when Digvijay Singh after having headed the
lynching party, boasts on your Channel of his sacred belief in Mahatma
Gandhi. You als treated him with velvet gloves. You style of
questioning was not aggressive nor demanding but indulging and
enjoying the menace of Digvijay Singh. If had Gandhi lived, would he
approve the attacks on Sunil Kumar as carried out, by the goons of
Congress party, and the lynch mob led by Digvijay Singh? This is one
big PR disaster for congress party.  I was appalled when Dig Vijay
Singh calls the reporter fascist on nation TV after delivering all
those kicks and punches.


Let me project another scenario. If Mr.Narendra Modi, the Chief
Minister of Gujarat State, had attacked a reporter, what would the
intensity and ferocity and extensvity of reactions to the attacks?

Why the media is handling Digvijay Singh with velvet gloves instead of
criticizing him? ( Anna Hazare wanted to send him to a mantal asylum
in pune)

Thereby are you not encouraging him? Three days before this incident
Mr.Digvijay Singh called Ramdev, a ‘Thug’. This is the very imagery
that the British colonists, used against any protesters, who fought
the colonists, and used the pretext to wipe entire clan.

40 . It reminded me of the poligar revolution in 1801, in south-of
Tamilnadu,when any group, be it caste, or warriors, opposed the
British were, termed ‘Thugs’, and hunted down. The warrior and martial
clans of Tamilnadu in deep south were sentenced to death by hanging.
Their leaders and even young children were not spared. ‘Call a guy a
thug and hang him’ was the policy. This is the congress, the creation
of Allen Ocatvian Hume, has also not forgotten the usage? Sanyasis
played a major role in generating mass support, during the freedom
movement. They had secret meeting with Mahatma Gandhi, in the Nagpur congress in 1921. ( See: “Peasants and Monks in British India” freedom movement by William.R.Pinch,June 1996, Cambridge University Press).

41. MR .LYNCH LAW Mr.Lynch from his name the term Lynch-law came into existence, was famous, notoriously and reminds me of the likes of Digvijay Singh. A mob attacks a person for flimsy reason,thoroughly lynches and comes in the big and powerful person, who delivers the last and the final punch. From a street fighter, Mr.Digvijay Singh, has come a long way.

42 . A Mc KINSEY CONSULTANT MENTIONS ANNA HAZARE’S NAME. Way back in 1988, I heard of Anna Hazare from a Mc Kinsey Consultant. He was narrating how this gentleman who was transforming his village in Maharashtra. I had no time to even remember his name. It was a passing by reference, tucked somewhere in subconscious. I had a vague desire to go to his village someday, and see for myself the transformation. But I totally forgot the Marathi name, which was rather unusual for me at that time. Having seen the transparency of the governments, elsewhere, and corruption free regimes, and how Citizens, are not taken for a solid ride, by elected representatives one is appalled at the brazen corruption and crime ridden politics here. Something
drastically has wrong with the country or something congenital has
happened during the freedom movement of this country. I meet many
people during travels, and recently I met a Journalist, who was a
communist, and fought many a battle with police, and went for Jail.
Later he got disillusioned with the Communist ideology and went in
search something indigenous. He joined RSS many many years ago. He narrated an incident where he has met Anna Hazare in a RSS meeting years ago in Chennai. I am hearing the name of Anna Hazare for a second time, this time in a different context, mentioned  again by a
different person.

43. Many Sadhaks, who attended the Baba Ramdev’s programme of fasting ,were attacked by the police. In the melee they have lost their
watches, jewels, cell phones, purses, key rings, passports, id cards,
pan cards, driving licenses, return tickets, and baggage. It is also
reported that the Delhi Police, have removed all traces of the CC
video that recorded the attack on sadhaks. Why no TV has reported
this? Why no anchor has spoken about it? What are they hiding?


All TV Channels, including yours reported faithfully the midnight
attack on peacefully sleeping sadhaks who had fasted the whole day.
They also reported on the non availability of any representative from
the government side for comments. So the airtime was occupied by the
ever ready omni-present, omni scient, CEO of Counselage Mr.Suhel Seth ,the ebullient and hyper responsive Suhel Seth frothing offering all
his free wisdom. There was no Government representative  seen on TV
screen for full 72 hours.


