
As the cost of living increases across the country, many people are looking to cut costs inside the home. Household expenses add up quickly, but you can avoid a high cost energy bill by following a few simple guidelines.

Update Appliances and Fixtures

Sometimes regular repair and maintenance of older appliances does not always solve a home energy problem. When it costs more to repair your equipment than replace it, it is time to consider updating. Typically, it is time to replace your heat pump or air conditioning unit if is more than ten years old. You may also find that the newer, energy-efficient models will cut down energy usage in your home. To help pay for these new appliances set up goals using your SmartyPig 1% cashback rewards card, to save 1% on all your purchases to put towards your new more energy efficient appliances and other goals you may want to set up.

When you upgrade appliances, look for energy-efficient models. For example, verify that it is an Energy Star® certified central air conditioner which has a higher seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) than standard models. This makes it about 14 percent more efficient than regular models. Efficiency is greater in models with a high SEER.

Double Check Your Bill

This may sound simple, but many people opt for paperless billing and never log online to see their balance. Take a moment each month to not only review your total, but also scope out your energy usage. Are you using more or less compared to a prior month or year? If you notice your household is consuming more energy, try to monitor the possible causes. There could be a discrepancy on your bill or perhaps a larger problem within your home like a leak.

Change Your Habits

Small changes to your daily routines can maximize your energy savings. Turn off lights in rooms you are not in and open curtains during daylight hours. Dust light fixtures so they operate at their maximum capacity and try to minimize the use of large appliances. Try hanging your clothes to dry or washing dishes by hand. If you do need to use your washer and dryer, dishwasher or other appliance that need a lot of energy, try using it on the lowest heat setting.

You can also shop around and look for energy savings. You may be surprised that you have options, and it is important to get educated about choices you have.

Using Fans Over A/C

Heating and cooling accounts for about half of home energy costs. Avoid high energy bills by strategically placing fans in your home. Ceiling fans can create a significant impact in temperature and allow air to circulate while keeping your family cool. A few fans paired with an overall plan to reduce air-conditioning usage can slash home energy costs.

Maintaining Your Home

Never delay appliance repairs as these leaky faucets, old refrigerators, and broken water heaters can all be sources of energy usage spikes. By having your appliances serviced regularly, you can avoid costly repairs or replacements, and you may reduce your overall home energy costs. Dust your computer vents, change out your air-conditioning filters regularly, and frequently clean out the lint trap on your dryer. These dusty appliances do not function at their highest capacity which results in more energy use.

It is also wise to do a home assessment and check windows and doors for insulation issues. You can replace single pane windows with double pane windows or fitted storm windows. This investment will lower heating and cooling costs and make your home more energy-efficient. Additionally, The U.S. Department of Energy has a home insulation assessment that determines if your home is insulated properly for the area of the country that you live in.

You can replace also start using compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs. These bulbs are long-lasting and do not require as frequent changes. Replace the bulbs you use the most first, then replace the rest as they burn out.

Don’t forget to use weather stripping and caulk to seal up your home appropriately. This will trap air inside and lessen air conditioning or heat use.

Use your SmartyPig Card for your Bills

While taking all of these money and energy saving tips into account, save even more money by paying your electric bill with an FDIC insured pre-paid SmartyPig 1% Cash-Back rewards card. It’s a fast and simple way to ease the cost of paying for electricity and it’ll ensure that you get a little money back every time you pay your bill to either save or put towards anything else you’d like.

Utilize these tools to find ways to make your home more energy-efficient. Having a more energy-efficient home will also result in a lower energy bill.

JT Ripton freelance writes to inform and intrigue and is also huge on saving every penny possible



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