
So, why Appsbreeder ? Because we have all-inclusive prices and unbeatable value. Other companies promise cheap apps, but then charge extra for fees.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create an application?

First of all, you have to create an account. It is very simple and fast. After that, you can create your own apps for iPhone/iPod. Just click on App Templates and select the one you want to use.

I finished my application, what is next?

Now you have to make sure that your application is ready for release. Go to AppStore Properties. Make sure that your Application icon(57×57) is identical with the iTunes icon(512×512) but in different sizes. Fill in required information and click Save. Once you click on the submit button, one of our iPhone developers will test your applictation and make sure it works properly. If there are any broken links, buttons that don’t work or content that doesn’t comply with Apple requirements we will reject it. Check your app status on website to see when your application gets approved/rejected.

Application Status

In-Design (Unpaid) – 0
In-Design (Paid) – 1
Ready-For-Release – 2
In-Review – 3
In-AppStore – 4

Do I need a certificate?

Only if you want your app with your own company name as author. To find out about how to generate a certificate, please follow thislink

How long will it take for my app to be approved?

It takes on average 5-10 business days, however the process may take longer. 5-10 days is just an estimate based on our past experience with Apple’s review process. Please note that Apple does not provide any timeframe estimate on how long the process may take. Max we’ve seen was 1 month. We’ll be responsible for fixing any technical issues. On your side we expect cooperation in adding proper quality content and follow our guidelines and Apple’s requirements.

My first question is if the app data will be saved on mobile device, so even if there is no internet the data still available on the mobile device?

Yes. All data is deployed to AppStore and saved on mobile device. No data is stored on our server. Even if device has no internet connection, the app will still work.

Does it work on Blackberry or Android?

Not on Blackberry, but we do submit to Android and Amazon AppStore for Kindle Fire. We specialize in creating rich content native apps for iPhone and Android too. We try to keep these technologies separate, i.e. if you want a single app to be submitted to both markets then you have to duplicate your content in two separate apps (one for AppStore and one for Android) – we do provide the tools to make this efficiently.

What is Page Review for?

Page review is a 5-start rating system you can put on any page in your app. Application users will be able to login with Facebook accounts and comment/rate your page content. There is an option to share your app with friends on Facebook. While making your app, don’t forget to enable Page Reviews check box and then click Save and Done.

On pages with “Page Review” option enabled you will see 5 stars in the right corner.

Tap on them to log in with your Facebook account. Now you can rate the page, post your comment and share. You can read comments other people posted.
Note:You cannot use Page Review option on tab pages or on Mosaic page types.

How do I insert a YouTube video?

– Open YouTube.

– Copy Embed code (it is under the video)

– Go to App Builder >Find yourpage.html >click on Edit

– Click on YouTube button (left side toolbox area)

– Paste the code into YouTube box.

– Save

Make sure that your video’s Embed code is set to 320×265 video resolutions or less, so you can see your video in portrait mode.

How do I sell an app?

If you want to sell your app on App Store you will need to create Your DEV Account with Apple under your name or your company name. To enroll into iPhone program go to http://developer.apple.com/programs/iphone

You will sign a contract with Apple and receive payments directly from Apple.

Note:The apps submitted with no dev account from Apple will be distributed for free.

Regarding your price plans, can you tell me with the subscription package if I stop paying this monthly at a future point… what happens to the apps that have already been created and put on the App Store?

If you stop paying at a future point the apps will still be available for download from the App Store, Google Play or Amazon Appstore. Subscription based apps will try to connect online and check your payment status. If it detects you cancelled your payment, it will popup a warning message. Message goes away when you resume your subscription payments. If you don’t want a monthly subscription payment schedule, you can always to buy out your app for a single. Apps that you purchase upfront are not making any online verifications and will never popup warning messages.

Can I use PDF files?

There are no restrictions about using PDF files. But for reading them or inserting them into app you will need to upload your PDF file and link to it from your app page.

Can I update application content?

You can update app content multiple times. Content updates on our website are automatically synced with your app.

Do I need new binaries every time I update my app?

You need new binaries if you updated a large number of files or large media files in your app. You can only sync small files.

For your content to get updated you need to check SYNC box for each file that you add, delete or modify. The SYNC box is in Resource Manager:

Does it work on iOS5?

Yes, It is currently tested and verified to work on iPhone 4, 4S and iOS5

Does it work on iPad?

Yes, all iPhone apps will work on iPad in magnified mode. We have templates designed specifically for iPad large screen. You need to publish a separate app for iPad only if you want to make use of the large iPad screen – 768 x 1024 px

Can I create my app in my own editor and then add it to app builder?