All along PC was shown attending an internal meeting.The state of his
appearance and body language, showed him stiff, and dragging his left
side of the body, with an awkward upturned tilted chin, in a defensive
position, trying to avoid the cameras. It took him full 72 hours, to
emerge from his hiding. He made his first appearance on the DD first,
a state run channel, which is under his control, in a safe environment
with difficult questions. The pretty DD reporter did not ask, as could
be expected, any uncomfortable questions to her boss. This was
controlled environment for PC. He also did not meet any lengthy
interrogation from any reporter but faced the people, through his
state run DD channel. PC did not take any question, from any reporter,
of press or TV for full 72 hours. The Junta controls the media and
press is very much evident, when this Nazi like propaganda programme,
was patched up with other channels like NDTV, TIMES NOW ,CNN IBN, and to be followed by innumerable vernacular media, reaching out to the
masses ,etc.  These channels, became an extended arm of the congress led junta. P.C.Justified the midnight attacks on sadhaks, saying that the RSS in its Prathinidhi Sabha held in puttur on Feb 11 had decided to prop up Baba Ramdev. If PC is right, which only the RSS can answer , which was weakest alibi for an launching  attack on innocent men and women who were sleeping.

47. Why should he choose to send an army of 8000 police men, many of them drunk, and menacing, into a camp of Sadhaks? What are you afraid of Mr P.C? Why would you attack like a coward in midnight, according to the Hindu standards? If you had launched an aerial attack on the hideout of Dawood Ibrahim, you would have made us proud and we would salute you.

48. Instead you have used the Delhi police to attack your own people,
innocent, men women and Children. Delhi is the worse city in India as
far as women are considered. Delhi Police is the worst in the world.
Indian politicians are the most corrupt in the world. You have been
elected to protect the citizens as a Home Minister, but like shikandi,
you have launched a brutal attack on sleeping the people, who have
been peaceful, reminds me the company of Dravidians you keep back in
Tamilnadu and the midnight arrest of Sri Kanchi Sankaracharya in 2004.


PC quotes the constitution. He forgets the constitution is not only
for those elected, who come and go, but also for the citizens, who
elect. It Starts with the preamble “We The People Of India”.  What has
he been doing since Feb 11,2011? A full four months and six days, or
to be precise, 115 days. By his own admission, PC has not done
anything, over his alleged links, but chose to attack on peaceful
group on Midnight. What a shame? The constitution guarantees full
religious freedom to all religious groups. Digvijay singh gave even
more intriguing explanation on your channel. If all Hindus come out
the next day morning, it may provoke Muslims, in the nearby Chandini
Chowk. So it was the an afterthought of Dig Vijay Singh.On TV PC was
giving a vague explanation that Baba Ramdev had indulged in
politicking and advised him stick to his yoga. Kapil Sibal too had
said the same thing earlier. By the same yard stick, will he give the
same advice to the Church pastors and Muslim Mullahs and Maulavis to
stick to religion and not enter into politics? Has he ever said
anything like what he said to Ram Dev. Let the Dalai Lama stick to
religion only! Are they not using their podiums to deliver lectures on
politics? Every Sunday sermon, in every church, every church across
the country, carries a political message. Similarly every Mosque in
the country, after every Friday, namaz, delivers , the faithful a full
blown political message and lecture. Does not the PC’s know about this
all? His own departments the RAW, IB are totally ignorant of these
political connections, and feed only information on RSS camp at Puttur


It shows the Indian intelligence under PC is a failure. They are
unable to penetrate the US backed churches that feed the Maoists, and
the radical Islam that feed the Jihadis in India.

If you extend the logic a little further, if he sees a great
congregation of Muslims or Christians, in and around Delhi, will the
Home Minister order the Delhi Police, to throw these people out? Is he
a home minister or a home monster?

Congress party has not come to terms with the reality of the presence
of 85 % of Hindus in their land. The late pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, was
known to be Hindu Phobic. Congress party led UPA junta, has been
responsible for whipping anti-Hindu feelings in the country. This will
lead to retaliations, with grave consequences.


