
BlogHer 2012

When I attended BlogHer last year, it was my first time and I was a little overwhelmed at all the sessions there were to choose from. Do I do one a day, do I do 5 a day? It was crazy trying to decide between business building and blog building and socializing. I think I ended up going to one session the entire weekend, mostly because it was just all too much to think about.

This year, I am definitely attending at least three sessions. Why? Because not only are four of our SoCal Lady Bloggers members speaking (Chris Lam, Trina Finton,  Ana Lydia Monaco and Cari Bee), but they happen to be really smart, on-the-ball, fabulous women who have a ton to say on their prospective topics.

Friday, August 3 – 1:15 – 2:30 Ten Things You Can Do Now to Maximize Your Social Media Expertise

“Social media expertise is the critical job skill of this decade, for jobs across industries, functions or level. But with so many choices for social media tools, and a constantly growing list of apps and platforms to learn, it’s easy to feel like you’re just barely keeping up–not really becoming expert in the use of any single tool, let alone all of social media. This session will focus on ten actionable, achievable things you can do right now to bolster your social media expertise and make yourself a more attractive candidate for any job, gig, or opportunity. Chris Lam, Nora De Palma, and Stacie Tamaki will help you focus your social media energies.” – blogher.com

Friday, August 3 – 2:45 – 4:00 Streamline Your Technical Toolkit: How to Do More with Less

The App Economy has created a wealth of tools at our disposal, and the barrier to trying each new app is incredibly low. But a desktop and smartphone full of hundreds of apps, bookmarks, widgets and browser extensions isn’t always the path to feeling organized, let alone enlightenment! Do you find yourself wishing you could get more out of fewer tools? This panel will teach you how to streamline and un-clutter your technical life. Carley Knobloch leads a conversation with Adria Richards, Lara Galloway, and Trina Finton. – blogher.com

Saturday, August 4 – 3:00 – 4:15 How to Price and Value Your Services

The veil is lifting for professional bloggers, as we’re starting to share more about how we attach value to our services… articulating business value in order to assign monetary value. We’ll debate retainers vs. hourly rates, how much to share in a proposal, and how to deliver wrap-up reports that open the customer’s eyes to your value. We’ll talk about working with brands, with each other, with marketing agencies and with publishing platforms to give you an honest, balanced, and fair view of what your services are worth, and how you can back that number up with cold, hard facts. Monica Barnett moderates a discussion with Amy Bradley-Hole, Ana Lydia Ochoa-Monaco, and Cecily Kellogg. – blogher.com

Friday, August 3- 2:45 – 4:00 Room of Your Own/ Table For One

Are single and/or childless bloggers underrepresented? Why do PR firms and blogging groups seem to focus on mommy or daddy bloggers for the juicy deals and sponsorships? This session will dig into real incidents and share practical, effective marketing strategies for such overlooked bloggers as older bloggers with grown children, seniors, childless couples, pet owners, and more. With Kim Trimble, Karen Malone Wright, and Robin Mills.


Thankfully, they aren’t all speaking at the same time. If you are attending BlogHer this year, let’s show our SoCal Lady Bloggers we are there to support them. And maybe we’ll learn something in the process.

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