
A year after implementing a new recycling program, the Snoqualmie Casino is reporting massive waste reduction and energy savings.

In 2013, the Casino installed filtered water fountains and bio compostable cups made of renewable materials to replace its complimentary bottled water service. One year later, the Casino has calculated that it has saved more than 208,000 water bottles from being disposed of in landfills.

“We were very glad that this change was well received by our customers,” says Russ Burbank, Chief Hospitality Officer. “Our customer’s support allowed us to make this major change and reduce waste. They understand what we are trying to do, which is to run a more eco-friendly business.”

Since opening in late 2008, the Snoqualmie Casino has made several changes to make the business more environmentally friendly. Cardboard is recycled, old grease is processed into biodiesel, and recycling bins have been incorporated onto the gaming floor. The Casino’s food and landscape waste, 16 tons per month, is composted with Cedar Grove Composting.

The Casino has also adjusted its lighting to use LED bulbs, rather than incandescent, saving an estimated 128,000 watts of energy per year. Burbank estimates that this change has saved the Casino thousands of dollars a year.

To help mitigate water runoff in the employee parking lot, the Casino partnered with the Snoqualmie Tribe’s Environmental & Natural Resources Department. The pre-existing swales were re-graded and organic filtering materials were installed with native plants to filter contaminants before the water drains into local waterways.

Green transportation alternatives are also something the Casino has worked hard to support. Snoqualmie Casino Express buses offer an alternative to those in Seattle and surrounding areas.

“Each bus equals forty cars on the road, so we like to incentivize customers to utilize them,” Burbank said.

For those driving electric cars, the Snoqualmie Casino has installed charging stations in its parking structure, one of the first casinos in the country to do so.

The Snoqualmie Casino has no intention on slowing its efforts to operate a more eco-friendly business. Looking to the future, the Casino plans to add energy efficient LED lights in their parking lots and garage.

“As a tribal business, we want to operate in a responsible manner,” said Casino CEO Jon Jenkins. “We look forward to finding more ways to incorporate green alternatives in the future.”


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