
On Twitter…

Hosted 11 dynamic #UMichChat panels which highlighed everything from innovation to activism. The engaging live dialogues now trend regionally on a monthly basis.


Student Life with Royster Harper


Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Kelly LaPierre, Thomas Zurbuchen, Jeffrey Sorensen, David Merritt, & Michael Finney)


Violence, Crime, and Social Media (Cliff Lampe, Desmond Patton, Detective Sergeant Boike, Eric Strauss)


“The King of Twitter” John Dingell’s wisdom on a lifetime of service


“Students at UMich”


“Forever Go Blue” Alumni


‘Activism and Racial Education’: A discussion of Between the World and Me, written by Ta-Nehisi Coates


Welcome hoMe: Resources and advice for a new school year/Feature with President Schlissel (Lindsay Haas, Kyle Stefek, Michael Joiner-Hill)


Introducing Intraoperative Neuromonitering (Emily Matthews, Josh Mergos, Stephanie Schwartz)


#GivingBlueday (Katherine Kowalski, Michael Reed, Ashley Howard/Madison Graver)


Revamping HigherEd in 140 Characters (Matt Adams, Andrew Martin, Aswin Punathambeker)

Provided coverage and promoted collaborative engagement at 34 different presentations and events through #UMichTalks. The hashtag has been widely adopted across campus, allowing our collective audiences unprecedented access and coverage to important events and timely topics.

2/4 Jessy Grizzle

2/10 Roderick Little

2/20 Tyree Guyton

2/23 Tamas Gombosi

3/13 Corey Booker

3/16 CEO of WebMD

3/19 The Big Picture of Small Things

3/23 Rosalind

3/27 Teach-In +50

4/1 Victor Lieberman

4/6 Christin Carter-Su

4/7 The Man Behind The Sandwich, Ari Weinzweig

4/10 The Innovation of Tomorrow: A White House Insider’s Guide

4/13 Higher Education Work For Low-Income Students

5/15 Ford School Academic Engagement Conference

6/1 Wellespring

7/30 Diary of a Young Girl

8/5 UROP Symposia

8/14 Bridge Ceremony

9/15 Big Data

9/25 Entrepalooza

10/1 JSB Symposia

10/5 Michigan Institute for Data Science Kick-Off Symposium

10/8 Orchestras in the 21st Century: A New Paradigm

10/13 Piper Kerman

10/15 “Can College Make You Smarter?”

10/22 #sumit15

10/27 Talk it Up

11/2 Prechter Lecture

11 U-M Diversity Summit

11/24 Cybersecurity

12/1 Historic presentation

12/10 Gamefication and Education

12/18 LSA Honors

On Snapchat…

UMSocial continues to lead the pack in Snapchat storytelling among higher education institutions. Inquires for consultation on the network far outweighed any other requests received by the office in the 2015 calendar year. Stories and feature opportunities have become a key strategy in everyone’s social planning and across departments; and collaborations have replaced traditional outreach efforts such as email. In total, 63 different ephemeral stories were told. The growing popularity also gave birth to the creation of regular content takeovers and weekly features like LSA Tuesdays and Arts and Culture Thursdays. Additionally each story was downloaded and made available in a YouTube playlist.

Geofilter Campaign

Snap-a-versary (One Year on Snapchat) Blog Post

Dress that Squirrel

Travelocity Roaming Gnome



Michigan Engineering Design Expo

Dance Marathon

WinterFest – #1 Public University

LSA Major/Minor Expo



Spring Commencement

Spring Term

National Best Friends Day



Shakespeare in the Arb

4th of July-GeoFilter Curation

Swing Dancing at the Cube

Tour of UMMA

Educational Theatre Company

Tour of Kelsey Museum

Taubman Museum

New Student Convocation

International Academy Open House

Stay In the Blue

World Suicide Prevention Day

Send Silence Packing

Game Day Spirit

So Just, So Fair

International Institute

Career fair

Banned Books exhibit

SMTD homecoming

Homecoming game

‘Waiting in line’ UMHS Organ Donor Awareness

Law, Justice, and Society minor (w/ LSA)

Safe drinking PSA



Diversity Summit

Big House blood drive

Wheelchair basketball

Exploring the Institute for the Humanities

MUSKET ‘Spring Awakening’

LSA: ‘Snapchat makes you happy”

Comm Dept Entertainment Media Forum

LSA: Research in EEB (sweet potatoes)

Hail Mail promotion


Michigan vs OSU

Galens Tag Days

Michigan’s best dance crew

Amcult hula performance

Kevorkian Collection at Bentley

Emoji Snowflakes

Study Tips

“Night Before Winter Break” video preview

New Year’s graphic

Bowl Game snap

Introduced an entire new suite of expanded campus geo-filters, including many limited-edition filters for special events and the first filter to be provided at all three University of Michigan campuses (Ann Arbor, Flint, and Dearborn)

North Campus, Central (2), Big House Stadium, Big House Helmet, Medical Campus, Homecoming (2), Welcome Week (2), MGoGrad (2) and Giving Blue Day

On Instagram…

To capitalize on the continued growth of Instagram in 2015, UMSocial introduced a number of new efforts aimed at diversifying our content offerings and showcasing the breadth and depth of our university programing. Instagram ambassador takeovers and Saturday Michigan News videos are appearing on a monthly and weekly basis. Leveraging this new regular content we also implemented a daily theme that spans all seven day of the week and increased our content on takeover weeks to two posts each day.













