
Cover Story: Aspiring Mission from Aspen

To stand out in the property business, Aspen is taking the path less travelled in its quest to build the real estate of the future.

Special Focus: Education & Training

In demand and high pay employment opportunities come to those with leadership and the right qualities. And corporations today are hungry for talent. But increasingly, individuals with in demand skills are rejecting traditional corporate pathways. Bottom line: in this new age, the organisation succeeds by helping the individual succeed.

Training the Trainer

The right leadership is the ultimate factor that determines the success or failure in any organisation. Meet the lady behind the successful programme aimed at moulding the right leadership.

Equipping the Modern Day CEO

Find out how you can get equipped with the crucial skills and know-how to thrive in the fast changing business world.

Meeting Postgraduate Goals

One of the foremost private higher learning institutions is striving to meet the skills and knowledge requirements of the future with innovative and quality programmes.

Forex Trends and Outlook for 2016

In the fast-moving world of currency markets, it is crucial that traders beef up on their knowledge of the economic indicators and events that impact the markets to ensure their long-term success.

Seeking the Unconventional

In times of market anxiety and with preservation of wealth getting tougher formany investors, contrarian investing is an ideal option in these market conditions.

2016 Environology Outlook

Previously known as geomancy or Feng Shui, environology the art and science of learning to understand nature, mimic nature and live with nature harmoniously. Find out what 2016 has in store for you, environologically.

Behavioural Challenges in Savings for Retirement

Just like achieving success in other endeavours, there is a need for self-discipline to meet the required saving


Understanding Your Money Personality

What is money personality and how does it affect you when it comes to achieving your financial goals?

Chasing ROI for ROI’s Sake

Is return on investment the ultimate measure of investment performance?

The New Year Hangover Continues

Judging by the way markets are going since the start of the year, the volatility of last year is here to stay.

Betting on Emerging Markets

As the untapped potential in emerging markets is gradually unlocked, propelling growth forward in these markets will continue to exceed that in developed markets.

Oil Market Supply is Overstated

Is the oil market really over-supplied or is market moving according to the game plan?

Creating Value For MSMEs

Moving away from traditional financing, growth accelerator exchange offers a digital platform to help micro, small and medium businesses in Malaysia and in the ASEAN region an easy and accessible e-finance solution.

Paying People to Shop Online

Convincing consumers to sign up for a service that pays them to shop online is not as easy as it looks, says

ShopBack Malaysia, a cashback reward-based startup.

To Create a Priceless Transaction

Art is an intimate skill possessed only by its curator, and one of the most talented ones I have come across is creating waves in New York City.

Preparing for the Right Moment

Investing in properties during these uncertain times require more home work to be done for an effective and informed decision.

Madurai – India’s Real Estate Trophy Investment

Over the past few years, Madurai has emerged as a strong real estate destination among the tier II cities.

New Hallmark in High Living

An auspicious address coupled with the finest in furnishings and serviced by an impeccable name in high-end hospitality, 8 Conlay is set to take luxury and lifestyle residences to the next level.

5 Ways to Find a Positive Retirement Life

Retirement is a fact of life, you be prepared mentally and emotionally for life after work can make your golden years a fulfilled one.

Honda – Powering Forward

The 9th generation accord, is setting a new benchmark as a segment-leading sedan.

Still Making Waves

Dorsett Grand Subang is one of the best kept secrets for many unfamiliar with great hospitality offerings outside the city centre.

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