
Link up here if you're late to the party like me this week! ;)


And away we go!


Saturday 9: Twilight Zone


Unfamiliar with this week's featured song? Hear it here.
1) This is one of the first songs to see a bump in sales after its video was shown on MTV. Do you ever watch music videos?


No, but only because we don't have any television service and I have no speakers on my computer right now. Okay, who am I kidding - I probably wouldn't anyway, anymore!

2) Golden Earring is from the Netherlands. The average life expectancy there is 79 years old. Who is the oldest person you know?


I don't think she'd like for me to tell you that, so I'm keeping "Mum." ;) Haha!

3) The song's composer says the song and especially the video were inspired by the 1980 book, The Bourne Identity. The espionage thriller was finally made into a movie with Matt Damon in 2002. Do you have a favorite secret agent/spy?


Not really, although who doesn't love James Bond? My favorite movie is the long-ago Octopussy, but probably only because I remember watching it when my mother was alive.

4) The song's title comes from The Twilight Zone TV show, which ran from 1959 to 1964. Are there any old shows that you enjoy watching in reruns?


Sigh... see answer to #1 for that, again. I do miss TV sometimes.
5) "All guys cheat on their girlfriends, so yeah, I forgive him." Sam heard a young woman say that into her phone as they waited in line at the drugstore. While Sam is always surprised by how much personal information people share in the public, that's not what we're concentrating on this morning. Do you think that it's true? Do all guys cheat on their girlfriends?


Absolutely not. While I've been cheated on a fair number of times, there are also plenty of times I'm sure that I haven't.
6) Whenever Sam goes to the grocery store she picks up Snausages  because her dog looks at her with sad eyes when she tries to reward him anything else. What product has your brand loyalty?


Nutella. I always get a jar (or two) of Nutella when I'm doing a long-haul shopping trip. Because chocolate and hazelnut, duh.
7) Do you have a piggy bank or a coin jar?


Sort of. Not in the traditional sense, but when I was graduating high school, my BFF Dr. Lisa wanted to give me a present, and I asked for a globe. She couldn't afford a full-size, standard globe at the time, so she gave me a mini bank one. I still have it, and I use it to store all the international coins I've collected from my (and Hubs') travels over the years. Pretty cool usage there, huh?

8) Sam knows that she's always supposed to wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days, but she sometimes forgets. What do you know you should do, but sometimes don't?


Exercise and eat my vegetables. I even have doctor's orders now to do so, to help prevent worsening of my recently-diagnosed glaucoma, but... it's Halloween and candy and lazy-Mel time, you know?! I need to.
9) Retailers report that sales of Halloween costumes for grown-ups are strong. Since Halloween was earlier this week and there will be parties this weekend ... What's your costume for Halloween 2013?  If you aren't dressing up this year, tell us about one of your favorite outfits from a Halloween gone by.


I didn't dress up this year, but last year I had both a cavewoman costume, for trick-or-treating with the kids, and a half-devil/half-angel costume that I wore to a Halloween party/concert that I attended. I was skinnier then, so I probably wouldn't have looked as hot in it this year! Must work on that...


Well that was fun. See ya next week, Sat-9ers! ;)



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