Hello, my name is Rachel and I’m a runner – though it still feels so strange to say. Up until a year and a half ago, I would have told you that I hated running and nothing could make me change my mind. It was during training for a huge day hike that I realized my cardio was seriously lacking and I needed more, so I asked (cajoled? begged?) my perky, very much a runner neighbor if she’d be willing to run with me. We started slowly. As in, running 1 minute, walking 1 minute. Another friend joined us – and we worked our way up to more running and less walking – I can still remember the first time we ran 5 WHOLE MINUTES! It was quite the accomplishment to be able to run the entire 2.5 miles without walking, next.
Last year, I hiked the Grand Canyon from the south rim to the north rim in one day (11 hours, to be more specific), and this year I knew I wanted to do something “crazy” that was similar but not such a huge time/money commitment. I decided that I was just crazy enough to try a half marathon and save the full marathon for another year. After researching races, I decided that the Amica Seattle Half Marathon was the perfect race for me. And, even better – they have an ambassador program that’s really perfect for me!
See, I’m not a pro runner. I don’t have expensive running shoes, or running leggings, or even a flip belt – I run with a fanny pack. (Yes, for real.) I’m not fast – my average pace as of now is about 11 minutes/mile. The furthest I’ve ever run is 5.25 miles – I’m essentially a newbie when it comes to distance running. I’m a mom who runs early in the morning before my kids wake up so I can still make them breakfast and get them off to school. I have grown from someone who despised running to someone who actually – if pressed – will admit she enjoys that time outside, running, sweating, and chatting with friends. I also loooove social media – I love sharing photos and #hashtags are like a fun secret language. I am outgoing, funny, extroverted, and love being a part of something that’s bigger than me. So, here I am – one of the next Seattle Marathon Ambassadors, at your service.