
Beauty Style Express is keeping an eye on the emerging trends.  These trends will make a fashionsita stand out! As a registered #FashionForecaster I have educated myself in the knowledge of what has come and what is to be in the fashion realm. Fashion is literally a bunch of repeated cycles of either trends and or classics styles. I make it my business to study fashion and make it accessible to you!

With Valentine’s Day rolling around it is important to understand what is seen sexy in the eye of a man. Men are visual creatures. They fantasize as much as women. As fashionistas we are always searching for the next trend to fill our fashion high yet with lingerie it is best to keep it minimal. By sticking with simple colors like red and black guarantees you never come off too flashy. Fight the urge to go find wild prints, panties with too much fabric or hard textures that are not soft to the touch.  Pairing simple strappy or shiny lingerie pieces with classic pumps or furry bedroom heels and with a silk, sheer or furry robe complement the sexy styled look. Styled with soft bedroom curls (adding link for bedroom curls) https://youtu.be/wsgXJN4zJH8 , messy chignon, soft waves, pixie cuts, finger waves, curly natural twist out, or even long braid reaching your behind will excite your lover’s visual prowess. And do not forget to make yourself as edible as you look. Attached is a video link for date night fragrances and products to create a sweet night. Using Shea Bakery’s natural body mist sprays will leave your love spots smelling like a fresh bakery.(https://youtu.be/whWxwVZ02iI?list=PLfrRAiaYkL4JhGJ1sz6Hvw9YMOuBcJ5JN) Well groomed hands and toes are a must since men take notice in how well you take care of yourself. The best natural sexy nail color choices are shades of nudes to browns, soft pink and of course bright reds. This valentine’s day make it a night to last using simple classic glamour. It’s most appealing and easy to recreate. The right pair of lingerie should make you feel dressed in fashion not just almost naked or sexy.

Simple Red sets. Tummy control. Strappy and bedazzedled.

Fulled styled lingerie looks. Fur bedroom heels.

Dbleudazzled shiny sets!

The post Valentine’s Day Vixen appeared first on SEV NETWORK.

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