A few months ago the Home minister (still not resigned) raised the
question of saffron terror. Had he ever talked of green terror, or red
terror? Whey are there so many loud mouthed men and women are in the employ of the UPA and Congress in particular? Digvijay Singh ,
P.Chidambaram, Kaplil Sibal, Jayaram Ramesh , Mani Shankar iyer, are notoriously anti-Indian. Even congress’s erstwhile  partner, Lallu
yadav is a known India baiter and as Chief Minister ate away the funds
fodder meant for Bihar’s cattle.

They are known to attack in public well established Indian
institutions.Recently Jayaram Ramesh, created a controversy, when he
called IIMs below international standard. When stiffly opposed, he
shifted stand, and said, though the students are of International
quality, the professors are not up to the mark. This led to angry
protests from the teaching professors of IIM. A sheepish Jayaram had
take back his anti-India baiting and swallow it lock stock and barrel.
 This is his style of operation in public.


Kapil Sibal, when he was HRD minister, probabaly whisky sipping,
doubted the nationality of International grand master Viswanthan
Anand. This created a bad atmosphere in the festive mood prevailing at
that time.

In December 2004 the Pacific Tsunami warning centre had warned (India) specifically, Kapil Sibal, that a major earth quake had struck off the coasts of Sumatra. It was reported in News papers that Kapil just rang up Sonia Gandhi, who was in Christmas Party, had just gone to bed, and hence could not be disturbed.  There ended his efforts. Had he taken efforts to call the chief ministers of coastal states of Tamilnadu,
Pondy, AP and Kerala, they in turn would have warned the respective
district collectors, who would used the warning system prevailing then
to alert the people, to move to safer areas. Precious time was lost
between the call that Kapil Sibal had received, and his failure to
inform the States. The duo, must be sent for psychological tests, and
psychiatric evaluations, and their fitness for holding higher
positions probed.Kapil Sibal should examine the citizenship details of
Sonia Gandhi, and why she took 16 long years to apply for Indian
Citiizenship. Why Congress men and women are India phobic? It is
widely quoted and this quote is attributed to Mani Shankar Iyer. He is
reported to have stated, when he was asked to address in Chennai by
the predominantly Brahmin crowd, meeting, he has boasted “I am a beef
eating Brahmin from Lahore”. The crowd could not believe their ears
and till day has remained one of the quotes firmly entrenched in
Chennai circles. Two years ago two thousand war veterans surrendered
their war medals, and gallantry awards to the President of India,
demanding “one rank one pension”, the unsympathetic congress
spokesman, like a street urchin, hands in mouth alleged the medals
were fake. This led to a huge uproar in the country. Can there be any
bigger insult to veterans than this? The Anna Hazare team was accused
by the Amar Singh spokesman that Shanthi Bhushan had  taken some fifty lakhs as lawyer fees. On July 18, 2010, ,CBI ( not central bureau of
Investigation, but Central Bank Of India)paid a sum of 69.24 lakhs of
rupees in Lawyer fees , in order to defend itself, against a writ
petition filed by Abhijit Ghosh in Delhi High Court, against one
Daruwallah, the then CMD of the Bank of the Bank that Ghosh, the then
GM, complained about putting pressure on him as borrower for forcible
donations to her alma mater. Bulk of this lawyer’s fees went to Manu
Abhishek Singhvi .


A Loud mouthed Digvijay Singh in the congress junta was snubbed by the Israeli embassy in Delhi once when he mentioned that RSS is targeting muslims under the guise of nationalism.Pat came response from the Israeli issued a statement saying “ No comparison can be made with the Nazi Holocaust in which six million jews were massacred solely because they were Jews”.

