Gao trucker technological report opens pandora’s box Monday’s ap actual saga, known as”Lethal tolls:Sick truck drivers causing fatal wrecks, caught my attention as i read truck driver articles.Suggestions, even so, touched a nerve in which was being continually irritated by the irresponsible media campaign against truck drivers.Now, around the, it also pinched an adjacent nerve on driver health insurance and finished off the trio of insults with an extreme example of slanted reporting, half truths and pandering to specialised groups.The perfect political article, covered as news.Three of the five incidents cited in this great article are not about truck drivers, but bus motorists.Actuality, one is a small passenger van incident and its questionable if the van driver even had to follow dot medical really needs.So why, in which, didn’t released title reflect that?The easy answer is that truck drivers are a popular profession to vilify.Bus staff are not. As for poor driver overall health and wellbeing, why is it no surveillance reporter wants to look too deeply into the reasons for this poor health we all supposedly suffer from?This is more national nation-Wide state policies.Absolutely no reporter has an interest in doing an article on the reasons so many drivers suffer from poor health.No coverage to expect of the terrible working conditions many long haul drivers are subjected to year in and year out;The impossibly poor diet choices provided, the lack of potentials for safe exercise, the constant exposure to variable whole body vibration well over the ecu limits for such activity and its attendant health consequences, the job required irregular wake/sleep cycles that lead to fat, ailment, high blood pressure levels and sleep apnea.Are we supposed to surmise from review and others like it that truck drivers purposely destroy their health then deceive the medical examiners simply so we can go out and kill people?Do we purposely choose conditions that lead to high death rates a full fifteen years before the typical population?And why is it most studies of driver health are funded or contracted by the american travel research institute, an arm via the ata? The short response is, leading players in the freight transfer field are well aware of the problems the current configuration of the job causes.Conditions and pay have gotten steadily worse ever since de dangerous the trucking industry.Drivers have paid for the lowering of freight costs and the efficiency gains touted with both their health and their paychecks.Military is complicit in this deception of many levels.The entire house of cards was trembling after the courts ruled fmcsa hours of service revised rules unsatisfactory as they did pandora charms canada not address driver safety and health.Government promptly provided funding for studies that was promptly snapped up by the atri.As the fox safeguarding the henhouse, you see, our own atri’s”Medical data”Is highly suspect particularly if all future data is derived from unpublished studies and based on the atri’s industry serving conclusions. A current good example is the supposed high incidence of sleep apnea among truck drivers.The stated 28% positive testing rate leaves some vital information out of the strategy of the study used;Careful digging through supporting scholarly literature shows that the 28% was not a portion of randomly tested drivers, but instead a testing of a selected group of drivers who responded to a sleep apnea customer survey and heavily weighted toward drivers whose answers indicated possible sleep apnea.Contrary, the study should show that sleep apnea screening surveys are unreliable in pandora earrings determining more than a casual relationship to actual sleep apnea as the selection group should have showed closer to 60% positive testing for sleep apnea.That is not how many experts have played by the ata, member service providers, fmcsa or in the press.Preferably in lieu, we are subjected to constant media and industry abuse for a complaint that, unquestionably, is over clinically defined, applies to a wide segment of society and often is caused by current industry working situation. Osha has been conspicuously absent in transportation.They have confined their observations to the dock and to the stationary truck there is little ergonomic concern for the actual nuances of the job.Hectic high injury incidence rate, long haul carriers provide some of the poorest excuses for health insurance cover if they provide it at all.Most family doctors don’t realize the true scope of the job.Most drivers cannot get home on a regular schedule to make and keep doctors trips and often, following doctor’s testimonials means the unemployment line.Carrier’s, for operator, are engaged with keeping costs down and bad publicity to a minimum.Other atri studies for the benefit of the industry have shown that long haul drivers are that appears to be injured after seven years service and if they are over fifty years old.Due to the transporting exemption within the fair wage and hour act, carriers use the per mile pay system to forcibly attrition long tenure drivers off their payroll and their risk.Carriers making the effort to influence changing dot medical requirements to do the dirty deed for them by failing to qualify experienced drivers for further service, thus using the regulations to trim their payrolls of drivers at risk for expensive medical conditions.Working conditions causing the health issues are never address and continue to get worse.The trucking economy goes south, older experienced drivers are the initial ones let go, with health broken and future job prospects on a none.It’s really a national disgrace.Where is the revealing on that? The long run of trucking, and subsequently, is being constructed to favor only young, naive drivers for seven years or less.The fact is, many older drivers probably for being medically dis abled, but the should be forced to pay the cost, not modern community, the drivers or their loved ones.Faced with absorbing the pricey actual care for their injured, ill and inept drivers, a might be more amenable to returning to some of the old union rules that required hourly pay, mandated breaks via the day and a good, solid medical medical insurance plan to pay the reduced medical costs.Sick truck drivers is what society gets for allowing working conditions as close to slavery within the as faulty laws allow.Our truck drivers deserve better. Publicised by truckingal After eighteen many nearly 2 million safe miles as a truck driver, i’m attempting a third career as i approach retirement.Always open, i’m interested in numerous topics and have never been. Takeawaysdid you knowthree of the five incidents cited in the content are not about truck drivers, but bus driversno coverage to expect of the terrible working conditions long haul drivers are subjected toosha has been conspicuously absent in trucking. Research has revealed that truck drivers experience high death rates and their general longevity is a full fifteen years shorter than the general population.Average life-Span for a long haul trucker is 55 years.