
The sixth annual Get Yourself Tested campaign, coinciding with April’s STD Awareness Month, features activities across the country designed to promote sexual health and address the disproportionately high rates of sexually transmitted diseases among people younger than 25.

During April, Planned Parenthood is promoting the campaign and the importance of getting an STD test. It is also encouraging partners discussing getting checked before having sex, since many STDs show no symptoms, and it’s possible to have an STD from a previous relationship and not know it.

A study published in the March issue of Sexually Transmitted Diseases found evidence that suggests that the campaign has successfully increased STD testing among youths during STD Awareness Month.

Every year, Planned Parenthood health centers provide nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.

The Issaquah Planned Parenthood Health Center is at 75 N.W. Dogwood St.

Learn more at www.plannedparenthood.org or call 800-230-PLAN toll free.

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