Showing footwear all over Asia and Middle east is considered an
ultimate insult and not an attack or aggression. Girls on the Streets
of Delhi show Chappals, to road side romeos tease them. It cannot be
considered an attack or aggression in itself if not no better insult
than the four letter word. Digvijay Singh is a liar par excellence. A
born liar that he is, he claimed that he had spoken to the late Chief
of Maharsahtra Anti Terror Squad, Mr.Hemant Karkare, a mere two hours, before he was shot dead by the Pakistani terrorists. The then home minister, told the state assembly,on December 2008, that there are no records to show that Digvijay singh ever spoke to Hemant karkare. Kavitha Karkare, wife of the slain Hemant also denied that Digvijay singh spoke to her husband.

Rahul Gandhi said that there is no difference between SIMI (Student
Islamic Movement) and RSS. His mother Smt. Sonia Gandhi pleaded in the parliament, for not banning SIMI.


On the other hand late Prime Minister of India, Shri Lal Bahadur
Sastri,had meetings with Guruji Golwalkar,the then RSS Chief, on
national security issues. Even pandit Nehru invited the RSS for
republic parade, soon after the Chinese aggression.

Why do Hindu gurus enter social work? Sri Sathya sai Baba, provided
drinking water to hundreds of villages in the dry rayalaseema
district. He also extended his services to Chennai city, a city of
some one crore people. Politicians like Karunanaidhi invited him to
residence in 2006-2007, and sought his help openly. In the ongoing
politics of water in south, it was Sai Baba, who provided succor to
water starved Chennai. He showed how to function like a statesman to
an entire political class.

Baba Ramdev was in the fore front of anti-corruption movement in the
country. He was daring the corrupt politicians . His is perhaps the
next level of spiritual movement that dares the Junta. Naturally the
political mafia is scared.


A congress MP from Arunachal Pradesh Niming Ering abused Ram Dev some two months ago in a Yoga meeting openly ( Feb 19,2011). He called him Bloddy Indian Kutte”.The MP  is connected with several evangelical programmes in the NE. Does he consider himself to be a non Indian first, and yet remain an MP?

Discredited US Billionaire, Mark Madoff, was sentenced to 150 years by
the US Court for finanacial fraud. Financial frauds are taken very
seriously in USA.Here we have Ramalinga Rajus, Madhu Kodas, lallu
Prasads,Suresh kamadis, A.Raja, kanimozhi, Maran Brothers, Hasan Ali, and others in long waiting line. Will they ever succumb? Will they
ever be sentenced if the likes of Baba Ramdev do not take up the cause
against corruption. Hence the UPA junta led by Congress, will play
rogue politics, even more severe, in order protect its ill gotten
wealth. It target will be Hindu leaders, who have mass following.
Hence Hindus must be ever vigilant about the motives and be prepared
for more attacks from the congress led mafia.

Both the henchmen of the junta D V S and PC said in unison on TV that
Ram Dev was not granted permission for political speeches, as if
political speeches are the prerogative of the Congress and UPA only.
The constitution guarantees right to free speech, which is sought to
be thwarted by the Mafiosi

On September 22,2009,on the eve of Id ul fitr, the entire highway
leading from Delhi to Gurgoan national Highway was blocked for hours
eight hours. Where were the loud mouthed Dig Vijay Singh and Home
minister PC then?


Taking one step forward his justification coming after 72 hours, the
street fighter said, if the Hindus were not evicted by the night, the


As many muslims, themselves are followers, of Ramdev and there were
some on the Stage with the Baba, but neither the media nor the loud
mouths mentioned this.


58. Taking all the above factors into consideration, the UPA-Led
congress junta, is trying hard to justify the brutal mid night attacks
on Sadhaks, on the pretext of not taking abiding by police permission,
which will fall flat. The suo moto action by the Supreme Court, will
expose the congress more. It is not only the UPA Junta that is indeed
suffering India-Hindu phobia, and hence launched the vicious attack on
peaceful followers of Ramdev, and is attempting to give justification,
which is at best an afterthought.

59. Baba Ramdev should seek expert help in running a campaign, and get lessons in diplomatic speech and start a political party immediately.
If necessary he should renounce the gerua dress in place of a common
civilian clothes, in the interest on the nation. Buddha renounced his
kingdom in those days for the sake enlightenment. If necessary Baba
Ramdev must give up his saffron clothes, and lead a movement, the
second freedom movement, to liberate the people of India from the
Congress led junta.