Click on Download zip in Resource Manager. Unzip downloaded file. Use Dreamweaver or any other editor to edit your HTML. Keep all your files in the root folder. Do not create subfolders.

When done, zip your folder, go to your app, open Resource Manager and Upload Zip.

Will my application name be modified?

Your app name and description will appear in AppStore exactly as you type it on our website. We will not append any promotional info.

How long does it take for a binary building process?

Binary build process will take 1-2 business days.

AdMob, how can I use it?

On AppStore Properties page paste your AdMob Publisher ID. This is a string you get on AdMob website. On your application pages enable Top Banner checkbox

or enable Bottom Banner checkbox

It will look like this in your application.

What is a MOSAIC page and how does it work?

Mosaic page is made for displaying a collection of images that you want to include into your application. To make a Mosaic page follow next steps:

– Open your application in app builder

– Go to Edit Pages

– In Pages list click on “+” below the list and select Mosaic page.

– Click Create.

– Click on Edit to open page’s properties.

– In Album Title write your mosaic’s title.

– In the Mosaic Images box click on “+” as much as you want images to be. Thus you set the places for your images.

– To add the main image, go to Image properties and write the Title of the image.

– Click on Image field and browse for your image.

– Click Save and Done.

You can visualize your images full screen on your iPhone, mail it, or even save it to your photos, but still staying in your application.

What is a Mobile Page and how does it work?

If you want to add a mobile site to your app you can find some shortcuts of most popular sites or you can add a mobile page hosted on your server. To add Mobile page to your application, follow next steps:

– Open your application in app builder

– Go to Edit Pages

– In Pages list click on “+” below the list and select Mobile page.

– Click Create.

– Click on Edit to open page’s properties.

– In the Page URL field paste the URL of the mobile site and click Apply.

– Click Save and Done.

NOTE: All your mobile pages should have mobile DOCTYPE

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0″ “http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd”>

What is a RSS Page and how does it work?

If you want to add RSS feed to your page, follow next steps:

– Open your application in app builder

– Go to Edit Pages

– In Pages list click on “+” below the list and select RSS page.

– Click Create.

– Click on Edit to open page’s properties.

– In the Page URL field paste the RSS url and click Apply.

– Click Save and Done.

How to convert pages?

To convert pages, follow next steps:

– Open your application in appbuilder

– Click on Edit Pages

– Select the page you want to convert from the list of your Pages and click Edit.

– Above the Save button, you can find Convert link. Click on it and select a new type of page to convert to.

– Press Convert button.
Important: Page type conversion will erase all information on your page.

How to change the background image for my app?

To change background image from your application follow next steps:

– Click on Design Properties

– In Properties list find Background Image and click on it like in the image below.

– Select a background image from the Gallery, Search, or Upload from computer.

– Click Add to Resources button and click Choose.

– Click Apply Changes to save your changes and click Done.

If you don’t want a background, you can only set a background color:

How to change the image of Tab Icon? What size and format can I use for tab icon?

If you want to change Tab icons, please follow next steps:

– Open your application in app builder

– Click on Design Properties

– In Properties list find Tab1 icon. Click on it to change it.

– You can select a tab from our Gallery, Search or upload it through Upload File section.

– Click Add to Resources button

– Click Choose.
Important: Your tab icon has to be 25x25px or less, Transparent, Grayscaled .png file

What is the Splash Screen used for?

Splash screen is an image that appears when application loads. It covers the entire screen and lasts as long as the application loads (usually few seconds). The purpose of a splashscreen is to disguise the length of time that an application takes to load.

Should your application icon and iTunes icon be the same, just one bigger and one smaller?

Yes. App icon and iTunes should be the same image, just different resolution. (57×57 and 512×512)

Approval Process

Application approval is subjective to our review and Apple’s review process. We will not approve and submit apps that are incomplete, have broken links, broken functionality, have inappropriate content, are part of a scam or infringe on copyright laws. Application qualified as purely marketing ad with limited, or no functionality, will not be approved. We and Apple reserves the right to reject an application based on a subjective evaluation of the reviewer.

Do I need an Apple Developer account or can I submit under account?

App builder will ONLY accept to submit under its company’s account applications that meet ALL of the following requirements:

– provides high usability to the end user,

– is rich in content, informative and instructive,

– contains offline multimedia content such as audio or video,

– contains interactive native pages,

– has a professional look and feel and an original design,

– is not designed to promote a brand name we don’t own,

– contains no copyrighted material without the express permission of the copyright holder,

– can not be classified as posing a potential copyright issue

If any of these requirements are not met, we will NOT submit the app under its company account and will require you to enroll in Apple’s iOS program at http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios

IMPORTANT: If your application promotes a brand name or a registered trademark you are required to have your own development account with Apple.

