

The United States gained its independence after a titanic eight-year battle against the British Empire in the last quarter of the 18th century. In the 236 years since, we have fought in 12 major wars (excluding the Civil War) and 18 armed conflicts (trivia: the United States have only lost one war during the time - the Vietnam War). Our first president and Commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, George Washington, was a legendary surveyor-turned soldier-turned statesman.

With such a deep role in the psyche and history of our nation, it should come as no surprise that, for many Americans, the military remains as one of the most important considerations in the choice of their presidents. After all, these men have proven their bravery, valor and leadership ability under the most demanding of situations.

Thirty-one of our former presidents were part of the country's military at some stage of their career. With the exception of the Marine and Coast Guard, every other branch of the nation's armed forces has contributed at least one president for the country.

The trend has somewhat been reversed in the 20th century since the election of Howard Taft in 1909, as economy, health care and foreign relations, which demand completely different skill sets, took a more central role in the public's consciousness. It certainly did not help that the perceived righteousness and sense of honor often associated with our military campaigns have been sorely lacking in the several conflicts we've had in the last fifty years.

Presidents In Combat

• George Washington

Colonel with the Virginian Colonial troops during the French and Indian War

General and Commander in Chief of Continental Army during the American Revolution

Lieutenant General of the United States Army

• James Monroe

Major in the Continental Army during the American Revolution

• Andrew Jackson

Major General of Continental Army during the American Revolution

Also fought in the War of 1812, Creek War and the First Seminole War

• William Henry Harrison

Major General, U.S. Army

Fought in the War of 1812 and the Indian Wars in the Northwest territories

• John Tyler

Captain, U.S. Army

Fought in the War of 1812

• Zachary Taylor

Major General, U.S. Army

Fought in the War of 1812, the Indian Wars (Black Hawk War and Florida War), and the Mexican wars

• Franklin Pierce

Brigadier General, U.S. Army

Fought in the Mexican-American War

• James Buchanan

A member of the Pennsylvania State Militia that fought the invading British forces in the War of 1812

• Andrew Johnson

Brigadier General, U.S. Army

Appointed military governor of occupied Tennessee during the Civil War

• Ulysses Grant

General, U.S. Army

Led the Union to defeat the Confederates in the Civil War

• Rutherford Hayes

Major General, U.S. Army

Fought in the Civil War

• James Garfield

Major General, U.S. Army

Fought in the Civil War

• Benjamin Harrison

Colonel, 70th Indiana Infantry

Brigadier General, U.S. Army

Fought in the Civil War

• William McKinley

Commissary Sergeant, 23rd Ohio Infantry

First Lieutenant, U.S. Army

Fought in the Civil War

• Theodore Roosevelt

Colonel, U.S. Army

Fought in the Spanish-American War

The only President to be awarded the Medal of Honor (posthumously, 2001)

• Harry Truman

Private, Missouri Army National Guard

Colonel, U.S. Navy Reserve (U.S. Army Coast Artillery Corps)

Captain, National Guard

Served as Battery Commander for Battery D of the 35th Infantry Division in France during World War I. Truman did not lose a single man under his command during the campaign.

• Dwight Eisenhower

General, U.S. Army

Supreme Commander of Allied Command, during World War II

Army Chief of Staff (1945)

Commander in Chief of NATO (1950)

• John Kennedy

Lieutenant, United States Navy

World War II veteran

• Lyndon Johnson

Commander, U.S Navy Reserve

An appointee of President Roosevelt, Johnson was controversially awarded a Silver Star after a single, 13-minute combat experience during World War II. The military transport aircraft that he was on during a spying mission to Australia reportedly came under fire from Japanese fighters.

• Richard Nixon

Commander, U.S. Navy Reserve

World War II veteran

• Gerald Ford

Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy Reserve

Served on the legendary USS Monterey in the Pacific Theater with the Third and Fifth Fleets during World War II

• George H.W. Bush

Lieutenant, US Navy Reserve

Flew the Grumman TBM Avenger in World War II

Shot down during a bombing mission near Chichi-jima, Japan. Was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (for “heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight”)

Presidents In Uniform

• Thomas Jefferson

Non-commissioned officer of the Virginia militia (rank of Colonel)

• James Madison

Colonel of Continental Army during the American Revolution

• James Polk

Colonel, Tennessee State Militia

• Millard Fillmore

Major, New York Guard

Served during the Mexican–American War

• Abraham Lincoln

Captain, Illinois State Militia

Served during the Black Hawk War, but did not engage in combat

• Chester Arthur

Brigadier General, New York Guard

Colonel, 9th New York Volunteer Infantry Regimen

• Jimmy Carter

Lieutenant, U.S. Naval Academy

Was a specialist on nuclear reactors

• Ronald Reagan

Second Lieutenant, U.S Army (Officers Reserve Corps of the Cavalry)

Captain, Army Air Force (First Motion Picture Unit)

Responsible for producing over 400 training films for the Army

• George W. Bush

First Lieutenant, Texas Air National Guard

Civilian Presidents

• John Adams (Chairman, Board of War in the Revolutionary War; equivalent to Secretary of Defense )

• John Quincy Adams

• Martin Van Buren

• Grover Cleveland

• William Taft

• Woodrow Wilson

• Warren Harding

• Calvin Coolidge

• Herbert Hoover

• Franklin Roosevelt

• Bill Clinton

• Barack Obama

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