
Well…I wasn’t expecting the photo to come out that large where you can see all the mistakes I made :/ Oh well! Anyways..The Dark Style Fair opened on the 17th and I’m obsessed with most of it. Like I’ve been wearing this outfit and various ones from it for an entire week! Also Kustom9 opened on the 15th and yeah, also obsessed with everything there! When am I not obsessed? Oh, right…never! Jeez. Why is there no shoppers anonymous group on sl?!


Hair: Hecate by Spellbound {@ The Dark Style Fair}

Skin: baby by tsg. 

Moon: Lune Headchain by PANIK. {@ The Dark Style Fair}

Eyes: Ghost Eyes by Clemmm {@ The Dark Style Fair}

Necklace: DripDrip Collar by Aesthetica {@ The Dark Style Fair}

Hand Tattoos: Damaged Hands by Clemmm {@ The Dark Style Fair}

Dress: Ovie Dress by VinCue {@ Kustom9}

Shoes: The Seven Deadly Sins by Scrub {@ The Dark Style Fair}

Cat: Chibi Cat: Pumpkin by Schadenfreude



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