What is a Push Notification? How Push Notifications work?

Push Notifications allows an application to listen for messages being ‘pushed’ to it from the server. Through Push Notification, your application can communicate with your users even when the app is closed.

When can I use a Push Notification?

Any event that can generate a notification can also generate a push notification. You can have notifications sent to your app users when you want to announce an update, report news, invite to read a new post, ask for a review, any info related to your iPhone app your users will find valuable.

To enable push notifications in your app:

This info is for app owners that have their apps under their own dev accounts.

1. Go to Push Notifications screen.

2. Follow instructions to Create an APN Certificate and upload it.

3. If you have created already a .MOBILEPROVISION file, create a new one

4. If your application is already in AppStore, click Build Binaries and replace existing .MOBILEPROVISION with the new one. When binaries are ready, update them on itunesconnect.apple.com

5. When new binaries are approved, just go to Push Notifications screen, type your push message and hit Push button.

How to set price for an app approved to AppStore? (Credits to Mark Brooks for the answer. Thank you!)

Let me assume your App is online in the App Store.  If this is true, login iTunesConnect and select Manage Your Applications.

Once in Manage Your Applications, select the application name:

Once inside the App, click on Rights and Pricing:

Once in Rights and Pricing:

1. Select the Tier you want to set for pricing.

2. In the effective date selection, set to “Now“

3. In the end date selection, set to “None“

4. Select Save Changes

If you need further instruction, you may want to check out the iTunesConnect Developer Guide.

How to upgrade my plan without repaying setup fee? (Credits to Mark Brooks for the answer. Thank you!)

Follow the instructions below:

First, click on “profile” in the menu bar and then click on “Subscriptions”.

Second, click on the left link to view your subscription information.

Third, select “Upgrade”

Tool Box Explanation

CUT- Select the text that you want to insert somewhere else. Click on this button from the tool box. Now choose the place where you want the text to be and click on this button.

COPY- Select the text you want to copy, and press this button from the tool box. Now choose the place where you want the text to be and click on this button.

PASTE- see Copy and Cut buttons

UNDO- if you changed something in your application but don’t like, or want to go to previous result click this button on tool box.

REDO – if you changed something in your application but wanted to see how it were looking previously, but changed your mind and want to go forward, click this button in the tool box.

REMOVE- If you made some changes to text (Bold, Italic, etc) and want to remove them, but not erase the text, click on this button on the tool box.

BOLD- if you want your text to look bolder on your application click on this button on tool box.

ITALIC- if you want your text to be tilt in the right side, click on this button on tool box.

ALIGN LEFT- if you want your text to be aligned to left side, click on this button on tool box.

ALIGN CENTER – if you want your text to be aligned to center, click on this button on tool box.

ALIGN RIGHT- if you want your text to be aligned to right side, click on this button on tool box.

ALIGN JUSTIFY- if you want to align your text justified, click on this button on tool box.

INDENT- If you want to increase the indent level of the paragraph, click on this button on the tool box.

OUTDENT- If you want to decrease the indent level of the paragraph, click on this button on the tool box.

TEXT COLOR- If you want to change your text’s color, you have to Click on this button on tool box and pick a color you want from the palette. You can change it every time you want by pressing the button.

HIGHLIGHT COLOR- If you want your text to be highlighted, click on this button on tool box, and pick a color you want to use.

FONT- If you want to change text’s font, you can do that very easy by clicking on this button on tool box. You can pick a font from the list, ant them press Insert.

SIZE- You simply can change the text’s size to bigger or smaller by clicking on this button on the tool box. Pick one and press Insert.


INSERT LIST/ INSERT NUMBERS – On the Tool box, select one of the following:

• Click the Bullets button here if you want to add bullets.

• Click the Numbering button here if you want to add numbering.

INSERT TABLE- if you want to insert a table, click on this button on tool box, and set the numbers of columns and rows and select 1 if you want your table with border, or 0 without border and click Insert.

INSERT PARAGRAPH- If you want to insert paragraph (bunch of text), simply click on this button in tool box.

INSERT IMAGE- To insert an image in your page, click on this button on tool box and select an image from Resources. If you want to search an image in Google, do so in the same resource manager window by clicking on Search section. Just write in the field and press Search button. Select one of the images by clicking Add to Resources then choose. Click on Gallery section if you want to visualize images from resources manager. Pick one, press on green button Add to Resources and then Choose button. Select Upload section to upload a file from your computer. Click on Choose File and select a file from your computer. Then Click upload and wait till it is uploaded in Resources Manager. Then click Choose. If you have to upload a lot of pictures, you can download the zip file from resources manager, unzip it in your computer, add all the image files you want to use for your application, and then upload the zip file back to your resources manager by selecting the last section Upload Zip. Click Choose file to select the zip file from your computer and then click Upload. Now, in first section, Resources, you can find all your image files you wanted to use.

