
Marines: Hello friends!

Firstly, thank you for being so marvelously patient as we’ve been figuring our way around some scheduling things recently. We’re still existing in that troubling place where we want to do all the things, but also have all of the time constraints. Picking up Segue Magic again,  though, was a huge priority this year because we just love making these videos and opening up the conversation to all kinds of other topics.

Since we’re starting this up again right before Valentine’s Day, we decided to get a little romantical and talk about our favorite fictional couples. But also, because I’m still me, I quickly drop in my least favorite couples…

A few things:

1 – We aim to keep these videos really short and I always have way more feelings than allotted video time. There is a lot on the cutting room floor, including couples from Doctor Who, brief mentions of Harry Potter and His Dark Materials and also more HATE. feelings toward Fifty Shades. (Duh, about that last one.) (I don’t know why I like telling you guys everything you didn’t get to see, but uh, THERE YOU GO.)

2 – KIRSTI! is participating in Segue Magic now as well. As I mentioned in the video, you’ll see her videos on Wednesdays and Sweeney’s on Fridays.

3 – We are going to do a post for each video this week only. After that, we’ll have a wrap-up post linking you to that week’s video and with any final comments. Please make sure you are subscribed to the Snark Squad channel to keep up with these (and my Booktube!) videos.

I’d love to hear if you agree or disagree with my picks so comment here or on the video!

Marines (all posts)

I'm a 20-something south Floridan who loves the beach but cannot swim. Such is my life, full of small contradictions and little trivialities. My main life goals are never to take life too seriously, but to do everything I attempt seriously well. After that, my life goals devolve into things like not wearing pants and eating all of the Zebra Cakes in the world. THE WORLD.

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