
Your home and energy use in the spotlights

Did you know that lighting is one of the biggest energy consumers in and around our homes?  If we want to save electricity, we might just as well take a close look at it.  The right changes can help us lower our consumption up to 80%.  Surely worth the effort!

Have you ever considered replacing your old bulbs by modern and more energy-friendly alternatives?

Europe decided to ban traditional bulbs and halogen lamps from the market, because they were using too much energy and were too harmful for the environment. They were replaced by energy-saving lamps, eco-halogen lamps and of course, LED lamps.  LED lamps have been through an enormous evolution over the past few years and nowadays they are available in all shapes and sizes.  Their popularity is due to their long lifetime and efficiency.  A LED lamp, used with an adjusted fitting, can have a lifecyle of up to 25.000 hours.  A bulb 1.500 max!

So never mind if buying a LED lamp is more expensive, it needs replacement a lot less often, ánd it is energy-friendly and efficient.  Nothing but advantages!   Even replacing a perfectly working bulb by a LED is better for the environment than using the old one until it’s broken.

More than just the choice of your lamps

You can be energy-smart in different ways.  Even if you leave the room for just a moment, it’s always better to turn off the light.  Therefore, put your switches in strategic places.  You will no longer have an excuse to leave the light on : one at each end of the stairs, one at each door in a room, always within easy reach.   Or use a presence detection sensor in rooms like the hall or the toilet.  The light will then automatically switch on when someone is there, and be switched off all by itself after a while.  No needless spending of precious energy!

Another smart idea is using the right lighting at the right time.  When you watch television, all you need is energy-friendly background lighting.  In case someone still wants to read a book or the newspaper, a reading lamp (with an energy-saving or LED lamp) is the best and cheapest solution.   All needs covered, with a minimal comsumption.

The cheapest light is and will always be daylight

Goes without saying?  Unfortunately, year after year loads of Watts are being wasted for lights being on without anyone noticing.  What a shame! Because let’s be clear:  however energy-friendly they may be, saving and LED lamps also consume energy and might as well be turned off when nobody needs them.

At the time of designing your home or the interior of a room, consider having big windows and placing your desk as close to the window as possible. It helps you to optimise the use of natural light.   You can even enhance the effect of daylight by having the ceiling or the walls painted with light colours.  You will not be tempted to turn on the lights so easily.

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