I’m way overdue for an trip around the web! Here are some interesting reads I’ve found over the past couple of months that I wanted to share with you. Would love to hear any thoughts, or any of finds of your own in the comments!
How anxiety leads to disruptive behavior. (Child Mind)
Wow, such a beautiful love story. (Algemeiner)
How to julienne without a proper slicer. (Smitten Kitchen)
Portraits of refugees and their most prized possessions. (Vice)
The difference between cultural appropriation and cultural exchange. (Everyday Feminism)
Why poor people stay poor. (Slate)
Listening to Mozart lowers blood pressure (but ABBA doesn’t have the same effects — boo!) (Telegraph)
What it’s like after female genital mutilation. (BBC)
This family makes me feel like I have zero financial literacy skills. (WashPost)
C-span caller asks black guest how to stop being prejudiced. (WashPost)
Traveling solo as a married woman. (Ozy)
Malaria drug may cause PTSD effects. (Military Times)
Is your olive oil fake? (Mother Jones)
Target: an unlikely place for Indie-style beauty brands (Vogue)
The one conversation that could save your teen’s life. (Momastery)
If bread is unhealthy, how come Italians live so long? (Quora)
Researchers may have found a cure for people with “untreatable” depression. (Post-Fazette)
Image: Benny Jackson at unsplash