
Hi Everyone

Have this very special guitar that I'm selling.

It is a Crafter CT 120 modified with a humbucker and dual jack output. The CT 120 is just a regular solid body acoustic guitar that runs on a LR Baggs piezo pickup and Crafter Preamp system.

The humbucker pickup you see above the bridge is an ultra-thin handwound pickup from http://www.original-flatpup.com/index.php

It is attached onto the top via sticky tape and the wires running through a small hole drilled through the top of the guitar and running into the volume and tone controls wired with 500K pots. An additional jack was also installed so you can run a dual output, the piezo to the an acoustic amp/di/mixer and the magnetic into a regular electric guitar amp.

The cost of the guitar together with the mods are about $800 plus, letting go for $300. Contact 9824 6265 to arrange for a try out if you are interested.

The original guitar looks like this for reference:

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