
“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin

You write a lot. You do your best to make your writings interesting, useful, inspiring, and sharable. You try hard.

And you understand what an exhausting work writing may be.

Sometimes, motivation and inspiration walk with a limp; you get tired of writing, your productivity falls, your writings become run-of-the-mill, and you understand that… But deadlines attack, and you deliver work despite of its imperfection.

It is high time to change it, no?

Have you ever thought that your productivity and quality of your writings might rely heavily on the place you belong to, while working: your writing office, a room where you write, your surroundings, etc?

Wherever your writing office is, it should be organized by the book if you want to rock as a writer. (Check out the infographic created by Emily Johnson, the best review writer at Omni Papers, at the end of this post. Oh yes, you are not mistaken: they have titled it with “a cabinet”. Make way to archaisms!)

Any proof needed? Here we go!

How desks influence your writing

What does your writing desk look like? Is it a total mess? What do you have on it? The proven fact is, that getting rid of unnecessary things and organizing your desk, you increase productivity by at least 15-20%).

Take a look at your writing desk and check if you have the following things there:

a desk lamp with 3500-4000 Kelvin light;

live plants to clean the air and reduce stress;

stickers to write down ideas and important tasks;

a cup of green tea to work smarter.

Plus, your writing office should be divided into two different zones: one is for computer work, and another zone – for non-computer work. When you are tired of your computer but still want to continue working, you can lay on a sofa with your laptop, smartphone or tablet in hands.

Changing your body pose does a power of good, too.

How light influences your writing

Do you know that three main factors influence your productivity: live plants, open windows, and… daylight? Those working in daylight are more active and concentrated than those working in artificial lighting; researches prove that daylight impacts our health and productivity positively.

What does it mean for those who write? Try to organize your workplace in a way you could write in daylight as long as possible (place your table by the window, for example).

Are you a night owl who prefers working nightly? Then you should think of choosing a right color temperature for your desk lamp: 3500-4000 Kelvin light stimulates brains and influences productivity, while warm temperatures of 2700-3000K relax and send us to sleep.

How walls influence your writing

What is the walls color at your workplace? If walls are beige or gray, you need to repair this nightmare immediately.

The University of Texas claims, that white, beige and gray colors cause sadness and depression, therefore influencing our mood and productivity. So, now it is clear why some writers are struck with creative blocks so often, isn’t it?

Choose blue or green colors for your walls: they are soothing, and they serve good for increasing effectiveness of our work.

What about comfort?

Writing your books or blogs, you spend much time at your table every day. As far as you understand, your health does not like it. Want to write better? Think of giving your workplace an ergonomic makeover: change some equipment to make it more comfortable and healthy:

Use an all-in-one PC: it combines advantages of both PC and laptop, letting you clear some space from frustrating wires.

Think of ergonomic chairs that support lower back and encourage good posture.

Try sitting/standing desks (practice-based studies show that standing work influences our health better); reduce a number of your sitting hours to influence your productivity. Sad statistics is, about 12% of deaths per year happen due to a lack of physical activity; so, it would be a good practice to stand up every 20 minutes and spend 1-2 minutes standing.

With the above statement in mind, you might want to try mini elliptical trainers that combine all benefits of athletic tracks, steppers, and bikes. They are perfect for workplace, as you can put such a mini trainer under the table and continue your work, doing physical exercises at the same time.

Inspiration needed?

Organizing your workplace, you should not forget about small but important details that might help you get inspired and make your writings flourish.

It is clear, that everyone has their own source of inspiration, and something that works for one writer will not work for another one. That is why, think of something that motivates and inspires YOU in particular, and decorate your writing office accordingly.

For example:

put some inspirational pictures or quotes to a wall;

put photos of your kids, friends, or relatives at your table.

Flowers, books, wallpapers, pets, food, music – inspiration may come from everything! Help it strike you, organizing your workplace carefully.

Working environment influences your productivity heavily. Structure it, put everything to its place, add inspiration – and you will save your time, increase your productivity level many times, and be delivered of the content everyone wants to read, share, and bookmark.

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