









The concept of virtual shopping has taken the entire world by storm and
flooded the internet with numerous virtual stores that sell a variety of items
ranging from groceries to electronics. In other words, eCommerce industry is
growing with leaps and bounds. If statistics were to be believed; by 2018
retailing will no longer be restricted to conventional brick-and-mortar
business sphere. Some even suggest that worldwide eCommerce is expected to grow
from 13% to 25%, while the worldwide retail will continue to grow at a rate of
5% – 6% across 2018. Looking at this exponential expected growth skeptical
investors and more private equity and venture capitalists are showing increased
interest to put in their money into this sunshine industry.

Since, virtual retailing is expanding at an exponential pace; outsourcing
has started emerging on the horizon. A lot of retailers are opting for
outsourcing services for a number of business processes that includes external
aspects like website design and development and internal or back-end processes
like data entry. It helps them immensely to focus their energies on their core competencies
and increasing the ROI.

But what is the data that needs to be entered might be your
question. So enlisted are some of the activities, where
eCommerce companies partner with outsourcing data entry service providers:

product information from a variety of other sources including competitor
websites, manufacturer’s websites, physical and digital catalogs, and many

products which are out of stock

configurable products and creating attributes of products

products image, adding or removing water mark on product image

products for your online store

product description

Outsourcing data related tasks for retailing has gained tremendous momentum.
In fact, a lot of successful e-commerce businesses are now hell bend on to outsource data entry
services for more efficient management of data related tasks with lesser
allocation of internal resources.

Data entry is one of the tasks, often dreaded as it is extremely time
consuming and therefore, it is outsourced the most. Online businesses find it
beneficial to outsource data entry for a variety of reasons:

Capable Management of Product Information:
Dedicated data entry ensures a systematic storage and management of data
across various platforms, therefore making it available for immediate

Effective Time management:
When you outsource data entry to a different time zone; you evenly
distribute enormous volumes of work among highly-trained and experienced
data entry operators, and projects can be finished within short turnaround
time without putting quality at stake.

Cost Effectiveness: No
infrastructures, no workforce – online merchants can save up to 60% of
their revenues by outsourcing data entry jobs and not undertaking it

More Focus on Core Competencies:
Outsourcing trivial and non-core tasks, make it possible for the in-house
employees to focus on mission-critical functions.

Scalability: Outsourcing
allows large volumes of data entry work to be finished in stipulated time
frame. This mainly becomes useful during sales or during holidays or
festivities, when there is a spike in the size of data and extra resources
are needed very badly.

Types of Data Entry Tasks Ecommerce Companies Should Outsource:

Product Data Entry: You can outsource Product data entry
tasks like new product entry, category management, upgrading SKU code, details
related to pricing, shipping dates and rates, along with specifications and
many more.

Outsourcing product data entry makes it the products upload faster and
accurate on multiple channels. In a competitive era; online shoppers are
usually always on a look-out for the best possible deal, having an up-to-date
as well as relevant product data up on the site in the fastest possible manner
in turn facilitates the conversion process.

Image Data Entry: Image data entry includes image
conversion and image data entry along with tagging. Images play a crucial persuasive
role for online shoppers to get the maximum sales. Image tagging outsourcing
allows right images to get highlighted for very dissimilar search criteria.

Catalog Data Entry: Catalogs plays a very crucial role;
since it educates the users about your product or service by putting the
products on a display. A very effective online cataloging enables an easy
categorization of products, along with product descriptions and relevant
images. Therefore, it heightens visibility of your store.

Catalog data entry is by and large a very cumbersome, labor-intensive task
that requires continuous process. You can streamline and even accelerate it by
outsourcing catalog data entry to an expert BPO service provider company.

Content Data Entry: Giving a very precise and convincing
description of products or services is the very first step to provide the
customer a clear picture of what you actually offer.

Outsourcing content data entry helps in communicating better with
prospective customers and intended audience. Moreover, it helps in persuading
them to go ahead and finally place the order.

Outsourced content data entry helps online retailers to enjoy super
high-quality product and category page descriptions; with powerful and
attractive display of images as a bonus.

Order Management: While online ordering is favored the most
these days amongst shoppers, there still are customers who prefer to pick up
their phone and place an order. Orders on phone also need to be keyed in the
system and even digitized to effective order fulfillment, and for integration
with ERP and CRM systems. Order data entry is, therefore, another important
task which can be outsourced.

Data entry outsourcing for retail/eCommerce industry has become a very
integral support system for ecommerce and other virtual online businesses. They
are all set to reap immense benefits at minimum investments.

The original article was published on http://www.hitechbpo.com/blog/ecommerce-companies-should-outsource-data-related-tasks.php

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