Time for another Hodgepodge. Go over to From This Side of the Pond and grab the prompts. Answer them on your own blog and link with all these great people who do the same.
Now let's get started!
1. Can you believe it's the end of January? What was the best day of January 2017 for you, and why?
Ah, January was filled with icy weather, spring-like weather, and TV stations with bad news! It is hard to pick a "best" day. We did celebrate Richard's heavenly birthday on January 8th (his birthday is January 9th) with a balloon release. I'm going to pick that day as the best day!
2. What sounds make up the background noise in your life?
The background of my life is the TV! I should turn it off and fill my life more with silence. Silence is a good thing, don't you think?
3. I read on the Power of Positivity website a list of ten things to drop from your life right now. They are-
anger outbursts, people who put you down, regret, negative self talk, being a people pleaser, the notion you need to be perfect, the past (but keep the lessons learned!), gossip and judgment, comparing yourself to others, and the word hate (focus on what you love instead)
Which thing on the list do you most need to drop? Are you trying or will you try?
I need to drop the past! There isn't anything I can do to change it! But I will keep the lessons learned! Even though it is true that our past shapes us it doesn't mean that we can't change the future. Because we can!!
4. What is sacred to you?
My family is sacred to me!
5. January is National Oatmeal month. Are you a fan, and if so how do you like it?
I don't either love or hate oatmeal. I am just neutral. If I eat oatmeal it is usually from a packet of the instant kind with cinnamon and apples. Maybe I eat it twice a year. I am not a big breakfast fan!
6. What feelings does twilight stir up in you?
To me twilight signifies THE END of something. The end of the day. The end of your life. The twilight years. I find twilight beautiful. The colors of twilight are purple and pink. My favorites!! So in the twilight of my life I will incorporate more pinks and purples! What about you?
7. Something you're looking forward to next month?
I am cleaning and downsizing at my house. I am looking forward to more of that. Harley and I might take a little road trip in February or March. We'll see. It has been a long time since we have gone out of town. Would be good for both of us!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I love this artist!
And the sentiment behind this picture is something I am going to more of. Things I love...care to join me?