Hail Mail


T-Shirt giveaway at WinterFest

Cold Day Gear giveaway

Ann Arbor iPhone Case giveaway

Tinder Valentine’s Day Spoof

Spring Break Selfie Promo

LSA Major/Minor Expo Hyperlapse

Dear Wolverine (Depression Center)

#AlwaysLSA event coverage

Share your cap w/ #MyUMCap Contest


Common concert video

Behind-the-scenes Commencement



Ambassador: Jordan Katz

Ambassador: Eric Bronson

‘This Week’s Headlines’

‘On Assignment’ with #umicheeb

Ambassador: Emily Schieffer

Ambassador: Engineering Ethiopia collaboration

Ambassador: Austin Thomason

Ambassador: Career Center

Ambassador: UMHS Lead cancer doctor

Ambassador: Ginsberg Center

Ambassador: Giving Blueday

Ambassador: Library collective

Ambassador: UMHS Ghana Collaboration

Holiday Motion Graphics

Wolverines of Ann Arbor

On Facebook…

Facebook’s slowed growth and aging demographic presented many negative content results in 2014. To combat the negative environment of the platform and encourage more proactive and positive online dialogue, UMSocial created a number of new campaigns in 2015. Our most popular programs continue to be Michigan Mondays, which provide an opportunity to inspire our audiences with quotes by prominent or unknown alumni, students, and university stakeholders; and Wolverines of Ann Arbor, which has become a powerful platform for depicting diversity and sharing personal narratives. As with Instagram, we have also partnered with other units (LSA, UMHS, and the Bentley) to share themed content on a given day. Lastly, we have seen great success with embedded video, gifs, and photo albums (Michigan Photography).








Photo of the Week

Michigan Monday






Valentine’s Day photo submissions/album and graphic

Video: “Messages of Hope” Depression Center

National Reading Month/Women’s History Month content

Promotion of Yik Yak Pledge

Spring Commencement album

Video: Music Matters

Michigan Softball championship

Mothers Day/Fathers day

Album: President’s trip to China

Album: President’s trip to China

“Calling all poets” Call to action to write a Michigan poem

Video: #WolverineSummer

Album: #InternDetroit

Wolverines of Ann Arbor

Album: New Student Convocation

Album: Open House

Album: myhoMecoming

Album: #UMichMoments

Album: Game Days

On Pinterest…

UMSocial led a concentrated effort in 2015 to streamline the U-M Pinterest presence across all departments, campuses, and organizations. The amount of content required to properly maintain a robust Pinterest account, and the layout of the network itself, led to the absorption of many erroneous accounts. These efforts not only strengthened our brand presence but also alleviated the burden of updates for many smaller departments and organizations.

Michigan Squirrels (Squirrel Appreciation Day)

Absorbed College of LSA

Absorbed Recreational Sports

#MGoGrad Bucket List

Introduced Promoted Pins with Blog Post

Spring at #UMich

Summer at #UMich

Absorbed School of Information

Absorbed School of Public Health

New Students at Michigan

Absorbed Michigan Dining

Absorbed University Housing


Dormspiration 2015

STEAM at Michigan/#GirlsWithToys (Efforts with us and LSA)

Absorbed Ginsberg Center

On YouTube…

Visuals are critical to social content. First it was images, then memes, and now short engaging video or gifs. In 2015 UMSocial sought to streamline our YouTube footprint and create more dynamic, regular content. By absorbing accounts, we helped content be better recognized; and by creating short videos on timely topics, we created top performing or searched for content. Lastly, we made a conscious effort to better package long ceremonial and event video coverage, thereby substantially increasing content views and shares.

Your Moment: Graduation Hype Video

Snapchat playlist

Messages of Hope

Major/Minor Expo

Spring Fest Video

2015 Spring Commencement Recap

2015 Spring Commencement Package (Zingerman’s, President, Dean of LSA, Engineering Commencement)

Softball Hype Video

FIFA Scandal

Rec Sports

InsideTheM: Michigan Dining

Lake Erie Algae (Michigan News)


Mcity Dedication

Mexico Coffee (Michigan News)

Ghana (Michigan News)

Dow Global Impact Series

Diversity is…

“What is an Indian”

“The Night before Winter Break”

On YikYak…

New social networks appear every day, but few have caused such an uproar in higher education as Yik Yak. After publishing an initial evaluation of the platform in 2014, UMSocial chose to advocate for personal responsibility and proactive online dialogues on the network. Following a potential suicide threat published within the Ann Arbor Yik Yak feed, we rallied with students to show support and promote available resources. After a successful positivity pledge campaign, Yik Yak reached out to us and we partnered to created their first university-wide branded community ‘Hail Mail.’ Content for Hail Mail is created by our first Yik Yak-dedicated student intern in collaboration with our award-winning campus newspaper staff and our Office of Student Life. Additionally, UMSocial now pulls daily ‘Yaks’ and incorporates them into our Twitter streams and a ‘Yak’ of the week that is published on our Instagram. By educating our users on the platform, recognizing their contributions, and creating a steady flow of resources and information on a platform we know they regularly use, we have thus far alleviated many of the large-scale issues that many other universities have encountered at the hand of unchecked anonymity.

