
According to PBS.org, adoptions represent approximately 2.5 percent of all children in the United States. That means that each year, there are 1.5 million adoptions taking place in the U.S. alone.

But what about these kids’ natural parents?

Do they ever go looking for them? And if so, how do they go about doing this?

Research shows that most adopted children feel out of place at some point in their lives and want to know where they came from.

Whether it is for medical reasons or just to know their history, adoptees tend to want to know about their birth parents at some point in time.

Parents that adopt and kids that are adopted often wonder should adoptees have access to information about their birth parents? And if so, how do you go about finding that information?

According to the American Adoption Congress, between 60 and 90 percent of adoptees want to learn more about their biological parents.

How adoptees can find their birth parents

If you happened to have an open adoption, it’s quite easy to find your birth parents.

Simply call the agency in which you were adopted and they can give you their contact information.

If the state you live in is an open adoption state, it’s even easier. As long as you are over 18 years old, just ask the state for a copy of your birth certificate.

Using social media

Since the recent boom of social media, adoptees can more easily find their natural parents without having to hire a private investigator.

Now, keep in mind that it’s much easier to find your natural birth parents if they want to be found.

And same goes for them – natural birth parents can easily find their son or daughter if the son or daughter makes it easy to find them.

Among the ways:

Create a blog – You can start a blog with basic information about yourself so you can be easily found in search engines. According to Adoption Birth Mother’s How to Use Social Media for An Adoption Search, there are three main things you’ll want on your blog – your place of birth, sex and birth date. This information should be included in the URL of the blog in order to rank high in Google.

Set up a Facebook page – Gain traffic on your search by creating a Facebook page. Since Facebook is the most popular form of social media, you’ll want to start there. Once you get everything up and running, you can extend your search through Twitter, Google+, Instagram and more. All forms of social media should link back to your blog in order to help it gain maximum visibility.

Share and promote – Get the word out that you’re in search of your biological family by promoting your blog on all forms of social media. Ask friends and family members to help you in your search. Since social media is used by over 1 billion people, there’s a good chance someone will be able to help you in your search and get you where you need to be.

Photo credit: sodahead.com

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