ParetoLogic Privacy Controls cleans your hard drive of unwanted files. It features full support to erase files related to Internet Explorer, Firefox, VLC, Skype, DivX, BitTorrent and others. Try a free scan now to discover where your private information is hiding!
What secrets could your PC tell? Your computer records and stores every action and piece of data received. Anyone with access to your computer can view your Internet activities and all files, including pictures, music, and video entries, both permanent and temporary. Deleting your files only removes some of the information.
Don’t allow your private details to become public knowledge. ParetoLogic Privacy Controls provides powerful shredding and elimination of confidential information.
ParetoLogic Privacy Controls cleans your hard drive of unwanted files. It features full support to erase files related to Internet Explorer, Firefox, VLC, Skype, DivX, BitTorrent and others. Try a free scan now to discover where your private information is hiding!
Always innovative, ParetoLogic is proud to announce that Privacy Controls is compatible with the Windows® 8 32-bit and 64-bit Operating System.
Features and benefits of program to shred files:
Video Presentation
Easy to install – Easy to use! Our trademark user-friendly interface ensures that from setup to removal you are in control of your privacy and your PC
Permanently erases all data related to your Internet activity such as history of websites visited, tracking cookies, and confidential information such as passwords, IDs, banking details and credit card information
Our secure deletion function meets and exceeds U.S. Government Military Standards
Fully fluent in all the newest P2P applications: cleans tracks generated by Mininova Toolbar, Torrent Reactor Toolbar, LimeWire, BitTorrent, uTorrent, isoHunt Toolbar, Kazaa, and more
Erases all privacy files pertaining to Instant Messaging and Voice Over Internet Protocol such as: AOL, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! Instant Messenger, Google Talk, Skype, and Windows Live Messenger
Obliterates files from streaming video and those related to media players, including: iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, VLC, RealPlayer, DivX, and QuickTime
Removes all traces of your desktop search history from applications such as: Google Desktop Search, Yahoo! Desktop Search, and AOL Desktop Search
Completely deletes the history of recently opened items generated in your Microsoft Office applications and any unwanted items or customized settings pertaining to email applications such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora and IncrediMail
Finds and deletes unwanted history items from third-party applications like Adobe Acrobat and Macromedia Flash Player
Shreds files on demand: secure delete feature that overwrites and permanently deletes user-specified files
Erases all traces of browser activity generated by Internet Explorer, Firefox, AOL, and Opera
Cleans information from Google Toolbar, Yahoo! Toolbar, AOL Toolbar and eBay Toolbar
Compatible with Windows® 8 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows® 7 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows Vista® 32-bit and Windows® XP 32-bit
Stealth operation ensures discreet use of application
Consistent and clear prompts discourage accidental deletion of desirable data
Regular product updates ensure that your ParetoLogic Privacy Controls software utilizes the most advanced functionality and captures data from newly released applications
Comprehensive and friendly technical support… we are there for you if you have any questions or concerns
Sleek, easy to use scanning interface lets you protect your privacy
Permanently destroy files with advanced shredding options!
Minimum System Requirements For Program To Shred Files:
The following are the minimum levels required. For improved responsiveness we recommend higher system specifications than those presented here:
10 MB free hard disk space required for initial installation
Internet connection
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and above
Operating privileges: logged on as administrator
Operating System Requirements:
Windows® 8 64-bit
2GB Memory (RAM)
1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows® 8 32-bit
1 GB Memory (RAM)
1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows® 7 64-bit
2 GB Memory (RAM)
1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows® 7 32-bit
1 GB Memory (RAM)
1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows Vista® 32-bit
Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate
Service Pack 2
1 GB Memory (RAM)
1 GHz Processor Speed
Windows Vista® 32-bit
Home Basic
Service Pack 2
512 MB Memory (RAM)
800 MHz Processor Speed
Windows® XP 32-bit
Service Pack 3
256 MB Memory (RAM)
300 MHz Processor Speed
“Success at last! Your last recommendation has worked a treat and resolved the problems that I was encountering. ParetoLogic Privacy Control software now operate appropriately. No further action is required. A 1st class software support service! Thank you very much.”
How to download Privacy Controls
Keep your personal information safe. Privacy Controls permanently erases all of the information connected to your Internet browsing history as well as your usage of a wide range of messaging, peer-to-peer and online communication applications. This powerful program’s secure deletion function exceeds U.S. Government Military standards. Get Privacy Controls protection by reviewing the directions below and then clicking the “Download” button.
Get started, follow the Setup Wizard:
Once the file has downloaded, give permission for the Setup Wizard to launch by clicking the “Next” button. Continue following the Setup Wizard to complete the Privacy Controls installation process.
Please follow the steps shown by the Setup Wizard
The Privacy Controls icon is on your Desktop — Completely eradicate hidden files, images,
and message history!
Privacy Controls is a powerful tool to erase unwanted history and files on your computer. You can permanently remove files from your system and overwrite them to prevent recovery. Privacy Controls scans for confidential files related to your internet browser, media players, chat programs, and more.
The tools available with Privacy Controls allow you to control your privacy in the following ways:
Permanently erase all data related to your internet activity
Removes trash files and unwanted application history
Stealth operation to ensure discreet use of the application
Cleans information from instant messengers, file sharing, and media players
Shred unwanted files securely with military-grade overwrite passes
Scan for private log files related to third-party applications and toolbars
Clears Windows log files, caches, and lists of recently opened items
ParetoLogic is an international software development company headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. We specialize in providing advanced security applications and performance tools for business and personal computer users. ParetoLogic creates solutions that combine sophisticated technology with a truly user-friendly interface.
Our products empower people to secure and optimize their computers and are available in eight languages in 70 countries around the world. ParetoLogic has established partnerships on a global scale to make our products available to all computer users regardless of location, language, or computing experience. We provide attention to your needs and we are committed to delivering exceptional software applications and resource-rich web sites. Our solutions will exceed your expectations.
Price: 39.97 USD
The post Privacy Controls appeared first on Software Sales.