60. Hasan Ali-CWG-2 G Spectrum ,Adarsh Housing, CVC appointme
nt,Black Money abroad, Cash for Vote, with all the scams, the common
man is tolerating beyond his limits. Any politician with the least
self respect, would have resigned. But its is not know why this
sardar, is sticking to the gaddhi like a leech. Libya , Yemen,
Bahrain, Syria, Egypt, Morocco,Algeria, Tunisia, Saudi, Egypt, have
seen upraising against the ruling Dictators. Pakistan, Afghansitan,and
Iraq ar all failed states. The UPA –Led junta, has led the nation to
its brink.


61. Significance of three days: Following the burning of Karsevaks in
Gujarat, Gujarat broke into riots. The media pack of hyenas led by
Barkha Dutt, demanded to know, why it took Narendra Modi, three days
to react. She failed to ask, there were no 31 days in Feb 2002, but
only 28. The media campaign went on and on unrelenting Ms.Dutt. Where are 31 days in Feb?

62. The emergence of PC after three days in hiding reminds of the
intensity of Media attacks on Narendra Modi, but missing in the case
of PC.  Congress anti hindu attitude is well known by now to all
Hindus.  Nehru wanted the Hindu word removed from Benaras Hindu
University.But he did not demand Aligarh Muslim university to remove
its Muslim name. He also wanted a ban on the RSS,but not on Muslim
League. Pandit Nehru slapped a sadhu who was waiting near his
residence, demanding a ban on Cow slaughter. If Nehru pioneered the
assault on Hindus, the Home Minister P.Chidambaram has lead a midnight assault on hapless sadhaks and Ram Dev.   Hallelujah !!! If BJP is linked to RSS through an umbilical cord. On May 2010, PC writes to Agnivesh, who is closely connected with the Maoists, who is also wearing saffron and indulging in Maoist politics, “ I would encourage
you to reach out to the Maoists CPI, and persuade them to accept the
demands of the Govt for offer for talks”. Why does the HM minister
need conduits? Has he failed in his role?

63. PC Chidambaram uttered the word Saffron Terror. There are many
Sikhs, jains, Buddhists, and even Christians who wear saffron .
According to SATP , south asia terrorism portal, since 1989,5961
Civilians and 2086 security personnel have been murdered by Maoists.
Dr.Binayak Sen was a courier to these terrorists. He is now released
on bail, and has been resurrected as an advisor in the planning

64. What is Congress led junta UPA trying to do? Subverting the
constitution itself and trampling upon the rights of the people. It is
trying to shield corrupt politicians led by an Italian and European
mafia. Dr Subramanian Swamy wrote to the PM that that the two sisters
of Sonia Gandhi,Anushka and Nadia have received Kickbacks to the
extent of 18000 crores in the 2-G scam. Sonia herself with Rahul went
out of the country on 7th June, 2011, and it is known whether she has
returned, and it is told that her destination was Switzerland, and
none of the Media has reported he sudden departure. This is not the
first time that she is suddenly leaving the country. The Congress
party owes reply to the people of India, and Civil Society and Rights
to Information activists must probe further on the mysterious ultra
secrecy veil thrown over the t travel information of Sonia and her

10%-20% & 70% SHARES

65. The Tamil Magazine Junior vikatan published an interview of
Dr.Subramaniam Swamy, where he stated Raja had received only 10%,
while Karaunandhi &family received 20% and the remaining 70%went to
Sonia Gandhi’s sisters. The Congress Junta said, Ram Dev is communal, as they have suddenly discovered his links with BJP and RSS.

66. “On Jan 13,2010, the general secretary of Congress in charge of
Bihar released a list of 569 names of members of the state committee,
where the name each member has been tagged with their caste. Against the name of the present day lok sabha speaker Hon.Meera Kumar, her caste was written as “Chamar”.This mention of caste name is prohibited by law, yet the Congress led Junta violated the basic rule .

