Your author has 45 yrs experience in writing non-fiction, in teaching grades K-20, in advising
in entrepreneurship, real estate, investing, skin diving and swimming, and as time goes
on, in Islam, illegal aliens and a few other topics NOT to include women and smokers.
Your author takes walks 3+ times every day, around his neighborhood, for weight control– not to
visit anyone specific or enjoy the illegals.
One of the things I start doing is planning an article to write, as I did this morning. Today, I “fell overboard” on the most confusing subject that has ever attacked my brain; the concurrent lunacy and extreme value of, American education.
Yes, while it is the finest on earth, it is absurd as to what is taught and tested. I discovered decades ago, why the Japanese are the smartest kids on earth [way surpassing Americans] and concurrently, why American college graduates are by far the smartest college grads in the world.
As I said, I discovered that decades ago and today, I can add an easy “how it is so…”
We have in our nation, produced in Los Angeles, the Big Bang Theory with a commendable
cast of characters representing a restaurant worker [highest paid actor on the show], a physics professor and two other educators………..through little of the show depicts them educating students on campuses.
Our purported main character has a happy job of representing the physical world as he concurrently tries to live outside of academia; one world where he may be among the
brightest and the other, where he is almost mentally impaired–and obviously obsessive.
This actor’s role is to represent what the writer feels is a sharp-in-memory doctorate
holder who cannot–simply cannot–reconcile the world of absolutes in his science
field with the “doing” as we live in a world……….of pure unpredictability in most cases and
thus, winging it…………that seems to work well for those who are less formally
educated or……..for those who are formally educated but are also not obsessive.
As I am a teacher, I like to think quickly of the absolutes in my fields so that when
I lecture, teach, or advise, I am fast and accurate regurgitating facts from books
I memorized and then, explaining why those facts about processes ARE accurate.
Oddly, of course, many people either deviate from these facts or outright ignore them and
do quite well, thank you very much!
Let’s take topics from any fields and see how a student from any other nation could get confused quickly, as he-she tries to put to practice, things in American college texts.
Who discovered America? Why that is Christopher Columbus! Was it? When he arrived
on islands adjacent to the US, there were people living there already–thus, he did not discover
anything but he did land at an island’s shore. Good for him.
The Vikings were also ahead of Chris and returning to the obvious, “Native Americans”
were on the land soon called America, centuries before Columbus!
How about a no-brainer; what are the food groups and how much should you eat of them?
Blah blah. But, if you have a handicap, one of those could harm or kill you!
How about the formation of the earth? Hah! Two huge fields of thought exist here;
one religious and one scientific. What comes out of said differences is simple and impossible concurrently; one does not want to analyze or discuss their book that says “nothing is older than 7500 years and if you had ancestors on earth before that, we choose to ignore their existence.
The other group wants to read and interpret How about geology and testing machines that “prove” that the earth is over 10,000 yrs old? NOT interested if one is biblical and very interesting if one is a science fan.
How about how man himself was even made! Easy to prove, right? NO. Ouch!
How about music. At lest the notes and scale are not challengeable but the use of instruments
is! And in many nations, most of those instruments are not permitted as they are not listed in the bible! And much of the world’s music is outlawed in the rest of the world!
How about math. Safe! Two plus two is four to all parties!
English. Sorry. While we have the rules of English, many of those are eliminated as soon as the students are mature and understand enough English; Ouch again!
Economics; pure philosophy mixed with math.
Geography–sorry………according to the scientific approach, Pangea was the name of the single
body of land that helped start the earth–over millions of years [for the scientific people
as nothing further in this paper will reflect biblical positions.] Inevitably, islands, and continents
were created. And factually, places on continents are still growing–as volcanoes add to
current land masses!
History; that is all about what happened and where and the biggest discussion is about why!
And the dumbest class of all; because it is based on a contradiction;
Political Science.! Hahaha
Art is pure subjective analysis.
Business; my field; pure hypotheses; no factual data other than what different companies
did and why the authors feel they did so.
Laws: crazy. Often times, good intentions–but they do not succeed. Equal opportunity.
Give queers, Muslims and similar people rights when they want to ignore decency and
others’ rights. Two queers can get married in some states but not others. Queer is queer, no matter where you are. Queer MEANS against the social norm.
I have a right to not have a women see me in the toilet. Maybe I should be excited to see
her in the bathroom??
Illegal people are not illegal people under different circumstances.
Under age is not under age in some circumstances.
Some pictures of naked people is not pornographic and others are.
Marijuana is not legal across the US but it is legal in some states.
Regarding a bridge in the New York area; “The law is vague about which agency is responsible.“
Since then, the Port Authority’s “fast-track” approach to a project that will not alter the bridge’s footprint has generated more than 5,000 pages of federally mandated archaeological, traffic, fish habitat, soil, pollution and economic reports that have cost over $2 million. A historical survey of every building within two miles of each end of the bridge alone cost $600,000 — even though none would be affected by the project.