In Collaboration With…

Social content is stronger when we leverage the collective. The relationships UMSocial built in 2014 enabled the creation of a strong leadership team of cross campus social media communicators. In collaboration we were able to tell bigger, bolder stories, bring better resources to fruition and set brand goals.

Squirrel Appreciation Day: Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, @UmichStudents

#1 Public University Video/Promo

Valentine’s Day

Messages of Hope

Photos of the Week: Instagram, FB, Twitter

National Best Friends day: Snapchat, Twitter

#WolverineSummer: Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram

Dubsmash: Instagram, Twitter

Fourth of July geo-filter campaign: Snapchat, Twitter

#STEAM/GirlswithToys: Throwbacks on FB, Twitter, Pinterest Board

Collaborative efforts with the Career Center

Collaborative efforts with Michigan Photography

Collaborative efforts with News Service: Retweeting Content, Instagram Takeover, Weekly Headlines Instagram Videos

Social Media R&D: Developing key skills to become a successful social media manager

Social Media Vending Machine—Fall 2015

National Media Of Honor


Health and Wellness: Stay in the Blue

#myhomecoming: Snapchat stories, Instagram content, encouraging hashtag usage


By examining the way content performs on a given platform and studying our demographics and how they engage with content on each network, UMSocial often tailors a single content theme across channels uniquely. In 2015 we relied frequently upon our storytelling initiatives to help us provide video in one place, still images in another, live tweeting or interactive dialogue hosting in another—then lastly, looping back home to our website for a full summary recaps of efforts.

Michigan’s 178th Birthday



Dance Marathon

GEazy Concert

Spring Commencement

New Services Content via Instagram

Softball Championship: FB and Twitter



LinkedIn | Showcase pages

CCRB remodel: Snapchat, Youtube, FB Video

Mcity Dedication: Snapchat, Twitter (Live-tweet), Instagram Video, Pinterest

#InternDetroit: FB photo album, Twitter

Vending Machine: Photos on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Snapchat, YouTube

U-M v. MSU: Snapchat PSA, Safe drinking WOAA, Alternative tailgate advertising

Homecoming: Snapchat, Starkid #UmichChat, #myhoMecoming Instagram, Facebook

UM vs OSU: Instagram post, FB album

Giving Blueday: UMichChat, Instagram Takeover, UMichStudent student tweeter

Diversity Summit: Snapchat Story, #UMichTalks

On SocialMedia.UMich.edu

Our website turned one in February of 2015, celebrating a year of providing resources and information to our peers who have recognized it as a pillar of best practice within higher education. The most-viewed blog posting of the year was of course our in-depth case study of the hacking of three of our athletics Facebook pages. Praised for its transparency and timeliness, socialmedia.umich.edu has evolved into a site that not only provides internal or higher ed communicators’ resources, but which also curates and explores the best and worst of social media for all.

#UMSocial’s Most A-Maize-Ing Campaigns

Yik Yak Pledge

Monthly Recaps

#UMichChat Recaps

Major/Minor Expo: LSA Collaboration

How #UMSocial uses Slack

TedXUofM Coverage+

#GoBlueDhabi Guest Blog

Squirrel Appreciation Day

Michigan Dining Guest Blog

Instagram Use Among Incoming Students

Instagram Ambassador Program

Wolverines of Ann Arbor Monthly Recaps

Social Vending Machine


Dormspiration Launch

New Semester, New Geofilters!

Linkedin for Higher Ed

Pumpkin Stencils

One year of #UMichChat

Printable Ornaments

WOAA yearly wrap-up

Hacked: A Case Study

Year in Review

With the formation of the UMSocial Leadership Team in 2015, we were able to really begin to update and adopt many overarching strategies and best practices across campus. The guidelines, procedures, and tools ensure all accounts properly represent the university and our brand from conception to fruition. Supporting a unified approach to social media strategy, content creation, and analytics ensures quality communications across every platform and provides a clearer view of our return on investment.

Facebook Best Practices

LinkedIn Showcase Pages

Protecting the Brand

Reporting Best Practices

YouTube Best Practices

Annual Report

Social Leadership Team

Social Leadership Meetings

Orientation packet materials distribution

Monthly Analytics Reports (President Schlissel, LSA, Bentley, UMHS, & Global)

Implementation of Proactive Listening Platform – Digital Roots

Creation of Monthly Workshops

Establishment of Bi-weekly consultations (LSA, Athletics, UMHS)

Implementation of Amplify

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