
Minecraft Xbox 360 Title Update 11 (TU11) is just a minor bug fix, most people will be looking forward for Title Update 12 (TU12).

Minecraft Xbox 360 Update TU12 Release Speculations

There has been a lot of buzz going around Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition in recent days since the unveiling of Minecraft: Xbox One Edition at E3 2013 and retail disc version release.

Most people expect 4J Studios to give all out for Title Update 12 and there has been some speculations circling around for July release.

The retail disc version of Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition has been delayed from April to June, so it is logical to think that there will be another update in July.

Whether or not Minecraft Xbox 360 TU12 will be a major update is yet to be seen.

There has been a debate in Mojang and 4J Studios’ credibility to put out constant updates.

Well, here is the thing a lot of people don’t understand about Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition.

The Xbox 360 just isn’t powerful enough to run Minecraft.

Which is why the worlds are only 864×864 instead of being endless.

Most desktops that run Minecraft have around 8GB worth of ram which is 16 times more than Xbox 360 has at only 512MB.

Another thing is the processor. Although not slow, but when compared to what is out now, it doesn’t come close.

Now the graphics card is what really hurts us.

Xbox is running on an ATI xenos running at 10MB which is nothing compared to the 2GB or 2048MB of most computers now have.

The Xbox 360 version isn’t a direct port from PC but rather a completely different game.

4J Studios has had to completely re-write the code for Minecraft.

Think about how long it took for PC Minecraft to get where it is now.

So for 4J Studios to move all this over to Xbox is going to take just as long.

Now when the Xbox One comes out then it might be a direct port of the PC version because it will be able to handle it.

Even though Minecraft looks like a simple game its not.

So to put this in the best way to understand it would be like trying to put Battlefield 3 on the original Xbox.

The post Minecraft Xbox 360 Update TU12 July Release on Xbox LIVE appeared first on Society and Religion.

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