67. On the contrary nowhere in RSS anyone’s caste is ever asked to or
referred to. It is considered uncivilized. Yet the congress speaks of
the RSS as communal and Baba Ramdev who himself is a dalit instigating Hindus against corruption. After all every thinking child knows that the Congress is rabidly anti-india and anti hindu-party floated by Allen Ocatvian Hume and is headed by an Italian citizen.

68. “DISBAND THE CONGRESS PARTY” after independence said  MK Gandhi. He  wanted to disband the Indian nation Congress Mahatma Gandhi once said and expressed his desire openly that the Congress party must be disbanded, soon after Independence. It is time to heed to the voice of Mahatma Gandhi. I want to conclude with the following points for reflection from “Inside story of Sardar Patel. The Diary of Maniben patel:1936=1950 on how the then Indian National congress mishandled the situation, which it is doing even now in 2011.

On Hyderabad: The diary reveals why India’s police action was delayed
by two days and how patel prevented  Nehru from referring the
Hyderabad Issue to the UN.

On Kashmir: Maniben frequently highlights how Nehru did not allow
Sardar to tackle the Kashmir problem even as Shiekh Abdullah
interfered in the Army operations. They sheikh would say, “You must
not do this , you must fight here, you must not shoot here”. (This is
what is happening in J & K, in 2011)

On Nehru-Liaquat Pact: Sardar Patel said , “ Hindus have been totally
finished in Sindh Punjab, Baluchistan, and Frontier provinces. It was
now repeated in East Pakistan…our posterity would call us traitors”.
( The present day UPA led junta will be responsible for the similar
fate, and will be called as traitors).

On Maulana Azad: Maniben’s diary also corroborates Maulan’s secret
meetings with the cabinet mission. Maulana confessed to having written
a letter to Cripps and Pethick Lawrence but insisted that he had kept
no copies. Later, in 1949,Patel observed “ If Maulana …had joined the
league there would have been no loss..”

On Rajaji:Rajaji rebuked Rafi Ahmed wondering whether he was “out to
ruin the Country by creating a Chasm between Nehru and Patel”,Rafi
replied unabashedly , If I succeed, I will be proud of it”. He was a
traitor and the media are acting like fifth columnists).

69. In the absence of Historic records like the above mentioned
diaries in the UPA rule, the minutes that led Junta, to attack
Ramdev’s meeting, it will be futile for future historians to decipher
as why the Home minister decided to contain the RSS and BJP, has
attacked the followers of Ramdev. It is even difficult to make him see
the RSS see reality as they play no role in the brick by brick built
by Ramdev. If they accuse Ram dev of building a spiritual empire, will
they probe into all the foundations held in the congress party .If
that being the case how was NDTV built by Pranoy Dada? How did Randeep Sardesai’s acquire CNN-IBN, fromwhere  did he receive the capital.

70. If M. Karunanidhi’s Kalaigyar TV is being probed, what prevents to
CBI To probe the ‘larger’ issue of corruption in the media, and how
Dilip padgoankar allowed paid news and editorials in Times of India,
is as much important as a probe into Kalaigyar TV.

71. However the bigger issue is the civilization issue. If we do not
document the Games Media Play and expose the traitors within, who
collude with the known and unknown enemies, dare to call us as
traitors, the future will call us traitors. Hence the 72 hours,
silence of UPA led junta is important, and what were party processes
that led to the attack on Ramdev’s followers must be made public, and
the UPA must tender apologies to the nation, and the home minister
summarily resign as he has attacked the very people, who he is
supposed to protect. He is part and parcel of the processes and
decisions that is subserves the national interests, and parties can no
longer take the place of the Nation, and this followed by the genuine
interests and legitimate aspirations of the legitimate citizens of the
nation. First, Party interests pale into insignificance after once the
elected government is positioned into place, and this Government has
to serve people across the spectrum without bias and without

72. The UPA led Congress Junta in Power, plays with one set of rules
for one set of protestors, and it cannot curry favors, for one set of
protestors from the exchequer’s money and Government, and the other
group that  protests face the police brutality.The  interests of
congress party clashes with the interests of the nation and its
citizens, next. Hence it is important to document the traitors both in
the party and in the media and the expose dirty games the media play.

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