At the federal government, lobbyists work on or with legislators to convince them to vote
positively or negatively on different issues brought before them.
We have bridges that go no-where, airports with no airplanes, cities that have been evacuated
for myriad reasons, and of course, we have 3 mile island whose nuclear power plants killed people and forced the permanent evacuation of its nearest city for all time and eternity.
We have lakes and streams that will take decades to clean and one marine corps base that intentionally polluted its water that killed many of its marine’s children that were born months or years after the dumping.
Returning to Big Bang: Why does the center character, played by Jim Parsons, seem so
oblivious to social customs while concurrently being on top of all science and many arts?
It is because social customs are learned by living within the society with the customs.
And many of those customs change as the society that created them changes in age,
in maturity, and understanding or, conversely, in becoming more restrictive.
Understanding a joke is easy for most people but a near impossible feat for the represented character.
Associating this to religion; we have dozens or hundreds of religions on earth. We have
billions of people who choose [OR are forced to follow] one or more of these religions
or in fact, are prohibited from following any of them. Some religions direct their
leaders and followers to kill all people that they THINK wish to not follow said religion.
The key part is, THINK. A person could be a staunch follower and practitioner and if
someone else in that religion feels a follower is not practicing or not practicing correctly–
the weak follower is susceptible to being killed.
Most people feel that wars are immoral–yet–a nation will go to war over anything………..and others will not go to war regardless the cause.
We have devoted religious members in the US who believe in their church and government
and we have survivalists–some who love the US but fear catastrophes are around the corner
and hide out……..and we have survivalists who have weapons and will shoot anyone who is a government official.
School in the US is designed to teach facts while we are “younger,” while in college, more facts are taught along with the ability to challenge, to think, debate and to innovate.
A huge problem becomes, [for myself as a professor of business and for other teachers and
for students]–what data do we force our students to remember and what data do we just
share and —how can we be positive our data is correct?
I can be positive about interpretation of business data –such as “Who created a process or law”
and “Who has been successful and who has failed, when following said practices?”
NO ONE can tell you what data will always be right regardless of circumstances.
The rules of life seem to be changing by the hour–some in writing [queer marriage
permissions, which is a disastrous change in the law] and the history of our earth’s geography–hardly relevant for anyone.
We further wonder, to some degree or another, if Big Foot or Sasquatch is real or
if there were/are really spacemen or space creatures visiting earth……….and are any
kidnaping humans?
How do we discern the truth in life? HOW? No easy way. We need and therefore do,
huge amounts of comparisons–called the scientific way. “We think this”, “We saw something.”
We compare others’ writings and observations to our own and come up with a temporary
solution or answer or deduction or perception or just observation.
And the same is with all of life.
I live near thousands of illegal people and for the first time in history, we have a federal government that is gaining some closet benefit from illegal votes by permitting these illegals to stay in the US, immune to capture and prosecution–and we have a single county sheriff who knows that Washington is violating the laws on immigration and detention of illegals by prohibiting their capture!
We have fourteen states that say “we don’t care if he puts his penis inside that man’s anus.
That is his business, and we must pay for his AIDS disease and for anything else he wants that married couples want and get.”
We have schools across the US that must pay for additional Spanish to English education
and to protect illegals in our schools as some absurd federal law permits an illegal person
safety while on school grounds and also prohibits local law enjoinment from following
those illegals home so that they may be arrested………but the law will stop rapists, thieves and murderers who try to do the same things on a school campus or as they leave one.
Law students try to comprehend such absurdities; what was once good for all Americans
is now not good for the state but is for the federal government.
College students who study history must be careful that their history books are not covered in biases and that ignore historian events, such as the holocaust and who did what in each war that the US and other nations, participated in.
Recently, the US government announced a law mandating the use of specific light bulbs.
Wow. Mandated! The older bulbs are less energy absorbing and thus, are wasteful. Wow.
The new bulbs are 5-10x the price of the older ones. I thought I had rights as to what I
could buy to illuminate my home!
What the government monitors and what it ignores amazes me and most Americans. Our
president feels most Muslims are nice people. Not possible. The world of Islam is a sham.
It restricts women and men, to specific clothing, jobs and opportunities in life and is
operated by socialist nations that do not permit democracy. Women are told their place.
This practice has been accepted in the US as mosques quietly and in some cases,
openly operate and demand archaic practices and restrictions of its female members EVEN
when our federal constitution guarantees those same women rights that the mosque
leaders take away! Mohammad’s offspring are battling every day of the year, in one or
more nations and they have done so for thousands of years. How is that considered
moral, ethical or legal?
The US claims that it must respect every religion –but it does not respect the rights of
men or women in the Mormon faith to marry as many others as they choose!
While the US is the most logical, safe, opportunistic nation on earth, it also holds a record
of some kind for being so illogical, contradictory and self-effacing.
Having read all of this, it is easy to understand why throughout the world, people are so
confused about so many things. And, sad to say, to make things simpler and more logical
would just be trampling on the rights of those who wish things to be confusing!!!!