God has blessed us with an amazing book called the Bible, to help us learn about our ancestors,
and learn from their successes and failures.
Each person God creates, has a specific plan for their life.
Some of you have been wondering why you were born, or feel like a failure.
This is why God wants us to examine the way he worked in other’s lives, so we can understand how much he loves us.
He wants an intimate relationship with each one of you.
God wants you to prosper and succeed in all you do, just as any loving parent would.
Moses had been told by God that he could not enter the promised land, because he disobeyed God in front of the people.
God had told him to speak to a rock, and water would come forth for the people…but in anger,
he struck the rock instead.
Water still came out for the people…but his disregard for God’s command, made him loose his blessing.
He wisely did not try to negotiate with God, but rather accepted God’s decision to
pick a new leader for the people.
Moses spoke to the LORD asking…LORD, God of the spirits of all flesh, find a man who will lead
the children of Israel out of the wilderness, and take them into the promised land. Please don’t let the
congregation of the LORD, be like sheep without a shepherd.
God said, Joshua is the man with the right spirit. Lay your hands on him and put your honor upon
him in front of the people, so they will be obedient.
Moses did as the LORD requested, and set him before Eleazar the priest, in front of the congregation.
God knew if Moses didn’t appoint someone, before he died, the people would be tempted to bicker
and try to choose a leader on their own…which would be disastrous.
Joshua was one of the 12 spies that Moses sent to look at the promised land…many years before.
He and Caleb were the only 2 who gave a positive report, saying God was well able to fight for them.
He tried to encourage the people and quiet the distention between them.
The Bible says…
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
Joshua didn’t grumble or complain, like the rest of the people.
Only he and Caleb would enter the promised land, with the Israelites who were 20 years old and younger.
The torch would be passed to him, to lead the next generation to victory over their enemies.
This is a powerful story to remember, for God chooses people with a warrior spirit.
The whiners and complainers all died in the wilderness.
There are times when our trials in life seem like giants. We wander around like sheep with no shepherd…
because we forget… that Jesus can do the impossible.
He was sent by God to shepherd and lead us to quiet and peaceful place of rest…in the midst of any storm.
All power was given to Him, by God in heaven and earth.
If he is for us…nothing can stand against us!
There is nothing too hard for him.
Studying God’s word strengthens our faith, because we remember the miracles God did for his chosen people.
If we start to shake and tremble…Jesus quickly reminds our spirit…
Don’t be afraid…Only Believe!
Faith is a sense like taste or touch. Just as we must put food in our mouth to activate the sense of taste…
or reach out, in order to activate the sense of touch…
The sense of faith must be fed with the word of God and prayer. Only then is it activated.
Each time fear tries to attack…We must ask Jesus to drive the spirit of fear from us.
We must ask Him to fill the empty space with faith in the word and in Him. Then it will begin to grow and flourish.
Tests and trials in life are to strengthen us and teach us.
The Holy Spirit is given as a comforter to all who believe.
He can bring the scriptures to our remembrance, and lead us down the right path to peace and joy.
Magnifying God instead of our trials…brings us hope and encouragement.
God can lift us up from and pit of depression we’ve fallen into.
All we must do, is cry out to him…and believe he is well able to move any mountain or giant that has come against us.
He knows our voice and will come running to rescue us.
Jesus said…
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh
it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8
Beloved…the Bible says…Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
The same God who empowered Moses and Joshua to be great leaders and heroes of faith,
is willing and able to make you a leader and winner in life as well.
You are his cherished creations… and with God on your side, nothing is impossible!
O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together. I sought the LORD,
and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:3,4
Heavenly Father, Holy is Your name….
Thank you God for the gift of this beautiful day. Thank you for the powerful stories in scripture to encourage
our hearts and drive out the spirit of fear from us. Forgive me for not always trusting in You and Your divine
power to overcome any storm or demon in my life.
Help me to be a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needs to know about Jesus.
You have given us a vision to spread the gospel, and we trust You to give us,
the words, the opportunities, and the provision to fulfill the call you have given us.
Thank you for abundantly providing for all our needs, no matter how great or how small.
Nothing is too hard for You. I give You my life. Help me to make each day count.
Thank You God for listening and comforting us in all our trials and struggles. I love You.
We wait expectantly for your help and deliverance…For with YOU, All things are possible!
In Jesus’ name we pray…
The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a
contrite spirit. Psalm 34:17-18
The LORD gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Psalm 68:11
May the Blessing of the LORD be upon you all.
Valerie Rousseau