INTERNAL LINK- you can make your readers very happy by offering them page jumps as an alternative mode of transport around your app. Click on this button on tool box and write in the field the link text and then select the page you want to be linked then click Insert.

EXTERNAL LINK- if you want to add some external link, go to site and copy the link you want to insert, click on this button on tool box and in the first field write some link text and in the second field paste the link and click insert.

LINK SELECTION – If you want some text make links to pages or sites then follow the next steps: Select text you want to make links, click on this button on tool box and select one of three options. First option is making a link to one of your application’s page. Select and click Insert. Second option is for making a link to a web page. The web page will open in your application. Select second option and paste the address of the web page you want to be linked then click Insert. Third option is for making a link to a web page, but it will be loaded in your browser. Select third option and paste the address of the web page you want to be linked then click Insert.

INSERT GOOGLE MAP LINK – If you want to insert a Google Maps link, you have to open Google Maps first, and search the place you want to insert in your app. Now go to upper right corner of the page and find Link tab. Click on it and copy the code for HTML pages. Go to this button on tool box and click on it. Now in the first field paste the code from Google Maps, in the second one write the main address of the place and click Insert.

IN APP PURCHASE LINK- If you want to insert in your application purchase links, click on this button in tool box. In first filed write some catchy text and in the second one insert product ID from AppPurchase and set the page of redirection after purchasing and click Insert button.

UNLINK SELECTION- If you made a link selection in your app, but don’t like and want to remove, simply click on this button in tool box.

INSERT iFRAME- If you want to insert an iFrame in your app’s page, then click on this button in tool box and in the first field insert the source. Set the Width and the Height and click Insert. Remember: width doesn’t have to be more than 310.

INSERT MAIL TO LINK- If you want to add a mail address to your application, click on this button on tool box. In the first field write a text, for example “My Email”, in the second field write your email address and click Insert.

INSERT PHONE NUMBER LINK- If you want to add a telephone number to your application, click on this button on tool box. In the first field write a text, for example “My telephone number”, in the second field write your telephone number and click Insert.

INSERT MP3 FILE- If you want to insert a MP3 file you have to click on this button on tool box and go to section Upload File. Click on Choose File and select a MP3 from your computer, then check the box Convert media file to HTTP Live Streaming. This option is created especially for files like mp3, mp4 or mov. This will keep the file on server and stream it to iPhone using Apple’s Http Live Streaming protocol. Now click Upload. Wait until your file is uploaded properly, and go to Resources section, select the file, and click Choose. Important: Be sure you paid for your application for being able to upload a MP3 file.

INSERT MP3 LINK- if you want to insert a MP3 link go to a site from where you want to insert the link and copy the embedded code then you have to click on this button on your tool box and paste code into field, then press Insert.

INSERT YOUTUBE -1. Open YouTube. Copy the embedded code, it is under the video. 2. To add code to your app, paste the code into YouTube box. 3. Make sure that your video’s embedded code is set for 320X265 video resolution or less, so you can see your videos without any problems.

INSERT WAV FILE- If you want to insert a wav file, click on this button on toolbox, select Upload file, click on Choose File button, search for file on your computer then click Upload. When your file is uploaded go to Resources, select the file and click Choose.

PLAY MOVIE – If you want to insert a .mov file you have to click on this button on tool box and go to section Upload File. Click on Choose File and select a .mov from your computer, then check the box Convert media file to HTTP Live Streaming. This option is created especially for files like mp3, mp4 or .mov. This will keep the file on server and stream it to iPhone using Apple’s Http Live Streaming protocol. Now click Upload. Wait until your file is uploaded properly, and go to Resources section, select the file, and click Choose. Important: Be sure you paid for your application for being able to upload a .mov file.

Report Violations

If you are suspecting someone is a scammer, if somebody is spamming you with unsolicited messages or chat requests, if you encounter any inappropriate content such as harassment messages, nude images please report these violations immediately. To report a violation, navigate in the menu to Help/Report Violations or click here, fill in report violation form and click submit. You can also use the Report Violation shortcut present at the bottom of any page on website and Facebook app. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for helping us maintaining a clean web content.

Price: 108.99 USD

AppsBreeder Basic Plan

Price: 118.99 USD

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Price: 128.99 USD

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Price: 198.99 USD

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