
Hey everyone!

So just started putting my 12g cadlight tank together. Plan on keeping updates on this tank. Still waiting on my eheim 2213, but I just couldn't wait. Plan for this to be a CRS/CBS tank. This'll be my fourth tank in a matter of 6 months I've been in this hobby lol


12g cadlight zen tank

AS New Amazonia

RO remineralized with Mosura Mineral Plus Ultra

Sponge filter

Eheim 2213 w/ Seachem Matrix and Purigen (coming soon)

Finnex Fugeray 18"

Plants - mini bolbitis, java fern (normal, windelov, narrow leaf), fissiden fontanus, flame moss, xmas moss, blyxa japonica, crypt wendtii, susswasertang, anubias (nana, nana petite)

Other - mopani wood, manzanita branch, breeding tubes, cholla wood

Things I'll be adding later - IAL, Alder cones

Sorry for crappy phone pics

Water still cloudy so I hope it clears up soon


Here's some pics of my other tanks

10g standard (Started March)

1st ever tank before I knew anything about scaping, tpt or even scape. Just wanted to get into shrimp keeping. Mainly RCS in this tank. I really want to rescape/cull this tank, but just haven't found the time, just been doing top-offs so it's pretty much a messhave tons of RCS in there now, low-high grade since I never culled and just left it alone basically. 100% tap

2.5g bowfront (Started late April)

I was planning to just keep this as a mini outgrow/"learning" tank that I would take down eventually, but ended up liking it, and now have 10+ blue diamond culls (1 berried currently), and 20+ wild type tigers (from Sept auction) in there (3 berried). 50/50 ro/tap

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